We are trying to setup a redis cluster in a multi-datacenter environment, with one cluster setup in one datacenter and the other cluster in the other datacenter, in this case, is there a way to setup cross datacenter replication of cluster using redis cluster ? Has anyone setup redis cluster in this way or are there better ways to do this ?
As far as i have seen, only Dynomite seems to solve this problem.
Else we need to implement our own by having a setup like this:
[multiple redis clients]===>[localProxy-DC1]====> TWEMPROXY-DC1 ===> [Multiple Redis Single Instances with Sentinel]
[localProxy-DC1] ====replicates commands async===> TWEMPROXY-DC2 ====> [Multiple Redis Single Instances with Sentinel]
Redis by default have 16 databases that can be selected by using SELECT command.
But as per the docs, https://redis.io/commands/select,
When using Redis Cluster, the SELECT command cannot be used, since
Redis Cluster only supports database zero. In the case of a Redis
Cluster, having multiple databases would be useless and an unnecessary
source of complexity.
As per redis docs, cluster/HA is achieved by
cluster - https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial
sentinel -
I am clear that Redis Cluster only supports database zero, but I couldn't get the info anywhere to check the support for multiple databases in Sentinel setup with multiple nodes?
Any reference to this would be helpful. Thanks!
With sentinel setup, you can have multiple databases.
Redis Sentinel is only used to provide HA for Redis, it doesn't change Redis in any way. And you can use this Redis as the single instance Redis without sentinel.
I'm planning to create a high available Redis Cluster. After reading many articles about building Redis cluster i'm confused. So what exactly are
the advantages of a Redis Sentinel Master1 Slave1 Slave2 Cluster? Is it more reliable as a Redis Multinode Sharded Cluster?
the advantages of a Redis Multinode Sharded Cluster? Is it more reliable as a Redis Sentinel Master1 Slave1 Slave2 Cluster?
Further questions to the Redis Sentinel Master1 Slave1 Slave2 Cluster:
when i have 1 Master and the two Slaves and traffic is getting higher and higher so this cluster will be to small how can i make the cluster bigger?
Further questions to the Redis Multinode Sharded Cluster:
why are there so many demos with running a cluster on a single instance but on different ports? That makes no sense to me.
when i have a cluster with 4 masters and 4 replicas, how can an application or a client be sure to write to the cluster? When Master1 and Slave1 are dying but my application is writing always to the IP of Master1 then it will not work anymore. Which solutions are out there to implement a sharded cluster well to make it available for applications to find it with a single ip and port? Keepalived? HAproxy?
when i juse for a 4 master setup with e.g. Keepalived - doesn't that cancel out the different masters?
furthermore i need to understand why the multinode cluster is only for solutions where more data will need to be written as memory is available. Why? For me a multi master setup sounds good to be scaleable.
is it right that the the sharded cluster setup does not support multikey operations when the cluster is not in caching mode?
I'm unsure if these two solutions are the only ones. Hopefully you guys can help me to understand the architectures of Redis. Sorry for so many questions.
I will try to answer some of your questions but first let me describe the different deployment options of Redis.
Redis has three basic deployments: single node, sentinel and cluster.
Single node - The basic solution where you run single process running Redis.
It is not scalable and not highly available.
Redis Sentinel - Deployment that consist of multiple nodes where one is elected as master and the rest are slaves.
It adds high availability since in case of master failure one of the slaves will be automatically promoted to master.
It is not scalable since the master node is the only node that can write data.
You can configure the clients to direct read requests to the slaves, which will take some of the load from the master. However, in this case slaves might return stale data since they replicate the master asynchronously.
Redis Cluster - Deployment that consist of at least 6 nodes (3 masters and 3 slaves). where data is sharded between the masters. It is highly available since in case of master failure, one of his slaves will automatically be promoted to master. It is scalable since you can add more nodes and reshard the data so that the new nodes will take some of the load.
So to answer your questions:
The advantages of Sentinel over Redis Cluster are:
Hardware - You can setup fully working Sentinel deployment with three nodes. Redis Cluster requires at least six nodes.
Simplicity - usually it is easier to maintain and configure.
The advantages of Redis Cluster over Sentinel is that it is scalable.
The decision between that two deployment should be based on your expected load.
If your write load can be managed with a single Redis master node, you can go with Sentinel deployment.
If one node cannot handle your expected load, you must go with Cluster deployment.
Redis Sentinel deployment is not scalable so making the cluster bigger will not improve your performance. The only exception is that adding slaves can improve your read performance (in case you direct read requests to the slaves).
Redis Cluster running on a single node with multiple ports is only for development and demo purposes. In production it is useless.
In Redis Cluster deployment clients should have network access to all nodes (and node only Master1). This is because data is sharded between the masters.
In case client try to write data to Master1 but Master2 is the owner of the data, Master1 will return a MOVE message to the client, guiding it to send the request to Master2.
You cannot have a single HAProxy in front of all Redis nodes.
Same answer as in 5, in the cluster deployment clients should have direct connection to all masters and slaves not through LB or Keepalived.
Not sure I totally understood your question but Redis Cluster is the only solution for Redis that is scalable.
Redis Cluster deployment support multikey operations only when all keys are in the same node. You can use "hash tags" to force multiple keys to be handled by the same master.
Some good links that can help you understand it better:
Description on the different Redis deployment options: https://blog.octo.com/en/what-redis-deployment-do-you-need
Detailed explanation on the architecture of Redis Cluster: https://blog.usejournal.com/first-step-to-redis-cluster-7712e1c31847
I try to use redis for http session data replication. My Use case is as follows:
We have 2 indepentent datacenters(RZ and RR) each of them has 4 tomcat servers.
I have installed redis cluster with sentinel (One Master, 2 slaves and 3 sentinels)on one dedicated server on each datacenter. Each cluster is working as expected.
Now I want to synchrinze data between the 2 Masters nodes (cross-datacenter replication), so if our loadbalancer decide to shwitch from DC RZ(Primary) to DC RR (secondary) session data is available and no session is lost.
I tried to install dynomite framework formy purpose but failling to install it. So My question can redis handle such senario without third party tools such dynomite?
Any Help to achieve the replication between datacenter is very willcome.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you in Advance.
No, Redis does not offer master-master solution. See redis replication and cluster tutorial to understand how redis replication works
Dynomite is brilliant active-active solution, we have been using it for quite sometime.
No, there is no normal way to do this.
Newbie to redis here so please bear with me.
I am looking for a method to have dual datacenter in active-active configuration. My need here is that:
if a datacenter goes down the other datacenter should not need any intervention to carry on working
Networking issues, if they occur, should not prevent one or the other datacenter to fail on set/get redis calls.
Restarting failed datacenter should have a means mirror the working redis' data back before going active
I have been reading up on replication abilities of redis, what I understand is there is
master-slave(s) replication
A cluster can have masters that are sharded
But what I haven't seen is a cluster replicating to another cluster.
Is there a architecture design where all redis in one dc replicate with the other? (Looks like couchbase appears to have this)
I do see a keyspace notifier which can be used in a pub/sub, what i want to know is whether I can use it to pub/sub redis to redis from one dc to the other to act as replication.
When running a single instance redis, I can use "slave of" to create a (or as many I like) readonly replica of this one redis node.
When using redis cluster, I split my Data into Partitons (Masters) and can create a slave for each partition.
Is it possible to treat this cluster as a single instance and connect a "slave of" Slave to this cluster which will hold a replica of all Data in the cluster and not just the partition of the connected node?
If not possible with redis cluster, is this might a working solution when using sentinel?
Our current Problem:
We are using the "slave of" feature together with keepalived to failover our redis instance on an outage of the master.
But we have lots of "slave of" slaves connected to the virtual IP of the failover setup, to deliver cached data.
Now everytime the system fails over (for maintenance reasons e.g.) all connected slaves have a timout for up to 30 seconds, when they have to resync their data with the new master.
We allready played with all possible redis config parameters but can't get this syncing time to be shorter (e.g. by relying on the replication-backlog, which isn't available on the new master after the failover).
Anyone any ideas?
a very good doc here : http://redis.io/presentation/Redis_Cluster.pdf and here http://fr.slideshare.net/NoSQLmatters/no-sql-matters-bcn-2014 (slide #9) or better https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/09/redis-clustering.html
If you want "slave" in Redis cluster mode, you need use replication of all nodes.
Well, I just read this article:
The author used a single master with Redis Cluster, with 2 slaves per master, instead of one, and he let Redis Sentinel take care of the election of a slave to a master when the master is down.
You could play with this setup to see if the election of Master occurs quickly. While it's happening, clients would be served by a slave and should experience no downtime.