Unable to register host while creating Apache Ambari cluster - ambari

I am trying to create localhost Apache Ambari cluster on CentOS7. I am using Ambari 2.2.2 binaries downloaded and installed from the Ambari repository with the following commands
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos7/2.x/updates/
yum install ambari-server
ambari-server setup
ambari-server start
Before starting the server I have done all the necessary preparations steps described on the Hortonworks including the setup of passwordless ssh, which is frequent reason of problems according to the posts found on the internet. I verify it with
ssh root#localhost
During the creation of cluster in the "Install options" window I enter the name of the host I want to create (localhost in my case) and have already tried both of the options, which are
providing rsa secret key direktly - in this case the next window
simply stucks in the "Installing" stage and does not go any further,
showing no errors
performing manual registration of hosts.
For the second option I have downloaded and installed ambari-agent
yum install ambari-agent
ambari-agent start
In case of manual host registration I am getting the following error
"Host checks were skipped on 1 hosts that failed to register.".
When I click on "Failed", which in some cases described over the internet is supposed to deliver more precise description of a problem I see the following
"Registering with the server...
Registration with the server failed."
As a result I don't even now where to start searching for the possible reasons of this error.

Ambari cluster nodes need to be configured with a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). localhost is not an FQDN. You will need to configure the node with an FQDN and then retry the installation. You could use something like: localhost.local which is an FQDN. This requirement and how to configure the node to meet it are documented in the pre-requirements. From the HDP documentation:
All hosts in your system must be configured for both forward and and reverse DNS.
If you are unable to configure DNS in this way, you should edit the /etc/hosts file on every host in your cluster to contain the IP address and Fully Qualified Domain Name of each of your hosts.

I had the same "Registering with the server... Registration with the server failed." problem just recently.
I found the response on the same topic recommending to take a look at the log file which is located here /var/log/ambari-agent/ambari-agent.log from there was able to check that the hostname was set up incorrectly during some other phase of installation (I had it something like ambari.hadoop instead of localhost). So I went to the /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini and fixed it there.
I know that I'm digging some quite old question, but seems that compiling all that at one place might help someone with the same problem.


Webmin send fatal error when i try to satart ProFTPD Server

I'm trying to start ProFTPD Server but i recieve the next message:
Starting proftpd (via systemctl): proftpd.serviceJob for proftpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status proftpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
And when i get more information about it, i have:
fatal: TLSRSACertificateFile. '/etc/ssl/certs/proftp.crt' does not exists on line 8 '/etc/proftpd/conf.d/virtualmin.conf/'
I have to say i did'nt installed ProFTPD Server because this module came with the webmin installation.
Hope you can help me to know why proftp.crt fie does not exists and how can i fix this issue.
Don't know Webmin (I used it once approximalety 20 years ago..) but there should at least be options to disable TLS for the FTP Server and to change the path to the certificate if it is able to manage ProFTPD for You.
Other alternative (better then turning SSL/TLS off): copy Your cert for the server there (you have to do something similiar for the key I assume), if You do not have one You can get one or create Your own self-signed (not sure whether Webin can help You with that, but on command line it's pretty simple to create one with openssl.)
Come on...
1 - Check if your plugin is active in VirtualMin.
1.1 - Shell check if your SFTP is installed
== ProFTPD install
UBUNTU = apt install proftpd -y
CENTOS = yum install proftpd -y
2 - Check if your domain is SFTP enabled.
3 - Create an SSL within the domain, after created click on the option to use SSL for SFTP.
VIRTUALMIN // Domain >> Server Configuration >> SSL
4 - Create an SSL for the domain you use to access WebMin.
E Use this SSL for WebMin // VirtualMIn
5 - Check the proftpd settings via WEBMIN.
Good luck! Send news about your progress ...

Ambari host registration is failing.

I have installed and configured ambari-server as root user and ambari agents as a non root user.
SSH Passwordless authentication is setup and working fine.
ntp is installed and running
Hostname is updated in /etc/hostname /etc/hosts and
Anaconda python 2.7.13 is installed as the python environment and
package manager
Restarted the service systemctl restart systemd.hostnamed as well
Add all the sudoer entries as per documentation
At the host configuration page. It is not able to register the hosts
Getting the information message as below and it eventually times out.
BSHostStatusCollector:55 - Request directory /var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap/6
Since I did a non root installation for ambari client. I had to chose the option manual registration instead of automated registration and after that it worked.

Issue with docker push on local registry https access to ressource denied

I have a problem with my registry docker. My "server" VM is on kali-linux. I created the registry docker in HTTP and use a centOS VM as a client. I declared the registry insecure in the client VM and it worked perfectly.
Now I try to put it in HTTPS. In order to do that, I use nginx as a proxy. I followed this tutorial : Step 5 — Setting Up SSL except for Part 8 to make it a service (I don't know why but i can't do it).
Because I don't have a domain name, I used a fake one. In order to be recognized, I added my IP (192.168.X.X) and the domain name I used (myregistryexemple) to the /etc/hosts file on both VM.
As asked by the tutorial, I generated the certificat on my "server" VM (the kali one), and send it by scp to my client VM. I make the centOS vm trust the certificate thanks to this commands :
yum install ca-certificates
update-ca-trust force-enable
cp cert.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
update-ca-trust extract
I restart the service docker on the client VM. And launch the docker registry and the nginx proxy with "docker-compose up" on my kali VM.
I tag and try to push an ubuntu on the registry :
docker tag ubuntu myregistryexemple/ubuntu
docker push myregistryexemple/ubuntu
But I get this error :
The push refers to a repository [docker.io/myregistryexemple/ubuntu]
56827159aa8b: Preparing
440e02c3dcde: Preparing
29660d0e5bb2: Preparing
85782553e37a: Preparing
745f5be9952c: Preparing
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Then I try to push to localhost directly :
docker tag ubuntu localhost:5000/ubuntu & docker push localhost:5000/ubuntu
then I docker login on the domain from the client VM, it worked, but when i tried to pull from my domain registry on the client VM, docker cannot find on the registry the docker images i tried to push.
Do someone has any idea why and knows how to help me ?
Ok so i found a way to make it work.
It is quite simple : Juste follow the complete tutorial I quote on the question ( https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-private-docker-registry-on-ubuntu-14-04#step-5-%E2%80%94-setting-up-ssl )
After you created the repository, and before you push/pull a docker image.
You need to go, in both client and server VM, on /etc/hosts .
Add the line : domainChosen serverVmIp
Save and quit it.
Now we need the client to trust the certificate generated. In order to do that, you can use this tutorial : http://kb.kerio.com/product/kerio-connect/server-configuration/ssl-certificates/adding-trusted-root-certificates-to-the-server-1605.html .
Then restart your registry and your docker deamon. And you normaly can use your domain name to push/pull in your registry in https.

IP based virtual hosts are not working properly after upgrading Mozilla NSS

We are using NSS as SSL engine in Apache server. Recently we applied latest SUSE Linux Enterprise server patches on Apache server which is hosting two IP based virtual hosts. After upgrade the first virtual host is working fine but the second one is not working.
Error log shows "Hostname vhost1.xxyyzz.com provided via SNI and hostname vhost2.xxyyzz.com provided via HTTP are different" when accessing vhost2.xxyyzz.com.
If we switch back to use mod_ssl the issue was gone. Obviously the issue is related to the following patches. Any help would be appreciated.
mozilla-nss 3.16.4-0.8.1
mozilla-nss-tools 3.16.4-0.8.1
apache2-mod_nss 1.0.8-
Check your /etc/hosts file to see if you might be assigning the domain name to a local internal IP address or interface.
This caused the same error message for me and many 400 errors.
After changing /etc/hosts don't forget to restart the name service cache daemon ( service nscd restart ).
SNI isn't technically fully supported in that version of mod_nss but it has since been added: https://www.suse.com/support/update/announcement/2015/suse-ru-20150591-1.html
Saw the same error and saw it go away after applying the referenced patch.

openshift oo-install:The implied host domain 'com' does not match the specified host domain of 'demo.com' for DNS

all. I am trying to install openshift with one command
[root#demo ~]# sh <(curl -s https://install.openshift.com/)
Checking for necessary tools...
...looks good.
Downloading oo-install package...
Extracting oo-install to temporary directory...
Starting oo-install...
OpenShift Installer (Build 20140722-1618)
Deploying workflow 'origin_deploy'.
The OpenShift deployment configuration has the following errors:
* The implied host domain 'com' does not match the specified host domain of 'demo.com' for DNS
Rerun the installer to correct these errors.
I don't know what is the reason it keeps telling me that 'the implied host domain 'com' ...' what need to be changed?
[root#demo ~]# sh <(curl -s https://install.openshift.com/)
Checking for necessary tools...
...looks good.
Downloading oo-install package...
Extracting oo-install to temporary directory...
Starting oo-install...
OpenShift Installer (Build 20140722-1618)
Welcome to OpenShift.
This installer will guide you through a basic system deployment, based
on one of the scenarios below.
Select from the following installation scenarios.
You can also type '?' for Help or 'q' to Quit:
Install OpenShift Origin
Add a Node to an OpenShift Origin deployment
Generate a Puppet Configuration File
Type a selection and press : 1
Your system deployment configuration is incomplete.
The installer will guide you through the necessary configuration
Note: ActiveMQ and MongoDB will be installed on all Broker instances.
For more flexibility, rerun the installer in advanced mode (-a).
DNS Settings
Installer will deploy DNS
Application Domain: example.com
Register OpenShift hosts with DNS? Yes
Component Domain: demo.com
Global Gear Settings
Account Settings
![enter image description here][2]
Node Districts
Role Assignments
Host Information
The configuration file does not include some of the required settings
for host instance demo.com. Please provide them here.
Hostname (the FQDN that other OpenShift hosts will use to connect to
the host that you are describing): |demo.com|
Hostname / IP address for SSH access to demo.com from the host where
you are running oo-install. You can say 'localhost' if you are running
oo-install from the system that you are describing: |demo.com|
Username for SSH access to |root|
Validating root# looks good.
Detected multiple network interfaces for this host:
* on interface eth2
* on interface eth3
Do you want to use one of these as the public IP information for this
Node? (y/n/q/?) y
The following network interfaces were found on this host. Choose the
one that it uses for communication on the local subnet:
1. on interface eth2
2. on interface eth3
Type a selection and press : 2
Normally, the BIND DNS server that is installed on this host will be
reachable from other OpenShift components using the host's configured
IP address (
If that will work in your deployment, press to accept the
default value. Otherwise, provide an alternate IP address that will
enable other OpenShift components to reach the BIND DNS service on
this host: ||
This Node host is currently associated with the Default district. Do
you want to change this district assignment? (y/n/q) n
Do you want to modify the account info settings for the various role
services? (y/n/q/?) n
Here are the details of your current deployment.
Note: ActiveMQ and MongoDB will be installed on all Broker instances.
For more flexibility, rerun the installer in advanced mode (-a).
DNS Settings
Installer will deploy DNS
Application Domain: example.com
Register OpenShift hosts with DNS? Yes
Component Domain: demo.com
Choose from the following deployment configuration options:
1. Change the DNS configuration
2. Manage Hosts
3. Services Accounts Settings
4. Global Gear Settings
5. Node Districts
6. Display full Host details
7. Finish editing the deployment configuration
Type a selection and press : 7
Here is the subscription configuration that the installer will use for
this deployment.
Do you want to make any changes to the subscription info in the
configuration file? (y/n/q/?) n
Do you want to set any temporary subscription settings for this
installation only? (y/n/q/?) n
Preflight check: verifying system and resource availability.
Checking demo.com:
* SSH connection succeeded
* Target host is running CentOS
* Located getenforce
* SELinux is running in enforcing mode
* Located yum
* puppet RPM is installed.
* openssh-clients RPM is installed.
* bind RPM is installed.
Deploying workflow 'origin_deploy'.
The OpenShift deployment configuration has the following errors:
* The implied host domain 'com' does not match the specified host domain of 'demo.com' for DNS
Rerun the installer to correct these errors.
The issue is that OpenShift requires hosts to be part of a second-level domain. myhost.openshift.localdomain works, while myhost.localdomain does not.
I entered oshost.localdomain as component domain (configured right after the application domain) and 0.oshost.localdomain for the actual host and now it installs just fine.