Can't get Svg to show up in react-native with react-native-svg or Svg/expo - react-native

I am not sure exactly why this is not showing up. I suspect maybe it has to do with the transform?
<Svg.G id="startup" stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd" transform="translate(135.000000, 76.000000)">
But I really don't know... I'm seeing "invalid prop transform"
As I copied SVG code form sketch, suspect I'm having similar trouble to this issue:
Code is below. Any ideas?
import React from 'react';
import { Svg } from 'expo';
const RocketSvg = () => {
return (
<Svg width="108px" height="128px" viewBox="135 76 108 128" version="1.1">
<Svg.G id="startup" stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd" transform="translate(135.000000, 76.000000)">
<Svg.Ellipse id="Oval" fill="#DCDDDE" cx="54" cy="75" rx="52" ry="51"></Svg.Ellipse>
<Svg.Path d="M81.764,76.608 C79.316,75.5 75.758,74.198 72,73.81 L72,61.414 C77.408,64.05 80.866,70.118 81.764,76.608 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M26.236,76.608 C27.134,70.118 30.592,64.052 36,61.412 L36,73.804 C32.242,74.194 28.682,75.498 26.236,76.608 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M40,76 L40,42 C40,37.68 40.562,33.678 41.448,30 L66.556,30 C67.44,33.676 68,37.676 68,42 L68,76 L66,76 L42,76 L40,76 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF" points="46 84 46 80 62 80 62 84 60 84 48 84"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Path d="M70,78 L70,42 C70,18 54,2 54,2 L54,78 L70,78 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DCDDDE"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Circle id="Oval" fill="#53B7E8" cx="54" cy="42" r="6"></Svg.Circle>
<Svg.Path d="M98.8,100.76 C96.66,104.34 94.04,107.7 90.96,110.78 C88.58,113.16 86.02,115.26 83.32,117.08 C65.74,129.02 42.46,128.98 24.92,116.96 C22.28,115.18 19.78,113.12 17.44,110.78 C14.26,107.6 11.56,104.1 9.38,100.4 C11.4,96.6 15.4,94 20,94 C25.48,94 30.1,97.7 31.54,102.74 C33.3,99.9 36.42,98 40,98 C44.84,98 48.88,101.44 49.8,106 L50,106 L50,86 L58,86 L58,106 L58.2,106 C59.12,101.44 63.16,98 68,98 C71.58,98 74.7,99.9 76.46,102.74 C77.88,97.7 82.5,94 88,94 C92.74,94 96.84,96.76 98.8,100.76 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFD768"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Rect id="Rectangle-path" fill="#DCDDDE" x="54" y="80" width="8" height="4"></Svg.Rect>
<Svg.Path d="M91.414,36.586 L90,35.172 L87.172,38 L88.586,39.414 C98.67,49.5 104,61.458 104,74 C104,82.056 102.096,89.812 98.522,96.778 C95.9,93.776 92.12,92 88,92 C82.948,92 78.354,94.752 75.894,98.988 C73.742,97.08 70.96,96 68,96 C64.966,96 62.144,97.148 60,99.062 L60,88 L66,88 L66,80 L72,80 L72,77.844 C77.584,78.546 82.886,81.664 82.966,81.714 L86,83.538 L86,80 C86,70.238 80.864,60.222 72,57.052 L72,42 C72,17.454 56.092,2.09 55.414,1.414 L54,0 L52.586,1.414 C51.908,2.09 36,17.454 36,42 L36,57.052 C27.136,60.222 22,70.238 22,80 L22.002,83.538 L25.034,81.714 C25.116,81.664 30.418,78.542 36,77.842 L36,80 L42,80 L42,88 L48,88 L48,99.062 C45.856,97.148 43.034,96 40,96 C37.036,96 34.252,97.082 32.1,98.994 C29.628,94.754 25.036,92 20,92 C15.91,92 12.116,93.794 9.486,96.794 C5.906,89.824 4,82.06 4,73.998 C4,61.458 9.33,49.5 19.414,39.414 L20.828,38 L18,35.172 L16.586,36.586 C5.736,47.438 0,60.376 0,73.998 C0,88.424 5.618,101.984 15.816,112.184 C26.344,122.71 40.172,128 54,128 C67.828,128 81.656,122.71 92.184,112.184 C102.382,101.984 108,88.424 108,74 C108,60.376 102.264,47.438 91.414,36.586 Z M81.764,76.608 C79.316,75.5 75.758,74.198 72,73.81 L72,61.414 C77.408,64.05 80.866,70.118 81.764,76.608 Z M54.002,5.824 C56.604,8.896 62.168,15.912 65.444,26 L42.566,26 C45.844,15.928 51.404,8.902 54.002,5.824 Z M26.236,76.608 C27.134,70.118 30.592,64.052 36,61.412 L36,73.804 C32.242,74.194 28.682,75.498 26.236,76.608 Z M40,76 L40,42 C40,37.68 40.562,33.678 41.448,30 L66.556,30 C67.44,33.676 68,37.676 68,42 L68,76 L66,76 L42,76 L40,76 Z M46,84 L46,80 L62,80 L62,84 L60,84 L48,84 L46,84 Z M89.356,109.356 C69.86,128.85 38.14,128.85 18.646,109.356 C15.952,106.662 13.616,103.706 11.634,100.558 C13.48,97.732 16.598,96 20,96 C24.436,96 28.39,98.998 29.618,103.29 L30.86,107.638 L33.24,103.794 C34.712,101.418 37.24,100 40,100 C43.794,100 47.092,102.69 47.838,106.394 L48.164,108 L52,108 L52,88 L56,88 L56,108 L59.836,108 L60.16,106.394 C60.908,102.69 64.206,100 68,100 C70.76,100 73.288,101.418 74.76,103.792 L77.154,107.656 L78.386,103.282 C79.592,98.994 83.546,96 88,96 C91.426,96 94.528,97.718 96.372,100.55 C94.39,103.7 92.052,106.658 89.356,109.356 Z" id="Shape" fill="#0C3847"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M54,34 C49.588,34 46,37.588 46,42 C46,46.412 49.588,50 54,50 C58.412,50 62,46.412 62,42 C62,37.588 58.412,34 54,34 Z M54,46 C51.794,46 50,44.206 50,42 C50,39.794 51.794,38 54,38 C56.206,38 58,39.794 58,42 C58,44.206 56.206,46 54,46 Z" id="Shape" fill="#0C3847"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="78 16 82 16 82 12 86 12 86 8 82 8 82 4 78 4 78 8 74 8 74 12 78 12"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="14 26 18 26 18 22 22 22 22 18 18 18 18 14 14 14 14 18 10 18 10 22 14 22"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="96 32 100 32 100 28 104 28 104 24 100 24 100 20 96 20 96 24 92 24 92 28 96 28"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="84 46 84 48 82 48 82 52 84 52 84 54 88 54 88 52 90 52 90 48 88 48 88 46"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="26 44 30 44 30 42 32 42 32 38 30 38 30 36 26 36 26 38 24 38 24 42 26 42"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="26 8 30 8 30 6 32 6 32 2 30 2 30 0 26 0 26 2 24 2 24 6 26 6"></Svg.Polygon>
<Svg.Path d="M54.002,5.824 C56.604,8.896 62.168,15.912 65.444,26 L42.566,26 C45.844,15.928 51.404,8.902 54.002,5.824 Z" id="Shape" fill="#F37053"></Svg.Path>*/}

Answer Regards Tranform
transform propType is not currently support as part of react-native-svg (4th June 2017)
However you can use x and y props instead:
<Svg.G x="135.000000" y="76.000000" id="startup" stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd">
Fix for SVG
However the SVG you pasted does still not seem to render.
I first converted it back to SVG and re-exported with Sketch.
// logo.svg
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="108px" height="128px" viewBox="0 0 108 128" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 44.1 (41455) - -->
<title>Slice 1</title>
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="so" fill-rule="nonzero">
<ellipse id="Oval" fill="#DCDDDE" cx="54" cy="75" rx="52" ry="51"></ellipse>
<path d="M81.764,76.608 C79.316,75.5 75.758,74.198 72,73.81 L72,61.414 C77.408,64.05 80.866,70.118 81.764,76.608 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
<path d="M26.236,76.608 C27.134,70.118 30.592,64.052 36,61.412 L36,73.804 C32.242,74.194 28.682,75.498 26.236,76.608 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
<path d="M40,76 L40,42 C40,37.68 40.562,33.678 41.448,30 L66.556,30 C67.44,33.676 68,37.676 68,42 L68,76 L66,76 L42,76 L40,76 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF" points="46 84 46 80 62 80 62 84 60 84 48 84"></polygon>
<path d="M70,78 L70,42 C70,18 54,2 54,2 L54,78 L70,78 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DCDDDE"></path>
<circle id="Oval" fill="#53B7E8" cx="54" cy="42" r="6"></circle>
<path d="M98.8,100.76 C96.66,104.34 94.04,107.7 90.96,110.78 C88.58,113.16 86.02,115.26 83.32,117.08 C65.74,129.02 42.46,128.98 24.92,116.96 C22.28,115.18 19.78,113.12 17.44,110.78 C14.26,107.6 11.56,104.1 9.38,100.4 C11.4,96.6 15.4,94 20,94 C25.48,94 30.1,97.7 31.54,102.74 C33.3,99.9 36.42,98 40,98 C44.84,98 48.88,101.44 49.8,106 L50,106 L50,86 L58,86 L58,106 L58.2,106 C59.12,101.44 63.16,98 68,98 C71.58,98 74.7,99.9 76.46,102.74 C77.88,97.7 82.5,94 88,94 C92.74,94 96.84,96.76 98.8,100.76 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFD768"></path>
<rect id="Rectangle-path" fill="#DCDDDE" x="54" y="80" width="8" height="4"></rect>
<path d="M91.414,36.586 L90,35.172 L87.172,38 L88.586,39.414 C98.67,49.5 104,61.458 104,74 C104,82.056 102.096,89.812 98.522,96.778 C95.9,93.776 92.12,92 88,92 C82.948,92 78.354,94.752 75.894,98.988 C73.742,97.08 70.96,96 68,96 C64.966,96 62.144,97.148 60,99.062 L60,88 L66,88 L66,80 L72,80 L72,77.844 C77.584,78.546 82.886,81.664 82.966,81.714 L86,83.538 L86,80 C86,70.238 80.864,60.222 72,57.052 L72,42 C72,17.454 56.092,2.09 55.414,1.414 L54,0 L52.586,1.414 C51.908,2.09 36,17.454 36,42 L36,57.052 C27.136,60.222 22,70.238 22,80 L22.002,83.538 L25.034,81.714 C25.116,81.664 30.418,78.542 36,77.842 L36,80 L42,80 L42,88 L48,88 L48,99.062 C45.856,97.148 43.034,96 40,96 C37.036,96 34.252,97.082 32.1,98.994 C29.628,94.754 25.036,92 20,92 C15.91,92 12.116,93.794 9.486,96.794 C5.906,89.824 4,82.06 4,73.998 C4,61.458 9.33,49.5 19.414,39.414 L20.828,38 L18,35.172 L16.586,36.586 C5.736,47.438 0,60.376 0,73.998 C0,88.424 5.618,101.984 15.816,112.184 C26.344,122.71 40.172,128 54,128 C67.828,128 81.656,122.71 92.184,112.184 C102.382,101.984 108,88.424 108,74 C108,60.376 102.264,47.438 91.414,36.586 Z M81.764,76.608 C79.316,75.5 75.758,74.198 72,73.81 L72,61.414 C77.408,64.05 80.866,70.118 81.764,76.608 Z M54.002,5.824 C56.604,8.896 62.168,15.912 65.444,26 L42.566,26 C45.844,15.928 51.404,8.902 54.002,5.824 Z M26.236,76.608 C27.134,70.118 30.592,64.052 36,61.412 L36,73.804 C32.242,74.194 28.682,75.498 26.236,76.608 Z M40,76 L40,42 C40,37.68 40.562,33.678 41.448,30 L66.556,30 C67.44,33.676 68,37.676 68,42 L68,76 L66,76 L42,76 L40,76 Z M46,84 L46,80 L62,80 L62,84 L60,84 L48,84 L46,84 Z M89.356,109.356 C69.86,128.85 38.14,128.85 18.646,109.356 C15.952,106.662 13.616,103.706 11.634,100.558 C13.48,97.732 16.598,96 20,96 C24.436,96 28.39,98.998 29.618,103.29 L30.86,107.638 L33.24,103.794 C34.712,101.418 37.24,100 40,100 C43.794,100 47.092,102.69 47.838,106.394 L48.164,108 L52,108 L52,88 L56,88 L56,108 L59.836,108 L60.16,106.394 C60.908,102.69 64.206,100 68,100 C70.76,100 73.288,101.418 74.76,103.792 L77.154,107.656 L78.386,103.282 C79.592,98.994 83.546,96 88,96 C91.426,96 94.528,97.718 96.372,100.55 C94.39,103.7 92.052,106.658 89.356,109.356 Z" id="Shape" fill="#0C3847"></path>
<path d="M54,34 C49.588,34 46,37.588 46,42 C46,46.412 49.588,50 54,50 C58.412,50 62,46.412 62,42 C62,37.588 58.412,34 54,34 Z M54,46 C51.794,46 50,44.206 50,42 C50,39.794 51.794,38 54,38 C56.206,38 58,39.794 58,42 C58,44.206 56.206,46 54,46 Z" id="Shape" fill="#0C3847"></path>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="78 16 82 16 82 12 86 12 86 8 82 8 82 4 78 4 78 8 74 8 74 12 78 12"></polygon>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="14 26 18 26 18 22 22 22 22 18 18 18 18 14 14 14 14 18 10 18 10 22 14 22"></polygon>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="96 32 100 32 100 28 104 28 104 24 100 24 100 20 96 20 96 24 92 24 92 28 96 28"></polygon>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="84 46 84 48 82 48 82 52 84 52 84 54 88 54 88 52 90 52 90 48 88 48 88 46"></polygon>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="26 44 30 44 30 42 32 42 32 38 30 38 30 36 26 36 26 38 24 38 24 42 26 42"></polygon>
<polygon id="Shape" fill="#0C3847" points="26 8 30 8 30 6 32 6 32 2 30 2 30 0 26 0 26 2 24 2 24 6 26 6"></polygon>
<path d="M54.002,5.824 C56.604,8.896 62.168,15.912 65.444,26 L42.566,26 C45.844,15.928 51.404,8.902 54.002,5.824 Z" id="Shape" fill="#F37053"></path>
Then I used msvgc to convert it to a react-native-svg compatible component. Lastly made changes so with works with import { Svg } from 'expo'. You'll notice that there is no longer a transform anyway so your original question is not needed.
// Logo.js
import React from 'react'
import { Svg } from 'expo'
const logo = props => (
<Svg width={props.width || 108} height={props.height || 128} viewBox="0 0 108 128">
<Svg.G fillRule="nonzero" fill="none">
<Svg.Ellipse fill="#DCDDDE" cx="54" cy="75" rx="52" ry="51"></Svg.Ellipse>
<Svg.Path d="M81.764 76.608C79.316 75.5 75.758 74.198 72 73.81V61.414c5.408 2.636 8.866 8.704 9.764 15.194zM26.236 76.608c.898-6.49 4.356-12.556 9.764-15.196v12.392c-3.758.39-7.318 1.694-9.764 2.804zM40 76V42c0-4.32.562-8.322 1.448-12h25.108A51.108 51.108 0 0 1 68 42v34H40zM46 84v-4h16v4H48z" fill="#FFF"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M70 78V42C70 18 54 2 54 2v76h16z" fill="#DCDDDE"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Circle fill="#53B7E8" cx="54" cy="42" r="6"></Svg.Circle>
<Svg.Path d="M98.8 100.76a51.654 51.654 0 0 1-7.84 10.02 51.539 51.539 0 0 1-7.64 6.3c-17.58 11.94-40.86 11.9-58.4-.12a50.5 50.5 0 0 1-7.48-6.18 52.123 52.123 0 0 1-8.06-10.38C11.4 96.6 15.4 94 20 94c5.48 0 10.1 3.7 11.54 8.74C33.3 99.9 36.42 98 40 98a10 10 0 0 1 9.8 8h.2V86h8v20h.2a10 10 0 0 1 9.8-8c3.58 0 6.7 1.9 8.46 4.74C77.88 97.7 82.5 94 88 94c4.74 0 8.84 2.76 10.8 6.76z" fill="#FFD768"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path fill="#DCDDDE" d="M54 80h8v4h-8z"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M91.414 36.586L90 35.172 87.172 38l1.414 1.414C98.67 49.5 104 61.458 104 74c0 8.056-1.904 15.812-5.478 22.778A13.905 13.905 0 0 0 88 92c-5.052 0-9.646 2.752-12.106 6.988A11.857 11.857 0 0 0 68 96a12.009 12.009 0 0 0-8 3.062V88h6v-8h6v-2.156c5.584.702 10.886 3.82 10.966 3.87L86 83.538V80c0-9.762-5.136-19.778-14-22.948V42C72 17.454 56.092 2.09 55.414 1.414L54 0l-1.414 1.414C51.908 2.09 36 17.454 36 42v15.052C27.136 60.222 22 70.238 22 80l.002 3.538 3.032-1.824c.082-.05 5.384-3.172 10.966-3.872V80h6v8h6v11.062A12.009 12.009 0 0 0 40 96a11.85 11.85 0 0 0-7.9 2.994C29.628 94.754 25.036 92 20 92c-4.09 0-7.884 1.794-10.514 4.794C5.906 89.824 4 82.06 4 73.998 4 61.458 9.33 49.5 19.414 39.414L20.828 38 18 35.172l-1.414 1.414C5.736 47.438 0 60.376 0 73.998c0 14.426 5.618 27.986 15.816 38.186C26.344 122.71 40.172 128 54 128c13.828 0 27.656-5.29 38.184-15.816C102.382 101.984 108 88.424 108 74c0-13.624-5.736-26.562-16.586-37.414zm-9.65 40.022C79.316 75.5 75.758 74.198 72 73.81V61.414c5.408 2.636 8.866 8.704 9.764 15.194zM54.002 5.824C56.604 8.896 62.168 15.912 65.444 26H42.566c3.278-10.072 8.838-17.098 11.436-20.176zM26.236 76.608c.898-6.49 4.356-12.556 9.764-15.196v12.392c-3.758.39-7.318 1.694-9.764 2.804zM40 76V42c0-4.32.562-8.322 1.448-12h25.108A51.108 51.108 0 0 1 68 42v34H40zm6 8v-4h16v4H46zm43.356 25.356c-19.496 19.494-51.216 19.494-70.71 0a50.398 50.398 0 0 1-7.012-8.798C13.48 97.732 16.598 96 20 96c4.436 0 8.39 2.998 9.618 7.29l1.242 4.348 2.38-3.844c1.472-2.376 4-3.794 6.76-3.794 3.794 0 7.092 2.69 7.838 6.394l.326 1.606H52V88h4v20h3.836l.324-1.606C60.908 102.69 64.206 100 68 100c2.76 0 5.288 1.418 6.76 3.792l2.394 3.864 1.232-4.374C79.592 98.994 83.546 96 88 96c3.426 0 6.528 1.718 8.372 4.55a50.456 50.456 0 0 1-7.016 8.806z" fill="#0C3847"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M54 34c-4.412 0-8 3.588-8 8s3.588 8 8 8 8-3.588 8-8-3.588-8-8-8zm0 12c-2.206 0-4-1.794-4-4s1.794-4 4-4 4 1.794 4 4-1.794 4-4 4zM78 16h4v-4h4V8h-4V4h-4v4h-4v4h4zM14 26h4v-4h4v-4h-4v-4h-4v4h-4v4h4zM96 32h4v-4h4v-4h-4v-4h-4v4h-4v4h4zM84 46v2h-2v4h2v2h4v-2h2v-4h-2v-2zM26 44h4v-2h2v-4h-2v-2h-4v2h-2v4h2zM26 8h4V6h2V2h-2V0h-4v2h-2v4h2z" fill="#0C3847"></Svg.Path>
<Svg.Path d="M54.002 5.824C56.604 8.896 62.168 15.912 65.444 26H42.566c3.278-10.072 8.838-17.098 11.436-20.176z" fill="#F37053"></Svg.Path>
export default logo


WxWidgets crash. App is run from cmdLine with some cmdLine args. wxCriticalSectionLocker seems to run in a loop until it crashes. This occur randomly

Running an application from cmd with some cmdLine args. WxWidget parses the arguments and passes them to my application. Some methods are run in my app based on those params and than the app finishes. In some cases WxWidget crashes with the following stack. Any suggestions on why this might happen?
0x1022e0184 std::__1::__compressed_pair_elem<std::__1::basic_string<wchar_t, std::__1::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::__1::allocator<wchar_t> >::__rep, 0, false>::__get() const + 4 (compressed_pair.h:67)
1 0x1022e0175 std::__1::__compressed_pair<std::__1::basic_string<wchar_t, std::__1::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::__1::allocator<wchar_t> >::__rep, std::__1::allocator<wchar_t> >::first() const + 21 (compressed_pair.h:156)
2 0x1022e0095 std::__1::basic_string<wchar_t, std::__1::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::__1::allocator<wchar_t> >::__is_long() const + 21 (string:1459)
3 0x1022e0369 std::__1::basic_string<wchar_t, std::__1::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::__1::allocator<wchar_t> >::size() const + 25 (string:978)
4 0x1022e0e95 std::__1::basic_string<wchar_t, std::__1::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::__1::allocator<wchar_t> >::length() const + 21 (string:979)
5 0x1022ddbd5 wxString::length() const + 21 (string.h:1405)
6 0x1020f3ca8 wxPrivate::wxStringAsBufHelper<wchar_t>::Get(wxString const&, unsigned long*) + 40 (string.h:3796)
7 0x1020f3c34 wxCharTypeBuffer<wchar_t> wxString::tchar_str<wchar_t>(unsigned long*) const + 52 (string.h:1627)
8 0x1020f3af5 wxStringTypeBufferBase<wchar_t>::wxStringTypeBufferBase(wxString&, unsigned long) + 69 (string.h:3906)
9 0x1020f3aa5 wxStringTypeBuffer<wchar_t>::wxStringTypeBuffer(wxString&, unsigned long) + 37 (string.h:3990)
10 0x1020ee785 wxStringTypeBuffer<wchar_t>::wxStringTypeBuffer(wxString&, unsigned long) + 37 (string.h:3990)
11 0x1020ee612 wxString::FromAscii(char const*, unsigned long) + 98 (string.cpp:1169)
12 0x1020ee80c wxString::FromAscii(char const*) + 60 (string.cpp:1187)
13 0x102155f0a wxMutexInternal::HandleLockResult(int) + 266 (threadpsx.cpp:371)
14 0x102155dc4 wxMutexInternal::Lock() + 100 (threadpsx.cpp:305)
15 0x10215ec57 wxMutex::Lock() + 151 (thrimpl.cpp:43)
16 0x101c30c65 wxCriticalSection::Enter() + 21 (thread.h:291)
17 0x101c30c43 wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 35 (thread.h:307)
18 0x101c2d09d wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 29 (thread.h:306)
19 0x1020cc870 wxLog::GetComponentLevel(wxString const&) + 32 (log.cpp:630)
20 0x1022dddcb wxLog::IsLevelEnabled(unsigned long, wxString const&) + 59 (log.h:419)
21 0x102155f1f wxMutexInternal::HandleLockResult(int) + 287 (threadpsx.cpp:371)
22 0x102155dc4 wxMutexInternal::Lock() + 100 (threadpsx.cpp:305)
23 0x10215ec57 wxMutex::Lock() + 151 (thrimpl.cpp:43)
24 0x101c30c65 wxCriticalSection::Enter() + 21 (thread.h:291)
25 0x101c30c43 wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 35 (thread.h:307)
26 0x101c2d09d wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 29 (thread.h:306)
27 0x1020cc870 wxLog::GetComponentLevel(wxString const&) + 32 (log.cpp:630)
28 0x1022dddcb wxLog::IsLevelEnabled(unsigned long, wxString const&) + 59 (log.h:419)
29 0x102155f1f wxMutexInternal::HandleLockResult(int) + 287 (threadpsx.cpp:371)
30 0x102155dc4 wxMutexInternal::Lock() + 100 (threadpsx.cpp:305)
31 0x10215ec57 wxMutex::Lock() + 151 (thrimpl.cpp:43)
32 0x101c30c65 wxCriticalSection::Enter() + 21 (thread.h:291)
33 0x101c30c43 wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 35 (thread.h:307)
34 0x101c2d09d wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 29 (thread.h:306)
35 0x1020cc870 wxLog::GetComponentLevel(wxString const&) + 32 (log.cpp:630)
36 0x1022dddcb wxLog::IsLevelEnabled(unsigned long, wxString const&) + 59 (log.h:419)
37 0x102155f1f wxMutexInternal::HandleLockResult(int) + 287 (threadpsx.cpp:371)
38 0x102155dc4 wxMutexInternal::Lock() + 100 (threadpsx.cpp:305)
39 0x10215ec57 wxMutex::Lock() + 151 (thrimpl.cpp:43)
40 0x101c30c65 wxCriticalSection::Enter() + 21 (thread.h:291)
41 0x101c30c43 wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 35 (thread.h:307)
42 0x101c2d09d wxCriticalSectionLocker::wxCriticalSectionLocker(wxCriticalSection&) + 29 (thread.h:306)
43 0x1020cc870 wxLog::GetComponentLevel(wxString const&) + 32 (log.cpp:630)
44 0x1022dddcb wxLog::IsLevelEnabled(unsigned long, wxString const&) + 59 (log.h:419)
45 0x102155f1f wxMutexInternal::HandleLockResult(int) + 287 (threadpsx.cpp:371)
46 0x102155dc4 wxMutexInternal::Lock() + 100 (threadpsx.cpp:305)
47 0x10215ec57 wxMutex::Lock() + 151 (thrimpl.cpp:43)
48 0x101c30c65 wxCriticalSection::Enter() + 21 (thread.h:291)
Could not find any relevant solutions or indication of why this might occur.
Application does not have any UI.
The problem is that pthread_mutex_lock() fails with an unexpected error (i.e. not one of EDEADLK, EINVAL or ETIMEDOUT) and trying to log this error results in the same error again and, so, to stack overflow (making this site a good choice for discussing this!).
It would be interesting to know what is the value passed to HandleLockResult(), i.e. what is the actual error, if you can look it up. And, of course, if you can provide simple example reproducing the problem, you should open a bug report in wxWidgets for this.

Pyspark : how to compute the percentage with condition in dataframe

How to compute the number of performance such that performance = P<=5 ; P>5 & P<=15 ; P>15
performance = P
We obtain this dataset
P>5 & P<=15
P> 15
15 %
10 %
75 %
using your dataframe as an example :
| address|performance|
You simply have to aggregate and sum using a when function :
(F.sum(F.when(F.col("performance") <= 5, 1)) / F.count("*")).alias("P<=5"),
F.sum(F.when((F.col("performance") > 5) & (F.col("performance") <= 15), 1))
/ F.count("*")
).alias("P>5 & P<=15"),
(F.sum(F.when(F.col("performance") > 15, 1)) / F.count("*")).alias("P>15"),
| address|P<=5|P>5 & P<=15|P>15|
|NACELLES|0.15| 0.1|0.75|

Paraview crash with Nvidia omniverse connector, possible vtk, qt5, libc error?

I'm trying to install the paraview connector to Nvidia omniverse. Once I load the plugin, it crashes with the following error. It looks like some issues with or Qt5. But I do not know what exactly is the problem and how I can deal with it.
The paraview install works fine without omniverse connector.
AutoMPI: SUCCESS: command is:
"/usr/local/bin/mpiexec" "-n" "6" "/usr/local/bin/pvserver" "--server-port=36395"
AutoMPI: starting process server
-------------- server output --------------
Waiting for client...
AutoMPI: server successfully started.
free(): invalid pointer
Loguru caught a signal: SIGABRT
Stack trace:
72 0x561c3c15e1fe paraview(+0x91fe) [0x561c3c15e1fe]
71 0x7f4381b3d0b3 __libc_start_main + 243
70 0x561c3c15e007 paraview(+0x9007) [0x561c3c15e007]
69 0x7f43801d8116 QCoreApplication::exec() + 150
68 0x7f43801d03ab QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 299
67 0x7f4380229435 QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 101
66 0x7f4379fb44a3 g_main_context_iteration + 51
65 0x7f4379fb4400 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4379fb4400]
64 0x7f4379fb417d g_main_context_dispatch + 637
63 0x7f436e91a32e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f436e91a32e]
62 0x7f438059635b QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 187
61 0x7f43805bc10b QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent*) + 603
60 0x7f43805ba7d3 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent*) + 1763
59 0x7f43801d180a QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 394
58 0x7f438131e0f0 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 816
57 0x7f4381314a66 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 134
56 0x7f43813761ec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f43813761ec]
55 0x7f4381373ce4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381373ce4]
54 0x7f438131d457 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer<QWidget>&, bool, bool) + 439
53 0x7f43801d180a QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 394
52 0x7f438131e343 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 1411
51 0x7f4381314a66 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 134
50 0x7f43814a1adb QMenu::event(QEvent*) + 347
49 0x7f43813572b6 QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 646
48 0x7f438149f4d2 QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 626
47 0x7f438149e4ae /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f438149e4ae]
46 0x7f4381496d12 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381496d12]
45 0x7f4381310aa2 QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) + 242
44 0x7f438130e3e6 QAction::triggered(bool) + 70
43 0x7f43801fd1d0 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2000
42 0x7f43819a9f0d pqManagePluginsReaction::managePlugins() + 221
41 0x7f4381518c6d QDialog::exec() + 461
40 0x7f43801d03ab QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 299
39 0x7f4380229435 QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 101
38 0x7f4379fb44a3 g_main_context_iteration + 51
37 0x7f4379fb4400 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4379fb4400]
36 0x7f4379fb417d g_main_context_dispatch + 637
35 0x7f436e91a32e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f436e91a32e]
34 0x7f438059635b QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 187
33 0x7f43805bc10b QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent*) + 603
32 0x7f43805ba7d3 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent*) + 1763
31 0x7f43801d180a QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 394
30 0x7f438131e0f0 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 816
29 0x7f4381314a66 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 134
28 0x7f43813761ec /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f43813761ec]
27 0x7f438137335d /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f438137335d]
26 0x7f438131d457 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer<QWidget>&, bool, bool) + 439
25 0x7f43801d180a QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 394
24 0x7f438131e343 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 1411
23 0x7f4381314a66 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 134
22 0x7f43813572b6 QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 646
21 0x7f438140b035 QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 229
20 0x7f438140ae73 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f438140ae73]
19 0x7f4381409a2e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381409a2e]
18 0x7f4381409806 QAbstractButton::clicked(bool) + 70
17 0x7f43801fd1d0 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2000
16 0x7f4380f8ff37 pqPluginDialog::loadPlugin(pqServer*, bool) + 2919
15 0x7f4380f8cc62 pqPluginDialog::loadPlugin(pqServer*, QString const&, bool) + 82
14 0x7f4380c63229 pqPluginManager::loadExtension(pqServer*, QString const&, QString*, bool) + 169
13 0x7f437fd4b5a6 vtkSMPluginManager::LoadLocalPlugin(char const*) + 150
12 0x7f437f09e083 vtkPVPluginLoader::LoadPluginInternal(char const*, bool) + 4227
11 0x7f437f09c474 vtkPVPluginLoader::LoadPluginInternal(vtkPVPlugin*) + 948
10 0x7f437f09b16c vtkPVPlugin::ImportPlugin(vtkPVPlugin*) + 1436
9 0x7f437f0a7b1f vtkPVPluginTracker::RegisterPlugin(vtkPVPlugin*) + 1551
8 0x7f437d2be644 /usr/local/lib/ [0x7f437d2be644]
7 0x7f437fccc7a1 vtkObject::vtkClassMemberCallback<vtkSIProxyDefinitionManager>::operator()(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*) + 113
6 0x7f437fcc5365 vtkSIProxyDefinitionManager::HandlePlugin(vtkPVPlugin*) + 469
5 0x7f4381bafcac /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381bafcac]
4 0x7f4381bae47c /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381bae47c]
3 0x7f4381ba63ee /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381ba63ee]
2 0x7f4381b3b859 abort + 299
1 0x7f4381b5c18b gsignal + 203
0 0x7f4381b5c210 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4381b5c210]
( 36.129s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGABRT
Aborted (core dumped)

Crash occurs in mshtml when trying to print the contents of a WebBrowser(ActiveX Control), in MFC Applications using ExecWB

The crash occurs in mshtml when we print the contents of a WebBrowser(ActiveX Control), in MFC Applications.
1) The print dialog is not opening.
For printing from webbrowser, we call the below function
2) The crash starts from preview.js (CPrintDoc_RectComplete method) of ieframe.dll.
3) It is crashing in mshtml, "mshtml!Tree::CIE9DocumentLayout::HandleLayoutBuilderError+0xc6"
4) It is giving "Break instruction exception - code 80000003" .
Could you please let us know if there is any hotfix available for this callstack.
The call stack of the crashing thread is
00 000000ea2e697dc0 00007ffb483c4097 mshtml!Tree::CIE9DocumentLayout::HandleLayoutBuilderError+0xc6
01 000000ea2e697e00 00007ffb47cea9fc mshtml!CMarkupPageLayout::CalcPageLayoutSize+0xa09bcf
02 000000ea2e697f90 00007ffb489a6b86 mshtml!CMarkupPageLayout::CalcTopLayoutSizeWithDefault+0x1c
03 000000ea2e697fc0 00007ffb47b13a7f mshtml!CContainerLayout::CalcSizeVirtual+0x166
04 000000ea2e6980c0 00007ffb4806969e mshtml!CLayout::CalcSize+0x247
05 000000ea2e698270 00007ffb480694a8 mshtml!CFlowLayout::MeasureSite+0x42b
06 000000ea2e6983f0 00007ffb4806936f mshtml!CFlowLayout::GetSiteWidth+0x123
07 000000ea2e6984a0 00007ffb48069959 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::GetSiteWidth+0xaf
08 000000ea2e698520 00007ffb4806b97b mshtml!CLineServices::VerticalAlignOneObjectFast+0x443
09 000000ea2e6985f0 00007ffb4806ea8a mshtml!CLineServices::VerticalAlignObjectsFast+0x2da
0a 000000ea2e698730 00007ffb483648f0 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::Measure+0x3c6
0b 000000ea2e6987c0 00007ffb48273b4d mshtml!CLSMeasurer::MeasureLine+0x3c
0c 000000ea2e698810 00007ffb4806b01f mshtml!CRecalcLinePtr::MeasureLine+0x2a6
0d 000000ea2e698980 00007ffb4806e3ea mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLinesWithMeasurer+0x2f2
0e 000000ea2e698ae0 00007ffb4806d555 mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLines+0x6a
0f 000000ea2e698d20 00007ffb48057c51 mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcView+0x54
10 000000ea2e698d60 00007ffb4803af3d mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcTextSize+0x303
11 000000ea2e698ed0 00007ffb4805a85d mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcSizeCoreCompat+0x4a9
12 000000ea2e699440 00007ffb47b13a7f mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcSizeVirtual+0x89
13 000000ea2e6994d0 00007ffb4806969e mshtml!CLayout::CalcSize+0x247
14 000000ea2e699680 00007ffb480694a8 mshtml!CFlowLayout::MeasureSite+0x42b
15 000000ea2e699800 00007ffb4806936f mshtml!CFlowLayout::GetSiteWidth+0x123
16 000000ea2e6998b0 00007ffb48071555 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::GetSiteWidth+0xaf
17 000000ea2e699930 00007ffb511539fe mshtml!CEmbeddedILSObj::Fmt+0x261
18 000000ea2e699a50 00007ffb51154acf msls31!ProcessOneRun+0x2f1
19 000000ea2e699ba0 00007ffb511544fb msls31!FetchAppendEscCore+0x11f
1a 000000ea2e699ca0 00007ffb511543bf msls31!FiniFormatGeneralCase+0x11b
1b 000000ea2e699d70 00007ffb51153bef msls31!CreateLineCore+0x837
1c 000000ea2e699f10 00007ffb4806e2e7 msls31!LsCreateLine+0x11f
1d 000000ea2e699fa0 00007ffb480727c9 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::LSDoCreateLine+0x1c3
1e 000000ea2e69a170 00007ffb4806ebf8 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::LSMeasure+0x79
1f 000000ea2e69a290 00007ffb483648f0 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::Measure+0x160
20 000000ea2e69a320 00007ffb48273b4d mshtml!CLSMeasurer::MeasureLine+0x3c
21 000000ea2e69a370 00007ffb4806b01f mshtml!CRecalcLinePtr::MeasureLine+0x2a6
22 000000ea2e69a4e0 00007ffb4806e3ea mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLinesWithMeasurer+0x2f2
23 000000ea2e69a640 00007ffb4806d555 mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLines+0x6a
24 000000ea2e69a880 00007ffb48057c51 mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcView+0x54
25 000000ea2e69a8c0 00007ffb4803af3d mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcTextSize+0x303
26 000000ea2e69aa30 00007ffb4805a85d mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcSizeCoreCompat+0x4a9
27 000000ea2e69afa0 00007ffb47b13a7f mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcSizeVirtual+0x89
28 000000ea2e69b030 00007ffb4806969e mshtml!CLayout::CalcSize+0x247
29 000000ea2e69b1e0 00007ffb480694a8 mshtml!CFlowLayout::MeasureSite+0x42b
2a 000000ea2e69b360 00007ffb4806936f mshtml!CFlowLayout::GetSiteWidth+0x123
2b 000000ea2e69b410 00007ffb48069959 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::GetSiteWidth+0xaf
2c 000000ea2e69b490 00007ffb4806b97b mshtml!CLineServices::VerticalAlignOneObjectFast+0x443
2d 000000ea2e69b560 00007ffb4806ea8a mshtml!CLineServices::VerticalAlignObjectsFast+0x2da
2e 000000ea2e69b6a0 00007ffb483648f0 mshtml!CLSMeasurer::Measure+0x3c6
2f 000000ea2e69b730 00007ffb48273b4d mshtml!CLSMeasurer::MeasureLine+0x3c
30 000000ea2e69b780 00007ffb48078d35 mshtml!CRecalcLinePtr::MeasureLine+0x2a6
31 000000ea2e69b8f0 00007ffb48065115 mshtml!CDisplay::RecalcLines+0x51f
32 000000ea2e69c4a0 00007ffb4807ea6c mshtml!CDisplay::UpdateView+0x1cc
33 000000ea2e69c670 00007ffb48059fde mshtml!CFlowLayout::CommitChanges+0xcb
34 000000ea2e69c770 00007ffb4803af3d mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcTextSize+0x51c
35 000000ea2e69c8e0 00007ffb4805a85d mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcSizeCoreCompat+0x4a9
36 000000ea2e69ce50 00007ffb47b13a7f mshtml!CFlowLayout::CalcSizeVirtual+0x89
37 000000ea2e69cee0 00007ffb48059e0c mshtml!CLayout::CalcSize+0x247
38 000000ea2e69d090 00007ffb480547b7 mshtml!CFlowLayout::DoLayout+0x461
39 000000ea2e69d200 00007ffb4797eea9 mshtml!CView::ExecuteLayoutTasks+0xe3
3a 000000ea2e69d290 00007ffb4820e9da mshtml!CView::EnsureView+0x43f
3b 000000ea2e69d370 00007ffb48356a72 mshtml!CElement::EnsureRecalcNotify+0xa4
3c 000000ea2e69d3b0 00007ffb47d095ff mshtml!CElement::EnsureRecalcNotify+0x1e
3d 000000ea2e69d3f0 00007ffb47d04046 mshtml!CDisplayPointer::MoveToMarkupPointer+0xaf
3e 000000ea2e69d460 00007ffb47d0446a mshtml!CSelectionManager::CreateTrackerForContext+0x19e
3f 000000ea2e69d500 00007ffb47d0434b mshtml!CSelectionManager::SetEditContext+0xe6
40 000000ea2e69d580 00007ffb47d04e65 mshtml!CSelectionManager::SetEditContextFromElement+0x18b
41 000000ea2e69d670 00007ffb47d07764 mshtml!CSelectionManager::SetInitialEditContext+0x45
42 000000ea2e69d6b0 00007ffb47d086bc mshtml!CSelectionManager::Initialize+0x2a8
43 000000ea2e69d6e0 00007ffb47a45272 mshtml!CHTMLEditor::Initialize+0x15c
44 000000ea2e69d760 00007ffb47cefa20 mshtml!CDoc::GetHTMLEditor+0x11a
45 000000ea2e69d7a0 00007ffb47c43116 mshtml!CElement::InjectInternal+0x807
46 000000ea2e69d960 00007ffb47cc5b29 mshtml!CElement::InjectTextOrHTML+0x38d
47 000000ea2e69da40 00007ffb47d4fc7d mshtml!CElement::put_innerText+0x29
48 000000ea2e69da80 00007ffb47c48429 mshtml!GS_BSTR+0x12b
49 000000ea2e69daf0 00007ffb47cdfed0 mshtml!CBase::ContextInvokeEx+0x658
4a 000000ea2e69dc10 00007ffb4820d0bd mshtml!CElement::VersionedInvokeEx+0xb7
4b 000000ea2e69dcc0 00007ffb465fa1e4 mshtml!CBase::PrivateInvokeEx+0x179
4c 000000ea2e69dd40 00007ffb466df12e jscript9!HostDispatch::CallInvokeEx+0x1b6
4d 000000ea2e69de10 00007ffb466df05b jscript9!HostDispatch::PutValueByDispId+0xb6
4e 000000ea2e69ded0 00007ffb466df00f jscript9!HostDispatch::PutValue+0x37
4f 000000ea2e69df10 00007ffb46734757 jscript9!HostDispatch::SetPropertyCore+0x6a
50 000000ea2e69df40 00007ffb4656420c jscript9!Js::JavascriptOperators::OP_SetProperty+0x2f8
51 000000ea2e69dfd0 00007ffb465644a2 jscript9!Js::JavascriptOperators::PatchPutValueNoFastPath+0x80
52 000000ea2e69e050 00007ffb4650e240 jscript9!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::Process+0x5553
53 000000ea2e69e390 000000ea217d0ddb jscript9!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::InterpreterThunk<1>+0x386
54 000000ea2e69e680 00007ffb46509eb3 js!CPrintDoc_RectComplete [res://ieframe.dll/preview.js # 2660,1]
55 000000ea2e69e6b0 00007ffb4672ae52 jscript9!amd64_CallFunction+0x93
56 000000ea2e69e710 00007ffb4650e240 jscript9!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::Process+0x1071
57 000000ea2e69ea50 000000ea217d0dfb jscript9!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::InterpreterThunk<1>+0x386
58 000000ea2e69ec90 00007ffb46509eb3 js!OnRectCompleteNext [res://ieframe.dll/preview.js # 742,1]
59 000000ea2e69ecc0 00007ffb4672ae52 jscript9!amd64_CallFunction+0x93
5a 000000ea2e69ed30 00007ffb4650e240 jscript9!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::Process+0x1071
5b 000000ea2e69f070 000000ea217d0de3 jscript9!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::InterpreterThunk<1>+0x386
5c 000000ea2e69f2e0 00007ffb46509eb3 js!anonymous [Unknown script code # 1,1]
5d 000000ea2e69f310 00007ffb46509af1 jscript9!amd64_CallFunction+0x93
5e 000000ea2e69f360 00007ffb46509cfe jscript9!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>+0x6d
5f 000000ea2e69f3a0 00007ffb46509dff jscript9!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallRootFunction+0x110
60 000000ea2e69f480 00007ffb46509d58 jscript9!ScriptSite::CallRootFunction+0x63
61 000000ea2e69f4e0 00007ffb46623c42 jscript9!ScriptSite::Execute+0x122
62 000000ea2e69f570 00007ffb46658594 jscript9!JavascriptDispatch::InvokeOnSelf+0x102
63 000000ea2e69f5f0 00007ffb466586ab jscript9!JavascriptDispatch::InvokeEx+0x1e4
64 000000ea2e69f700 00007ffb480d43a9 jscript9!JavascriptDispatch::Invoke+0x7b
65 000000ea2e69f750 00007ffb47c84e73 mshtml!CWindow::ExecuteCallbackScript+0x144
66 000000ea2e69f8d0 00007ffb4797e57e mshtml!CWindow::FireTimeOut+0x295
67 000000ea2e69f960 00007ffb486236a1 mshtml!CPaintBeat::ProcessTimers+0x327
68 000000ea2e69fa00 00007ffb47a45ee9 mshtml!CPaintBeat::OnWMTimer+0x61
69 000000ea2e69fa30 00007ffb4796e166 mshtml!FormsOnTimer+0x9f
6a 000000ea2e69fa80 00007ffb7ad324fd mshtml!GlobalWndProc+0x1c6
6b 000000ea2e69fb00 00007ffb7ad32357 user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x149
6c 000000ea2e69fbd0 00007ffb48667b84 user32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x1a7
6d 000000ea2e69fc50 00007ffb785513f2 mshtml!ModelessThreadProc+0x1c4
6e 000000ea2e69fce0 00007ffb7aec54f4 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
6f 000000ea2e69fd10 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34

SQL query is not working (Error in rsqlite_send_query)

This is what the head of my data frame looks like
> head(d19_1)
SMZ SIZ1_diff SIZ1_base SIZ2_diff SIZ2_base SIZ3_diff SIZ3_base SIZ4_diff SIZ4_base SIZ5_diff SIZ5_base
1 1 -620 4170 -189 1347 -35 2040 82 1437 244 1533
2 2 -219 831 -57 255 -4 392 8 282 14 297
3 3 -426 834 -162 294 -134 379 -81 241 -22 221
4 4 -481 676 -142 216 -114 267 -50 158 -43 166
5 5 -233 1711 -109 584 54 913 71 624 74 707
6 6 -322 1539 -79 512 -50 799 23 532 63 576
Total_og Total_base %_SIZ1 %_SIZ2 %_SIZ3 %_SIZ4 %_SIZ5 Total_og Total_base
1 11980 12648 14.86811 14.03118 1.715686 5.706333 15.916504 11980 12648
2 2156 2415 26.35379 22.35294 1.020408 2.836879 4.713805 2156 2415
3 1367 2314 51.07914 55.10204 35.356201 33.609959 9.954751 1367 2314
4 790 1736 71.15385 65.74074 42.696629 31.645570 25.903614 790 1736
5 5339 5496 13.61777 18.66438 5.914567 11.378205 10.466761 5339 5496
6 4362 4747 20.92268 15.42969 6.257822 4.323308 10.937500 4362 4747
The datatype of the data frame is as below str(d19_1)
> str(d19_1)
'data.frame': 1588 obs. of 20 variables:
$ SMZ : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ SIZ1_diff : int -620 -219 -426 -481 -233 -322 -176 -112 -34 -103 ...
$ SIZ1_base : int 4170 831 834 676 1711 1539 720 1396 998 1392 ...
$ SIZ2_diff : int -189 -57 -162 -142 -109 -79 -12 72 -36 -33 ...
$ SIZ2_base : int 1347 255 294 216 584 512 196 437 343 479 ...
$ SIZ3_diff : int -35 -4 -134 -114 54 -50 16 4 26 83 ...
$ SIZ3_base : int 2040 392 379 267 913 799 361 804 566 725 ...
$ SIZ4_diff : int 82 8 -81 -50 71 23 36 127 46 75 ...
$ SIZ4_base : int 1437 282 241 158 624 532 242 471 363 509 ...
$ SIZ5_diff : int 244 14 -22 -43 74 63 11 143 79 125 ...
$ SIZ5_base : int 1533 297 221 166 707 576 263 582 429 536 ...
$ Total_og : int 11980 2156 1367 790 5339 4362 2027 4715 3465 4561 ...
$ Total_base: int 12648 2415 2314 1736 5496 4747 2168 4464 3278 4375 ...
$ %_SIZ1 : num 14.9 26.4 51.1 71.2 13.6 ...
$ %_SIZ2 : num 14 22.4 55.1 65.7 18.7 ...
$ %_SIZ3 : num 1.72 1.02 35.36 42.7 5.91 ...
$ %_SIZ4 : num 5.71 2.84 33.61 31.65 11.38 ...
$ %_SIZ5 : num 15.92 4.71 9.95 25.9 10.47 ...
$ Total_og : int 11980 2156 1367 790 5339 4362 2027 4715 3465 4561 ...
$ Total_base: int 12648 2415 2314 1736 5496 4747 2168 4464 3278 4375 ...
When I run the below query, it is returning me the below error and I don't know why. I don't have any column in table
d20_1 <- sqldf('SELECT *, CASE
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1 AND 110 THEN "Baltimore City"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 111 AND 217 THEN "Anne Arundel County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 218 AND 405 THEN "Baltimore County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 406 AND 453 THEN "Carroll County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 454 AND 524 THEN "Harford County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1667 AND 1674 THEN "York County"
END Jurisdiction
FROM d19_1')
Error in rsqlite_send_query(conn#ptr, statement) :
table d19_1 has no column named <NA>
Your code works correctly for me:
d19_1 <- structure(list(SMZ = 1:6, SIZ1_diff = c(-620L, -219L, -426L,
-481L, -233L, -322L), SIZ1_base = c(4170L, 831L, 834L, 676L,
1711L, 1539L), SIZ2_diff = c(-189L, -57L, -162L, -142L, -109L,
-79L), SIZ2_base = c(1347L, 255L, 294L, 216L, 584L, 512L), SIZ3_diff = c(-35L,
-4L, -134L, -114L, 54L, -50L), SIZ3_base = c(2040L, 392L, 379L,
267L, 913L, 799L), SIZ4_diff = c(82L, 8L, -81L, -50L, 71L, 23L
), SIZ4_base = c(1437L, 282L, 241L, 158L, 624L, 532L), SIZ5_diff = c(244L,
14L, -22L, -43L, 74L, 63L), SIZ5_base = c(1533L, 297L, 221L,
166L, 707L, 576L), Total_og = c(11980L, 2156L, 1367L, 790L, 5339L,
4362L), Total_base = c(12648L, 2415L, 2314L, 1736L, 5496L, 4747L
), X._SIZ1 = c(14.86811, 26.35379, 51.07914, 71.15385, 13.61777,
20.92268), X._SIZ2 = c(14.03118, 22.35294, 55.10204, 65.74074,
18.66438, 15.42969), X._SIZ3 = c(1.715686, 1.020408, 35.356201,
42.696629, 5.914567, 6.257822), X._SIZ4 = c(5.706333, 2.836879,
33.609959, 31.64557, 11.378205, 4.323308), X._SIZ5 = c(15.916504,
4.713805, 9.954751, 25.903614, 10.466761, 10.9375), Total_og.1 = c(11980L,
2156L, 1367L, 790L, 5339L, 4362L), Total_base.1 = c(12648L, 2415L,
2314L, 1736L, 5496L, 4747L)), .Names = c("SMZ", "SIZ1_diff",
"SIZ1_base", "SIZ2_diff", "SIZ2_base", "SIZ3_diff", "SIZ3_base",
"SIZ4_diff", "SIZ4_base", "SIZ5_diff", "SIZ5_base", "Total_og",
"Total_base", "X._SIZ1", "X._SIZ2", "X._SIZ3", "X._SIZ4", "X._SIZ5",
"Total_og.1", "Total_base.1"), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")
sqldf('SELECT *, CASE
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1 AND 110 THEN "Baltimore City"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 111 AND 217 THEN "Anne Arundel County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 218 AND 405 THEN "Baltimore County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 406 AND 453 THEN "Carroll County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 454 AND 524 THEN "Harford County"
WHEN SMZ BETWEEN 1667 AND 1674 THEN "York County"
END Jurisdiction
FROM d19_1')