I have data regarding the redness of the user's finger that is currently quite noisy, so I'd like to run it through an FFT to reduce the noise. The data on the left side of this image is similar to my data currently. I've familiarized myself with the Apple documentation regarding vDSP, but there doesn't seem to be a clear or concise guide on how to implement a Fast Fourier Transform using Apple's vDSP and the Accelerate framework. How can I do this?
I have already referred to this question, which is on a similar topic, but is significantly outdated and doesn't involve vDSP.
Using vDSP for FFT calculations is pretty easy. I'm assuming you have real values on input. The only thing you need to keep in mind you need to convert your real valued array to a packed complex array that FFT algo from vDSP uses internally.
You can see a good overview in the documentation:
Here is the smallest example of calculating real valued FFT:
const int n = 1024;
const int log2n = 10; // 2^10 = 1024
DSPSplitComplex a;
a.realp = new float[n/2];
a.imagp = new float[n/2];
// prepare the fft algo (you want to reuse the setup across fft calculations)
FFTSetup setup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2n, kFFTRadix2);
// copy the input to the packed complex array that the fft algo uses
vDSP_ctoz((DSPComplex *) input, 2, &a, 1, n/2);
// calculate the fft
vDSP_fft_zrip(setup, &a, 1, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
// do something with the complex spectrum
for (size_t i = 0; i < n/2; ++i) {
One trick is that a.realp[0] is the DC offset and a.imagp[0] is the real valued magnitude at the Nyquist frequency.
I'm studying OpenCL and I don't understand the relationship between traditional loop in a C/C++ code and kernel code.
Just for be clear a situation like that:
So my question is: In the traditional loops I have n variable as my boundary while in kernel code I don't have it but I have get_global_id(0) that indicates the memory scope of my array, this means that I start from 0, and iterate until get_global_id matches with the maximum size of the array, n in this case? Or is something different?
Because in this other example I don't know how to write the correspond kernel code
I hope my question is clear because I'm not very well in english, sorry.
Thanks in advance for the help, if there are problems let me know!
An OpenCL kernel is coded like a single iteration of a for-loop, but all iterations are run in parallel with random order.
Consider this vector addition example in C++, where for i=0..N-1, you add each element of the vectors one after the other:
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { // loop index i
C[i] = A[i]+B[i]; // compute one after the other
In OpenCL, the vector addition looks like the inside of this for-loop, but as a function with the kernel keyword and all vectors as parameters:
kernel void add_kernel(const global float* A, const global float* B, global float* C) {
const int i = get_global_id(0);
C[i] = A[i]+B[i]; // compute all loop indices i in parallel
You might be wondering: Where is N? You give N to the kernel on the C++ side as its "global range", so the kernel knows how much elements i to calculate in parallel.
Because in the OpenCL kernel every iteration runs in parallel, there must not be any data dependencies from one iteration to the next; otherwise you have to use a double buffer (only read from one buffer and only write to the other). In your second example with A[i] = B[i-1]+B[i]+B[i+1] you do exactly that: only read from B, only write to A. The implementation with periodic boundaries can be done branch-less, see here.
tl/dr: I've got two audio recordings of the same song without timestamps, and I'd like to align them. I believe FFT is the way to go, but while I've got a long way, it feels like I'm right on the edge of understanding enough to make it work, and would greatly benefit from a "you got this part wrong" advice on FFT. (My education never got into this area) So I came here seeking ELI5 help.
The journey:
Get two recordings at the same sample rate. (done!)
Transform them into a waveform. (DoubleArray) This doesn't keep any of the meta info like "samples/second" but the FFT math doesn't care until later.
Run a FFT on them using a simplified implementation for beginners
Get a Array<Frame>, each Frame contains Array<Bin>, each Bin has (amplitude, frequency) because the older implementation hid all the details (like frame width, and number of Bins, and ... stuff?) and outputs words I'm familiar with like "amplitude" and "frequency"
Try moving to a more robust FFT (Apache Commons)
Get an output of 'real' and 'imaginary' (uh oh)
Make the totally incorrect assumption that those were the same thing (amplitude and frequency). Surprise, they aren't!
Apache's FFT returns an Array<Complex> which means it... er... is just one frame's worth? And I should be chopping the song into 1 second chunks and passing each one into the FFT and call it multiple times? That seems strange, how does it get lower frequencies?
To the best of my understanding, the complex number is a way to convey the phase shift and amplitude in one neat container (and you need phase shift if you want to do the FFT in reverse). And the frequency is calculated from the index of the array.
Which works out to (pseudocode in Kotlin)
val audioFile = File("Dream_On.pcm")
val (phases, amplitudes) = AudioInputStream(
/* encoding = */ AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
/* sampleRate = */ 44100f,
/* sampleSizeInBits = */ 16,
/* channels = */ 2,
/* frameSize = */ 4,
/* frameRate = */ 44100f,
/* bigEndian = */ false
(audiFile.length() / /* frameSize */ 4)
).use { ais ->
val bytes = ais.readAllBytes()
val shorts = ShortArray(bytes.size / 2)
val allWaveform = DoubleArray(shorts.size)
for (i in shorts.indices) {
allWaveform[i] = shorts[i].toDouble()
val halfwayThroughSong = allWaveform.size / 2
val moreThanOneSecond = allWaveform.copyOfRange(halfwayThroughSong, halfwayThroughSong + findNextPowerOf2(44100))
val fft = FastFourierTransformer(DftNormalization.STANDARD)
val fftResult: Array<Complex> = fft.transform(moreThanOneSecond, TransformType.FORWARD)
println("fftResult size: ${fftResult.size}")
val phases = DoubleArray(fftResult.size / 2)
val amplitudes = DoubleArray(fftResult.size / 2)
val frequencies = DoubleArray(fftResult.size / 2)
fftResult.filterIndexed { index, _ -> index < fftResult.size / 2 }.forEachIndexed { idx, complex ->
phases[idx] = atan2(complex.imaginary, complex.real)
frequencies[idx] = idx * 44100.0 / fftResult.size
amplitudes[idx] = hypot(complex.real, complex.imaginary)
Triple(phases, frequencies, amplitudes)
Is my step #8 at all close to the truth? Why would the FFT result return an array as big as my input number of samples? That makes me think I've got the "window" or "frame" part wrong.
I read up on
FFT real/imaginary/abs parts interpretation
Converting Real and Imaginary FFT output to Frequency and Amplitude
Java - Finding frequency and amplitude of audio signal using FFT
An audio recording in waveform is a series of sound energy levels, basically how much sound energy there should be at any one instant. Based on the bit rate, you can think of the whole recording as a graph of energy versus time.
Sound is made of waves, which have frequencies and amplitudes. Unless your recording is of a pure sine wave, it will have many different waves of sound coming and going, which summed together create the total sound that you experience over time. At any one instant of time, you have energy from many different waves added together. Some of those waves may be at their peaks, and some at their valleys, or anywhere in between.
An FFT is a way to convert energy-vs.-time data into amplitude-vs.-frequency data. The input to an FFT is a block of waveform. You can't just give it a single energy level from a one-dimensional point in time, because then there is no way to determine all the waves that add together to make up the amplitude at that point of time. So, you give it a series of amplitudes over some finite period of time.
The FFT then does its math and returns a range of complex numbers that represent the waves of sound over that chunk of time, that when added together would create the series of energy levels over that block of time. That's why the return value is an array. It represents a bunch of frequency ranges. Together the total data of the array represents the same energy from the input array.
You can calculate from the complex numbers both phase shift and amplitude for each frequency range represented in the return array.
Ultimately, I don’t see why performing an FFT would get you any closer to syncing your recordings. Admittedly it’s not a task I’ve tried before. But I would think waveform data is already the perfect form for comparing the data and finding matching patterns. If you break your songs up into chunks to perform FFTs on, then you can try to find matching FFTs but they will only match perfectly if your chunks are divided exactly along the same division points relative to the beginning of the original recording. And even if you could guarantee that and found matching FFT’s, you will only have as much precision as the size of your chunks.
But when I think of apps like Shazam, I realize they must be doing some sort of manipulation of the audio that breaks it down into something simpler for rapid comparison. That possibly involves some FFT manipulation and filtering.
Maybe you could compare FFTs using some algorithm to just find ones that are pretty similar to narrow down to a time range and then compare wave form data in that range to find the exact point of synchronization.
I would imagine the approach that would work well would to find the offset with the maximum cross-correlation between the two recordings. This means calculate the cross-correlation between the two pieces at various offsets. You would expect the maximum cross-correlation to occur at the offset where the two piece were best aligned.
I'm developing an audio visualizer using libGDX.
I want to pass the audio spectrum data (an array containing the FFT of the audio sample) to a shader I took from Shadertoy: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ttfGzH.
In the GLSL code I expect an uniform containing the data as texture:
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
The problem is that I can't figure out how to pass an arbitrary array as a texture to a shader in libGDX.
I already searched in SO and in libGDX's forum but there isn't a satisfying answer to my problem.
Here is my Kotlin code (that obviously doesn't work xD):
val p = Pixmap(512, 1, Pixmap.Format.Alpha)
val t = Texture(p)
val map = p.pixels
map.putFloat(....) // fill the map with FFT data
shader.setUniformi("iChannel0", 0)
You could simply use the drawPixel method and store your data in the first channel of each pixel just like in the shadertoy example (they use the red channel).
float[] fftData = // your data
Color tmpColor = new Color();
Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(fftData.length, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
for(int i = 0; i < fftData.length i++)
tmpColor.set(fftData[i], 0, 0, 0); // using only 1 channel per pixel
pixmap.drawPixel(i, 0, Color.rgba8888(tmpColor));
// then create your texture and bind it to the shader
To be more efficient and require 4x less memory (and possibly less samples depending on the shader), you could use 4 channels per pixels by splitting your data accross the r, g, b and a channels. However, this will complexify the shader a bit.
This data being passed in the shader example you provided is not arbitrary though, it has pretty limited precision and ranges between 0 and 1. If you want to increase precision you may want to store the floating point accross multiple channels (although the IEEE recomposition in the shader may be painful) or passing an integer to be scaled down (fixed point). If you need data between -inf and inf you may use sigmoid and anti sigmoig functions, at the cost of highly reducing the precision again. I believe this technique will work for your example though, as they seem to only require values between 0 and 1 and precision is not super important because the result is smoothed.
Without getting into a discussion about premature optimisation, I have a few questions about how well g++ or other compilers handle SSE optimisation, when the relevant compiler flags are selected:
Do multiple lines of code get re-ordered in order for SSE instructions to be performed on bunches of lines? e.g.
a[0] = a1+a2+a3;
x[0] = a1*a1;
a[1] = b1+b2+b3;
x[1] = b1*b1;
a[2] = c1+c2+c3;
x[2] = c1*c1;
where the compiler could reorder these lines into two sets of SSE instructions?
Does the compiler realise when to take similar sets of operations, that are not in arrays and combine them into SSE instructions? e.g.
a = a1+a2+a3;
b = b1+b2+b3;
c = c1+c2+c3;
Does the compiler optimise instructions in a for loop for SSE optimisation? e.g.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
x[i] = x[i]*k;
a[i] = a[i]*c;
Will a compiler combine 1, 2 and 3 when trying to optimise?
Would be interesting to hear peoples thoughts on this for various SSE optimising compilers.
edit: I'm mostly asking about g++, but other "mainstream" compilers are of interest. I'm also predominantly talking about floating point operations.
In my experience, compilers made a real improvement for vectorization three years ago. Presently, all of your examples will be vectorized efficiently. Moreover, if you have the chance to use Intel's compiler, you will get a huge speed-up, and its reporting mode will give you additional information about the optimizations it applied.
In my day-to-day life, I've seen that you can have the craziest code, but for the computation part, you should help the compiler and use a C approach where you extract your pointer and do your loop:
float * pa = whatever; // data must be contigious
float * pb = whatever;
for (int i=0; i <n; ++i)
pa[I] = pa[i]*pb[i]; // example
Now we also have OpenMP 4.5, which provides directives for vectorization. This will only be 10% slower than a hand-written solution. Therefore, I do not recommend today to move to intrinsics, except in very specific cases where #pragma will not work.
I am trying to optimize my histogram calculations in CUDA. It gives me an excellent speedup over corresponding OpenMP CPU calculation. However, I suspect (in keeping with intuition) that most of the pixels fall into a few buckets. For argument's sake, assume that we have 256 pixels falling into let us say, two buckets.
The easiest way to do it is to do it appears to be
Load the variables into shared memory
Do vectorized loads for unsigned char, etc. if needed.
Do an atomic add in shared memory
Do a coalesced write to global.
Something like this:
__global__ void shmem_atomics_reducer(int *data, int *count){
uint tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
__shared__ int block_reduced[NUM_THREADS_PER_BLOCK];
block_reduced[threadIdx.x] = 0;
for(int i=threadIdx.x; i<NUM_BINS; i+=NUM_BINS)
The performance of this kernel drops (naturally) when we decrease the number of bins, from around 45 GB/s at 32 bins to around 10 GB/s at 1 bin. Contention, and shared memory bank conflicts are given as reasons. I don't know if there is any way to remove either of these for this calculation in any significant way.
I've also been experimenting with another (beautiful) idea from the parallelforall blog involving warp level reductions using __ballot to grab warp results and then using __popc() to do the warp level reduction.
__global__ void ballot_popc_reducer(int *data, int *count ){
uint tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
uint warp_id = threadIdx.x >> 5;
//need lane_ids since we are going warp level
uint lane_id = threadIdx.x%32;
//for ballot
uint warp_set_bits=0;
//to store warp level sum
__shared__ uint warp_reduced_count[NUM_WARPS_PER_BLOCK];
//shared data
__shared__ uint s_data[NUM_THREADS_PER_BLOCK];
//load shared data - could store to registers
s_data[threadIdx.x] = data[tid];
//suspicious loop - I think we need more parallelism
for(int i=0; i<NUM_BINS; i++){
warp_set_bits = __ballot(s_data[threadIdx.x]==i);
warp_reduced_count[warp_id] = __popc(warp_set_bits);
//do warp level reduce
//could use shfl, but it does not change the overall picture
int t = threadIdx.x;
for(int j = NUM_WARPS_PER_BLOCK/2; j>0; j>>=1){
if(t<j) warp_reduced_count[t] += warp_reduced_count[t+j];
This gives decent numbers (well, that is moot - peak device mem bw is 133 GB/s, things seem to depend on launch configuration) for the single bin case (35-40 GB/s for 1 bin, as against 10-15 GB/s using atomics), but performance drops drastically when we increase the number of bins. When we run with 32 bins, performance drops to about 5 GB/s. The reason might perhaps be because of the single thread looping through all the bins, asking for parallelization of the NUM_BINS, loop.
I have tried several ways of going about parallelizing the NUM_BINS loop, none of which seem to work properly. For example, one could (very inelegantly) manipulate the kernel to create some blocks for each bin. This seems to behave the same way, possibly because we would again suffer from contention with multiple blocks attempting to read from global memory. Plus, the programming is clunky. Likewise, parallelizing in the y direction for bins gives similarly uninspiring results.
The other idea I tried just for kicks was dynamic parallelism, launching a kernel for each bin. This was disastrously slow, possibly owing to no real compute work for the child kernels and the launch overhead.
The most promising approach seems to be - from Nicholas Wilt's article
on using these so-called privatized histograms containing bins for each thread in shared memory, which would ostensibly be very heavy on shmem usage (and we only have 48 kB per SM on Maxwell).
Perhaps someone could shed some insight into the problem? I feel that one ought to go change the algorithm instead so as not to use histograms, to use something less frequentist. Otherwise, I suppose we just use the atomics version.
Edit: The context for my problem is in computing probability density functions to be used for pattern-classification. We can compute approximate histograms (more precisely, pdfs) by using non-parametric methods such as Parzen Windows or Kernel Density Estimation. However, this does not overcome the problem of dimensionality as we need to sum over all data points for every bin, which becomes expensive when the number of bins becomes large. See here: Parzen
I faced similar chalanges to work with clustering, but in the botton end, the best solution was to use the scan pattern to group the processing. So, I don't think that it would work for you. Since you asked for some experience in this are, I'll share mine with you.
The issues
In your 1st code, I guess that the deal with the low performance with the number of bins reduction is linked to warp stall, since you do perform very little processing for every evaluated data. When the number of bins is increased, the relation between processing and global memory load (data info) for that kernel is also increased. You can check that very easily with the "Issue Efficiency" Experiments at the Performance Analysis from Nsight. Probably you are getting a low rate of cycles with at least one elegible warp (Warp Issue Efficiency).
Since I was not able to improve the number of elegible warps to somewhere close to 95%, I gave up this approach, since for some cases it gets worse (the memory dependency stall 90% of my processing cycles.
The shuffle and vote reduction is very usefull if the number of bins is not to large. If it is to large, a small amount of threads should be active for every bin filter. So you may end up with a lot of code divergence, and that is very undesirable for parallel processing. You may try to group the divergence in order to remove branching and have a good control flow, so the whole warp/block presents a similar processing, but a lot chance across blocks.
A feasible solution
I don't know where, but there are very good solutions for your problem around that I saw. Did you tried this one?
Also you can use a vectorized load and try something like that, but I'm not sure how much would it improve your performance:
__global__ hist(int4 *data, int *count, int N, int rem, unsigned int init) {
__shared__ unsigned int sBins[N_OF_BINS]; // you may want to declare this one dinamically
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (threadIdx.x < N_OF_BINS) sBins[threadIdx.x] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i+= warpSize) {
atomicAdd(&sBins[data[i + init].w], 1);
atomicAdd(&sBins[data[i + init].x], 1);
atomicAdd(&sBins[data[i + init].y], 1);
atomicAdd(&sBins[data[i + init].z], 1);
//process remaining elements if the data is not multiple of 4
// using recast and a additional control
for (int i = 0; i < rem; i++) {
atomicAdd(&sBins[reinterpret_cast<int*>(data)[N * 4 + init + i]], 1);
//update your histogram data here