How to find SQL Query Plan (Performance\Optimization) using visual studio IDE? - sql

How to find SQL Query Plan (Performance\Optimization) using visual studio IDE?

Step1 :
Add connection from Tools menu
click new query and select include actual execution plan as highlighted below in image

To view the execution plan for a query
Open Visual Studio 2010
On the Data menu, select the Transact-SQL editor and connect.
If there is no query in the query pane, open a saved query or create a new query.
Right-click the editor, and then click Display Estimated Execution Plan.
A graphical representation of the execution plan is displayed. You can position the pointer over graphical elements to reveal additional execution plan information.
On the Transact-SQL Editor toolbar, click Execute SQL.


Refresh text editor SQL Server Management Studio v17.9

Typically I develop SQL expressions using a fully featured text editor external to SSMS v17. I then await the SSMS Editor to reload the text before execution of the expression. Often the reload take several seconds, sometimes a minute or more.
While one might copy and paste from editor to editor, is there a manual means of forcing the SSMS text editor to update? (Something akin to the F5 key in a browser window?)

Powerbi - view the query used to pull in data

I've downloaded the pbix of a report from a colleague. I'd like to view the SQL query that was used to pull the data into this report. When clicking on 'edit queries' I can see the output of the query, but not the query itself. How do I view the query itself? Note I would like to see the query before any steps Power BI takes. I found something in 'advanced editor' that looks code-like but it doesn't seem to be the raw original code.
Click on the table/query on the left pane. On the right side you see the steps he applied in the query designer and under Home > Advanced Editor you see the whole code what happended.

Edit arbitrary database values with the SQL Server Management Studio GUI

In MySQL Workbench, as long as you can display a row, you can edit it by typing in the cells.
Is there any way to do that with SQL Server Management Studio? SSMS seems limited to providing a GUI editor for the top 200 entries.
You can edit the query used to display the rows to edit by opening the "Query Designer" menu and selecting "Pane"->"SQL".
Once you've made your changes open the "Query Designer" menu and click "Execute SQL".
(Note these commands are also available on the toolbar and have hotkeys associated with them by default).

How to open Query Analyser (window) in Aqua Data

To open Query Analyser (QA) in Aqua Data Studio (ADS), I now right-click a table in de navigationpane en then select Script Object To Window As followed by SELECT
This is becoming cumbersome. Is there an easier why to accomplish this?
Before trying to open Query Analyzer, make sure you are connected to a server first!
To open QA in ADS, do one of the following:
Use the computer keyboard command: Ctrl+Q
(or Ctrl+Shift+W to open QA in a separate window).
Click Server on the Toolbar and select Query Analyzer.
In the navigation-bar, Right-click any node that is showing under your connected server and select Query Analyzer.

Query Designer toolbar grayed out?

I am using the Query Designer in SQL Server Management Studio (on an Express 2008 database). I created a new Query, chose Design Query in Editor from the Query toolbar and was presented with a cool graphical query designer (a bit like the one in ACCESS). I selected the fields, which generated the T-SQL, and executed the query and thought awesome! However, I can then only modify the T-SQL manually, I cannot get back into the graphical designer as all the Query Designer toolbar options are grayed out. Am I missing something?
Highlight the query text, then right-click, and select "Design Query in Editor...".