HOW TO: FIX ERROR - "the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" - sql

While uploading excel this issue is raising.
I set Application pool 32 bit false and it works fine.
After two weeks it again raising the same issue.

You need to install this 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components
Use this link to download 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity
If this is not what you expected then below link may help you
Solutions for Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 issues


NotesSQL to Notes 9 ODBC Connection resulting in IM005(0)[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed

Every application I use to initiate an ODBC connection that I've created to my IBM Notes 9 DB results in getting an error during connect:
Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed
I have scoured the web trying to correct this and have not been able to find an answer that solves for this issue on my machine. I am able to open and access the Lotus Notes DB within the Notes 9 software. I am able to create the ODBC System DSN and I know that it's connecting to the server properly because all of the available .nsf files populate in the "Database:" dropdown menu when going through the new ODBC connection setup. I am able to see my username which gets populated from my Notes ID file. The issue occurs when I use something to initiate the ODBC connection. I have tried Excel, QlikView, AQT, Teradata SQL Assistant all with the same result. Once I choose the ODBC connection that I've created, and click on "Ok" in each application I've attempted this with, I am met with the same error above.
I used Event Viewer per a suggestion in an older post online and received the message below:
Could not load NSQLE32.EXE. This file must exist in the same directory NSQL32.DLL and NSQLV32.DLL is in. It is possible NSQLE32.EXE could not be loaded because NotesSQL couldn't locate a valid Notes/Domino installation (couldn't find NNOTES.DLL) -- this may be because user (MYUSERID) does not have the correct rights to the Notes/Domino directory. It could also be because NotesSQL can not find your Notes/Domino installation in the Registry. NotesSQL looks for the NNOTES.DLL file by looking in the path pointed to by the following Registry entries -- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lotus\Notes{version}\Path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lotus\Domino{version}\Path. If neither of these registry entries exist or they point to an invalid version of Notes/Domino NotesSQL will not work. To resolve -- please re-install Notes/Domino.
Some notes (no pun intended) and things I've done:
Verified that the DLLs mentioned in Event Viewer do exist in the proper directories.
Run the Nsql_ALM.exe application to configure the NotesSQL driver.
Used the 32-bit ODBC Administrator because my Notes 9 is 32 bit, as well as the driver. The 64 bit driver would not even allow installation (attempted this after hitting this roadblock) but the 32 bit installed successfully.
Modified my System Environment Variable for Path to include the true location to notes.ini, which resides in:
Modified my System Environment Variable for Path to include the location to the NotesSQL driver, which resides in:
Modified my registry to ensure that the appropriate strings exist to reference the proper files:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\Notes\NotesIniPath (to notes.ini)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\9.0\Path (to notes application)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\9.0\DataPath (to notes.ini)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\9.0\Path (to notes application)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\9.0\DataPath (to notes.ini)
Set the NSQLE32.exe application to run in compatibility mode with all other options.
Attempted with everything run as administrator.
Uninstalled both Notes and NotesSQL and reinstalled everything cleanly again.
Attempted a log via Tracing within ODBC Administrator and it will not create a log file when I am attempting the connection. It will populate, however, with all of the system ODBC connections when the calling application attempts a lookup of the existing connections to populate in the dropdown menu. If I start tracing after the dropdown menu has been populated, then attempted the ODBC connection, even multiple times and with multiple versions, a new log file is never created.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Has anybody had this issue and is there something else that I can do in order to fix it?
I was able to correct the issue based on information in the Event Logs (Windows - Application) indicating that the Notes.INI file could not be located. I first added the location of notes.ini to the user and system environment variables, however, the issue persisted. I then moved notes.ini to the c:\NotesSQL folder where database connectivity dll's such as NSQL32.dll are found. This corrected the issue.
The application calling notes is SAP BusinessObjects Edge (Enterprise - Crystal Reports) 4.2 SP07.
notes.ini can not be found - Windows application event log

SSIS: Unable to Read from Excel file from a UNC path when deployed to server

I appear to be unable to get my deployed SSIS package to read from a 1997-2003 Excel file.
I get stuck with the following 2 errors:
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error code: 0x80004005 An OLE DB
record is available. Source Microsoft JET Database Engine, database
engine cannot open the file, it is already opened exclusively by
another user, or you need permission to view its data.
The package itself works with no issues when using SQL data tools on the server logged in as the service account only when deployed to server I see this issue.
To make this issue even more confusing I have setup and tried the following:
Runtime is set to 32 bit on the debugging menu on SQL data tools as well as the job configuration is set to use 32 bit runtime
I am able to UNC to the folder/file when logged in as the SQL service account
Any Ideas?
I figured it out in the end. Turns out I missed a step with the permissions.
Yes the Service account had permissions to the folder but I failed to add read permissions to the file itself.
Thanks for all comments/suggestions.

Unable to create XLS file on web server

We have a WCF application on our web server. One of the service methods in this app creates an Excel XLS file with data and places the file in a directory so the user can down load the file later.
Our problem is that when this app attempts to create the Excel object, we get this error: Error in Create Excel Helper Workbook, and Application: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
failed due to the following error: 8000401a The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password.
This is the line that causes the error:
using EX = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
EX.Application Application = new EX.Application(); //causes error
I did some research and what I have tried is to go into DCOMCNFG - Computers - My Computer - DCOM Config and Right clicked "Microsoft Excel previewer" - properties - Security, then added several groups and users to have Local Launch, Local Activation, etc....
But this did not help. Some of the articles say to choose "Microsoft Excel Application". However, I only see "Microsoft Excel previewer" in my DCOM Config.
Excel is installed on this server but we still have the above problem.
One strange thing is that if I remote into the server, then have my client(browser) on my PC call the service method to create the XLS, this works without a problem.
What do I have to do to resolve this issue?
You can attempt to make this work by setting the IIS AppPool Identity to a user that has interactive logon rights. The interop assemblies actually work by launching an Excel instance on the server and then communicating with it to perform work.
That being said, having gone down this road before, it is a poor solution. The challenges you'll face are as follows:
Issues with DCOM permissions that are difficult to diagnose and resolve (you're running into this now)
Excel processes get spawned on the server and half the time do not close properly, so your application has to be smart enough to go around killing errant Excel processes, or living with the fact that your application is going to leak memory like crazy
It isn't supported or recommended by Microsoft
Office wasn't designed with server-side security considerations in mind
See the following for additional details:

SQL LocalDb Automatic Instance Startup Failure when called from Visual Studio 2013, but not SQL Server Management Studio

Per MSDN Docs:
LocalDB supports two kinds of instances: Automatic instances and Named instances.
I suspect this has something to do with my problem, so I am wondering if anyone knows how something like this gets automatically created. If I can quote from the docs, "One automatic instance of LocalDB exists for every version of LocalDB installed on the user’s computer."
Here is a copy of the relevant section in the above link:
Automatic instances of LocalDB are public. They are created and managed automatically for the user and can be used by any application.
One automatic instance of LocalDB exists for every version of LocalDB
installed on the user’s computer. Automatic instances of LocalDB
provide seamless instance management. There is no need to create the
instance; it just works. This allows for easy application installation
and migration to a different computer.
Different versions of LocalDB will have different instance naming conventions:
SQL 2012 LocalDB = V11.0
SQL 2014 LocalDB = ProjectsV12
I've seen others.
As long as the connecting app's connection string points to the correct instance, all is well:
If I try to connect with SQL Server Management Studio to either instance (localdb)\V11.0 or (localdb)\ProjectsV12, I CAN, the "stopped" server "autostarts".
If I set the SQL Server instance in VS2013 to either instance (localdb)\V11.0 or (localdb)\ProjectsV12, I CANNOT, the "stopped" server "fails" to start. It attempts to start, but fails.
Here is the error message found in the instance error.log indicating why the instance start failed.
014-12-19 15:12:14.09 Logon Error: 17828, Severity: 20, State: 3.
2014-12-19 15:12:14.09 Logon The prelogin packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT: <named pipe>]
I may have found a clue here:
On one of my machines where Automatic Instancing works, the sqllocaldb command outputs following:
C:\>sqllocaldb info v11.0
Name: v11.0
Version: 11.0.3000.0
Shared name:
Owner: AM\Z617699
Auto-create: Yes <-- Yes? - and I have no idea how this is set.
State: Stopped
Last start time: 12/18/2014 5:18:46 PM
Instance pipe name:
On one of my other machines where Automatic Instancing does NOT work, the sqllocaldb command outputs following:
C:\>sqllocaldb info v11.0
Name: v11.0
Version: 11.0.3000.0
Shared name:
Owner: AM\Z617699
Auto-create: No <-- No? - and I have no idea how this is set.
State: Stopped
Last start time: 12/18/2014 5:18:46 PM
Instance pipe name:
I have spent days trying to find the answer to this question. Here is a link to an MSDN forum post that outlines all the unsuccessful steps I have taken to resolve this issue:
The workaround is to just start the instance manually before you start VS2013. I'm just trying to resolve this issue so I can get an "Automatic Instance" image for all our developers.
I hope you just know he answer. :-)
Thanks, Dave
I had the same issue.
I resolved it by deleting and recreating the instance from command line:
Open the command line
Delete the session by typing: sqllocaldb delete "v11.0"
Recreate the instance with: sqllocaldb create "v11.0"
The new instance allows auto creation, and solves the issue.
The solution was taken from:
I had the same problem on VS2015 and SQL2016
the problem my dev station is a laptop, project explorer i think uses tcpip connection, while SQLeplorer local file or so.
It worked after i made sure that SQL used the Network card, and that it had a cable plugged in (so SQL could server the request over TCP using that IP) which it couldnt over wifi (by default?)
I had the same problem. One of the problem may be an older installed version of this product. Try to delete the database instances which are located in the following folder:
SQL Server Local DB\Instances\VeeamEndPoint
After that it works for me!!!

Error Opening CrystalReport viewer

I have this problem which I am trying to debug for a lot of time.
The setup is like this:
i. The application is a Windows application developed using VS2005, .net 2.0.
ii. I use the Cyrstal reports component Crystal Report Viewer and dynamically display various reports in the same form.
iii. The db is SQLSERVER Express 2005 and situated on a different machine.
When I run the application on the db server, I am able to view the report. However, when I run the application on a different machine which is connected to the above dbServer, I get an error. ( I dont get this error on my dev setup)
Source: CrystakReprotViewer.CS:SendDBLogonForReport() Details:Logon failed.
Details: ADO Error Code: 0x
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Invalid Instance()).]Invalid connection.
SQL State: 08001
Native Error:
Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\admin\LOCALS~1\Temp\ActionPoints {52820D22-199C-4D46-A76B-70A55D9F54D5}.rpt:
Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.DatabaseControllerClass.SetTableLocation(ISCRTable CurTable, ISCRTable NewTable)
at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table.set_Location(String value)
at Trivalve.UI.Client.Reports.CrystalViewer.CrystalReportViewer.SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, ReportDocument reportDocument) in D:\Ramjee\Work\Projects\Trivalve\Trivalve\src\tfssetup\2008\Trivalve_2008\Trivalve\Reports\CrystalViewer\CrystalReportViewer.cs:line 127 rptcontrollers.dll SetTableLocation
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Use datasource=servername or ip address\instance name if available,port number
Default port number is 1433 or 1434
My problem was solved with this. Posting for the use of others.
If this is a standard installation of SQL Server Express, bear in mind that the only connection method installed by default is shared memory, and is only available on the server -- you would need to enable another connection protocol such as Named pipes or TCP/IP. To turn networking on, Use SQL Server Configuration Manager to enable relevant protocols and start SQL Browser.
It's telling you exactly what's wrong.
Details:Logon failed.
Great, we can't logon.
(Invalid Instance()).]Invalid
Okay. I bet we have "localhost" as part of the instance name in my connection string. Since I'm no longer on the "localhost", this obviously won't work. Let's try there first. Then perhaps it's the credentials that I'm using to query my database. Usually what I do is create a RO user that can only do selects on my db and use that for CR. If none of these are getting me close, let's try making sure that remote connections are enabled for SQLEXPRESS
Unable to connect: incorrect log on
Ok it's definitely a connection issue.