Xamarin.forms content page layout - xaml

I have content page in my xaml file. I have a Stacklayout with orientation vertical in it. I want to put a dialog in middle of content page above this stacklayout. Please suggest some way. Thanks in advance!

An easy way to provide dialogs that feel native to the platform your on is through using the UserDialogs plugin.
If you want to create something of your own you would probably have to come up with something like this:
<Grid IsVisible="{Binding ShowMessage}">
<Label Text="Message" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" />
The nested Grid will act as an overlay of sorts spanning your entire page.


Maui framework doesn't display sliders correctly

I have been dipping my toes in the .NET Maui framework, but unfortunately so far it has been quite disappointing. There seem to be multiple errors related to Shell (title view not working properly) and controls themselves. I have the following main page xaml file:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
<StackLayout Background="#111111" >
<Frame HasShadow="True" Margin="10" CornerRadius="10" BackgroundColor="#222222">
<StackLayout Spacing="30">
<Grid ColumnDefinitions="30,*">
<Label Text="R" FontSize="Medium" TextColor="White" />
<Slider GridLayout.Column="1" MinimumTrackColor="Red" ThumbColor="Red" MaximumTrackColor="#AAAAAA" />
<Grid ColumnDefinitions="30,*">
<Label Text="G" FontSize="Medium" TextColor="White" />
<Slider GridLayout.Column="1" MinimumTrackColor="#7FFF00" ThumbColor="#7FFF00" MaximumTrackColor="#AAAAAA" />
which is just a stack layout with a single frame that houses two sliders with labels. However, the two sliders seem to have a predefined width, as they are not filling the remaining space:
As soon as I add anything to any of the controls in the xaml while the app is running, for example a green background to the first grid, both sliders resize to the correct size:
However, when I reload the application with this change, the sliders go back to the wrong size:
There are additional issues that I encountered as well, when placing this content page as a flyout item in the shell where android behaviour was as described here, but additionally the Sliders are not interactable in Windows version. In this example with a clean project they do work in Windows version.
Try with any third-party packages like syncfusion, etc. to meet your requirements.

How do I add padding to a Xamarin Forms CollectionView?

The CollectionView in Xamarin Forms does not support the Padding Property. Therefore the last item in the collection can be hidden behind overlaying items higher in the z-stack, like floating action buttons. Is there a workaround for this?
The best workaround I found is to use the Footer property of collectionview and add an empty, fixed height, transparent StackLayout to act as the missing padding.
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" ... >
<!--A fixed height footer,to simulate bottom padding and keep the last item in view when scrolling-->
<StackLayout Padding="0,0,0,70" BackgroundColor="Transparent"/>
A simple workaround for that is to create a view that contains it, and create padding on this View. I think it is better than placing a footer.
I wanted to use a floating button in a project but used the Footer also for a button.
Then there is no problem with overlaying .
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="LightGray">
<Button Margin="10,0,0,0"
Text="Friends of Xamarin Monkey"

xaml image can not positioned to top of carouselview

In my Xamarin.Forms application, i have a CarouselView with images inside it.
I want to position the images inside the CarouselView on the top of the Carousel. i tried with VerticalOptions="Start" but it doesn't work.
Here is my Carousel Xaml:
ItemsSource="{Binding MainTeaserImageUrls}">
Source="{Binding .}">
The images are always in the center of the Carousel. How can i change this?
I figured it out. I just had to put the image inside a Grid. The Code above does not change except of the encapsulation of the ffimageloading inside a <Grid>. Now it works fine!

How to place a text inside Rectangle BoxView in XAML

I'm using the list View in XAML, and using below codw to draw a rectangular box, I want to place a 2 letter alphabets inside the box like windows phone contacts they palce alphabets inside the rectangle box. Is there any way to place a text inside rectangle box
<BoxView Color="Green" WidthRequest="50" HeightRequest="20" HorizontalOptions="Start">
You want to replicate what it looks like on WinPhone.
(Sorry no code, I don't have my computer with me)
Use a flattened Frame (HasShadows=false, CornerRadius=0)
Set the Padding=10, Margin=3 (breathing room),
Put a Label inside the Frame
Set FontSize=25, TextColor=White, Center it (Horizontal and
Vertical Alignment), FontAttributes=Bold
Hope this helps.
You can use like this
<StackLayout Padding="1" BackgroundColor="Black" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="White" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" >
<Label Text="Sample" TextColor="Black" HorizontalTextAlignment="Start"/>
May this will solve the problem.

Common ToolBar in UWP c++

I am attempting to make a multipage app and would like to use a common navigation toolbar across all pages. The page includes:
<AppBar >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button />
In App.xaml I can define the AppBar that goes into the Page.TopAppBar:
<AppBar x:Key="CommonAppBar" x:Name="AppBarCommon">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button />
But how can I use this AppBar defination in the Page xaml?
You can use the Frame control on one page and show another your pages inside that frame. Then you can add an AppBar to this page.
By the way, the AppBarButton is the button that is used inside an AppBar, not StackPanel and Buttons (your approach will still work, but if you expect the same behaviour and look as in other UWP apps, it's easier to use AppBarButtons).