Entity Framework Query using Contains with mulitple options - sql

Using entity framework to return a list of people where the forename contains text in a string array.
Let's say:
string[] search = new string[] { "bert", "rob" };
and query
dataContext.People.Where(w => search.Any(a => w.Forename.Contains(a)));
This compiles and works BUT the process is actually calling all records from the database and then performing my where clause on the returned data. This makes sense.
Is there a way to rewrite the query so the where clause is generated in SQL?

I assume that dataContext.People is an IQueryable from the DbSet and that there is no materialization instruction involved such as ToList() or AsEnumerable().
the answer is here: http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx
in your case:
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<People>();
foreach (string keyword in keywords)
string temp = keyword;
predicate = predicate.Or (p => p.Forename.Contains (temp));
dataContext.People.Where (predicate);

One way to do this is to use SqlQuery and perform and actual SQL query.
dataContext.Database.SqlQuery<People>("SELECT Forename, Lastname FROM myTable WHERE Forename LIKE '%bert%' or Forename LIKE '%rob%'");


How can I use a method to add a filter on a property in Entity Framework Core?

I need to conditionally add a filter to particular dates in a query. There are common preconditions and the filter will be the same. Therefore I would like the common code to be in a method which can perform these checks and then have the consumer pass in the property which the filter should be applied to (could be applied to multiple).
Here is a simplified version of my code.
var query = dbContext.Documents.AsQueryable();
query = FilterDocumentsByDate(query, x => x.CreatedDate);
query = FilterDocumentsByDate(query, x => x.SubmittedDate);
private IQueryable<Document> FilterDocumentsByDate(IQueryable<Document> query, Func<Document, DateTime> propertyToSearch)
query = query.Where(x => propertyToSearch(x).Year > 2000);
return query;
When I look at the query in SQL profiler, I can see that the query is missing the WHERE clause (so all documents are being retrieved and the filter is being done in memory). If I copy/paste the code inline for both dates (instead of calling the method twice) then the WHERE clause for the both dates are included in the query.
Is there no way to add a WHERE condition to an IQueryable by passing a property in a Func which can be properly translated to SQL by Entity Framework?
EF is unable to understand your query, so it breaks and executes WHERE clause in memory.
The solution is creating dynamic expressions.
var query = dbContext.Documents.AsQueryable();
query = FilterDocumentsByDate(query, x => x.CreatedDate.Year);
query = FilterDocumentsByDate(query, x => x.SubmittedDate.Year);
private IQueryable<Document> FilterDocumentsByDate(IQueryable<Document> query, Expression<Func<Document, int>> expression)
var parameter = expression.Parameters.FirstOrDefault();
Expression comparisonExpression = Expression.Equal(expression.Body, Expression.Constant(2000));
Expression<Func<Document, bool>> exp = Expression.Lambda<Func<Document, bool>>(comparisonExpression, parameter);
query = query.Where(exp);
return query;
I am sorry, I haven't run this myself, but this should create WHERE statement. Let me know how it goes.

SQL 'comment' that can be read in a sql profiler

I've tried several methods such as using double hyphens, i.e. --THIS IS A COMMENT but when the executed sql is read in a profiler the comment is stripped out leaving only raw SQL that is being performed.
I want to do this to enable rapid identification of queries and their origins when looking at a SQL Profilers output that has over 8000 entries per minute,
so something like
--Method signature and an application name
--MyMethod(string username) in MyFunkyAppName.
I'm using EntityFramework 4.3 which complicates things even further with linq to entities and a smattering of linq to sql thrown in for good measure.
EDIT: I'm aware of solutions to add a dodgy where clause or use anonymous properties to identify things such as Clever tricks to find specific LINQ queries in SQL Profiler but I'm hoping for a far less hacky approach or perhaps a generic one.
Here is an extension method you can use to tag your Entity Framework queries. It uses the WHERE clause, but shouldn't impair performance.
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static IQueryable<T> SetQueryName<T>(this IQueryable<T> source,
[CallerMemberName] String name = null,
[CallerFilePath] String sourceFilePath = "",
[CallerLineNumber] Int32 sourceLineNumber = 0)
var expr = Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Constant("Query name: " + name), Expression.Constant(null));
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "param");
var criteria1 = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, Boolean>>(expr, param);
expr = Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Constant($"Source: {sourceFilePath} ({sourceLineNumber})"), Expression.Constant(null));
var criteria2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, Boolean>>(expr, param);
return source.Where(criteria1).Where(criteria2);
Here is how to use it:
context.Table1.SetQueryName().Where(x => x.C1 > 4)
It will use the calling method name as the query name.
You can specify another name like this:
context.Table1.SetQueryName("Search for numbers > 4").Where(x => x.Number > 4)
Here is how the SQL will look like:
[Extent1].[Number] AS [Number]
[Table1].[Number] AS [Number]
FROM [dbo].[Table1] AS [Table1]) AS [Extent1]
(N'Query name: Search for numbers > 4' IS NOT NULL)
(N'Source: C:\Code\Projects\MyApp\Program.cs (49)' IS NOT NULL)
AND ([Extent1].[Number] > 4)

Selecting specific columns using linq: What gets transferred?

I refer to this example: Return selected specified columns
If BlobDetails isn't the LINQ entity, then you can do it directly:
var qry = from b in dc.Blobs
orderby b.RowVersion descending
select new BlobDetails {
Id = b.Id, Size = b.Size,
Signature = b.Signature, RowVersion = b.RowVersion};
return qry.ToList();
I see that they are selecting specific column in a query through the ORM-tool LINQ TO SQL.
Critics of ORM-tools say that, if I remember correctly, that ORM-tools select and return entire objects from the table, and limits the options of selecting only specific columns as one can do through classic SQL-programming. Of course, I have my doubts about that when I see this example, but nevertheless, I still keep asking myself the question: Does the database return only the selected columns, or does it return the entire objects, leaving the column-filtering to the ORM-tool?
From this example, they also have a class called Blobdetails:
public class BlobDetails
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Signature { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public System.Data.Linq.Binary RowVersion { get; set; }
Do I need to create my own classes everytime I only wish to select a few columns from a table through LINQ?
You don't need to create new classes to select few columns from a table. You can use anonymous types for that.
var qry = from b in dc.Blobs
orderby b.RowVersion descending
select new { b.Id, b.Size, b.Signature, b.RowVersion};
return qry.ToList();
Only selected columns are transferred. There is no difference between using plain SQL and using LINQ to SQL. When you are executing LINQ query, it is converted to plain SQL and executed. Then result is mapped to your objects.
You can use SQL Server Profiler to see what query was generated and executed on server. Also you can use LINQPad to see what SQL will be generated from your query. In your case query will be same either you use BlobDetails or anonymous object:
SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[Size], [t0].[Signature], [t0].[RowVersion]
FROM [Blobs] AS [t0]
ORDER BY [t0].[RowVersion] DESC
when you do projections LINQ does indeed only select those columns and there is nothing preventing you from materializing it however you want. So in your example code
select new BlobDetails
Id = b.Id,
Size = b.Size,
Signature = b.Signature,
RowVersion = b.RowVersion
Only b.id, b.size, b.signature, & b.rowversion are selected. You can verify this with sql profiler or your debugger, I seem to recall there is also a function you can call on the datacontext to get the last query that was ran.
I think that the answer to your first question is already in the POST you mentioned. However...
If your BlobDetails is not LINQ entity you can simply use it in your select statement to define (shrink) your projection attributes. For example:
var qry = from b in dc.Blobs
select new BlobDetails { Id = b.Id, Size = b.Size }
would compile to SQL query like SELECT Id, Size FROM Blob ....
But if BlobDetails is LINQ entity you will need to use that AsEnumerable() hack otherwise you will get NotSupportedException: Explicit construction of entity type in query is not allowed.
var qry = from b in dc.Blobs.AsEnumerable()
select new BlobDetails { Id = b.Id, Size = b.Size }
As #Chris Pitman stated in his comment this AsEnumerable() approach could create serious bottleneck, beacause the whole table would be loaded in memory before applying the projection. So it is not recommended!
To your second question:
You will need to create custom class for objects that you want use easily outside the scope of the method. Properties of an anonymous object are visible only in the scope, where they have been declared and anonymous objects can be cast only to type object.
So if you want to return anonymous objects from method the return type would has to be an enumerable of object or dynamic as #xeondev stated in his comment.
There's no need to create your own classes, you can return an anonymous type. You can write something like this
var qry = from b in dc.Blobs
orderby b.RowVersion descending
select new {
Id = b.Id, Size = b.Size,
Signature = b.Signature, RowVersion = b.RowVersion};
return qry.ToList();
Although the signature of the method should look to something like this
public IEnumerable<object> GetItems()
public dynamic GetItems()
So if you are going to use the result of linq query in outer scope like you example suggest, it is highly recommended you create your own classes.

How to build the correct LINQ query (generate OR instead of AND)

I need some help in building the correct query. I have an Employees table. I need to get a list of all employees, that EENO (Employee ID) contains a string from a supplied array of partial Employee IDs.
When I use this code
// IEnumerable<string> employeeIds is a collection of partial Employee IDs
IQueryable<Employee> query = Employees;
foreach (string id in employeeIds)
query = query.Where(e => e.EENO.Contains(id));
return query;
I will get something like:
FROM Employees
WHERE EENO LIKE '%1111111%'
AND EENO LIKE '%2222222%'
AND EENO LIKE '%3333333%'
AND EENO LIKE '%4444444%'
Which doesn't make sense.
I need "OR" instead of "AND" in resulting SQL.
Thank you!
This code I wrote using PredicateBuilder works perfectly when I need to include these employees.
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Employee>();
foreach (string id in employeeIds)
var temp = id;
predicate = predicate.Or(e => e.EENO.Contains(temp));
var query = Employees.Where(predicate);
Now, I need to write an opposite code, to exclude these employees,
here it is but it is not working: the generated SQL is totally weird.
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<Employee>();
foreach (string id in employeeIds)
var temp = id;
predicate = predicate.And(e => !e.EENO.Contains(temp)); // changed to "And" and "!"
var query = Employees.Where(predicate);
return query;
It's supposed to generate SQL Where clause like this one:
AND NOT LIKE '%22222%'
AND NOT LIKE '%33333%'
But it's not happening
The SQL generated is this: http://i.imgur.com/9MDP7.png
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Instead of the foreach, just build the IQueryable once:
query = query.Where(e => employeeIds.Contains(e.EENO));
I'd take a look at http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx. This has a great way of building Or queries, and is written by the guy that wrote LinqPad. The above link also has examples of usage.
I believe you can use Any():
var query = Employees.Where(emp => employeeIds.Any(id => id.Contains(emp.EENO)));
If you don't want to use a predicate builder, then the only other option is to UNION each of the collections together on an intermediate query:
// IEnumerable<string> employeeIds is a collection of partial Employee IDs
IQueryable<Employee> query = Enumerable.Empty<Employee>().AsQueryable();
foreach (string id in employeeIds)
string tempID = id;
query = query.Union(Employees.Where(e => e.EENO.Contains(tempID));
return query;
Also keep in mind that closure rules are going to break your predicate and only end up filtering on your last criteria. That's why I have the tempID variable inside the foreach loop.
EDIT: So here's the compendium of all the issues you've run across:
Generate ORs instead of ANDS
Done, using PredicateBuilder.
Only last predicate is being applied
Addressed by assigning a temp variable in your inner loop (due to closure rules)
Exclusion predicates not working
You need to start with the correct base case. When you use ORs, you need to make sure you start with the false case first, that way you only include records where AT LEAST ONE predicate matches (otherwise doesn't return anything). The reason for this is that the base case should just get ignored for purposes of evaluation. In other words false || predicate1 || predicate2 || ... really is just predicate1 || predicate2 || ... because you're looking for at least one true in your list of predicates (and you just need a base to build on). The opposite applies to the AND case. You start with true so that it gets "ignored" for purposes of evaluation, but you still need a base case. In other words: true && predicate1 && ... is the same as predicate1 && .... Hope that addresses your last issue.

Optional parameter with setParameterList in HQL

I have a query with optional parameter
"SELECT ClinicId,Name from Clinic where :ClinicIds is NULL OR ClinicId IN :ClinicIds"
List<int> ClinicIds = null;
I'm passing the parameter as following
q.SetParameterList("ClinicIds", ClinicIds);
Because ClinicId is an optional parameter. If I pass null to SetParameterList I'm getting exception. Any idea how I can pass an optional parameter(null value) to SetParameterList.
Rather than using HQL, use a Criteria query. Its designed to be more programmatic than HQL, in that you use straight Java code to assemble your query, which enables you to use if-then logic. So, instead of either concatenating HQL, or having two different HQL queries which you need to independently maintain, you have one Criteria query which accounts for both situations. Example:
//SELECT ClinicId,Name from Clinic where :ClinicIds is NULL OR ClinicId IN :ClinicIds
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Clinic.class);
if(ClinicIds == null) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("ClinicId", null));
} else {
Restrictions.eq("ClinicId", null),
criteria.add(Restrictions.in("ClinicId", ClinicIds));
return criteria.list();
You can't. That would generate invalid SQL.
You need to change the HQL depending on whether there are ClinicIds.
I did it like:
"SELECT ClinicId,Name from Clinic where -1 in (:ClinicIds) OR ClinicId IN :ClinicIds"
if(ClinicIds == null or ClinicIds.isEmpty()){
ClinicIds = new List<int>();
q.SetParameterList("ClinicIds", ClinicIds);
just a trick