How to display keyboard in iphone ( or any ios devices ) in google chrome dev tools - google-developers-console

I know that Nexus keyboard in google dev tools and other android phones exists, now the problem is that I cant test the responsiveness of my ios app because of it.
Any help guys will be appreciated.


App preview in Tizen tv and emulator don't appear

App preview in Tizen tv and emulator don't appear
Hi I am developing an app for tizen tv, with react-native and renative. It already has the configuration to show a preview of the app when it is selected in the application bar of the home. But in emulator it behaves erratically, and most of the time it is not shown, in physical tv it is not shown at all.
I follow this instructions:
The demo project that Samsung shared on their Github can run very well.
Please refer it

React Native iOS Debugging in Safari Missing on M1

I'm used to debugging my React Native (0.63.2) app using Safari's dev tools. I got an M1 Mac Mini last week and have since been unable to get the console or source tabs to show anything from the iOS simulator. Not sure if this is related to the new machine, or if I missed a setting. Any ideas?
I usually do Develop > Simulator > JSContents from Safari, and everything would show up fine. I can get logs in the terminal, but Safari's devtools are much easier to manage.
Installing and using the "Safari Technology Preview" from worked for me.

open developer menu after install debug apk react-native

Currently, I'm working on a big tablet android like the advertisement board.
I'm trying to use react-native for it and the only port that they have is USB. I'm trying to open the developer menu but have no idea how. I am installing the apps by sending the debug apk using the drive.
Things that I try:-
shake the big tab, might be they do not have the sensor for it
use USB male to male did not detect the USB as adb or anything.
any idea how to open this one? it's pretty hard to not see the console.
Tab Information:
Model number
Quad-Core R18 ads
Android version
android 6.0.1
firmware version
kernel version
xiao#yh-Series2 #225

React Native debug

I’m doing a React Native project. It has a bug.
The bug make the APP just exit(it can functional run a while, but suddenly...just gone). So it dose not report error. How can I find out where the problem is?
My APP used react-native-bluetooth-serial.
My code on Github
Are you running it on you simulator.
If that is so you have to use real device for testing it as simulators do not have access to bluetooth peripherals.
Hope this helps.
You can use Genymotion or real device to use bluetooth enabled app. To test your bug you can also use "Debug JS remotely" feature of react native dev tools.
To enable dev tools in your real device, shake your device and dev menu will appear. In emulator you can press Ctrl + M to enable dev menu. then you can choose "Debug JS remotely" which will open in chrome. If you are familiar with web development then you might have used "Inspect element" feature which will open dev tools.
The answers are right. You might be using a simulator which doesn't support bluetooth.
To know more about the crash you can check the logs natively. For android just run this inside your android folder
adb logcat
Or you can use
react-native log-ios
react-native log-android

What devices are necessary for mobile app development?

I'm developing a 3D application with css3 and webgl for ios6+ and android 4.0+ (mainly for mobile phone). The devices I have are iPhone 4S(iOS7), iPad mini2 and nexus 5.
So is necessary for me to have an iPhone 5S or any other devices to do the test?
Any suggestions for device testing to target as more devices?
Is there any common compatibility issues between iOS safari, android Chrome and android browser?
In my opinion, you may also consider a Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 for Android tablet testing. There are loads of other large screen Android devices but you may have already known that the Nexus series are most suitable for development.