Error running android app from shoutem v5 - shoutem

I'm getting the following error after I do a shoutem run-android
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.shoutemapp/.MainActivity } Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.shoutemapp/com.shoutemapp.MainActivity}
does not exist. Starting: Intent {
cmp=hr.apps.n4476/com.shoutemapp.MainActivity }
What should I do to resolve this?

This is connected with this React Native issue. Even though you get an error, your app still runs successfully, am I right? Your app is successfully installed onto the device (or simulator). If it doesn't open up automatically, open it manually. It should work.


Unable to connect react-native debugger in Ubuntu(22.04)

I am trying to install react native debugger(version 0.12.1) in ubuntu. The error message was as displayed in this screenshot on first launch.
However, even after installing react-devtools ^4.22.0 globally , it continues to display the same error message. I also looked into this discussion but it was not helpful.I am using npm as a package manager tool..
Any kind of help will be appreciable !!
Update-1 : I was able to successfully connect to the debugger ui. But i was unable to access element inspector and redux state.

React Native App Install But does not Open

I have a react native app that builds and installs successfully. However, it does not run. When I click to open it, it shows a white screen for a second then closes itself. Attached is a screenshot of the terminal when I run react-native run-android
Has anyone ever encountered this problem and how did you solve it?
Its possibly related to native side errors you can debug that by using android studio and try running the project in studio you will get the errors in log cat of android studio

react native invalid hook call in release build

I tried to build my react native app and got the error below.
it works totally fine in debug build while app crashes in release build.
I got this by logging my android device with the command adb logcat '*:E'
Thanks in advance.

How to copy warning messages in React Native

I recently got a warning message appeared on the screen when developing a React Native app. I want to copy that warning message but couldn't find any way to do that. It is possible to copy an error message but not a warning.
You can log any warnings and errors in console.
Open separate window on the project directory and run react-native log-android
and simply copy error message from console.

Uncaught error : "Can't use asyncStorage in unsigned experience" in expo when user is offline

I am new to react-native, and built a standalone application using expo, i want to test a specific case where user is offline, but as soon as i open standalone app, it says Uncaught error : can't user asyncStorage in unsigned experience without opening the app.
My understanding is that this screen is from expo app, because generally expo will fetch the js bundle from server, and when user is offline expo won't be able to fetch anything, now i want to remove that error.
Please let me know how can i resolve this error.
Restarting Expo XDE and clearing device cache on android (not clear all data) seems fix this problem for me.