Type Mismatch that is normally matched [duplicate] - vba

In some of my column's cells there appear #VALUE! words and formulas inside are as follows example:
Mentioned column is CT. Now when i am trying to loop through the cells when it comes to first occurence of #VALUE! i get an error:
Run Time Error 13, Type mismatch on this line:
L = 9
Do While Cells(L, "CT").Value <> "" '<========= HERE AN ERROR
L = L + 8
How to fix that?

Cells doesn't take any String parameter, the type mismatch error you're getting has nothing to do with #VALUE / the data being processed - because the code never gets to evaluate the data, since Cells wants two Integer parameters: dang this bites me everytime - apparently you can use string parameters in the Cells function. Ugh.
So the problem is with comparing the value to "" - a string. #VALUE! isn't a valid string function so you need to account for it:
Dim theCell As Range
Set theCell = Cells(L, "CT")
If Not IsError(theCell.Value) Then
Do While Not IsEmpty(theCell.Value)
L = L + 8
End If
You might also want to correctly qualify that function call:
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Cells(L, "CT").Value)
That way it's explicit that you're looking at a cell in the active worksheet; an unqualified call is implicitly doing that, and anything implicit is potentially confusing and bug-prone.
Make sure the top of the module says Option Explicit and that L is properly declared:
Dim L As Long
"L" being a meaningless identifier, you should consider naming it after what you're using it for:
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = 9
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, "CT"))
That way your code becomes much easier to read, follow and understand.


Indexing through an array by column number

I've looked up info with regards to column attributes. I'm trying to perform some insertions and copying of information within an array. The crux of my issue is that I want o nest some actions within a loop, so I need to index the column by a number not letter.
The first thing I do is find a starting point based upon a header name:
Dim EnvCondCol As String
Dim EnvCondColN As Long
Dim lColVVS As Integer
lColVVS = VET_VS.UsedRange.Columns.Count ' finds last column
For n = 1 To lColVVS
If UCase(VET_VS.Cells(3, n).Value) Like "*ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION*" Then ' All Caps when using "like"
EnvCondCol = Split(VET_VS.Cells(3, n).Address, "$")(1)
EnvCondColN = Range(EnvCondCol & 1).Column
Exit For
End If
Next n
This works and when I watch EnvCondCol and EnvCondColN is can see EnvCondCol = "I" and EnvCondColN = "9"
Eventually, I want to insert a new column, and this line generates a syntax error:
When I watch EnvCondColN, it is a number, and I have tried changing the dim to other types, such as integer
Also elsewhere, I want to copy information from a cell into another cell from within a loop. This generates a syntax error.
VET_VS.Range(Columns.(EnvCondColN + i)).Copy VET_VS.Range(Columns.(EnvCondColN + j))
If I replace EnvCondColN with a value like 5, then this works. Example: VET_VS.Range(Columns.(5)).EntireColumn.Insert
Why isn't the variable working as a column reference??
Thank you all for looking!

VBA Run Time Error 13 Type Mismatch #VALUE

In some of my column's cells there appear #VALUE! words and formulas inside are as follows example:
Mentioned column is CT. Now when i am trying to loop through the cells when it comes to first occurence of #VALUE! i get an error:
Run Time Error 13, Type mismatch on this line:
L = 9
Do While Cells(L, "CT").Value <> "" '<========= HERE AN ERROR
L = L + 8
How to fix that?
Cells doesn't take any String parameter, the type mismatch error you're getting has nothing to do with #VALUE / the data being processed - because the code never gets to evaluate the data, since Cells wants two Integer parameters: dang this bites me everytime - apparently you can use string parameters in the Cells function. Ugh.
So the problem is with comparing the value to "" - a string. #VALUE! isn't a valid string function so you need to account for it:
Dim theCell As Range
Set theCell = Cells(L, "CT")
If Not IsError(theCell.Value) Then
Do While Not IsEmpty(theCell.Value)
L = L + 8
End If
You might also want to correctly qualify that function call:
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Cells(L, "CT").Value)
That way it's explicit that you're looking at a cell in the active worksheet; an unqualified call is implicitly doing that, and anything implicit is potentially confusing and bug-prone.
Make sure the top of the module says Option Explicit and that L is properly declared:
Dim L As Long
"L" being a meaningless identifier, you should consider naming it after what you're using it for:
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = 9
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, "CT"))
That way your code becomes much easier to read, follow and understand.

Count characters between two empty space to dashes() in vba

How do I get the length of character between beginning with space and ending with * Here is the image. Column B shows the total len before dasher(-) and my code
Sub xn()
Dim x As Integer
x = 1
If Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A"& x).len(Right," ") Or _
Worksheet("Sheet1").Range("A"&x)len(Left,"-") Then
End If
x = x + 1
End Sub
The code posted has multiple issues:
Worksheet is not a valid object - you need to use Worksheets.
.len is not a property of a Range object.
Even in .len was a property of a Range, you would need a
de-reference operator (aka '.') in here: Range("A"&x)len(Left,"-")
If you intend to use the function Len(), it only takes one argument.
You apparently are trying to loop, but you need to use either a For
or For Each loop - it won't loop automatically when you increment x
at the bottom of the sub.
Right is a function, but you're calling it without arguments and they are not optional.
Similarly, Left is a function, but you're also calling it without
the required arguments.
totallen is not declared anywhere, so Len(totallen) will assume
that totallen is a Variant (default for undeclared variables), then
cast it to a String, and then always return 0 because it has never
been given a value.
Anything else I may have missed.
The solution is to use the InStr function. It returns the location in a string of a given sub-string.
Sub xn()
Dim x As Long
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
For x = 1 To sheet.Range("A" & sheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
sheet.Cells(x, 2) = InStr(1, sheet.Cells(x, 1), "-") - 1
Next x
End Sub
I'd also recommend taking a look at the MSDN article on Looping Through a Range of Cells (2003 vintage, but still valid), and Error Finding Last Used cell In VBA.

#VALUE error with Excel VBA Function

In my Excel spreadsheet I have two columns.
A contains strings with the values 'Yes', 'No' or 'Maybe'.
B contains strings with a year in.
I need a function to determine the number of occurrences of a year in column B, where the equivalent value in column A is 'Yes'.
I currently have the following code:
Function CountIfYearAndValue(Rng As Range, YNM As String, Year As String) As Integer
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
For Each c In Rng.Cells
If (StrComp(Abs(c.Value), Year, vbTextCompare) = 0) And (StrComp(Cells(c.Row, A), YMN, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then count = count + 1
CountIfYearAndValue = count
End Function
The idea of this code is that we iterate through every cell in the range given (a range on column B) and check if the year is equal to the Year parameter. And if the equivalent cell on column A is equal to the YNM parameter we increment the count variable.
For some reason this code does not work when I use the following parameter:
=CountIfYearAndValue('Years'!B1:B7,"Yes","Year 7")
It just does the #VALUE error and refuses to display any outcome.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Edit: All of the values in both cells are on of an unformatted datatype ('General') and no cells are blank.
It sounds like you are reinventing the wheel... There already is a built in function (advantage: being much faster than a UDF) that does exactly what you are after. It is called COUNTIFS()
All YESes for Year 7 in rows 1 to 10.
=COUNTIFS(B1:B10, "Year 7",A1:A10, "Yes")
I just had a quick look at your code and I think there are possibly a few reasons why your original code is not working as expected.
YNM is a valid column name therefore it should not be used as a variable name. You should avoid naming your variables like that - give it a more meaningful name
YNM != YMN as you had it in your code (see function definition and then the misspelled version in the StrComp() function)
Year is a valid VBA built in function, therefore once again you should avoid using it as a variable name as you're exposing yourself to a naming collision.
Add Option Explicit at the top of your module. This requires you to Dimension all you variables. It's always recommended for many many reasons.
rng variable is of Range type therefore you do not need to explicitly add the .Cells property to it. Even though it may help in some cases - at a bit more advanced level you may face some runtime type compatibility issues. ( runtime may convert your rng Range variable to a 2D array etc )
Added an explicit conversion in the second StrComp() function around the c.Offset(0, -1) as you don't want the runtime to (rare but still possible) convert your Yes to a Boolean data type. Explicit conversion to a String just gives you that extra protection ;p (lol)
therefore, something like this returns the correct value
Function CountIfYearAndValue(rng As Range, choice As String, myYear As String) As Long
Dim count As Long
count = 0
Dim c As Range
For Each c In rng
If (StrComp(c, myYear, vbTextCompare) = 0) And (StrComp(CStr(c.Offset(0, -1)), choice, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
count = count + 1
End If
Next c
CountIfYearAndValue = count
End Function
Right, I hope this helps you understand bits and pieces :) any questions please leave a comment

Counting Rows/Columns of Selected Range Error

I am trying to determine if a selected range is within a set area... This toggles Copy/Paste restrictions in the spreadsheet. I have figured it out, I think, but I'm getting a run-time error 6 (Overflow) if you select an entire row or column. This is what I've got..
Function BETWEENROWS(ByVal Selected As Range, ByVal Min As Double, ByVal Max As Double) As Boolean
Dim LastRow As Integer
LastRow = Selected.Row + Selected.Rows.Count - 1
If BETWEEN(Min, Selected.Row, Max) = True And BETWEEN(Min, LastRow, Max) = True Then
End If
End Function
There is one for columns BETWEENCOLUMNS as well and the function BETWEEN just returns True/False if a given number is between a min and max value.
This is working great, however, if an entire row/column is selected it's throwing an error and I'm not too familiar with VBA and the only way that I know of bypassing the error is with On Error Resume Next but that seems like I'm putting a bandaid on it and would like to figure out how to fix it another way.
Your LastRow variable is not the correct type for a number as large as the max columns/rows of the spreadsheet. Change the type to Long:
Dim LastRow As Long
You are getting an overflow error because you have made the LastRow variable an integer. Since there are more rows in an entire column then can fit in an integer variable, it triggers the overflow. You could fix this by changing the LastRow variable to be type Long
However, rather then comparing row values you may want to look into the Intersect() function. Given two (or more) ranges it will return the range object that represents the intersection of the two ranges. You could then check that intersection. If they don't intersect the range object will be Nothing. There is a good tutorial for this function at ozgrid.com
Here is the code to ensure range intersects fully using the Intersect() function
'// Run a test here to make sure Intersect does not return Nothing
If (TestRNG.Count <= ISectRNG.Count) And (Intersect(TestRNG, ISectRNG).Count = TestRNG.Count) Then
'// All of TestRNG falls within ISectRNG
End If