Simple calculation using CEL - cumulocity

I would like do do some simple calculations with two single dataports. E.g. calculation of electric power from current and voltage.
-> SQRT(3) * V * I * cos phi.
The result shall be written to a new dataport "Power". Can anyone give me a hint how to do that with CEL? I do not understand the examples given in the documentation.
Thanks a lot.

Here is a sketch, maybe it helps. It should produce a data point "power" that is calculated based on "voltage", "current" and "cosphi". You would need to edit the text below to replace it with the names that your actual device uses, both for the fragment type and the data point names. Note that the assumption is that voltage, current and cosphi come together as part of one measurement.
insert into
m.measurement.source as source,
current_timestamp().toDate() as time,
"marc_Power" as type,
Math.sqrt(3) *
getNumber(m, "marc_CurrentAndVoltageMeasurement.voltage.value") *
getNumber(m, "marc_CurrentAndVoltageMeasurement.current.value") *
getNumber(m, "marc_CurrentAndVoltageMeasurement.cosphi.value"),
"marc_Power.power.unit", "kW"
} as fragments
MeasurementCreated m
getObject(m, "marc_CurrentAndVoltageMeasurement") is not null;


X and Y inputs in LabVIEW

I am new to LabVIEW and I am trying to read a code written in LabVIEW. The block diagram is this:
This is the program to input x and y functions into the voltage input. It is meant to give an input voltage in different forms (sine, heartshape , etc.) into the fast-steering mirror or galvano mirror x and y axises.
x and y function controls are for inputting a formula for a function, and then we use "evaluation single value" function to input into a daq assistant.
I understand that { 2*(|-Mpi|)/N }*i + -Mpi*pi goes into the x value. However, I dont understand why we use this kind of formula. Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value of -M*pi. Also, I don`t understand why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i. And finally, why need to add -Mpi again? If you provide any hints about this I would really appreciate it.
This is just a complicated way to write the code/formula. Given what the code looks like (unnecessary wire bends, duplicate loop-input-tunnels, hidden wires, unnecessary coercion dots, failure to use appropriate built-in 'negate' function) not much care has been given in writing it. So while it probably yields the correct results you should not expect it to do so in the most readable way.
To answer you specific questions:
Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value
We don't. We can just move the negation immediately before the last addition or change that to a subtraction:
{ 2*(|Mpi|)/N }*i - Mpi*pi
And as #yair pointed out: We are not assigning a value here, we are basically flipping the sign of whatever value the user entered.
Why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i
This gives you a fraction between 0 and 1, no matter how many steps you do in your for-loop. Think of N as a sampling rate. I.e. your mirrors will always do the same movement, but a larger N just produces more steps in between.
Why need to add -Mpi again
I would strongly assume this is some kind of quick-and-dirty workaround for a bug that has not been fixed properly. Looking at the code it seems this +Mpi*pi has been added later on in the development process. And while I don't know what the expected values are I would believe that multiplying only one of the summands by Pi is probably wrong.

Iterative solution to compute powers

I am working on developing an efficient iterative code to compute mn. After some thinking and googling I found this code;
public static int power(int n, int m)
// Efficiently calculates m to the power of n iteratively
int pow=m, acc=1, count=n;
return acc;
This logic makes sense to me except the fact that why are we squaring value of pow towards the end each time. I am familiar with similar recursive approach, but this squaring is not looking very intuitive to me. Can I kindly get some help her? An example with explanation will be really helpful.
The accumulator is being squared each iteration because count (which is the inverse cumulative power) is being halved each iteration.
If the count is odd, the accumulator is multiplied by the number. This algorithm relies on integer arithmetic, which discards the fractional part of a division, effectively further decrementing by 1 when the count is odd.
This is a very tricky solution to understand. I am solving this problem in leetcode and have found the iterative solution. I have spent a whole day to understand this beautiful iterative solution. The main problem is this iterative solution does not work as like its recursive solution.
Let's pick an example to demonstrate. But first I have to re-write your code by replacing some variable name as the name in your given code is very confusing.
// Find m^n
public static int power(int n, int m)
int pow=n, result=1, base=m;
while(pow > 0)
if(pow%2 == 1) result = result * base;
base = base * base;
pow = pow/2;
return result;
Let's understand the beauty step by step.
Let say, base = 2 and power = 10.
2^10= (2*2)^5 = 4^5
We have changed the base to 4 and power to 5. So it is now enough to find 4^5. [base multiplied with itself and power is half
4^5= 4*(4)^4 = 4^5
We separate single 4 which is the base for current iteration. We store the base to result variable. We will now find the value of 4^4 and then multiply with the result variable.
4^4= (4*4)^2 = 16^2
We change the base to 16 and power to 2. It is now enough to find 16^2
16^2= (16*16)^1 = 256^1
We change the base to 256 and power to 1. It is now enough to find 256^1
256^1 = 256 * 256^0
We separate single 256 which is the base for current iteration. This value comes from evaluation of 4^4.So, we have to multiply it with our previous result variable. And continue evaluating the rest value of 256^0.
Power 0. So stop the iteration.
So, after translating the process in pseudo code it will be similar to this,
If power is even:
base = base * base
power /= 2
If power is odd:
result = result * base
power -= 1
Now, let have another observation. It is observed that floor(5 / 2) and (5-1) / 2 is same.
So, for odd power, we can directly set power / 2 instead of power -= 1. So, the pseudo code will be like the below,
if power is both odd or even:
base = base * base
power /= 2
If power is odd:
result = result * base
I hope you got the behind the scene.

Function iMA is returning different return value from expected (MQL5)

I'm using MQL5 (my first code).
I want to use a script that uses MA, but first, I wanted to confirm the value to verify I'm doing correctly. Using a very basic code into script:
double x=0;
x = iMA(Symbol(),Period(),100,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
Alert("The actual MA from last 100 points of EURUSD actually is: " + x;
The expected value is near the actual price... 1.23456, but this function is returning 10.00000 or 11.0000.
I believe I'm missing something, and helplink is not quite clear enough.
I already saw another similar function: MA[0] which seems to bring the moving average from specific candle, but, I don't know how to manage the Period range (100) or if is related to Close/Open variables on it. I didn't find any specific helplink to review.
Any ideas are very appreciated!!!
x should be int, it is a handler of the MA. So each indicator when created in MT5 receives its handler, and you can use it later to get what you need. If you need several MA's - create several handlers and give each of them different names (x1, x2 or add some sense). Expert advisors in the default build of MT5 are good examples on what to do.
The iMA function Returns the handle of a specified technical indicator, not the "moving average" value.
For example, to get the value of the Moving average you can use this (in MQ4):
EMA34Value = CopyBuffer(EMA34Handler, 0,0);

Can I run a GA to optimize wavelet transform?

I am running a wavelet transform (cmor) to estimate damping and frequencies that exists in a signal.cmor has 2 parameters that I can change them to get more accurate results. center frequency(Fc) and bandwidth frequency(Fb). If I construct a signal with few freqs and damping then I can measure the error of my estimation(fig 2). but in actual case I have a signal and I don't know its freqs and dampings so I can't measure the a friend in here suggested me to reconstruct the signal and find error by measuring the difference between the original and reconstructed signal e(t)=|x(t)−x^(t)|.
so my question is:
Does anyone know a better function to find the error between reconstructed and original signal,rather than e(t)=|x(t)−x^(t)|.
can I use GA to search for Fb and Fc? or do you know a better search method?
Hope this picture shows what I mean, the actual case is last one. others are for explanations
Thanks in advance
You say you don't know the error until after running the wavelet transform, but that's fine. You just run a wavelet transform for every individual the GA produces. Those individuals with lower errors are considered fitter and survive with greater probability. This may be very slow, but conceptually at least, that's the idea.
Let's define a Chromosome datatype containing an encoded pair of values, one for the frequency and another for the damping parameter. Don't worry too much about how their encoded for now, just assume it's an array of two doubles if you like. All that's important is that you have a way to get the values out of the chromosome. For now, I'll just refer to them by name, but you could represent them in binary, as an array of doubles, etc. The other member of the Chromosome type is a double storing its fitness.
We can obviously generate random frequency and damping values, so let's create say 100 random Chromosomes. We don't know how to set their fitness yet, but that's fine. Just set it to zero at first. To set the real fitness value, we're going to have to run the wavelet transform once for each of our 100 parameter settings.
for Chromosome chr in population = run_wavelet_transform(chr.frequency, chr.damping)
Now we have 100 possible wavelet transforms, each with a computed error, stored in our set called population. What's left is to select fitter members of the population, breed them, and allow the fitter members of the population and offspring to survive into the next generation.
while not done
offspring = new_population()
while count(offspring) < N
parent1, parent2 = select_parents(population)
child1, child2 = do_crossover(parent1, parent2)
mutate(child2) = run_wavelet_transform(child1.frequency, child1.damping) = run_wavelet_transform(child2.frequency, child2.damping)
end while
population = merge(population, offspring)
end while
There are a bunch of different ways to do the individual steps like select_parents, do_crossover, mutate, and merge here, but the basic structure of the GA stays pretty much the same. You just have to run a brand new wavelet decomposition for every new offspring.

Check if point is within a polygon

Given a GEO-JSON polygon, such as the below:
[15.520376, 38.231155],
[15.160243, 37.444046],
[15.309898, 37.134219],
[15.099988, 36.619987],
[14.335229, 36.996631],
[13.826733, 37.104531],
[12.431004, 37.61295],
[12.570944, 38.126381],
[13.741156, 38.034966],
[14.761249, 38.143874],
[15.520376, 38.231155]
How can I check if a GPS location is within the polygon region?
For example, if the user is at Lat 37.387617, Long 14.458008, how would I go about searching the array?
I don't need someone to necessarily write the code for me, I just don't understand the logic of how I can check. If you have any example (any language) please point me.
This task is called point in polygon test.
Gerve has explained the algorithm that is widley used for this task. But this will not help you in implementing it. There are foot traps, like parallel lines.
One of that algorithms is called Crossings Multiply test, which is an optimized variant.
Source code: CrossingsMultiplyTest (last function in the file)
An Overview is given in "Point in Polygon Strategies"
Use longitude for the x coordinate, and latitude for the y coordinate.
I've found an article about the Ray-casting algorithm. It's explained pretty well here, the jist of it is (in pseudo code):
count ← 0
foreach side in polygon:
if ray_intersects_segment(P,side) then
count ← count + 1
if is_odd(count) then
return inside
return outside