Falcon for building API - api

How do I obtain the req in falcon as json and not string as seperate key value pairs.
If {"a:213","b":32435}
How do i make sure a is passed and then obtain value of a

I hope following code will help you.
json_data = json.loads(req.stream.read())
value_a = json_data['a']
except KeyError as k:
print 'a is not passed'

Not sure if that's what you asked, but you can transform you raw request (req) to json by using:
if req.content_length:
doc = json.load(req.stream)

I think following code will help you:
json_data = json.loads(req.stream.read())
OR if you want to specify specific encoding format of input data.
json_data = json.loads(req.stream.read().decode('utf8'))
Please let me know you need further clarification.

stream = req.bounded_stream.read()
stream = req.stream.read()
I created a BodyParser class as a middleware:
class BodyParser(object):
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.ctx = ctx
def process_request(self, req, resp):
if req.method.upper() in ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH']:
stream = req.stream.read()
if not stream:
req.context['body'] = None
req.context['body'] = json.loads(stream)
Hope it helps

after you translate the req/resp into JSON with:
you can look at the output as a regular dictionary.


Flask - How can I use my functions on the URL

I'm starting to learn Flask and maybe I'm just using the wrong words to search, but here's the problem.
I have this class:
class Video(Resource):
def get(self, video_id):
result = VideoModel.query.filter_by(id=video_id).first()
if not result:
abort(404, message="Could not find video with that id")
return result
def put(self, video_id):
args = video_put_args.parse_args()
result = VideoModel.query.filter_by(id=video_id).first()
if result:
abort(409, message="Video id taken...")
video = VideoModel(id=video_id, name=args['name'], views=args['views'], likes=args['likes'])
return video, 201
def patch(self, video_id):
args = video_update_args.parse_args()
result = VideoModel.query.filter_by(id=video_id).first()
if not result:
abort(404, message="Video doesn't exist, cannot update")
if args['name']:
result.name = args['name']
if args['views']:
result.views = args['views']
if args['likes']:
result.likes = args['likes']
return result
And I'm trying to make so when I have an URL like, I can use the funtion from the URL by typing it. Is there any way to do this? Thanks in advance!

django rest framework test code self.client.delete problem

from rest_framework import status, response
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase
from lots.models import Lot
class LotsTestCase(APITestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
self.lot = Lot.objects.create(name="1",
address="Dont Know",
def test_delete(self):
response = self.client.delete(f'api/lots/{self.lot["name"]}')
# response = self.client.delete(f'/api/users/{self.users[0].pk}')
# url = reverse(f'/api/lots/{self.lot}', kwargs={'pk': self.lot.pk})
# self.client.delete(url)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
I have problems with the test code above. Why doesn't it work? I know it has to do with calling dictionary values but I just can't figure it out. Thanks for your help.
Lot.objects.create(...) returns a Lot type so you access name by self.lot.name.

how to get response from qna maker in rasa chatbot?

I migrated my luis to rasa as per mentioned in https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/migrate-from/microsoft-luis-to-rasa/.
I have a python code which fetches answer from a QnA Maker knowledge base and gives result in json format.
Now my work is rasa has to take the result of the python code and give that result as response of the chatbot.
How can I do that?
Where should I deploy this python code?
Below is my python code.
v1 = 'where is germanium'
def conference_room():
import http.client, urllib.parse, json, time, sys
host = "newbot.azurewebsites.net"
endpoint_key = "xxxxxxxx-8xxe-xxxx-9xx2-7cxx4fxxxxx"
route = "/qnamaker/knowledgebases/xxxx052f-4xxa-xx7d-xxxx-4xxadxxxxxx/generateAnswer"
q1 = {'question':v1}
question = str(q1)
headers = {
'Authorization': 'EndpointKey ' + endpoint_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host,port=443)
conn.request ("POST", route, question, headers)
response = conn.getresponse ()
answer = response.read ()
print(json.dumps(json.loads(answer), indent=4))
except :
print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[1])
You can implement this as a https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/core/actions/#custom-actions . Using rasa-sdk, you would need to define an action that executes dispatcher.utter_message(<your formatted output here>) as part of its run method.

Combine two TTS outputs in a single mp3 file not working

I want to combine two requests to the Google cloud text-to-speech API in a single mp3 output. The reason I need to combine two requests is that the output should contain two different languages.
Below code works fine for many language pair combinations, but unfortunately not for all. If I request e.g. a sentence in English and one in German and combine them everything works. If I request one in English and one in Japanes I can't combine the two files in a single output. The output only contains the first sentence and instead of the second sentence, it outputs silence.
I tried now multiple ways to combine the two outputs but the result stays the same. The code below should show the issue.
Please run the code first with:
python synthesize_bug.py --t1 'Hallo' --code1 de-De --t2 'August' --code2 de-De
This works perfectly.
python synthesize_bug.py --t1 'Hallo' --code1 de-De --t2 'こんにちは' --code2 ja-JP
This doesn't work. The single files are ok, but the combined files contain silence instead of the Japanese part.
Also, if used with two Japanes sentences everything works.
I already filed a bug report at Google with no response yet, but maybe it's just me who is doing something wrong here with encoding assumptions. Hope someone has an idea.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
# [START tts_synthesize_text_file]
def synthesize_text_file(text1, text2, code1, code2):
"""Synthesizes speech from the input file of text."""
from apiclient.discovery import build
import base64
service = build('texttospeech', 'v1beta1')
collection = service.text()
data1 = {}
data1['input'] = {}
data1['input']['ssml'] = '<speak><break time="2s"/></speak>'
data1['voice'] = {}
data1['voice']['ssmlGender'] = 'FEMALE'
data1['voice']['languageCode'] = code1
data1['audioConfig'] = {}
data1['audioConfig']['speakingRate'] = 0.8
data1['audioConfig']['audioEncoding'] = 'MP3'
request = collection.synthesize(body=data1)
response = request.execute()
audio_pause = base64.b64decode(response['audioContent'].decode('UTF-8'))
raw_pause = response['audioContent']
ssmlLine = '<speak>' + text1 + '</speak>'
data1 = {}
data1['input'] = {}
data1['input']['ssml'] = ssmlLine
data1['voice'] = {}
data1['voice']['ssmlGender'] = 'FEMALE'
data1['voice']['languageCode'] = code1
data1['audioConfig'] = {}
data1['audioConfig']['speakingRate'] = 0.8
data1['audioConfig']['audioEncoding'] = 'MP3'
request = collection.synthesize(body=data1)
response = request.execute()
# The response's audio_content is binary.
with open('output1.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "output1.mp3"')
audio_text1 = base64.b64decode(response['audioContent'].decode('UTF-8'))
raw_text1 = response['audioContent']
ssmlLine = '<speak>' + text2 + '</speak>'
data2 = {}
data2['input'] = {}
data2['input']['ssml'] = ssmlLine
data2['voice'] = {}
data2['voice']['ssmlGender'] = 'MALE'
data2['voice']['languageCode'] = code2 #'ko-KR'
data2['audioConfig'] = {}
data2['audioConfig']['speakingRate'] = 0.8
data2['audioConfig']['audioEncoding'] = 'MP3'
request = collection.synthesize(body=data2)
response = request.execute()
# The response's audio_content is binary.
with open('output2.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "output2.mp3"')
audio_text2 = base64.b64decode(response['audioContent'].decode('UTF-8'))
raw_text2 = response['audioContent']
result = audio_text1 + audio_pause + audio_text2
with open('result.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "result.mp3"')
raw_result = raw_text1 + raw_pause + raw_text2
with open('raw_result.mp3', 'wb') as out:
print('Audio content written to file "raw_result.mp3"')
# [END tts_synthesize_text_file]ls
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
args = parser.parse_args()
synthesize_text_file(args.t1, args.t2, args.code1, args.code2)
You can find the answer here:
Short answer: It's not clear why it is not working, but Google suggests a workaround to first write the files as .wav, combine and then re-encode the result to mp3.
I have managed to do this in NodeJS with just one function (idk how optimal is it, but at least it works). Maybe you could take inspiration from it
I have used memory-streams dependency from npm
var streams = require('memory-streams');
function mergeAudios(audios) {
var reader = new streams.ReadableStream();
var writer = new streams.WritableStream();
audios.forEach(element => {
if (element instanceof streams.ReadableStream) {
else {
return reader
Input parameter is a list which contain ReadableStream or responce.audioContent from synthesizeSpeech operation. If it is readablestream, it uses pipe operation, if it is audiocontent, it uses write method. At the end all content is passed into an readabblestream.

apollo-upload-client and graphene-django

I have a question about using apollo-upload-client and graphene-django. Here I've discovered that apollo-upload-client adding operations to formData. But here graphene-django is only trying to get query parameter. And the question is, where and how it should be fixed?
If you're referring to the data that has a header like (when viewing the HTTP from Chrome tools):
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="operations"
and data like
{"operationName":"MyMutation","variables":{"myData"....}, "query":"mutation MyMutation"...},
the graphene-python library interprets this and assembles it into a query for you, inserting the variables and removing the file data from the query. If you are using Django, you can find all of the uploaded files in info.context.FILES when writing a mutation.
Here's my solution to support the latest apollo-upload-client (8.1). I recently had to revisit my Django code when I upgraded from apollo-upload-client 5.x to 8.x. Hope this helps.
Sorry I'm using an older graphene-django but hopefully you can update the mutation syntax to the latest.
Upload scalar type (passthrough, basically):
class Upload(Scalar):
'''A file upload'''
def serialize(value):
raise Exception('File upload cannot be serialized')
def parse_literal(node):
raise Exception('No such thing as a file upload literal')
def parse_value(value):
return value
My upload mutation:
class UploadImage(relay.ClientIDMutation):
class Input:
image = graphene.Field(Upload, required=True)
success = graphene.Field(graphene.Boolean)
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, input, context, info):
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp:
for chunk in input['image'].chunks():
image_file = tmp.name
# do something with image_file
return UploadImage(success=True)
The heavy lifting happens in a custom GraphQL view. Basically it injects the file object into the appropriate places in the variables map.
def maybe_int(s):
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return s
class CustomGraphqlView(GraphQLView):
def parse_request_json(self, json_string):
request_json = json.loads(json_string)
if self.batch:
assert isinstance(request_json,
list), ('Batch requests should receive a list, but received {}.').format(
assert len(request_json) > 0, ('Received an empty list in the batch request.')
assert isinstance(request_json, dict), ('The received data is not a valid JSON query.')
return request_json
except AssertionError as e:
raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest(str(e)))
except BaseException:
logger.exception('Invalid JSON')
raise HttpError(HttpResponseBadRequest('POST body sent invalid JSON.'))
def parse_body(self, request):
content_type = self.get_content_type(request)
if content_type == 'application/graphql':
return {'query': request.body.decode()}
elif content_type == 'application/json':
return self.parse_request_json(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
elif content_type in ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data']:
operations_json = request.POST.get('operations')
map_json = request.POST.get('map')
if operations_json and map_json:
operations = self.parse_request_json(operations_json)
map = self.parse_request_json(map_json)
for file_id, f in request.FILES.items():
for name in map[file_id]:
segments = [maybe_int(s) for s in name.split('.')]
cur = operations
while len(segments) > 1:
cur = cur[segments.pop(0)]
cur[segments.pop(0)] = f
logger.info('parse_body %s', operations)
return operations
return request.POST
return {}