I added "selawkl.ttf" font into
But, I recieved next error after page load:
HTTP/1.1 GET 404 /fonts/selawkl.ttf
How can I add "selawkl" to Hanami app?
I moved my fonts folder to "public" path and this fixed my problem.
Just to clarify. Because static resources like some (fonts, css, images etc) are not served by Hanami framework. Its best to put them in the public/fonts/ "for fonts" - folder inside the main public folder for the server to serve them without hitting Hanami Framework.
After an installing a new SSL certificate and changing the PHP version from 5.x to 7.1.28 product images are not shown in the frontend anymore, Chrome dev tools show a 404 error for the image files.
They are visible in the backend under product catalog.
It looks like if the image directory is missing, i.e. something like /home-default/ because in the HTML code the image file is supposed to be directly on the document root directory, which obviously is wrong.
When I switch off "Friendly URL" the images are shown.
What I tried so far:
Deleted .htaccess, switched Friendly URL to on to regenerate the .htaccess
Emptied cache and regenerated the image thumbnails
Switched back to PHP 5.4
Added AllowOverride All to the vhost config
Nothing helps. On the server is another PrestaShop installation, running same PrestaShop version 1.6.18 also under PHP 7.1.28, there the "Friendly URL" works fine.
I must say I have no clue where to look after this problem.
After spending some time with #Harry, debugging his configuration, we found the solution and I'm sure this will help many others.
#Harry was using a combo with Nginx + Apache.
We checked his PrestaShop .htaccess file and made sure RewriteEngine was on and triggered properly (e.g. the pages were properly rewrited, only the images were not) - everything was OK.
We tried to write ourselves a basic RewriteRule to redirect a .jpg and it did not work, showing an Nginx 404 page.
We came to the conclusion Nginx was handling all the static content (JS, CSS, JPEG, etc.) and not forwarding it to Apache.
We removed this part from the Nginx configuration:
location ~ ^/(.*\.(ac3|avi|bmp|bz2|cue|dat|doc|docx|dts|eot|exe|flv|gz|htm|html|img|iso|jpeg|mkv|mp3|mp4|mpeg|mpg|ogg|ppt|pptx|qt|rar|rm|swf|tar|tgz|ttf|txt|wav|xls|xlsx|zip))$ {
try_files $uri #fallback;
As a general advice, I would suggest not using Apache+Nginx, PrestaShop works very well with Nginx+PHP-FPM already and you will get great performances.
If you choose this solution, don't forget to set your PrestaShop rewrite rules directly in Nginx (Example).
I am following this tutorial https://about.gitlab.com/2016/04/11/tutorial-securing-your-gitlab-pages-with-tls-and-letsencrypt/
Next step instructions are:
Make sure your web server displays the following content at
before continuing:
# output omitted
Press ENTER to continue
According to the tutorial, it's using Jekyll, but I don't use a static html generator like jekyll. The files are all static html. I created the exact path under root folder: /.well-known/acme-challenge/PukY0bbiH3nRfciQ4IzwTDIXFn4G5sZ5I-LkMz3-KHE.html
But after the piplines jobs are done, I am still getting 404. What's the problem here?
I had problem same yesterday and I found the solution, I hope it is not too late to share with you. According to this tutorial here, the "well-known" folder should be under the "public" folder.
And the letsencrypt need to access a .html file in the following path using the browser.
To do this, you must create the "index.html" file in the path below inside your gitlab repository.
In the "index.html" file you should put only the following sentence:
important: do not put any html tag, just the plain text above.
Then just continue following the tutorial. Good luck.
I am new to rails. I am working on a sample application for social networking. I have managed to upload the profile picture of users manually (By copying the image uploaded to /tmp/image to the public folder- public/images/tmp/image) and saved the path to db as avatar_url.
In the profile view I used
<%= image_tag(#userinfo.avatar_url, :alt=>"Avatar image")%>
and getting the picture when running on the rails server.
But after that I have deployed the app in apache with passenger in the development environment by setting RailsEnv development. After that the images are not loading. I tried to go to myip:80/public/images/tmp/image, and it gives Routing Error.
After searching on the web, I found that adding config.serve_static_assets = true in production.rb will solve the problem in production. But no use for me because it also stated that the static files will serve in development by default. For confirming the problem again, I started the rails server and opened localhost:3000/profile, image is there and not getting the image in myip:80/profile.
So do I need to add any other config. Or am I not supposed to do that in this way.
Finally, I got the solution for my problem. Just sharing here.
The problem was actually because of permission issues. The picture will be created in a root temp directory on the form submission. Then I copied the image form the temp folder to the public folder. Hence it has only read permissions. After I deployed it, the image gets returns 403 forbidden error.
I used,
FileUtils.chmod 775, target
to set the permission. After that it worked well.
The option config.serve_static_assets = true tells rails to serve the static assets for your application, but that job should really be left to Apache.
Your issue sounds more related to your Apache configuration than rails.
I would take a look at a tutorial on how to configure Apache and Passenger to make sure your environment is setup correctly.
Anything in the public folder should be served by the web server. However myip:80/public/images/tmp/image is not a valid path. You would need to also have a filename at the end with an extension.
I set up my Joomla 3.x on a apache2 server. The files are located in the root folder of the apache(/var/www). Everything works fine, but know since i set up it with multilanguage support some of the images can't be load.
An url example of my page: http://www.example.com/en/widgetkit/slideshow
For example the button.png from the Widgetkit Slideshow:
Some of the images are defined in the slideshow itself(something like images/widgetkit/..../img.png). Joomla loads the image only when i change it to /images/widgetkit/..../img.png. That is because i pointed to the root of my apache.
My question now, is there a better solution to solve this problem, then put in all imagelinks(maybe files too) the / before?
Note: Some few images were load, but some not.
try to use "base href" in the head section in the file index.php in the template directory
<base href="http://www.example.com">
I've been trying to set up a static website on Amazon S3. I've got things set up to use my personal domain, and so far I've been able to access the content just fine. All the links work, both for pages in the "root" directory and pages in subfolders, so it seems that S3 can follow the paths I'm using.
The problem is that none of the CSS stylings is being applied to the pages (it works fine on the development server on my local machine). I've tried using relative and absolute paths, but this doesn't seem to be the problem. I can see the content just as it should be, and I can navigate the site normally, but there's just no styling.
I've tried messing with permissions on the folders, but I'm clearly not getting something right. Am I missing something obvious? Surely S3 can use individual stylesheets?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
The reason is, amazon S3 sets the content-type of css files to binary/octet-stream, follow this tutorial to solve this issue.
You need to select your css file and then from the Properties tab click on Metadata. This is to assign optional metadata to the object as a name-value pair. The Content-Type key must have the Value text/css