React native: infinite panResponder pagination - react-native

I'll do my best to explain this without code, which, in my opinion will not add clarity to this question as PanResponder code is quite complicated, and i need only concept, not the code itself.
So, i've implemented pagination, something like in this gif.
The idea is to have only 3 "pages" rendered at a time. If user goes to the next scene (swipes from right to left), app fetches one more scene from server and renders it behind currently active scene. etc.
Once user swiped to the next scene, i need to reset panResponder: the "nextScene" should appear at the default position between new nextScene and prevScene and then user will be able to swipe again.
The problem is that i don't know how to make it smooth. Right now i'm just passing new props (new currentScene, nextScene, prevScene) and changing key property of panResponder component. If a new scene contains images, they seems to be refetched each time when i'm changin key. That, probably, fixable by proper caching, but this makes me doubt if my approach is correct. Is there another way to make the reset of panResponder component and put the new scene into default position between new nextScene and prevScene.


with a StackNavigator in react-navigation v5, is there easy way to skip screens going/popping back but allow them pushing forward?

I have a StackNavigator, and I have a screen for creating new content on my app. Once the content is created I push to the screen for the content. At this point I can still create new content from that screen, so it's possible to push a new create content screen. But if the user does a GO_BACK, or swipes i.e. POPs back, I want them to skip the previous create content screen.
I think it's fairly common behaviour where you want to selectively skip screens on the way back. I've looked at the docs to try and figure this out. The easiest looking fix was the auth-flow. That skips the screen going back, but it also stops you pushing the screen if you take it out of the navigator.
The current best approach I have is to use a custom stack router, and in getStateForAction remove the create content screen from the routes whenever the user is pushing away from it. The downside on this is that there's a janky animation on iOS pushes from the create content screen, as the create content screen is sliding out it's also sliding up (I guess because it's being removed).
Is there a recommended best way to do this?
On the previous create screen use navigation.replace("ScreenName", {params})

React Native - Dismiss Menu on Any Touch Event

I would like to have a small menu that closes if the user interacts with any other component. For example if the user tries to scroll or interact with any of the content in a scrollview behind the menu (see the image below for reference).
I have two ideas for how this might be achieved:
A transparent layer behind the menu with an absolute position and dimensions matching the device. If this layer registers a touch event the menu can be dismissed. The problem with this is that from the users perspective the touch event was totally ignored. So for this to work well I would need to be able to still pass the touch event through the absolute layer to the content behind it.
Add callbacks to every component that could be interacted with to notify the menu that it should close. This option seems like it would be very messy and because of the large number of components in my use case it is not practical to implement and maintain.
Is there an other proper way to solve this problem? Can any of the issues I raised with the ideas above be resolved or mitigated?
Wrap your view with a TouchableWithoutFeedback component and provide it a onPress callback that hides the menu if it's open. Depending on how top-level the 'expand' icon is, you may want to track the menu's visibility in redux and dispatch an action onPress to track globally.

Component Preloading before opening it

This is a conceptional question, in this case a component is a screen, if that makes sense
Is there a good solution for fluently preloading a component? What I mean by that is perhaps calling a portion of a component, before opening up the view
an example of this is say, snapchat stories, when greyed out on press will simply load. The second press then opens up the view. Essentially allows you to preload before then navigation to the view
Is this a Redux task? Does anyone have an example?
Seems like some concepts are mangled in your mind. What you are trying to achieve is not to preload components, rather run logic before drawing anything on the screen OR preloading some media. Therefore, what you need to do is not to preload anything, but to seperate your logic from your view (let's say video data from showing video itself), retrieve / prepare data (download video for example) and after it is ready show your component.
Also, if what you are trying to preload is just media, you should checkout react-preload.

React Native: Optimized SectionList does not rerender after scrollToLocation

I built an alphabet scrubber that scrolls a SectionList. The SectionList is optimized through the use of getItemLayout. If I scrub over the alphabet, the scrolling happens as planned, but the SectionList does not rerender until I release my finger from the screen.
See this expo snack
Anyone ideas on how to solve this?
Solved it by going through the source code of PanResponder. PanResponder sets an interaction handle through the InteractionManager. You can access this handle through this.panResponder.getInteractionHandle() (undocumented feature), and then clear it everytime you scroll to a location in the SectionList:
if (this.panResponder.getInteractionHandle()) {
This will move the SectionList up in the queue for doing its visibility calculations and renders.
I advice to heavily optimize this by clearing the interaction handle as few times as possible, since the InteractionManager is used for performance reasons.
For the sectionList to update dynamically you need to place the data its using into State. This Expo example(done by someone else), is a good example:
His panResponder has all its data in state and on every "handlePanResponderMove" he calls setState() to update the position every time it moves. All in all, if your data is not in state, it will not update dynamically for you. Placing your data into state in React-Native is how it keeps track of your data changes dynamically.
Hope this helps!

React Native: ScrollView with auto scroll

I would like to create a carousel that scrolls automatically until the user scrolls / touches the ScrollView itself.
The auto-scrolling itself works fine with using scrollView.scrollTo but how could I detect if the user is interacting with the ScrollView? I took a look at the onScroll event but this does not seem to distinct between a user generated event and an event that was generated by calling scrollTo.
Also I'd like to know if it is possible to get the current scroll position from the ScrollView directly instead of reading it everytime from the onScroll event.
I'm very thankful for any tips and suggestions.
By digging into ScrollView's source code you can notice a few undocumented callbacks that will help you achieve what you're after, namely onTouchStart and onTouchEnd. These two callbacks are triggered only when user interacts with the ScrollView and not when you scroll programmatically.
You will probably want to clear your auto-scroll interval on onTouchStart and restart it after a delay on onTouchEnd.
Regarding your next question, the answer is no. As far as I know, no getter is currently exposed to retrieve the current scroll position. Therefore, you need to rely on the event passed to onScroll, retrieve event.nativeEvent.contentOffset['x' or 'y'], and store it in your component's state.
Note that if you're doing some heavy animations that need to follow scroll position closely (e.g. animated header or parallax image), it would be a good idea to use the native driver for Animated.event. You can learn more about it on React Native's blog.