How to print a 3D pdf from ABAQUS/Viewer? - pdf

I am looking for a way to print 3D pdf from the results ABAQUS/Viewer. This will make it easy to communicate the results with others who are interested in the results of simulation but do not have access to ABAQUS.

The best way is to export a vrml file and convert it using Tetra4D or pdf3D and Adobe Acrobat professional. The 3D pdfs can look very good. However, the commercial software would cost over £800 per year. I did create a Python script to create a 3D pdf directly from Abaqus/CAE & Viewer which uses 2 open source tools: 1) Meshlab ( to create a U3D file, 2) MiKTeX ( to convert the U3D file into a pdf. The output is not as polished as Tetra4D but it works. I have not tried this with the latest version of Meshlab. Just run this script from Abaqus/CAE or Abaqus/Viewer.
# Abaqus CAE/Viewer Python Script to create a 3D pdf directly from Abaqus/CAE or Abaqus/Viewer.
# You must first install meshlab (meshlabserver.exe)and MiKTeX (pdflatex.exe)
# Edit this script to reflect the installed locations of meshlabserver.exe and pdflatex.exe
# It will export a stl or obj file the mesh of current viewport and convert into 3D pdf
# Or run in Abaqus/viewer and it will create a VRML file and convert to 3D pdf.
# If contours are displayed in Abaqus Viewer, then it will create a contour 3D pdf
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
from viewerModules import *
import os
import subprocess
import sys
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
meshlab_path="C:/Program Files/VCG/MeshLab/meshlabserver.exe"
pdfLatex_path="C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/pdflatex.exe"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
try: # for Abaqus Viewer
odb = session.odbs[]'/')[-1].replace('.odb','')
except: # Abaqus CAE
import stlExport_kernel
name = repr(currView.displayedObject).split('[')[-1].split(']')[0][1:-1] # allows for either main or visulation modules
print module
if module=='CAE':
#All instances must be meshed
stlExport_kernel.STLExport(moduleName='Assembly', stlFileName=pdfName + ext, stlFileType='BINARY')
session.writeOBJFile(fileName=os.path.join(directory,pdfName + ext), canvasObjects= (currView, ))
print 'Either your assembly is not fully meshed or something else'
else: # Abaqus/Viewer
if cOdbD.viewCut:
session.graphicsOptions.setValues(antiAlias=OFF) # Better with anti aliasing off
odb = session.odbs[]
# Turn off most of the stuff in the viewport
legend=OFF, title=OFF, state=OFF, annotations=OFF, compass=OFF)
session.writeVrmlFile(fileName=os.path.join(directory,pdfName + ext),
compression=0, canvasObjects= (currView, ))
if os.path.isfile(pdfFilePath):
#Check file was deleted
if os.path.isfile(pdfFilePath):
print "Aborted because pdf file of same name cant be deleted. Please close programs which it might be open in"
1/0 #a dodgy way to exit program
# Invoke meshlab to convert to a .u3d file
if cOdbD: #If in Abaqus/viewer
if 'CONTOURS' in repr(cOdbD.display.plotState[0]): # If contours are displayed. Output contoured pdf
p=subprocess.Popen([meshlab_path,'-i',pdfName + ext, '-o',pdfName + '.u3d','-m','vc']) #'vn fn fc vt'
p=subprocess.Popen([meshlab_path,'-i',pdfName + ext, '-o',pdfName + '.u3d'])
p=subprocess.Popen([meshlab_path,'-i',pdfName + ext, '-o',pdfName + '.u3d'])
p.communicate() # Wait for meshlab to finish
file_fullPathName=os.path.join(directory, pdfName + '.tex')
#Read the .tex file which meshlab has just created
with open(file_fullPathName, 'r') as texFile:
lines =
#Edit the .tex file
if cOdbD:
if 'CONTOURS' in repr(cOdbD.display.plotState[0]):
lines=lines.replace("\n\end{document}","{---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click above! MB1 - rotate, MB2 wheel or MB3 - zoom, Ctrl-MB1 - pan--------------}\n\\end{document}")
file_fullPathName=os.path.join(directory, pdfName + '-out.tex')
with open(file_fullPathName, "w") as outp:
pdfName + '-out.tex',
print 'Conversion to pdf complete'
print file_fullPathName

The simplest way of printing the Abaqus *.odb results are using Tecplot 360 which is read the Abaqus *.odb files and you can get the *.tif and *.png results with any resolutions and you can also rotate the model in 3D and change the fonts and all the things you need.


PGF / LaTeX Backend in Matplotlib via Jupyter Notebook SLURM Job on HPC System

I am a university student using my university's computing cluster.
I installed Tex Live to my home directory at ~/.local/texlive/. I have a file called mplrc. The MATPLOTLIBRC environment variable is set to the mplrc file. The mplrc file contains the following lines
backend: pgf
pgf.rcfonts: false
pgf.texsystem: pdflatex
pgf.preamble: \input{mpl_settings.tex}
text.usetex: true serif
font.size: 12
The mpl_settings.tex file is in the same directory as the mplrc file and contains the following
On the cluster I am using, I must submit a SLURM job to run the Jupyter notebook. The example code I am trying to run within the notebook is
formula = (
r'$\displaystyle '
r'N = \int_{E_\text{min}}^{E_\text{max}} '
r'\int_{t_\text{min}}^{t_\text{max}} '
r'\Phi_0 \left(\frac{E}{\SI{1}{\GeV}}\right)^{\!\!-γ}'
r' \, \symup{d}A \, \symup{d}t \, \symup{d}E'
def power_law_spectrum(energy, normalisation, spectral_index):
return normalisation * energy**(-spectral_index)
bin_edges = np.logspace(2, 5, 15)
bin_centers = 0.5 * (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:])
y = power_law_spectrum(bin_centers, 1e-5, 2.5)
relative_error = np.random.normal(1, 0.2, size=len(y))
y_with_err = relative_error * y
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
np.log10(bin_centers) - np.log10(bin_edges[:-1]),
np.log10(bin_edges[1:]) - np.log10(bin_centers)
yerr=0.5 * y_with_err,
ax.text(0.1, 0.1, formula, transform=plt.gca().transAxes)
This generates an enormous error message, but the root of it is
RuntimeError: latex was not able to process the following string:
However, underneath that, I see what I think is the real problem
! LaTeX Error: File `article.cls' not found.
I've set my PATH so that it finds the right latex command, but what else needs to be set in order to find the article.cls file? It seems like it's something particular to the Python notebook. When running kpsewhich article.cls in a terminal within the Jupyterlab interface, the file gets found. But trying ! kpsewhich article.cls or['kpsewhich', 'article.cls']) within the Python notebook does not find the file.
I figured it out. I forgot I had run a section of code which set
Looks like I missed a : in my TEXINPUTS, so TeX was only looking in /path/to/some/directory
The solution was to have
That way it looked in my current directory, but also continued looking elsewhere.

Keras ImageDataGenerator: PIL.UnidentifiedImageError

I tried to use ImageDataGenerator to build generator images to train my model, But I am unable to do so because of the PIL.UnidentifiedImageError error. I tried different datasets and the problem pertains only to my dataset.
Now I can't unfortunately delete all the training/testing images as an answer suggested but I can remove the files causing this problem. How can I detect the error causing files?
This is a common problem particularly if you download images from say google. I developed a function that given a directory, it will go through all sub directories and check the files in each sub directory to ensure the have proper extensions and are valid image files. Code is provided below. It returns two lists. good_list is a list of valid image files and bad_list is a list of invalid image files. You will need to have Opencv installed.If you do not have it installed use pip install opencv-contrib-python.
def test_images(dir):
import os
import cv2
good_exts=['jpg', 'png', 'bmp','tiff','jpeg', 'gif'] # make a list of acceptable image file types
for klass in os.listdir(dir) : # iterate through the sub directories
class_path=os.path.join (dir, klass) # create path to sub directory
if os.path.isdir(class_path):
for f in os.listdir(class_path): # iterate through image files
f_path=os.path.join(class_path, f) # path to image files
ext=f[f.rfind('.')+1:] # get the files extension
if ext not in good_exts:
print(f'file {f_path} has an invalid extension {ext}')
print(f'file {f_path} is not a valid image file ')
print(f'** WARNING ** directory {dir} has files in it, it should only contain sub directories')
return good_list, bad_list

How to get a photo from tello drone using the sdk

The Tello sdk has the streamon and streamoff commands. These start and end the 720p video stream. Is there a way to get a 5 megapixel image through the sdk, like when you put the control app into photo mode? I'm guessing if such a way exists, it is not documented.
while there isn't a UDP command that you can send to the drone to switch, there is some python code that you could try in order to make it work. and to make something like that work easily without coding it over again putting it in a function and calling it like "takePhoto()" is the best solution I have. Here's some code:
# # simple ex_4: Tello_photo
# <\>
from djitellopy import tello
import cv2
me = tello.Tello()
def TakePhoto(me):
img = me.get_frame_read().frame
# print(img)
# img = cv2.resize(img, (360, 240)) # optional
cv2.imshow("photo", img) # optional display photo
# # example condition, it can also just be called normally like "TakePhoto"
if (1 + 1) == 2:
# # another example, with an actual used if statement
bat = me.get_battery()
if bat < 50:
print("battery too low (for ex)")
# # for now, we'll call it just like this for testing:
# </>
the code was tested on windows 10 - pycharm 2021.2 > python3.x >> opencv
I hope this helped and I hope it works for you.

LICENSE.txt when loading data into tensorflow transfer learning

I am using code provided by tensorflow to load data:
When I put in my own photos, it sends to a different directory. The code wants attributions from my LICENSE.txt, but I am not sure what the purpose of this code segment is.
I made my own LICENSE.txt file by just making a text file with each line being a title of an image. When I do this, it makes attributions a dictionary in which each key is the filename and each corresponding value is ''. When I run another method, I get a key error for every file.
import os
attributions = (data_root/"LICENSE.txt").open(encoding='utf- 8').readlines()
attributions = [line.split('\n') for line in attributions]
attributions = dict(attributions)
import IPython.display as display
def caption_image(image_path):
image_rel = pathlib.Path(image_path).relative_to(data_root)
return "Image (CC BY 2.0) " + ' -'.join(attributions[str(image_rel)].split(' - ')[:-1])
for n in range(3):
image_path = random.choice(all_image_paths)
I do not really know what to expect when I run the for loop in jupyter notebook, but it gives me a key error, the key being the file name.
I wrote that tutorial. The license lookup is only there so we can directly arttribute the individual photographers when we publish it. If you're working with your own images you don't need that part of the code at all.
All it's really doing is choosing a random image and displaying it. You can simplify it to:
import os
import IPython.display as display
for n in range(3):
image_path = random.choice(all_image_paths)

Retraining Inception with tiff images

I want to retrain inception module on tiff images. I have followed the steps in However, it seems tiff images are not supported by inception module because I have received the following error
2017-06-22 16:52:56.712653: W tensorflow/core/platform /] The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use SSE4.1 instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computations.
Looking for images in 'Type 1'
No files found
Looking for images in 'Type 2'
No files found
No valid folders of images found at Myfolder
Is there any way to handle this issue?
You're right in saying that TensorFlow does not support TIFF images.
See here: No Tensorflow decoder for TIFF images?
If you want to use TIFF images, you could use a library like PIL or Pillow which can read TIFF images and convert them into a numpy array to feed into TensorFlow.
See Working with TIFFs (import, export) in Python using numpy for an example.
If you have a large amount of TIFF files, the above would make training slow as you will be spending more time reading and decoding TIFF files starving the GPU of data.
In this case, take a look at on how to support custom file formats.
If you would like to go with the conversion route, this code, which I adapted with slight modification from Lipin Yang's website, worked nicely to convert TIFF to JPEG for a recent TensorFlow project.
import os
from PIL import Image
current_path = os.getcwd()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(current_path, topdown=False):
for name in files:
print(os.path.join(root, name))
#if os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[1].lower() == ".tiff":
if os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[1].lower() == ".tif":
if os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[0] + ".jpg"):
print ("A jpeg file already exists for %s" % name)
# If a jpeg with the name does *NOT* exist, convert one from the tif.
outputfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[0] + ".jpg"
im =, name))
print ("Converting jpeg for %s" % name)
im.thumbnail(im.size), "JPEG", quality=100)
except Exception as e:
To save .jpg files in another directory (Extending Beau Hilton's answer)
main_path = "your/main/path"
data_folder = os.path.join(main_path, "Images_tiff")
data_folder_jpg = os.path.join(main_path, "Images_jpg")
if not os.path.isdir(data_folder_jpg):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_folder, topdown=False):
new_folder = os.path.join(data_folder_jpg,os.path.split(root)[1])
if (not os.path.exists(new_folder)) and files:
for name in files:
print(os.path.join(root, name))
#if os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[1].lower() == ".tiff":
if os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[1].lower() == ".tif":
if os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(os.path.join(new_folder, name))[0] + ".jpg"):
print ("A jpeg file already exists for %s" % name)
# If a jpeg with the name does *NOT* exist, convert one from the tif.
outputfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(new_folder, name))[0] + ".jpg"
im =, name))
print ("Converting jpeg for %s" % name)
im.thumbnail(im.size), "JPEG", quality=100)
except Exception as e: