Display only characters to the left of a special character - sql

Using Oracle 11. We need to remove a semi colon and anything to the right of the semi colon in a set of strings.
The strings may or may not contain a semi colon. If there is no semi colon, we will return the entire string.
I can see using CASE to alter the string only if there is a semi colon, but am sure of the syntax to handle the removal of the semi colon and everything that follows the semi colon.
123456;789154 would return 123456
123456789 would return 123456789
When string1 like ('%;%')
then substr( …….) or trim(…)
Else string1
As trimmedstring
Any and all help/pointers appreciated

Assuming that you have to remove anything starting from the first semicolon in the string, this could be a way:
with test(s) as (
select '123456;789154' from dual union all
select '123456;789154;567' from dual union all
select '123456789' from dual
select s,
when instr(s, ';') = 0 then s
else substr(s, 1, instr(s, ';')-1)
from test
With regular expressions you could get the same result in a more compact, but less efficient way, with:
regexp_substr(s, '[^;]*')

Try this:
Select LEFT(Name, Case
WHEN CHARINDEX(';', Name) = 0
then Len(Name)
else CHARINDEX(';', Name)-1 END) from CustomerDetails


Manipulating with regexp_substr

I have an ETL task for datawarehouse-ing purposes, I need to extract the second part of a String after a delimiter occurence such as: '#', 'ý', '-'. For example test case string:
'Tori 1#MHK-MahallaKingaveKD' I should retrieve only 'MHK'
'HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline' I should retrieve only 'FFS'
I already tried using the cases above:
WHEN INSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline', '#',1,1) > 0
REGEXP_SUBSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline', '[^#]+', 1,2),
WHEN INSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline', '-',1,1) > 0
REGEXP_SUBSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline', '[^-]+', 1,2),
WHEN INSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline','-') = 0 AND INSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline','ý') = 0 AND INSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline','#') = 0
THEN 'HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline'
WHEN INSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline','ý',1,1) > 0
REGEXP_SUBSTR('HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline', '[^ý]+', 1,2),
Using the code above I can retrieve:
'Tori 1#MHK-MahallaKingaveKD' ====> 'MHK-MahallaKingaveKD'
'HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline' ====> 'FFS-Tredddline'
Expected output:
'Tori 1#MHK-MahallaKingaveKD' ====> 'MHK'
'HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline' ====> 'FFS'
So I have to exclude '-' and the string after.
I guess I should modify the regexp_substr pattern but can't seem to find a clear solution since '-' is specified in the case when statements as a delimiter.
I suggest retrieving the second occurrence of 1+ chars other than your delimiter chars:
regexp_substr(col, '[^#ý-]+', 1, 2)
Here, the search starts with the first char in the record (1), and the second occurrence is returned (2).
The [^#ý-]+ pattern matches one or more (+) chars other than #, ý and -.
The following will give you what you're looking for:
SELECT 'HPHelm2ýFFS-Tredddline' FROM DUAL)
FROM cteData;
The parentheses around the .* between the delimiter groups makes the .* a sub-expression, and the final ,1 in the parameter list tells REGEXP_SUBSTR to give you back the value of sub-expression #1. Since there's only one sub-expression in the regular expression it gives you back the value of the .*, which is what you're looking for.
sqlfiddle here

Oracle SQL query to convert a string into a comma separated string with comma after every n characters

How can we convert a string of any length into a comma separated string with comma after every n characters. I am using Oracle 10g and above. I tried with REGEXP_SUBSTR but couldn't get desired result.
e.g.: for below string comma after every 5 characters.
Thanks in advance.
This can be done with regexp_replace, like so:
WITH sample_data AS (SELECT 'aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffff' str FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'aaaa' str FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 'aaaaabb' str FROM dual)
regexp_replace(str, '(.{5})', '\1,')
FROM sample_data;
------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffff aaaaa,bbbbb,ccccc,ddddd,eeeee,fffff,
aaaa aaaa
aaaaabb aaaaa,bb
The regexp_replace simply looks for any 5 characters (.{5}), and then replaces them with the same 5 characters plus a comma. The brackets around the .{5} turn it into a labelled subexpression - \1, since it's the first set of brackets - which we can then use to represent our 5 characters in the replacement section.
You would then need to trim the extra comma off the resultant string, if necessary.
SELECT RTRIM ( REGEXP_REPLACE('aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffff', '(.{5})' ,'\1,') ,',') replaced
This worked for me:
WITH strlen AS
SELECT 'aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffffggggg' AS input,
LENGTH('aaaaabbbbbcccccdddddeeeeefffffggggg') AS LEN,
5 AS part
FROM dual
pattern AS
SELECT regexp_substr(strlen.input, '[[:alnum:]]{5}', 1, LEVEL)
||',' AS line
FROM strlen,
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= strlen.len / strlen.part
SELECT rtrim(listagg(line, '') WITHIN GROUP (
ORDER BY 1), ',') AS big_bang$
FROM pattern ;

How to use regexp_substr() with group of delimiter characters?

I have a string something like this 'SERO02~~~NA_#ERO5'. I need to sub string it using delimiter ~~~. So can get SERO02 and NA_#ERO5 as result.
I create an regex experession like this:
select regexp_substr('SERO02~~~NA_#ERO5' ,'[^~~~]+',1,2) from dual;
It worked fine and returns : NA_#ERO5
But if I change the string to ERO02~NA_#ERO5 the result is still same.
But I expect the expression to return nothing since delimiter ~~~ is not found in that string. Can someone help me out to create correct expression?
[^~~~] matches a single character that is not one of the characters following the caret in the square brackets. Since all those characters are identical then [^~~~] is the same as [^~].
You can match it using:
Which will match ~~~ then store zero-or-more characters in a capture group (the round brackets () indicates a capture group) until it finds either ~~~ or the end-of-string. It will then return the first capture group.
You can do it without regular expressions, with a bit of logics:
with test(text) as ( select 'SERO02~~~NA_#ERO5' from dual)
select case
when instr(text, '~~~') != 0 then
substr(text, instr(text, '~~~') + 3)
from test
This will give the part of the string after '~~~', if it exists, null otherwise.
You can edit the ELSE part to get what you need when the input string does not contain '~~~'.
Even using regexp,to match the string '~~~', you need to write it exactly, without []; the [] is used to list a set of characters, so [aaaaa] is exactly the same than [a],while [abc] means 'a' OR 'b' OR 'c'.
With regexp, even if not necessary, one way could be the following:
substr(regexp_substr(text, '~~~.*'), 4)
In case you want all elements. Handles NULL elements too:
SQL> with tbl(str) as (
select 'SERO02~~~NA_#ERO5' from dual
select regexp_substr(str, '(.*?)(~~~|$)', 1, level, null, 1) element
from tbl
connect by level <= regexp_count(str, '~~~') + 1;

How to replace more than one character in oracle?

How to replace multiple whole characters, except those in combinations...?
The below code replaces multiple characters, but it also disturbing those in combinations.
SELECT regexp_replace('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','(a|y|q|g)','X') RESULT FROM dual;
Current output:
Expected output:
I just want to replace only separate whole characters('a','y','q','g'), but not the 1 in combinations('ca','va','ea')...
Because you are delimiting with a comma ',' you can combine that like ',a,'
and this will replace only single a's.
you can try follows:
with t as
select 'a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g' str
from dual
select substr(sys_connect_by_path(regexp_replace(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level), '^(a|y|q|g)$', 'X'), ','), 2) as str
from t
where connect_by_isleaf = 1
connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(str, '[^,]*')) + 1;
Sadly oracle doesn´t support lookahead and lookbehind. But this is a solution i came up with.
SELECT regexp_replace
I had to use the regexp twice sadly, since it doesn´t find two similar values following after each other and replacing it. ..,a,y,.. is getting replaced as ..,X,y,... So the second call replaces the missing [ayqg] with the exact values. In the first inner regexp call replaces the first and last values.
Maybe this could be simplified into one expression, but i am not that conform with the regex from oracle.
As a explanation i am grouping the commata and basicly replace every ,[ayqg], with ,X, by backreferencing the commata
You would look for word boundaries, which is \b, and which is unfortunately not supported by Oracle's regexp_replace.
So let's look for a non-word character \W or the beginning ^ or ending $ of the text.
regexp_replace('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)','\1X\3') as result
from dual;
In order to not remove the non-word characters, we must have them in the replace string: \1 for the expression in the first parenteses, \3 for the ones in the third. Thus we only change the expression in the second parentheses, which is a, y, q or g, with X.
Unfortunately above gives
The q was not replaced, because we recognize ',y,' thus being positioned a 'g,' whereas we'd need to be positioned at ',g,' to recognize g as a word, too.
So we need to replace in iterations (i.e. recursively):
with results(txt, num) as
select 'a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g' as txt, 0 as num from dual
union all
select regexp_replace(txt, '(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)','\1X\3'), num + 1 as num
from results
where txt <> regexp_replace(txt, '(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)','\1X\3')
select max(txt) keep (dense_rank last order by num) as result
from results;
EDIT: Kevin Esche is right; of course one has to do it only twice. Hence you can also do:
regexp_replace(txt, search_str, replace_str) as result
regexp_replace(txt, search_str, replace_str) as txt, search_str, replace_str
'a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,y,q,b,g' as txt,
'(^|$|\W)(a|y|q|g)(^|$|\W)' as search_str,
'\1X\3' as replace_str
from dual
with replaced_values as (
SELECT case when length(val)=1 then regexp_replace(val,'(a|y|q|g)','X') else val end new_val, lvl
from (
SELECT regexp_substr('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) val, level lvl FROM dual
connect by regexp_substr('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','[^,]+',1, LEVEL) is not null
) all_values
select lISTAGG(new_val, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY lvl) RESULT
from replaced_values
This statement pivots data into rows and replaces only lines wich contains one character.
Data are then unpivoted in one rows
This sql works also with empty entries like 'a,,,b,c' and more complex regular expressions:
with t as
(select ',a,,ca,va,ea,bbb,ba,r,y,q,b,g,,,' as str,
',' as delimiter,
'(a|y|q|g|ea|[b]*)' as regexp_expr,
'X' as replace_expr
from dual)
(select substr (sys_connect_by_path(regexp_replace(substr(str,
decode(level - 1, 0, 0, instr(str, ',', 1, level - 1)) + 1,
decode(instr(str, ',', 1, level),
instr(str, ',', 1, level) - 1) -
decode(level - 1, 0, 0, instr(str, ',', 1, level - 1))),
'^' || regexp_expr || '$',
replace_expr), ','), 2)
from t
where connect_by_isleaf = 1
connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(str, '[^'|| delimiter||']')) + 1)
Don't Know much Oracle, but I would have thought something like this could work. Assuming the delimiter is always a comma.
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(regexp_replace('a,ca,va,ea,r,y,q,b,g','(,a,|,y,|,q,|,g,)',',X,') ,'(,a,|,y,|,q,|,g,)',',X,'), '(^a,|^y,|^q,|^g,)','X,'), '(,a$|,y$|,q$|,g$)',',X'), '(^a$|^y$|^q$|^g$)','X')
The first two parts replaces a single character in commas in the middle, the third part gets those at the start of the string, the fourth is for the end of the string and the fifth is for when then string has just one character.
This answer might will be simplifiable by advanced Regexp use.
How i can replace words?
RS & OS ===> D, LS & IS ==== >
SECTION_ID Output required
1-LS-1991 1-P-1991
1-IS-1991 1-P-1991
1-RS-1991 1- D- 1991
1-OS-1991 1-D-1991

oracle 12c - select string after last occurrence of a character

I have below string:
So I want to select Sentence since it is the string after the last period. How can I do this?
Just for completeness' sake, here's a solution using regular expressions (not very complicated IMHO :-) ):
select regexp_substr(
from dual
The regex
uses a negated character class to match anything except for a dot [^.]
adds a quantifier + to match one or more of these
uses an anchor $ to restrict matches to the end of the string
You can probably do this with complicated regular expressions. I like the following method:
select substr(str, - instr(reverse(str), '.') + 1)
Nothing like testing to see that this doesn't work when the string is at the end. Something about - 0 = 0. Here is an improvement:
select (case when str like '%.' then ''
else substr(str, - instr(reverse(str), ';') + 1)
Your example works, both when I run it on my local Oracle and in SQL Fiddle.
I am running this code:
select (case when str like '%.' then ''
else substr(str, - instr(reverse(str), '.') + 1)
from (select 'ThisSentence.ShouldBe.SplitAfterLastPeriod.Sentence' as str from dual) t
And yet another way.
Not sure from a performance standpoint which would be best...
The difference here is that we use -1 to count backwards to find the last . when doing the instr.
With CTE as
(Select 'ThisSentence.ShouldBe.SplitAfterLastPeriod.Sentence' str, length('ThisSentence.ShouldBe.SplitAfterLastPeriod.Sentence') len from dual)
Select substr(str,instr(str,'.',-1)+1,len-instr(str,'.',-1)+1) from cte;
from dual;
The INSTR function accepts a third parameter, the occurrence. It defaults to 1 (the first occurrence), but also accepts negative numbers (meaning counting from the last occurrence backwards).
select substr(str, instr(str, '.', -1) + 1)
from (
select 'ThisSentence.ShouldBe.SplitAfterLastPeriod.Sentence'
as str
from dual);
how many dots in a string?
select length(str) - length(replace(str, '.', '') number_of_dots from ...
get substring after last dot:
select substr(str, instr(str, '.', 1, number_of_dots)+1) from ...