instagram api app access token - api

I am working on Instagram api. I am getting problem with getting likes and comments of a public post in Instagram as it requires access token .
As we can see from the Documentation is:{media-id}/likes?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
I could use a third party app to generate Instagram access token and save it to my database but the problem is access token can expire any time or once we change the password so I needed a life long token like as Facebook and twitter provides APP access token or Bearer Token to post of get on behalf of app which could be generated using APP Secret and Client Token.
Or Please let me know if there's any ways to get Instagram public post likes and comments using Id.
Thanks in Advance.

There are no life long tokens by design. You'll have to implement logic to refresh a token when it expires. There is no way around this, you have to use an access token and you have to deal with the fact that tokens expire. It's on you, as the developer, to implement logic. From the documentation:
Access tokens may expire at any time in the future.
The solution you're looking for does not exist. It's so easy to implement a refresh, just look for an error or type OAuthAccessTokenException then rerun your auth flow.


best practices for refreshing access tokens automatically

I'm building a react native app which uses the spotify web api. I'm using the authorization code flow to authorize a user. First I get a authorization code which can be used to obtain an access token and a refresh token. Everything works!
The problem is: an access token is only valid for a limited amount of time. That's where the refresh token comes in. I understand this concept, but I'm breaking my head about how to implement this.
Let's say a users opens the app, requests an access token and uses this for some time. Then, the user closes the app. After 15 minutes, the users opens the app again. The access token has now expired, so I need to request a new access token.
I've come op with several "solutions". Can someone point me to the correct solution?
Solution 1:
Every time the user opens the app, I request a new access token and use this. Problem: when the user uses the app longer than the valid time of the access token, I won't work anymore.
Solution 2:
I use the access token that's stored in the secure storage on every request. When a request comes back with 'access token invalid' (I don't know the exact error code but you guys know what I mean), I request a new access token with the stored refresh token, and then I send the previous command again (with the new access token). But my question here is: can I use some kind of "wrapper function" which checks the response of the request, and if the response is "access token invalid", it automatically requests a new access token and runs the previous request again.
I think certainly correct solution is solution 2,and i think its clear enough.
and for using solution 2 you need somthing like wrapper function,yes its intelligently.
so you should use interceptor:
what is interceptor ?
You can intercept requests or responses before they are handled by then or catch.
in link below there is a good example of implementing refresh token in axios interceptor:
I agree that Solution 2 is the best, each time you do a request you can check to see if the Access Token has expired, and if it has then you can request a new Access Token using the Refresh Token as you mentioned and then make your request, in my own project I do this in a FormatRequestHeadersAsync method which calls a CheckAndRenewTokenAsync method where I perform the following check, here shown in C#:
if(AccessToken?.Refresh != null && (AccessToken.Expiration < DateTime.UtcNow))
AccessToken = await GetRefreshTokenAsync(
You can store the Access Token and the Refresh Token and then use something similar to this before you make each request to the API this will refresh your token and then you can store the new Access Token and the existing Refresh Token.

Get userid from auth0 session localStorage

I'm in the process of implementing auth0 login in my project, and to be as fast as possible I'm using a hosted login page. Following the auth0 vue docs I've got up and running quickly and I can login and logout users.
Now, I'm trying to create a user profile page with a route of user/:id. For the :id part I want to use the user_id of the user profile, but I'm having issues understanding the optimal way to get it. I realize I can use the auth0 api users endpoint but I'm not sure that's the correct way. Do I actually need to make an API call to the users endpoint each time an user clicks their profile? Is there no better way to get the user_id, maybe from the id_token which is set in localStorage upon login?
Even better, is there a way to get actual user ids? I know that if I would setup my own login with my own db, I'd have an auto incrementing id which I'd use for user id. This does not seem possible with Auth0, or am I wrong about that?
Disclosure: I work for Auth0.
The idToken returned at the end of the authentication / authorization is a JSON Web Token. This token contains the Auth0 user_id as the sub (subject) claim (property).
If you are using Auth0.js or our AuthService tutorial, Auth0.js will decode this token and give it to you as idTokenPayload object in the authResult. This can be used to identify the user as idTokenPayload.sub.
You can store this object as a whole in localStorage or simply decode the token that you accquired from localStorage. However, please note that you should validate the token after accquiring it from localStorage aswell.
To avoid all the above, you can simply use the checkSession method each time your application bootstraps to get a new copy of the accessToken / idToken and rely on that directly :)

Access token Facebook API Graph - public events

I have a general quation about the access token for Facebook API Graph.
I'm doing some testing with the API Graph explorer. I want to display some public facebook events on my website.
For the testing I created a access token and it's working.
Now my question: Can I use this token for my website or has it to be renewed all x-days? So when only searching for public events this token is good?
Thanks for your help.
You should be able to use an App Access Token, it is valid forever. It´s just a combination of App ID and App Secret, including a pipe sign: App-ID|App-Secret
Careful though, don´t use that token on the client.
More information:
Edit: I just tested it with an App Token, it seems that you do need a User Token after all. You can use an Extended User Token, it is valid for 60 days.

How do I test refreshing my google access token using a refresh token

I am a fair way through implementing an actionscript OAuth library which I am initially testing with Google's Drive Api.
I know how you are supposed to refresh an access token using your refresh token but my question is how do I test it?
How do I make my access_token expire so that I test my code that catches the error, attempts a refresh and then re-loads the initial request? If I can only do this once a week (or however often they expire) it's going to take a while to get it right!
If you're looking to test your code, you don't actually need to invalidate or expire the access token. Simply make a (say) Drive call with a null access token and you will receive the same 401 response that you would have got with an expired access token.
Well, judging by the lack of responses to this question I am assuming that there is no way to do this.
This page:
describes how to revoke an access or refresh token by using this url:{token}
but then says:
The specified token can be an access token or a refresh token. If the token is an access token and it has a corresponding refresh token, the refresh token is also revoked.
So if you just want to revoke an access token you aren't able to.
I think the only solution is to wait for the access token to expire (seems to take an hour) then go about testing your app.
I'll be very happy if anyone tells me a faster way to make the token expire.
I handle this testing by simply making note of an expired access_token. Then when I need to test how my app deals with an expired token I simply give the app that expired token to work with. This way, for example, I can test that requests with an expired token will fail as expected.
The easiest way of doing it is using the OAuth Playground 2.0
In step 2 especially, you can try refreshing your access token with a refresh token.
Additionally, in the setting (the gear icon), you can set up your own OAuth Credentials to test it out for your own API project.
Im using nodemailer. When setting the options for the transporter object, you can specify an 'expires' time. There isn't any documentation I found on that option but I'm sure you can figure it out. :)
I haven't found a way to shorten the expiration time on an access token either.
In fact you can't even generate another refresh_token unless you revoke access. I don't think you can generate another refresh_token even if you let the access token expire, although I have to wait an hour to test this.
I did find out that if you send the refresh_token and the authorization token is still active, you just get the same live token back although the expiration time is reset.

Facebook Login without JSSDK, how to get token if already authorized previously

So I am updating an older desktop app (written in VB, .net 4.0) with facebook integration and followed the guide found here, and have been able to successfully get a token (by parsing the uri of the embedded webview if it contains "token="). Now my problem is if I try to login with a facebook account that has already approved the app in a prior session, the webview just gets redirected to without any token information.
Do I HAVE to log all of the tokens I generate manually (ie on successful token generation, I can call their profile info, use their FB ID as key and save the token)? Even if I do, since the email and password is input directly into the facebook login window, how do I check if the user already has a token?
Thanks in advance
The access token can change any time, you need to get it everytime. After getting the token, I immediately get the user information and use that ID to find their database information.
I couldn't quickly find facebook information but on google's oauth information it says "The access token is also associated with a limited scope that define the kind of data the your client application has access to (for example "Manage your tasks"). An important goal for OAuth 2.0 is to provide secure and convenient access to the protected data, while minimizing the potential impact if an access token is stolen."
Ok so I finally figured it out myself. My mistake was apparently requesting the access_token directly (ie to try and save time.
I fixed it by making a request for a 'code' instead (ie, which I then use to make a second request to retrieve an access token as documented here:, "Exchanging code for an access token" section a bit lower on the page.
Hope this helps someone in the future, this was very frustrating on my part.