WCF Task based asynchronous callback - wcf

I have created WCF service in VS2015:
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMyCallback))]
public interface IMyService { }
IMyCallback looks like:
public interface IMyCallback {
Task<string> OnServerEvent(UserAppEventData evData);
I've built the server, run it, then added service reference (by right click on solution explorer).
The client object is defined as
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant,
IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true,
UseSynchronizationContext = true,
ValidateMustUnderstand = true
public class QMyClient : IMyCallback { }
Automatically generated interface implementation made method in sync manner:
public string OnServerEvent(UserAppEventData evData) { }
This code does't work (and isn't asynchronous) and hangs client at OnServerEvent.
When I changed code manuallly to
public async Task<string> OnServerEvent(UserAppEventData evData)
and have done the same in auto generated "service references\...\Reference.cs, all works fine. But I don't want to change Referenece.cs every time I'm updating Service Reference.
Is there any method to force "Update Service Reference" make TBA OperationContractAttribute on callback?
At ordinary WCF service direction everything works OK, VS generates task based operations.

By default the service reference you've added to solution doesn't have asynchronous operations, but you can enable them and decide which option you use for your async methods - task-based or old-fashion asynchronous. This option is available in Advanced settings for service reference.
If you're using a svcutil tool, it will create the task-based methods by default, however, you can change that behavior by some flags like /async or /syncOnly.

What #VMAtm suggested will work out just fine.
I think, you could also use ChannelFactory for this scenario. It is very flexible and you can then await on the service operations from client side. Additional benefit, you don't need to modify client when there are these kind of changes on service side.
Something like:
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(
"WSHttpBinding_IService" // endpoint name
IService channel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
string result = await channel.OnServerEvent();
Please note that for this scenario, you will have to import common interface library to client side as dll because then it will need to know about contracts and data contracts.


Can I add a service info / health check endpoint to my Identity Server 3-based service?

I have a set of AspNet WebApi-based web services and an IdentityServer3-based authentication service. All of the web services support a simple service info endpoint that we use for monitoring and diagnosis. It reports the service version and the server name. The only service that currently does not support the service info endpoint is the IdentityServer3-based authentication service.
Is there a way to add a simple endpoint to an IdentityServer3-based service? In GitHub issue 812 Brock Allen says "We have a way to add custom controllers, but it's undocumented, current unsupported, and not really done." I'd rather not take that indocumented, unsupported route.
Is there a way to modify/extend the discovery endpoint to include additional information?
Here's how I ended up coding this up. At a high level, basically I added a Controllers folder, created a AuthenticationServiceInfoController class with a single GET action method and then registered that controller during Startup. As noted in comment above, my solution had some extra complexity because my AuthenticationServiceInfoController inherited from a base ServiceInfoController defined elsewhere, but I've tried to eliminate that from this sample. So, the controller code looks like this:
public class AuthencticationServiceInfoController : IServiceInfoController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
ServiceInformation serviceInfo = new ServiceInformation();
serviceInfo.ServiceVersion = Global.serviceVersion;
return Ok(serviceInfo);
catch (Exception ex)
return InternalServerError(ex);
It implements a simple interface:
public interface IServiceInfoController
IHttpActionResult Get();
And in my Startup.Configuration method where I configure Identity Server, I've got:
var idSrvFactory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory();
idSrvFactory.Register(new Registration<IServiceInfoController, Controllers.AuthencticationServiceInfoController>());
I think that's all that it took. It's in place and working in my Identity Server 3-based service.

Server Side WCF Service : How to reference/interact with other server components

I have a fairly simple design question about interaction between a self hosted WCF Service and other business classes.
Here is the WCF service contract :
/// <summary>
/// Represent requests on hardware components made by a client to the controler service
/// </summary>
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IHardwareServiceCallback))]
public interface IHardwareService
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void OpenLeftDrawer();
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void OpenRightDrawer();
The service implementation
public class HardwareService : IHardwareService
public void OpenLeftDrawer()
public void OpenRightDrawer()
A class which purpose is to handle the business logic regarding client calls on the server
class DrawerRequestManager
// Server side Business logic to handle OpenDrawer requests from client
Hosting scenario
Uri adrbase = new Uri(srvConfig.Address);
var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HardwareService), adrbase);
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IHardwareService), srvConfig.Binding, srvConfig.Address);
Since this is the host that is managing the service instance lifetime, what is the proper way to handle the link between the service instance and business logic classes (DrawerRequestManager for exemple).
I'm using IOC container but i'm also interested in the response when not using IOC container.
Thanks in advance !
WCF uses parameterless constructor to create service objects, but there is a way to alter that. You need to implement your own instance provider.
You can inject your instance provider via ServiceHostFactory: see here.
Alternatively you can inject instance provider by using custom attribute for your service: see here.
Either way gives you full control of how services instances are created. You can use IOC there or just call constructor manually passing any parameters you want (e.g. reference to DrawerRequestManager instance).

Is ChannelFactory with async methods in .NET 4.5 supported?

I'm in the process of converting our WCF services to use async programming. As expected the interface looks like this:
public interface IFoo
Task<string> DoSomething(string request);
On the client side I'm not creating a service reference from Visual Studio. Since I own both client and server I just share the interface with the client, then I create (and cache) a ChannelFactory. To invoke the method asynchronously I use the expected syntax:
IFoo clientChannel = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
bool result = await clientChannel.DoSomething("Hello World");
My question is: Is the IClientChannel generated by the ChannelFactory really using the async features underneath? I mean, can I be sure there's no thread blocked waiting for the server response?
Looking at the ClientBase code, async calls all boil down to:
There doesn't seem to be any reason to think the thread would block waiting for a network response.

ServiceStack AuthProvider IsAuthorized is not called when calling service from ASP.NET code behind

I've a service operation which I marked with the Authenticate attribute
[Route("/route/to/service", "POST")]
public class OperationA: IReturn<OperationAResponse>
The method IsAuthorized of the AuthProvider is called correctly when I call the service using the REST URL or using JsonServiceClient inside a unit test but is not called if I call the service from ASP.NET code behind (not MVC controller).
I don't use IoC to resolve the service inside my code behind but I use this code...
MyService service = AppHostBase.Instance.Container.TryResolve<MyService>();
Is there something I'm missing?
Thank you for your attention.
Just to clarify:
I don't use IoC to resolve the service inside my code behind but I use this code...
MyService service = AppHostBase.Instance.Container.TryResolve<MyService>();
You are using the IOC here, i.e. resolving an auto-wired instance of MyService from ServiceStack's IOC.
If you're service doesn't make use of the HTTP Request or Response objects than you can treat it like any normal class and call C# methods. If the service does (e.g. Auth/Registration) then you will also need to inject the current HTTP Request Context as well.
The CustomAuthenticationMvc UseCase project has an example of how to do this:
var helloService = AppHostBase.Resolve<HelloService>();
helloService.RequestContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.ToRequestContext();
var response = (HelloResponse)helloService.Any(new Hello { Name = "World" });

RhinoMock help: Mocking WCF service

I'm trying to use RhinoMock for mocking out a wcf service.
Say I have the following service:
List<User> SearchUsers(UserSearchFilter filter);
Adding this service with Visual Studio will generate a proxy, and that proxy has a Interface like:
public interface ResourceService {
System.IAsyncResult BeginSearchUsers(UserSearchFilter filter, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState);
ObservableCollection<User> EndSearchUsers(System.IAsyncResult result);
Then I create a ViewModel that uses this service, like this:
private ResourceService service;
public ViewModelBase(ResourceService serv)
service = serv;
var filter = new UserSearchFilter();
service.BeginSearchUsers(filter, a =>
this.Users = service.EndSearchUsers(a);
}, null);
Then comes the question. How do I mock this service using RhinoMock?
public void UserGetsPopulatedOnCreationOfViewModel()
// Is stub the right thing to use?
ResourceService serv = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ResourceService>();
// Do some setup... Don't know how?
var vm = new ViewModel(serv);
Assert.IsTrue(vm.Users.Count > 0);
I be really happy if someone could help me with the correct usage of RhinoMock
(Note: I'm using Silverlight, but I don't think that would change the way RhinoMock is used)
Thanks a lot!
I wrote a 4-part article all about testing apps that use WCF services.
Part 2 talks about mocking out the service using RhinoMocks
Part 3 talks about mocking out an asynchronous service using Moq
Note that part 3 can be translated over to RhinoMocks very easily. I was just trying to show different mocking frameworks, and that the technique did not rely on the mocking framework.
Hope it helps!
So, in Rhino Mocks, you do this in the setup:
mockService.YourEvent += null;
IEventRaiser loadRaiser = LastCall.IgnoreArguments().GetEventRaiser();
Then in the playback, you do this:
loadRaiser.Raise(mockService, CreateEventArgs());
You can find more info on mocking events in Rhino in Phil Haack's blog post.
I would create interface that service would implement (IResourceService).
Then on Silverlight side create custom implementation of IResourceService that calls WCF service itself.
RihnoMock would create the stub for IResourceService interface and not for WCF service.
It's very easy to do using Prism 2, you can read more here: