Why is object not defined? - vuejs2

I want to try Vue.js 2 and started with a simple example. I've took this one from here https://jsfiddle.net/gmsa/gfg30Lgv/ and created a simple project with it. After I divided this code into files the project doesn't work. So I've made a data property a function:
data: function(){
return {
tabs: [{
name: "tab1",
id : 0,
isActive: true
activeTab: {}
But there's an error in a console: Uncaught ReferenceError: newTab is not defined.
Project: https://github.com/rinatoptimus/vue-webpack-delete
File QueryBrowserContainer:
<div id="queryBrowserContainer">
<p>queryBrowserContainer text</p>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
<li role="presentation" v-for="tab in tabs" :class="{active:tab.isActive}">
{{ tab.name }}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" #click="openNewTab">New tab</button>
<div class="tab-content">
<div v-for="tab in tabs" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" :class="{active:tab.isActive}">
<app-querybrowsertab :tab="tab"></app-querybrowsertab>
<pre>{{ $data | json }}</pre>
import QueryBrowserTab from './QueryBrowserTab.vue';
export default {
data: function(){
return {
tabs: [{
name: "tab1",
id : 0,
isActive: true
activeTab: {}
ready: function () {
methods: {
setActive: function (tab) {
var self = this;
tab.isActive = true;
this.activeTab = tab;
/*this.activeTab.isActive = true;
console.log("activeTab name=" + this.activeTab.name);*/
this.tabs.forEach(function (tab) {
if (tab.id !== self.activeTab.id) { tab.isActive = false;}
openNewTab: function () {
newTab = {
name: "tab" + (this.tabs.length + 1),
id: this.tabs.length,
isActive: true
/*this.activeTab = newTab;
console.log("### newtab name=" + newTab.name);*/
test: function() {
closeTab: function () {
console.log("### CLOSE!");
File QueryBrowserTab:
import QueryBrowserContainer from './QueryBrowserContainer.vue';
export default {
data: function () {
return {
databaseOptions: [],
props: ['tab'],
methods: {},
components: {
'app-querybrowsercontainer': QueryBrowserContainer
File App:
<div id="app">
export default {
name: 'app',
data () {
return {}

It seems in file: QueryBrowserTab, you have not passed tab props, but you are using it, make sure you pass tab as props from whatever places you are using it.
As stated in the docs here, you can pass props to a component like following:
<app-querybrowsertab :tab="tab"></app-querybrowsertab>
which you are already doing in app-querybrowsercontainer,but in file App, you are not passing the prop, which might be the source of error for you.


How to transfer post from one component to another?

Good afternoon, please tell me. I am training now using Vuex and I cannot transfer the post from one component to another. I have a component Pagination, where all the posts and the history component are stored where and should send the first 5 posts that I click on to visit them. That is, it should work approximately as a history of viewing posts. I wrote some code here, but my posts are not displayed, tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it.
Component code where all posts are stored:
<div class = "app">
<li v-for="(post, index) in paginatedData" class="post" :key="index">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'detail', params: {id: post.id, title: post.title, body: post.body} }" #click="addPostToHistoryComp(post.id, post.title, post.body)">
<img src="src/assets/nature.jpg">
<p class="boldText"> {{ post.title }}</p>
<p> {{ post.body }}</p>
<div class="allpagination">
<button type="button" #click="page -=1" v-if="page > 0" class="prev"><<</button>
<div class="pagin">
<button class="item"
v-for="n in evenPosts"
v-bind:class="{'selected': current === n.id}"
#click="page=n-1">{{ n }} </button>
<button type="button" #click="page +=1" class="next" v-if="page < evenPosts-1">>></button>
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'app',
data () {
return {
current: null,
page: 0,
visiblePostID: '',
computed: {
return this.$store.state.posts
return this.$store.state.sSearch
evenPosts: function(posts){
return Math.ceil(this.posts.length/6);
paginatedData() {
const start = this.page * 6;
const end = start + 6;
return this.filteredPosts.slice(start, end);
filteredPosts() {
return this.posts.filter((post) => {
return post.title.match(this.search);
methods: {
this.$store.dispatch('transforPostToHistoryComp', { // как вызвать actions с объект с параметром
pTitle: val.post.title,
pBody: val.post.body,
pId: val.post.id
The code of the History component where the last 5 posts that were opened should be displayed:
<div class="history">
<li v-for="(historyPost, index) in historyPosts" class="post" :key="index">
<img src="src/assets/nature.jpg">
<p class="boldText"> {{ post.title }}</p>
<p> {{ post.body }}</p>
export default{
computed: {
return this.$store.state.historyPosts
And the code of my story (Vuex):
export default new vuex.Store({
state: {
posts: [],
sSearch: '',
title: '',
body: '',
id: Number,
historyPosts: []
actions: {
loadPosts ({commit}) {
axios.get('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts').then(response => {
let posts = response.data
commit('SET_POSTS', posts)
}).catch(error => {
transforTitleAndBody({commit}, payload){ // мутация которая изменяет сосотаяние в sSearch
const todo = {
title: payload.sTitle,
body: payload.sBody,
id: payload.sId
axios.post('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts', todo).then(_ => {
commit('ADD_TODO', todo)
}).catch(function (error) {
transforPostToHistoryComp({commit}, payload){ // мутация которая изменяет сосотаяние в sSearch
const todohistory = {
title: payload.pTitle,
body: payload.pBody,
id: payload.pId
commit('ADD_TODO_HISTORY', todohistory)
mutations: {
SET_POSTS(state, posts) {
state.posts = posts
transforSearch(state, payload){ // мутация которая изменяет сосотаяние в sSearch
state.sSearch = payload
ADD_TODO (state, todoObject) {
ADD_TODO_HISTORY (state, todohistoryObject) {
I found what happening. You have some erros on code of the file Pagination.vue
You was putting #click under <router-link>, that doesn't work because router link change the page with preventing effect any other event before leave.
I made some changes on template and script. I think will work.
<div class="app">
<template v-for="(post, index) in paginatedData">
<li class="post" :key="index" #click="addPostToHistoryComp(post)">
<img src="src/assets/nature.jpg">
<p class="boldText">{{ post.title }}</p>
<p>{{ post.body }}</p>
<div class="allpagination">
<button type="button" #click="page -=1" v-if="page > 0" class="prev"><<</button>
<div class="pagin">
v-for="n in evenPosts"
v-bind:class="{'selected': current === n.id}"
>{{ n }}</button>
<button type="button" #click="page +=1" class="next" v-if="page < evenPosts-1">>></button>
import { mapState } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "app",
data() {
return {
current: null,
page: 0,
visiblePostID: ""
mounted() {
computed: {
posts() {
return this.$store.state.posts;
search() {
return this.$store.state.sSearch;
evenPosts: function(posts) {
return Math.ceil(this.posts.length / 6);
paginatedData() {
const start = this.page * 6;
const end = start + 6;
return this.filteredPosts.slice(start, end);
filteredPosts() {
return this.posts.filter(post => {
return post.title.match(this.search);
methods: {
addPostToHistoryComp(post) {
this.$store.dispatch("transforPostToHistoryComp", {
pTitle: post.title,
pBody: post.body,
pId: post.id
name: "detail",
params: { id: post.id, title: post.title, body: post.body }

Vuejs v-on click doesn't work inside component

I use VueJs and I create the following component with it.
var ComponentTest = {
props: ['list', 'symbole'],
data: function(){
return {
regexSymbole: new RegExp(this.symbole),
template: `
<li v-for="item in list"
methods: {
replaceSymbole: function(name){
return name.replace(this.regexSymbole, '<span v-on:click="test">---</span>');
test: function(event){
console.log('Test ...');
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'component-test': ComponentTest,
data: {
list: [{"id":1,"name":"# name1"},{"id":2,"name":"# name2"},{"id":3,"name":"# name3"}],
symbole: '#'
and this my html code
<div id="app">
<component-test :list="list" :symbole="symbole"></component-test>
When I click on the "span" tag inside "li" tag, nothing append.
I don't have any warnings and any errors.
How I can call my component method "test" when I click in the "span" tag.
How implement click event for this case.
You cannot use vue directives in strings that you feed to v-html. They are not interpreted, and instead end up as actual attributes. You have several options:
Prepare your data better, so you can use normal templates. You would, for example, prepare your data as an object: { linkText: '---', position: 'before', name: 'name1' }, then render it based on position. I think this is by far the nicest solution.
<li v-for="(item, index) in preparedList" :key="index">
<template v-if="item.position === 'before'">
<span v-on:click="test">{{ item.linkText }}</span>
{{ item.name }}
<template v-else-if="item.position === 'after'">
{{ item.name }}
<span v-on:click="test">{{ item.linkText }}</span>
export default {
props: ["list", "symbole"],
computed: {
preparedList() {
return this.list.map(item => this.replaceSymbole(item.name));
methods: {
replaceSymbole: function(question) {
if (question.indexOf("#") === 0) {
return {
linkText: "---",
position: "before",
name: question.replace("#", "").trim()
} else {
return {
linkText: "---",
position: "after",
name: question.replace("#", "").trim()
test: function(event) {
console.log("Test ...");
You can put the click handler on the surrounding li, and filter the event. The first argument to your click handler is the MouseEvent that was fired.
<li v-for="item in list" :key="item.id" v-on:click="clickHandler"
export default {
props: ["list", "symbole"],
data() {
return {
regexSymbole: new RegExp(this.symbole)
computed: {
preparedList() {
return this.list.map(item => this.replaceSymbole(item.name));
methods: {
replaceSymbole: function(name) {
return name.replace(
'<span class="clickable-area">---</span>'
test: function(event) {
console.log("Test ...");
clickHandler(event) {
const classes = event.srcElement.className.split(" ");
// Not something you do not want to trigger the event on
if (classes.indexOf("clickable-area") === -1) {
// Here we can call test
Your last option is to manually add event handlers to your spans. I do not!!! recommend this. You must also remove these event handlers when you destroy the component or when the list changes, or you will create a memory leak.

Set css class for single items in v-for loop

I am playing around with Vue.js and I am trying to change the class of individual items in a v-for route dependent on a checkbox.
<div :class="{completed: done}" v-for="things in items">
<h6 v-bind:key="things"> {{things}} - <input #click="stateChange" type="checkbox"/></h6>
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
data() {
return {
items: [],
done: false
mounted() {
Event.$on('itemAdded', (data) => {
methods: {
stateChange() {
this.done = !this.done;
.completed {
text-decoration-line: line-through;
The above code places a line through every item, not just the checked one.
How do I code so only the checked item is crossed out?
It looks like you have only one done property. You should have a done property for each element in your items array for this to work. Your item should like {data: 'somedata', done: false }
This should work:
<div :class="{completed: item.done}" v-for="(item,index) in items">
<h6 v-bind:key="things"> {{item.data}} - <input #click="stateChange(item)" type="checkbox"/></h6>
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
data() {
return {
items: [],
mounted() {
Event.$on('itemAdded', (data) => {
this.items.push({ data, done: false });
methods: {
stateChange(changeIndex) {
this.items = this.items.map((item, index) => {
if (index === changeIndex) {
return {
data: item.data,
done: !item.done,
return item;
.completed {
text-decoration-line: line-through;
You were very close. Thank you. Here is the little changes I made to get it working.
<div :class="{completed: item.done}" v-for="item in items">
<h6> {{item.data}} - <input #click="item.done = !item.done" type="checkbox"/></h6>
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
data() {
return {
items: [],
mounted() {
Event.$on('itemAdded', (data) => {
this.items.push({ data, done: false });
console.log("DATA- ", this.items)
methods: {
.completed {
text-decoration-line: line-through;

how to hide sidebar in vue

guys, I m new to Vue and taken a coreui admin panel to develop some font vue but now I got stuck in this problem this is nav.js file
export default {
items: [
name: 'Product',
url: '/product',
icon: 'fa fa-cart-arrow-down',
children: [
name: 'Addproduct',
url: '/product/Addproduct',
name: 'Listproduct',
url: '/product/Listproduct',
main container
<div class="app">
<div class="app-body">
<Sidebar :navItems="nav"/>
<main class="main">
<div class="container-fluid">
import nav from '../_nav'
export default {
name: 'full',
components: {
data () {
return {
nav: nav.items
computed: {
name () {
return this.$route.name
list () {
return this.$route.matched
here is my sidebar
<template v-for="(item, index) in navItems">
<template v-if="item.title">
<SidebarNavTitle :name="item.name" :classes="item.class" :wrapper="item.wrapper"/>
<template v-else>
<template v-if="item.children">
<template v-else>
<SidebarNavItem :classes="item.class">
<SidebarNavLink :name="item.name" :url="item.url" :icon="item.icon" :badge="item.badge" :variant="item.variant"/>
i m stroing addproduct in my browser local storage now if when user login and go to dashboard then my i watch which url name is present in browser application or not if present show that else ignore now my problem is that how i can apply if condition like addproduct=addprodcut this this visible else hide
You could have a method in mounted hook, which can fetch data from localstorage and check if it's present in the url or not. Then assign it to a variable in main component which toggles the sidebar. Something like below should work:
<div class="app">
<div class="app-body">
<Sidebar :navItems="nav" v-if="showSidebar" />
<main class="main">
<div class="container-fluid">
import nav from '../_nav'
export default {
name: 'full',
components: {
data () {
return {
nav: nav.items,
showSidebar: false
mounted () {
methods: {
checkSidebarVisibility: function() {
const inLocal = window.localStorage.getItems('your_item');
const inUrl = window.location.toString();
// check if inurl inside inLocal
if (inUrl is in inLocal) {
this.showSidebar = true;
} else {
this.showSidebar = false;
computed: {
name () {
return this.$route.name
list () {
return this.$route.matched

Returning promise from api and putting into global data

Sorry if this is obvious but new to vue and my js not so great.....
I'm trying to get some data from an api and then put that data into a global object so it can be passed down to some child components.
I can't seem to $set the data into the global projects object, it either returns undefined or returns a promise.
parent --
<div id="app">
<section class="intro">
<transition name="fade"> <router-view class="view" :computedProjects=computedProject ></router-view></transition>
import projectsList from './components/projectsList'
var client = contentful.createClient({
// This is the space ID. A space is like a project folder in Contentful terms
space: '',
// This is the access token for this space. Normally you get both ID and the token in the Contentful web app
accessToken: '',
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
data: function() {
return {
methods: {},
created : function () {
client.getEntries().then((response) => {
this.projects = response
return response
computed: {
computedProject: function() {
if (!this.projects) return null;
return this.projects;
child ---
<section class="project-list">
<swiper :options="swiperOption">
<swiper-slide v-for="project in projects" v-bind:ref="'project' + project.name" :key="project.name" data-swiper-parallax="-100">
<div class="project-cover wrapper">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'project', params: { id: project.name }}">
<div class="cover-img" :style="{ 'background-image': 'url(../static/img/projects/'+project.name+'/'+'project-details-header.jpg)' }"> </div>
<div class="project-copy"></div>
<div href="#" class="tilter tilter--4">
<figure class="tilter__figure">
<img class="tilter__image" :src="'+project.fields.coverImage.fields.file.url+'" alt="" />
<div class="tilter__deco tilter__deco--shine"></div>
<div class="tilter__deco tilter__deco--overlay" v-bind:style="{ backgroundImage: project.gradient }"></div>
<figcaption class="tilter__caption">
<h1 class="projectName tilter__title title">{{project.name}}</h1>
<h2 class="tilter__description">{{project.tagline}}</h2>
<svg class="tilter__deco tilter__deco--lines" viewBox="0 0 300 415">
<path d="M20.5,20.5h260v375h-260V20.5z" />
<div class="swiper-pagination" slot="pagination"></div>
export default {
data: function () {
return {
swiperOption: {
setWrapperSize :true,
keyboardControl : true,
centeredSlides :true,
pagination: '.swiper-pagination',
paginationType: 'progress',
watchSlidesProgress : true,
watchSlidesVisibility : true,
props :['computedProject'],
created : function () {
any help will be appreciated.
You can just assign the vue data variable in the callback of getEntries like following:
created : function () {
var self = this
client.getEntries().then((response) => {
self.projects = response