Wrap Text in TouchableOpacity nested in Text - react-native

Including onPress inside a Text component will cause an ugly gray highlight to appear (for a split second) on the text when pressed.
Rather than having the gray highlight, I want the text to become slightly transparent while being pressed. This can easily be accomplished by wrapping the Text component in a TouchableOpacity. However, including this within another Text component is a different story. According to this and the fact that TouchableOpacity returns a View component, I have to specify a width and a height in order to accomplish this... and it's only possible on iOS.
How can I include a "pressable" Text component--that undergoes an opacity change when pressed--within another Text component?
Click <TouchableOpacity onPress={...}><Text>Here</Text></TouchableOpacity>

Try this:
<View style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={...}><Text>Here</Text></TouchableOpacity>


How do I make an absolut positioned touchable element on top of a FlatList catch only press events and let other events propagate to the FlatList?

I have a FlatList in React Native with fullscreen image and video items (with pagingEnabled). I want to have a short descriptive touchable text floating on top of the FlatList, to open up a view with some information about the image/video when pressed.
To make the user experience nice, I'd like to be able to scroll the FlatList through the touchable text as well. I.e. if the user happen to start their scrolling motion on top of the text, the FlatList would scroll but if it is a simple press event I'd like to open the view with details about the image/video.
No mater what I try I end up with either the text being able to react to the press OR the FlatList being able to scroll. I have tried different configurations with a custom PanResponder and pointerEvents but seem to always end up with a state were one thing does not work. Do you guys have any smart ideas? I am probably just stuck in the wrong train of thought.
This is a simplified view of my component structure:
<View style={{ position: 'absolute', bottom: 100, zIndex: 10 }}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => console.log('press')}>
<Text>Some Descriptive Text</Text>
<FlatList pagingEnabled horizontal {...otherFlatListProps} />

React Native Expo How to Hide Status and bar make component take that place

I am not able to fill the status bar area with component. I tried to do it by hiding the status bar using <StatusBar hidden />. But this one leaves a white space there. For example I want to fill the green image the status bar.
TLDR: working project link
On the gist link (you've provided on the comment), I can see that you are using the following structure
<StatusBar ... />
<ImageBackground ...></ImageBackground>
If you want to hide the status bar and cover the whole screen with the image you need to change SafeAreaView to just View and also remove StatusBar component.
<ImageBackground ...></ImageBackground>
Cause SafeAreaView will dynamically put some padding at the top. So although you've put style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }} it will respect the padding of SafeAreaView cause it is the parent component here.
Also at this point, you do not need StatusBar, cause the StatusBas already has an image as background.

How to make possible to deselect text in a Text component in React Native?

I'm trying to make an app with React Native which shows a lot of information to the end user.
It's vital that the user can select/copy/paste the info from and to the app.
The selectable property of Text is quite useful since it uses the native android UI for selecting text.
My only problem is that if you select a part of the text (intentionally or accidentally), you can only deselect if you tap inside the Text component again.
That is, if I touch the screen anywhere else (where any other component would be, even its father), the text keeps being selected.
Take, for example, the "Hello World" in React Native Documentation, and just add the selectable property:
import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
export default function YourApp() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}>
<Text selectable>
Try editing me! 🎉
If you run it on android, you'll notice that you can indeed select and copy when you double tap (or long tap) as expected. But you won't be able to cancel the selection unless you tap on some part of the text again. If you touch any other part of the screen the selection UI won't go away.
Is there a way to achieve that? There are too many Text components in my app, with varying length and size. When users accidentally select something, a lot feel frustrated tapping away and nothing happening.
In this case I would use a TouchableWithoutFeedback component.
Example from RN, where alert('Pressed!') is your function to remove selection.
function MyComponent(props) {
return (
<View {...props} style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff' }}>
<Text>My Component</Text>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => alert('Pressed!')}>
<MyComponent />

React Native - Edit hitslop of clear button in TextInput

React Native's TextInput has a clearButtonMode property which would display a small x button on the right of the input area in iOS through which text can be cleared.
I am having issues with the hit slop of that button. I believe it is too small and easy to miss. I have to press multiple times in order to hit the right spot in order to activate it.
Is there a way to customize this clear button => change its hitSlop, color, etc?
What you could do, is to wrap your TextInput element with view and Animated.View, so you can add your own Clear Button with TouchableOpacity for example, and select an icon, colors, size, etc.
So, basically, it would be something like this:
<Animated.View style={...}>
<TextInput value={...} style={...} onChangeText={...} />
<MaterialIcons size={24} color={'black'} name={'close'} />

Disabling wrapping on Text node

I've got some preformatted text which I want to display unwrapped and allow the user to scroll both vertically and horizontally.
A contrived example of what I've got:
<Text style={{fontFamily: 'monospace'}}>
Some preformatted text which I don't want to wrap
The problem is that the text wraps and you can only scroll vertically.
One change that gets halfway there is by changing the ScrollView to:
<ScrollView style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row'}}>
Wrapping becomes disabled, however scrolling doesn't work after I've done that.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
It'd be
<Text numberOfLines={1}>Some text</Text>
You can also use ellipsizeMode attribute to control how overlapping text will behave.
For more informations - check out https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/text.html