Firebase DynamicLinks not open after clicked < button - objective-c

I have problem with firebase dynamicLinks :
the scenario that I check :
1)I press firebase deeplink from nots and the app open, in the top left of
scree <- and the right nots ->.
2) press the nots> button move to nots app.
3) try again the link open the app again , but now I press the
4)press in nots link not open the app and open safari with "open link in 'my app' " press open and the app store open.
to fix this I need to long press in the link and choose "open in 'my app'"
but after I return step 3 the link not open again in app.

This is how Universal links behave on iOS itself, and you found the solution that you posted:
to fix this I need to long press in the link and choose "open in 'my app'"
I just tested this locally, and it behaved as expected.


Telegrambot Deep Linking

I am using deep linking ({botname}/start=foo) in my text so that I can interact with my bot by clicking on the link, unfortunately when I click on the link the START button pops up and I can't exchange data with my bot without clicking on the START button, how can I do this without clicking on the START button?

Uploading a file with webdriverio and open modal

I'm having this problem:
At the website I'm trying to test with webdriverio, it has this functionality:
You click a button to upload a file (a window opens to choose your local file)
You select your file and click Accept.
When you click Accept, a modal opens and gives you a progress bar and also some mandatory inputs to continue the process and the test.
In other cases, uploading the file with this:
it works fine!
But in this case, I need to open the modal after you click Accept at the window (anyway I'm not really clicking on Accept button at the locals file window, so probably this should be solve before, but I don't know how to do it)… and its not happening.
Thanks for the help!

Handle Choose Account PopUp in Appium

Hey there is an app called Raaga when i open the app it shows me an popup
that says
choose an account For Raaga in which i want to just ignore that popup
can you tell me how can i do that
More about that pop: That is the similar type of the popup that is shown us when we open the playstore and get a popup to select the username

OS X: How can I forward contextual menu clicks from dock icon to another application?

Question: Is there any way for one app to programmatically access and activate the contextual menu items that can be accessed when right clicking on the dock icon of another application?
App A: Non-open source Mac App Store app that currently has no AppleScript support
App B: My own application, which I could write in Objective-C, AppleScript, Python, whatever...
When I right click on the dock icon for App A, I see contextual menu options for custom commands related to the function of that application. What I would like to do is to populate the contextual menu for App B with the same commands, which when accessed forward those commands to App A assuming that App A is open (even if its dock icon is hidden).
Is this sort of thing possible?
Here's an idea. Download LiveCode 6.6.1 (the version of which I know that it all works) and add a button to a new LiveCode document. Select the button and press command-E to edit the script. Enter the following synax (for testing):
on mouseUp
put "test" & cr & tab & "test1" into myMenu
set the iconMenu to myMenu
end mouseUp
on iconMenuPick theItem
if theItem contains "test1" then
answer "You chose" && theItem
end if
end iconMenuPick
This is useful, because you can also use AppleScript and GUI scripting with LiveCode. Let LiveCode be app B and have it control app A.

Open given url in OpenERP in new tab

How to open url link on new tab instead of pop up in OpenERP on button click?
In V7, ctrl-clicking on most links works as expected (i.e. open link in a new tab).
In 6.1 you have to create a new tab by Ctrl-clicking on the OpenERP logo (in the top left corner), which opens a new tab with the default screen and then navigate from there to the page you need (tedious, I know...). You can also try this addon: which opens links in tabs inside the web client tab.
First you have mark the following options from your browser preferences
"Open New window in a new Tab" and
"When I Open a link in a New Tab,switch it to immediately"
Second, you just set your mouse over to link in openerp and press Scroll key.
The page will Open/display in New Tab