I'm trying to create a shared Excel timesheet to be used by around 30 employees for their daily timekeeping.
This timekeeping sheet will record the employees' daily timestamp for their:
Start of Pre-shift OverTime, End of Pre-shift Overtime,
Time-In, Time-Out,
Start of 1st break, End of 1st break,
Start of Lunch, End of Lunch,
Start of 2nd break, End of 2nd break,
Start of Post-shift OverTime, End of Post-shift Overtime, Etc.
I created a form interface where a specific employee could tick a CheckBox to record his/her timestamp for:
Time-In, Time-Out, Start of 1st break, End of 1st break, and so on.. The timestamp is then forwarded to a table in Sheet2 which captures all of the timestamps of that employee for the day.
My problem is: when the employee comes back to work the next day, all of the timestamps for the previous day gets overwritten by the timestamps for the present day.
An expert gave me a sample code but the data in the "time storage" sheet doesn't seem to appear horizontally in one single row. Instead, it appears in a downward diagonal pattern.
If you could help me in any way, it will be much appreciated.
Below is the sample code:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngC As Range
Dim lngR As Long
Dim shtS As Worksheet
Set shtS = Worksheets("Time Storage")
If Intersect(Target, Range("B4:B12")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
lngR = shtS.Cells(shtS.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
If shtS.Cells(lngR, "A").End(xlUp).Value <> Date Then
lngR = shtS.Cells(shtS.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
shtS.Cells(lngR, "A").Value = Date
End If
For Each rngC In Intersect(Target, Range("B4:B12"))
If rngC.Value <> "" Then
shtS.Cells(lngR, rngC.Row - 2).Value = Target.Value
End If
Next rngC
End Sub
(I enter timestamps into cells "B4:B12" of a sheet named "Time Entry", and I store them into columns B through M of a sheet named "Time Storage".
Problem is: the data in the "time storage" sheet doesn't seem to appear horizontally in one single row. Instead, it appears in a downward diagonal pattern.)
Edit: Sharing the screenshot:
"Time Entry" Sheet
"Time Sheet" Storage
It would be easier to diagnose if you included a screenshot. I'm assuming every row in Time Storage still has a date in column A and the remaining columns are filled diagonally.
The code runs on the Worksheet_Change event, which means it runs every time any cell is changed. Each individual cell being changed is causing all of the code to run, adding a single extra line with only 1 value at a time.
You should really only want the code to run once at the end when the last cell is updated. Assuming you fill the cells in order, the code should only run once when the Target range intersects with B12. So this check:
If Intersect(Target, Range("B4:B12")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
should be:
If Intersect(Target, Range("B12")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
and then the loop should run through all cells. So the rngC should be declared as a Cell instead of a Range and the loop:
For Each rngC In Intersect(Target, Range("B4:B12"))
should actually be:
For Each rngC In Range("B4:B12")
I was given a roster in a worksheet with Monday starting in C1 going to Sunday in AG1, then Monday + 7 starting in C30. This number is changeable depending on staff members.
I want to achieve that by clicking a button on a different worksheet, it takes the date out of B2 (which should be a Monday - achieved error message), finds that date (I can do so in excel, not sure in VBA) and hides all rows beforehand.
I'm aware of grouping and can apply grouping (for the first instance). What makes my scenario more complicated is that the roster is already grouped (for printing purposes) which I can't/ don't want to lose.
How can I help it, that it doesn't delete any first instance grouping.
It also doesn't go to the roster worksheet (yet), but groups on the worksheet the button is on.
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'check if date is a Monday
If Weekday(Range("B2").Value) <> 2 Then
MsgBox "Please alter the date to a Monday.", 0, "Date selected is not a Monday."
Exit Sub
End If
'find row
Dim Hrange As String
Hrange = "1:" & Range("C41").Value
Sheets("Roster2023").Activiate 'doesn't go to roster
'MsgBox Hrange
ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels RowLevels:=8, ColumnLevels:=8
'MsgBox Hrange
End Sub
I have an inventory sheet setup where a user is scanning part numbers into a sheet and a "date scanned" column will display the current date. The formula itself is working fine as it is showing the "today()" function to display the date. However, once the spreadsheet is open, the values now show today's date rather than the original scan in date (because the formula recalculates the date).
I've figured out how to change the formulas to values but I'm struggling with getting the timing right.
The below code does what is intended; it takes a look at all rows with a formula and converts them to values. The problem however, is that if a row does not have a value in it yet, just a formula, it will replace the formula with a blank.
I would like to make the code more robust and only change once a value has been determined by the formula (i.e. once a user scans in a part number). If a part number has not been scanned in, I would like the formula to stay in the column until done so by the user.
Sub makeStatic()
'Convert date formula to a static value
Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In ActiveSheet.Range("$E$2:E" & ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
If rng.HasFormula Then
rng.Formula = rng.Value
End If
Next rng
End Sub
I figured this would be a combination of an if statement paired with an event handler but I haven't been able to decipher the best way to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Let me suggest a solution that gives you the result you are asking for, but in another way than you were sketching.
Let's consider your worksheet having the Part number in column A and Date scanned in column B. Both column A and B are empty, until the scanner enters the part number to column A. To react on a change in a cell in the A and end up with current date in B, you can write the following VBA function:
Option Explicit 'Excel worksheet change event for range A1 to A10
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A10")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Cells(1, 2).Value = Date
End If
End Sub
Of course you would change the range as needed.
This is a little background. In Army Aviation we have to conduct a Night Goggle (NG) flight at least once every 60 days. This date is gathered from the last time an NG flight is conducted in order to display and track currency with the mode.
With the picture linked above as reference (screenshot of actual book), I'm trying to UPDATE the date on another tab (Display Panel) with the DATE (B COLUMN) (B28) based on the INPUT (> or = 1.0) placed in the CELL (P COLUMN) (P28).
And with that, any time another NG hour entry is made below in the same column, it'll perform the script again, provided the aforementioned applies.
I've tried banging out a few VBA lines, but I'm not having any luck.
This is the shell of what I think you need which goes in the code pane associated with the sheet which you are monitoring column P of...
It fires if there is a change in column P and if the value is >=1
There is 1 further bit of logic. I am only updating C32 if the new value is greater than the existing.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim updateCell As Range
Dim lastDateCell As Range
Set updateCell = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Display Panel").Range("C32")
Set lastDateCell = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Display Panel").Range("AA32")
If Target.Column = 16 And Target.Value >= 1 Then
If Target.Offset(, -14) > updateCell Then
lastDateCell = updateCell
updateCell = Target.Offset(, -14) 'only update if greater than existing
End If
End Sub
Code in code pane of Flight Log sheet:
(Posted the solution on behalf of the question author).
Below is what I added.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Sheets("Flight Log").Unprotect "Password Here" 'This unprotects the sheet to allow changes
Dim updateCell As Range
Dim lastDateCell As Range
Set updateCell = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Computations").Range("A36") 'This is the primary date location
Set lastDateCell = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Computations").Range("A40") 'This is the backup date location
If Target.Column = 16 And Target.Value >= 1 Then 'This check P column for the value
If Target.Offset(, -14) > updateCell Then 'If "P" returns the value, date in "B" is grabbed
lastDateCell = updateCell 'This updates the primary date cell
updateCell = Target.Offset(, -14) 'This ensures date is not overridden by lesser value
End If
End If
Sheets("Flight Log").Protect "Password Here" 'This line reprotects the sheet
End Sub
Additionally, I use two LOOKUP functions to evaluate the HOUR(s) in reference to the dates grabbed by the VBS:
=IFERROR(LOOKUP(A36,'Flight Log'!B:B,'Flight Log'!P:P),"/// NG DATE ERROR ///")
=IFERROR(LOOKUP(A40,'Flight Log'!B:B,'Flight Log'!P:P),"/// NO B/U DATE ///")
after this, I use another IF function to verify the HOUR wasn't miss-entered
=IF(A37>=1,A36,IF(A41>=1,A40,"NG HOUR ERROR"))
The simple IF functions check and verify the HOUR wasn't entered incorrectly by the Pilot--which would prompt the VBS script to grab that DATE--and then re-entered to it's intended "correct" value. For instance, "Pilot enters time into block, pilots realizes time he entered was wrong, and corrects it." This will keep his error, from being an overall error.
I made this workbook that works sort of like a program. It takes orders, puts it in a masterlist on a separate sheet, then plots it on a calendar. Using VBA, I want my code to autohighlight the newly /modified input orders. Right now I have to double click the cell to highlight it because Excel doesn't recognize formula changes as a modification. I want to add a time range condition too - when the order is due within 14 days I want the highlight to be red, but 14 days or more is still yellow. Right now my code goes like this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B9:AE53")) Is Nothing Then
For Each c In Intersect(Target, Range("B9:AE53"))
Target.Interior.Color = vbYellow
Next c
End If
End Sub
Is it doable? How do I modify my code?
Same workbook, different issue
How to do this using formulas:
1) set the cells to be in DATE format
2) write a code to show current date
3) end date - current date = number of days.
4) conditional formatting. if the number of days is greater than 14 it would be yellow, else it would turn red.
All these can be done automatically.
I have a workbook with a two sheets, Rep and Aux.
I want to dynamically set Aux!A2 to the value of the ActiveCell, which is on sheet Rep, but only if the ActiveCell is on column D of that sheet (in the range Rep!D2:D5000).
To top it all of I need this mechanism to run as long as the workbook is active, not just a one-shot.
For example: While being on sheet Rep I place the cursor, i.e. ActiveCell on cell D2. I expect Aux!A2 to be set to the value of Rep!D2. I move the cursor to, say, Rep!F5 and expect nothing to happen to Aux!A2, lastly, I activate cell Rep!D7 and again, expect Aux!A2 to get the ActiveCell's value. Continue till I close the workbook.
My VBA skills are non-existent and Googling, the only thing remotely close to what I described was:
Sub Macro1()
If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, Sheets("Rep").Range("D2:D5000")) Is Nothing Then Sheets("Aux").Range("A2").Value = ActiveCell.Value
End Sub
Which fails completely.
Put this in the code of the "Rep" worksheet. Triggers anytime a cell is selected on that sheet, if the cell is in column 4 (D) then it sets the value of the cell on Aux to match.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Target.Column = 4 Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Aux").Cells(2, 1).value = Target.Value
End If
End Sub
EDIT: In response to comments.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
End Sub
This subroutine is an event that exists on every worksheet. Any time a selection changes it will run any code you put in it. The "ByVal Target as Excel.Range" part is saying it's giving you a copy of the target range being selected, because you could select more then one cell.
If Target.Column = 4 Then
end if
This is an If Block. If the condition is true, any code between the "Then" and the "End If" will execute. The condition is if the target's column is 4 in this case.
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Aux").Cells(2, 1).value = Target.Value
This sets the cell at row 2 column 1 value to match the value of the target that was selected.
Now that I think about it I wonder what this code will do if you select a range of cells.....