Catia V5 macro to access axis-system inside a geometric set - vba

Using a Catia V5 macro I want to save axis system and other geometric elements inside a geometic set to a txt file. I'm able to access the geometric elements like points and lines but not the axis system(Shown in image) .
'Procedure to access the geometic elements inside a geometric set
Dim prtDoc As Part
Dim hbds As HybridBodies
Dim hbs As HybridShapes
Set hbs = hbds.GetItem(objSel.Item2(1).Value.Name).HybridShapes
To access a geometric element and get its type
MsgBox TypeName(hbs.Item(i))
But how to access the axis system?

Axis Systems can't be found inside a Geometrical Set by looping through child items via the CATIA API.
A hybridBody (Geometrical Set) only contains HybridShapes, HybridBodies and Sketches.
You can see Lines, Points, and such other items because they are all HybridShapes.
As far as I know, the only way of getting the Axis System object inside a Geometrical Set is through the Selection.Search method.
Assuming you have the CSYS Geometrical Set in your selection, you can do the following:
Dim Selection as INFITF.Selection
Dim AxisSystem as INFITF.AxisSystem
'Initialize Selection and other code here
Selection.Search("'Part Design'.'Axis System';sel")
for i = 1 to Selection.Count2
set AxisSystem = Selection.Item2(i).Value


How do I deactivate and reactivate several geometrical sets and objects automatically?

I wrote a macro that hides everything in several geometrical sets and the objects and geometrical sets in these first sets except one specific branch. I use this for saving a defined object of a huge and complicated specification tree as a STP file. (See attached below.)
(Small complication in this “Hide_and_Save” macro: adding bodies to my hide-selection works well but for my show-selection it didn’t work the same way. Why would this happen?)
I also wrote a macro that does iterative adjustments. For the iterations I use a Do While Loop and some parameters and measurements. To update these values, I have to update the part/object in every cycle. But there are some construction elements that issue errors until the loop is successfully completed. Therefore I deactivate all the geometrical sets that I don’t need for the iterations (inclusively all children) and later I reactivate them manually.
My goal is to improve automation, so I tried to use my “Hide_and_Save” macro for deactivation and reactivation. This didn’t work. When I record the process, each object is listed in a separate line and deactivated. Since there are more than 350 elements, I would like to avoid this.
How do I deactivate all subelements in a geometrical set (preferably with children) without addressing each element individually?
Attribute VB_Name = "Hide_and_Save"
'Title: Hide_and_Save
'Language: catvba
Sub CATMain()
'Select active Part/Document
Dim myDocument As Document
Set myDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim myPart As part
Set myPart = CATIA.ActiveDocument.part
' Enter file path
Dim filepath As String
filepath = InputBox("Please select memory location", "Input filepath", "...")
If filepath = "" Then 'cancle, abort or empty input
MsgBox "No valid input / cancle !"
Exit Sub
End If
' Hide/show Objects of Part/Products and save as STEP
' Update Model
' Deklaration of Selections and Properties
Dim selectionShow, selectionHide As Selection
Set selectionShow = myDocument.Selection
Set selectionHide = myDocument.Selection
Dim visPropertySetShow, visPropertySetHide As VisPropertySet
Set visPropertySetShow = selectionShow.VisProperties
Set visPropertySetHide = selectionHide.VisProperties
' Definition of the collection of geometric sets - HybridBodies
Dim hybridBodiesInPart, hybridBodiesInProcess As HybridBodies
Dim hybridBodiesInRS, hybridBodiesInHuelle As HybridBodies
' Definition of individual geometric sets - HybridBody
Dim hybridBodyInPart, hybridBodyProcess, hybridBodyInProcess As HybridBody
Dim hybridBodyRS, hybridBodyInRS As HybridBody
Dim hybridBodyHuelle, hybridBodyInHuelle As HybridBody
' Definition of the collection of 3D-objects - HybridShapes
Dim hybridShapesInHuelle As HybridShapes
' Definition of individual 3D-objects - HybridShape
Dim hybridShapeInHuelle, hybridShapeForm As HybridShape
' Hide objects
Set hybridBodiesInPart = myPart.HybridBodies
For Each hybridBodyInPart In hybridBodiesInPart
selectionHide.Add hybridBodyInPart
Set hybridBodyProcess = hybridBodiesInPart.Item("Process")
Set hybridBodiesInProcess = hybridBodyProcess.HybridBodies
For Each hybridBodyInProcess In hybridBodiesInProcess
selectionHide.Add hybridBodyInProcess
Set hybridBodyHuelle = hybridBodiesInProcess.Item("Huelle")
Set hybridBodiesInHuelle = hybridBodyHuelle.HybridBodies
For Each hybridBodyInHuelle In hybridBodiesInHuelle
selectionHide.Add hybridBodyInHuelle
Set hybridShapesInHuelle = hybridBodyHuelle.HybridShapes
For Each hybridShapeInHuelle In hybridShapesInHuelle
selectionHide.Add hybridShapeInHuelle
Set hybridShapeForm = hybridShapesInHuelle.Item("Form")
visPropertySetHide.SetShow 1 'hide
' Show objects
selectionShow.Add hybridBodyProcess
selectionShow.Add hybridBodyHuelle
selectionShow.Add hybridShapeForm
visPropertySetShow.SetShow 0 'show
' Data export as STP
stepAnswer = MsgBox("Should the displayed elements be saved as STEP?", 3 + 0, "Export: Form")
If stepAnswer = 6 Then
myDocument.ExportData filepath & "Form" & ".stp", "stp"
ElseIf stepAnswer = 3 Or stepAnswer = 2 Then 'cancle or abort
MsgBox "cancle !"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "Finished !" & vbCrLf & s
End Sub
(Usually I work with Generative Shape Design and use VBA for Macros.)
Each feature has an "Activity" parameter aggregated to it.
Dim oShape as HybridShape
For Each oShape In oGS.HybridShapes
Dim oActivity as Parameter
Set oActivity = oPart.Parameters.SubList(oShape,False).Item("Activity")
Call oActivity.ValuateFromString("False")
Let me add that screwing with Activity of features is not a best practice. I NEVER do this myself. If you have access KBE (Specifically Knowledge Advisor Workbench) you can probably do what you want with Rules/Actions/Reactions, less coding and have a more robust model in the end.

FTA Catia R24 Associative Front view (VBA)

does anyone know how to create Associative Front View in FTA using VBA. I have short macro to create Front View based on the geometry from 3D but this view is isolated and I must manually change it to Associative.
What I would like to have is Associative View created by macro. It is first step to perform macro for power copy.
Bellow my code.
Sub CATMain()
Dim partDocument1 As PartDocument
Set partDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim part1 As PART
Set part1 = partDocument1.PART
'Create Annotation Set
Dim annotationSet1 As AnnotationSet
Set annotationSet1 = part1.AnnotationSets.Add("ISO")
'Debug.Print annotationSet1.Name
Dim theViewFactory As TPSViewFactory
Set theViewFactory = annotationSet1.TPSViewFactory
'Create reference plane from selection
Dim ViewPlane As Reference
Set Selection = partDocument1.Selection
Selection.Search ("name='Plane.6',all") 'Search plane by name
Set ViewPlane = Selection.Item(1).Value 'Set plane from selection
'Create Front View
Dim theView As TPSView
Set theView = theViewFactory.CreateView(ViewPlane, 0)
theView.Name = "FrontView"
'Create dimension
End Sub
As far I my knowlodge on Catia API go, it is not possible to associate a view using the API.
Also, using Win32 to perform clicks on buttons/comboboxes from handles will not work because to associate the view to a plane/surface you will need to perform a click on the desired location using the Catia User Interface.
the TPSView object on the API is probably one of the worse ones ever exposed, it doesn't have any property. Also, the TPSViewFactory and TPSViews don't have any usefull method to manager views.
So, the short answer is no, you can't do that.

catia vba Drafting sheet format frame display

I have a little macro that adds a new sheet to a drawing intended for creating a .dxf file for the laser cut-out of sheet-metal parts.
Sub CATMain()
Dim drawingDocument1 As DrawingDocument
Set drawingDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim drawingSheets1 As DrawingSheets
Set drawingSheets1 = drawingDocument1.Sheets
Dim drawingSheet1 As DrawingSheet
Set drawingSheet1 = drawingSheets1.Add("Laser")
drawingSheet1.PaperSize = catPaperA0
drawingSheet1.[Scale] = 1#
drawingSheet1.Orientation = catPaperLandscape
CATIA.StartCommand "Unfolded View"
End Sub
I'd like to make an addition to this macro where it removes the border of the sheet format.
The manual method of doing this is shown in the following screenshot:
So I either need to find a VBA command to untick that box, or a command to use Sheet Style "NoBorderTest" (as seen in the screenshot).
I couldn't find a way to do either, any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to accomplish exactly the same thing you are, I'm making drawings that contain a view scaled 1:1 that can be exported as a DXF for 3 axis machining. The format is very annoying, it makes it difficult to see the part profile if its size is similar to the paper dimensions. The drawing format "shadow" hides the geometry.
The work around that I came up with was to set the paper height and paper width to very small numbers, 0.0000001 seemed to work fine. The paper height and paper width properties are exposed APIs that you can work with:
Dim DXFRoot As DrawingRoot = DXFRepRef.GetItem("CATDrawingAccess")
Dim DXFSheets As DrawingSheets = DXFRoot.Sheets
Dim DXFSheet As DrawingSheet = DXFSheets.ActiveSheet
DXFSheet.PaperSize = CatPaperSize.catPaperUser
DXFSheet.Scale = 1

Referencing Charts By Name Only in PowerPoint VBA

I have been searching for hours to try to find the answer to this question, but to no avail, so I'm hoping I can find the answer here.
I want to create a variable that refers to a pre-existing chart in PowerPoint so I can start automating its data. I want to refer to the chart by its name to make things very easy, but no matter what I do I cannot seem to give PPT a satisfactory Chart address.
I have tried almost every possible variation of the below, but without success:
Dim chrtPP As PowerPoint.Chart
Set chrtPP = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Charts("Chart3")
Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
You need to reference the shape by name (a 'Shape" in PowerPoint is actually any object that is on a slide and can be a simple shape, textbox, table, chart, group, media clip etc.). If you're on PowerPoint 2010 and higher, press Alt+F10 to open the selection pane to find the name of the selected chart object. It may be a standard chart object or a chart within a placeholder object. You can then reference the chart as follows:
Option Explicit
Sub ChartStuff()
Dim oShp As Shape
Dim oCht As Chart
Set oShp = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("Chart 3")
If oShp.HasChart Then
Set oCht = oShp.Chart
End If
' Do stuff with your chart
If oCht.HasTitle Then Debug.Print oCht.ChartTitle.Text
' Clean up
Set oShp = Nothing
Set oCht = Nothing
End Sub
The key in programming PowerPoint is to ignore the object name in the Object Model for 'Shape' as it's very misleading!

Change cut view text in CATIA

I'm currently working with CATIA V5, and I want to use Macros (VBA), but I have some problems!
My question is: how to change the text of a cut view? (see the picture)
I tried to use : myView.Texts.item(1) to access to this "text" but I think that CATIA dont consider it as text...
I want to change this text without the intervention of the user ( without selections), can I do that?
IME, VBA scripting in drafting workbench is quite tricky at first..."MyTexts" is a collection of DrawingText objects.
MyDrawingText.Text = "MyNewTextValue"
The main trouble you will have is getting a handle on the specific text object that you want to modify. I found that the best way around this is to either scan the entire DrawingTexts collection in the DrawingView, and apply a unique name, DrawingText.Name="UniqueObjectName", or you create the drawing text from the script and you can more easily get a handle on the DrawingText object to put whatever value you want in there. Creating Unique Names makes your drawing more robust for future scripting
MyView.Texts.Count will also be useful to get the item number if the last created DrawingText object(s).
I'm happy to further explain if you need. Good luck!
As mentioned above, scripting with the drafting workbench is not always straight forward. It turns out that the callout texts do not exactly live in the DrawingTexts collection of a DrawingView, but they do live somewhere inside the drawing view...In this case, you're trying to edit the "ID" of the section view..That property isn't exposed through VBA either.
There is a hack/work-around which is to search the parent view for drawing texts and and then with some logic, which you'll need to come up with, scan the Selection for the texts you want to change. You should rename then while you're at it, this way it's easier to come back and find them again.
Here's an example starting with an Object Resolution of the Front View (the parent view of the section view)
Sub ChangeCallout()
'---- Begin resolution script for object : Front View
Dim drawingDocument1 As DrawingDocument
Set drawingDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim drawingSheets1 As DrawingSheets
Set drawingSheets1 = drawingDocument1.Sheets
Dim drawingSheet1 As DrawingSheet
Set drawingSheet1 = drawingSheets1.Item("Sheet.1")
Dim drawingViews1 As DrawingViews
Set drawingViews1 = drawingSheet1.Views
Dim drawingView1 As DrawingView
Set drawingView1 = drawingViews1.Item("Front view") 'this is the parent view of the section view
'---- End resolution script
Dim sel As Selection
Set sel = drawingDocument1.Selection
Dim CalloutText As drawingText
sel.Clear 'clear the selection / good practice
sel.Add drawingView1 'add the parent view to the selection
sel.Search "Drafting.Text,sel" 'this will search the current selection for all drawing texts and add them to the selection
Dim thing As Variant
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To sel.Count
Set thing = sel.Item2(i)
Set CalloutText = thing.Value
'do some things/logic here to determine if this is a callout with some Ifs or Case statements
'CalloutText.Name = "Useful Unique Name"
'CalloutText.Text = "New Callout Label" 'whatever you want to rename it to
End Sub
the text of the cut view is defined by the view name, to change it you should change the view name as describe bellow:
Sub CATMain()
Dim oDraw As DrawingDocument
Set oDraw = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim oSectionView As DrawingView
Set oSectionView = oDraw.Sheets.ActiveSheet.Views.ActiveView
oSectionView.SetViewName "Prefix ", "B", " Suffix"
End Sub
For scanning through the callout texts you can use below lines.
This would select the texts belonging to only callout and doesn't scan through all texts.
Sub CATMain()
Dim drawingDocument1 As Document
Set drawingDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Dim selection1 As Selection
Set selection1 = drawingDocument1.Selection
selection1.Search "CATDrwSearch.DrwCallout,all"
selection1.Search "Drafting.Text,sel"
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To selection1.Count
MsgBox selection1.Item(i).Value.text
End Sub