javaspace(Apache river) cannot initialize outrigger script - apache

I need to use jini (Apache river) to set up JavaSpaces service. The problem is I cannot start the space service script while the net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar works well.
Here are the output I'm getting:
Any help?

It the missing class path that needs to be add to start up
set %apphome%=M:\river-apps\
%Javahome%\java\policy.all -jar %apphome%lib\start.jar %apphome%config\start-outrigger-group.config


Passing a list as a parameter Pentaho

I have problem with use kitchen.bat in Pentaho.
I want to set parameters in form: 'test1','test2'.
I'm trying:
Kitchen.bat /rep:git /dir:TestCase/test /job:Job_1 "/param:ENV=QA" "/param:SOURCE=FIN" "/param:table_name='table1','table2'"
But when I see in log then I see that the list parameter is not passed. Anyone know how to set this up?
You can see my sample job and bat file, where i call the job using parameter value 'table1','table2' and also received that value from my job Here
D:\Development\data-integration70>"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin\java.exe" "-Xms2024m" "-Xmx6048m" "-XX:MaxPermSize=1024m" "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" "-Djava.library.path=libswt\win64" "-DKETTLE_HOME=" "-DKETTLE_REPOSITORY=" "-DKETTLE_USER=" "-DKETTLE_PASSWORD=" "-DKETTLE_PLUGIN_PACKAGES=" "-DKETTLE_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT=" "-DKETTLE_JNDI_ROOT=" -jar launcher\pentaho-application-launcher- -lib ..\libswt\win64 -main -initialDir "D:\opt\CE\data-integration\weekly_data_transfer"\ /file:D:\opt\CE\data-integration\weekly_data_transfer\testenv.kjb "/param:table_name='table1','table2'" --level Minimal

using variables in jacl and wsadmin

I am trying to use variables in install script in wsadmin on jacl. First I am specifying
set nodeName [$AdminControl getNode]
set cellName [$AdminControl getCell]
Then in my script I want to use these 2 variables but for some reason it done want to take them
$AdminApp install C:/ssc.war { -nopreCompileJSPs -installed.ear.destination $(APP_INSTALL_ROOT)/$(CELL) -distributeApp -nouseMetaDataFromBinary -nodeployejb -appname ssc_war -createMBeansForResources -noreloadEnabled -nodeployws -validateinstall warn -noprocessEmbeddedConfig -filepermission .*\.dll=755#.*\.so=755#.*\.a=755#.*\.sl=755 -noallowDispatchRemoteInclude -noallowServiceRemoteInclude -asyncRequestDispatchType DISABLED -nouseAutoLink -noenableClientModule -clientMode isolated -novalidateSchema -contextroot /ssc -MapModulesToServers {{"F" ssc.war,WEB-INF/web.xml WebSphere:cell=$**cellName**,node=$**nodeName**,server=server1}} -MapWebModToVH {{"Fortify Portal" ssc.war,WEB-INF/web.xml default_host}} -CtxRootForWebMod {{"Fortify Portal" ssc.war,WEB-INF/web.xml /ssc}}}
Probably something wrong with the syntax
In the initial script you provided, I don't see any attempt to use the variables nodeName or cellName. Also, do you actually care about supplying all of those arguments? Most of them are defaults. Also, you're not putting quotes " around the .war path, which is required.
To use a variable in a wsadmin script, put a $ sign in front of the variable name. Such as:
set myvar "test"
puts $myvar
So, to install an app, it should be as simple as:
set cellName [$AdminControl getCell]
set nodeName [$AdminControl getNode]
set serverName [$AdminControl getServer]
$AdminApp install "C:/ssc.war" {
-node $nodeName
-cell $cellName
-server $serverName
I'd recommend taking a look at the IBM doc for WebSphere scripting, it describes what you're trying to do:
Installing enterprise applications using wsadmin scripting

Registering a new Command Line Option in RYU App

I need to be able to read in a path file from my application.I have added the following code to my in python.
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfg.StrOpt('path-file', default='test.txt',
I attempt to start the application as follows.
bin/ryu-manager --observe-links --path-file test.txt ryu/app/
However I get the following error.
usage: ryu-manager [-h] [--app-lists APP_LISTS] [--ca-certs CA_CERTS]
[--config-dir DIR] [--config-file PATH]
[--ctl-cert CTL_CERT] [--ctl-privkey CTL_PRIVKEY]
[--default-log-level DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL] [--explicit-drop]
[--install-lldp-flow] [--log-config-file LOG_CONFIG_FILE]
[--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
[--log-file-mode LOG_FILE_MODE]
[--neutron-admin-auth-url NEUTRON_ADMIN_AUTH_URL]
[--neutron-admin-password NEUTRON_ADMIN_PASSWORD]
[--neutron-admin-tenant-name NEUTRON_ADMIN_TENANT_NAME]
[--neutron-admin-username NEUTRON_ADMIN_USERNAME]
[--neutron-auth-strategy NEUTRON_AUTH_STRATEGY]
[--neutron-controller-addr NEUTRON_CONTROLLER_ADDR]
[--neutron-url NEUTRON_URL]
[--neutron-url-timeout NEUTRON_URL_TIMEOUT]
[--noexplicit-drop] [--noinstall-lldp-flow]
[--noobserve-links] [--nouse-stderr] [--nouse-syslog]
[--noverbose] [--observe-links]
[--ofp-listen-host OFP_LISTEN_HOST]
[--ofp-ssl-listen-port OFP_SSL_LISTEN_PORT]
[--ofp-tcp-listen-port OFP_TCP_LISTEN_PORT] [--use-stderr]
[--use-syslog] [--verbose] [--version]
[--wsapi-host WSAPI_HOST] [--wsapi-port WSAPI_PORT]
[--test-switch-dir TEST-SWITCH_DIR]
[--test-switch-target TEST-SWITCH_TARGET]
[--test-switch-tester TEST-SWITCH_TESTER]
[app [app ...]]
ryu-manager: error: unrecognized arguments: --path-file
It does look like I need to register a new command line option somewhere before I can use it.Can some-one point out to me how to do that? Also can someone explain how to access the file(text.txt) inside the program?
You're on the right track, however the CONF entry that you are creating actually needs to be loaded before your app is loaded, otherwise ryu-manager has no way of knowing it exists!
The file you are looking for is, under the ryu directory of the source tree (or under the root installation directory).
This is how the ryu/tests/switch/ Ryu app defines it's own arguments, so you might use that as your reference:
# tests/switch/tester
cfg.StrOpt('target', default='0000000000000001', help='target sw dp-id'),
cfg.StrOpt('tester', default='0000000000000002', help='tester sw dp-id'),
cfg.StrOpt('dir', default='ryu/tests/switch/of13',
help='test files directory')
], group='test-switch')
Following this format, the CONF.register_cli_opts takes an array of config types exactly as you have done it (see ryu/ for the different types available).
You'll notice that when you run the ryu-manager help, i.e.
ryu-manager --help
the list that comes up is sorted by application (e.g. the group of arguments under 'test-switch options'). For that reason, you will want to specify a group name for your set of commands.
Now let us say that you used the group name 'my-app' and have an argument named 'path-file' in that group, the command line argument will be --my-app-path-file (this can get a little long), while you can access it in your application like this:
from ryu import cfg
path_file = CONF['my-app']['path_file']
Note the use of dash versus the use of underscores.

opensplice dds Hello Word Example

I am posting here after asking the question at the openslice dds forum, and not receiving any reply.I am trying to use opensplice dds on a ubuntu machine. I am not sure if it serves as a proof of proper installation, but I have pasted my file below. Now, I was able to run the ping pong example just fine. But when I ran the executable sac_helloworld_pub ( HelloWorld example in the C programming language), I got the following error
vishal#expmach:~/HDE/x86.linux2.6/examples/dcps/HelloWorld/c/standalone$ ./sac_helloworld_pub
Error in DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant: Creation failed: invalid handle
I did some searching, and it looks like I need to be running the ospl start command from the terminal. But when I do so, I get a No command ospl found message. Below is the release.comfile's contents
echo "<<< OpenSplice HDE Release V6.3.130716OSS For x86.linux2.6, Date 2013-07-30 >>>"
if [ "${SPLICE_ORB:=}" = "" ]
if [ "${SPLICE_JDK:=}" = "" ]
. $OSPL_HOME/etc/java/defs.$SPLICE_JDK
$# (END)
Sorry for the holidays-driven lack of 'reactivity' on the OpenSplice forum .. I've answered your question there though ..
Here's that same answer for completeness:
*For the 6.3 community-edition, the deployment-model changed from shared-memory (v5.x) to the so-called single-process standalone deployment mode where the middleware is simply linked (as libraries) with the application so you don't need to start any daemons first (as was the case for the federated 'shared-memory' mode that was the default in V5).
So its OK that you get the error when trying to call 'ospl' as thats not used anymore so isn't in the distribution.
Now to your issue, your looks OK to me, but perhaps you didn't actually 'source' it in your environment i.e. calling it with a '.' in front of it:
promtp> .
you can verify that by doing an 'echo $OSPL_HOME' in your shell and see if it actually shows the value of the env. variable as set by the
Hope that helps,

apache 6 tomcat setenv.bat file the input line is too long

When I try to start my apache server with the startup batch file. I get this error message:
the input line is too long
"C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\bin\setenv.bat" was unexpected at this time.
My setenv.bat looks like this:
set CATALINA_OPTS=" %CATALINA_OPTS% -javaagent:C:\jp2-2.1\lib\jborat-agent.jar -Dch.usi.dag.jborat.exclusionList="C:\jp2-2.1\conf\exclusion.lst" -Dch.usi.dag.jborat.liblist="C:\jp2-2.1\conf\lib.lst" -Dch.usi.dag.jp2.outputFilePrefix="Profiling" -Dch.usi.dag.jp2.dumpers="ch.usi.dag.jp2.dump.xml.XmlDumper" -Dch.usi.dag.jborat.instrumentation="ch.usi.dag.jp2.instrument.AddInstrumentation" -Dch.usi.dag.jborat.codemergerList="C:\jp2-2.1\conf\codemerger.lst" -Dch.usi.dag.jborat.uninstrumented="uninstrumented" -Dch.usi.dag.jborat.instrumented="instrumented" -Xbootclasspath/p:C:\jp2-2.1\lib\Thread_JP2.jar;C:\jp2-2.1\lib\jborat-runtime.jar;C:\jp2-2.1\lib\jp2-runtime.jar"
thanks in advance.
I don't think you should be calling your "startup.bat" file within your "setenv.bat" file. The "setenv.bat" file is conditionally called by "catalina.bat" I believe which was itself called by "startup.bat" in a normal Tomcat setup.