In react-native, run minified code with debugging - react-native

I have an odd issue where I get the desired behavior when running a dev build but not a release one. I want to debug the code, but as far as I know I can't do that when running --configuration Release. I want to check if the issue has to do with minifying the js or something else. Is there a way to run
react-native run-ios --minify
or something? (The above command doesn't work. error: unknown option '--minify')
I've seen that you can run react-native bundle --minify, but I don't know how to then get the bundle onto the iOS Simulator, nor if bundle is the correct way to do things in React Native v0.42, as all the bundle solutions I've seen online have been v0.15ish.


Where can I source help for native crashes of an expo EAS apk build

I am building an app using react-native on Expo and making sure to build with EAS every few days or whenever I add a new dependency.
After every build, I install the apk on an Android device and run the ios build on a simulator.
On my latest build, the build completes successfully but after installing the apk on android 10, the app opens and crashes once I navigate to a certain page.
It works fine on 3 other android phones.
The code difference between the last successful build that doesn't crash to the current one is minimal however very necessary for the app.
How can I see logs from the native crash in order to find the cause of the problem and hopefully find a fix?
I tried to install sentry but at the bottom of the page, it explains it only follows js issues and is not native.
Any ideas will be helpful

Why does my Expo app run in Expo Go but not as a development build?

I've created a development build of an Expo app using EAS. Previously I would open the app in Expo Go by running npx expo start and scanning the Metro Bundler QR code.
Now, when I try to do the same thing, Expo Go asks whether I want to open the project in Expo Go or as a "Development Build". It works fine in Expo Go, but crashes immediately when I attempt to open the dev build. The error reads:
null is not an object (evaluating '_ReanimatedModule.default.createNode')
This error is suspiciously similar to one that I encountered earlier in development, which I resolved by downgrading to React Native version 0.69.6. I'm also encountering a second error that says "'main' has not been registered", but I suspect this is downstream of the first error.
I have the same issue when I try to run the app with npx expo start --dev-client.
Any ideas why I might be having this problem?
It sounds like you may have run expo prebuild ( which removes "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js", from app.json. Try to create a new expo app and look at it's app.json file.
When you run expo prebuild it changes a few things with your project (see "side effects" in the prebuild docs).
I'm actually working through some issues with that right now too. I thought I had to run prebuild but turns out I didn't have to. Ever since I ran it my app will not load via the dev-client way. I can however switch back to npx expo start (NOT npx expo start --dev-client, see the scripts section of app.json as that is also changed when prebuild is run).
Let me know if you are able to get your app to load after re-adding the main stuff to app.json.
Ps, are you by chance using react-native-google-mobile-ads?

Failed to intall the app in react native, how can I fix this?

I was trying execute myapp to android but an error occurred.
To clarify what happened, first time I install nodejs and Android Studio.
Later I used the following commands:
npx react-native init 'app'
cd app
npx react-native run-android
Its my fisrt time messing with react native, I was following this page:
And the error is:
The error
I want coding in real time for android app.
How can I fix this?
Looks like the terminal output gives you several steps to do/check.
Make sure you have properly set up your android environment. Use this link to do so. You can use Expo-Cli or React-Native-Cli.
SDK location not found. This could be an off-shoot error of not properly doing step 1. However, to cover all of your bases, ensure you have properly set up your Android Emulator. This doc is a great walkthrough.
Once your Android studio and AVD Manager is properly set up, and your development environment is properly set, you should have no issues!
Please let me know if doing the above to steps did or did not solve your errors.
If you follow the steps, and there will be no problem.
As a React Native fan on Windows 10, I'd like to mention just few points you need to check.
First, please check following user variables in Environment Variables ( You can see it from System Properties).
JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\openjdk-11.0.15_10"
Path: check if contains {ANDROID_HOME}\platform-tools
Second, if you are using Android Sdk emulator, please make sure that it configured correctly in emulator list in Android Studio.
For an instance, I created a android emulator using android sdk-29 and you can check the followings.
Third, I recommend you, deploy first app on emulator in Android Studio.
Because we need to download gradle zip file and others, it's essential to run your first android app in Android Studio.
When you confirmed your first android app(Deploy empty project app is also okay), you can run your React Native App by Expo-cli or react-native-cli.

Not going to release apk after expo eject

I created a new project at Expo, after which I was already building it using expo buildbut over time I needed to move away from Expo a little and execute an expo eject, and then continue development on regular React Native.
I ran into the following situation: I am trying to build an apk file with the ./gradlew assembleRelease command, but I get a debug build instead of release, I don’t understand why this is happening, I tried to follow the build instructions specifically for the release version - unsuccessfully.
I also tried to create a new project without using Expo - the whole scenario described above worked correctly and I got a release build of my application, and with all that, I compared the android/app/build.gradle files in these two projects and they are almost identical in terms of their configuration.
My main task and problem is to build the release version of the apk file and understand why, with different attempts to build, I only get the debug apk.

build archive fails but build from react-native run-ios works

my react-native project builds and run from npx react-native run-ios and also it runs from xcode. now i am almost done with what i want to do and wanted to publish a version for test flight on app store but i cant archive the product which is how i used to do before. it fails right away with some swift error. in this work i added a dummy swift file and xcode also added bridge file as part of it. here is the error i get:
Been there,
make sure all the three pod, project and target have the same IOS Deployment Target.