Deedle (F#) : System.Exception: Operation could not be completed due to earlier error - dataframe

(edit) i'm using F# interactive in Xamarin 6.3 on MacOS Sierra and Deedle 1.2.5 together with FsLab –
I'm trying this code taken from
and this produces an error.
type Person =
{ Name:string; Age:int; Countries:string list; }
let peopleRecds =
[ { Name = "Joe"; Age = 51; Countries = [ "UK"; "US"; "UK"] }
{ Name = "Tomas"; Age = 28; Countries = [ "CZ"; "UK"; "US"; "CZ" ] }
{ Name = "Eve"; Age = 2; Countries = [ "FR" ] }
{ Name = "Suzanne"; Age = 15; Countries = [ "US" ] } ]
// Turn the list of records into data frame
let peopleList = Frame.ofRecords peopleRecds
// Use the 'Name' column as a key (of type string)
let people = peopleList |> Frame.indexRowsString "Name"
 val it : Series<string,float> =
 Joe -> 51
 Tomas -> 28
 Eve -> 2
 Suzanne -> 15
 Stopped due to error  System.Exception: Operation could not be
completed due to earlier error  Lookup on object of indeterminate type
based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation
may be


Azure Container Apps restart serveral times even if my batch is terminated

I am implementing a batch in Azure Container Apps.
When a message comes from a queue in service bus then my batch is run.
For this, I added a scale rule to automatic scale when a message comes from the queue.
It works well, when there is a message it is scaled out from 0 to 1 replica. But when my batch is terminated, the replica restarts the container several times until it is scaled in to 0.
Here is my terraform script to create the container apps :
resource "azapi_resource" "container_app" {
name = var.container_app_name
location = "northeurope"
parent_id =
identity {
type = "UserAssigned"
identity_ids = []
type = "Microsoft.App/containerApps#2022-03-01"
body = jsonencode({
properties: {
managedEnvironmentId =
configuration = {
secrets = [
name = "regitry-password"
value = data.azurerm_container_registry.acr.admin_password
name = "service-bus-connection-string"
value = data.azurerm_servicebus_namespace.servicebus.default_primary_connection_string
ingress = null
registries = [
server = data.azurerm_container_registry.acr.login_server
username = data.azurerm_container_registry.acr.admin_username,
passwordSecretRef = "regitry-password"
template = {
containers = [{
image = "${data.azurerm_container_registry.acr.login_server}/${var.container_repository}:${var.container_image_tag}"
name = "dbt-instance"
resources = {
cpu = var.container_cpu
memory = var.container_memory
env = [
value = var.app_configuration_name
value = data.azurerm_user_assigned_identity.aca_identity.client_id
scale = {
minReplicas = 0
maxReplicas = 5
rules = [{
name = "queue-based-autoscaling"
custom = {
type = "azure-servicebus"
metadata = {
queueName = var.service_bus_queue_name
messageCount = "1"
auth = [{
secretRef = "service-bus-connection-string"
triggerParameter = "connection"
How to run my container only one time ?
I managed to do it with Azure Container Instance with the property "restartPolicy=Never"

How to pass/concat variable into the `data.aws_ami` section in the `aws_instance` resource

I am having difficulties with defining a variable inside the ami=data.aws_ami.$ line.
I have tried ami= "${data.aws_ami.(var.ami_name).id}"but in both cases I am getting the:
79: ami = data.aws_ami.(var.ami_name)).id
│ An attribute name is required after a dot.
It only works with the string value
My question is how to concat the variable to the data.aws_ami?
The end goal is to provision based on different OS ec2 instances (Suse,Ubuntu,RHEL) All depending on the variable provided when deploying it.
variable "ami_name" {
default = "ubuntu"
data "aws_ami" "amazon" {
most_recent = true
owners = ["amazon"]
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["amzn2-ami-hvm*"]
data "aws_ami" "ubuntu" {
most_recent = true
owners = ["099720109477"] # Canonical
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server-*"]
filter {
name = "virtualization-type"
values = ["hvm"]
resource "aws_instance" "linux" {
key_name = var.ami_key_pair_name
//ami = var.ami_id
//I want this to be dynamic so I can deploy either Amazon or Ubuntu in all regions.
ami = data.aws_ami.$
//ami = # this works
instance_type = "t2.micro"
tags = {
Name = var.instance_name
vpc_security_group_ids = [
I did the search but could not find anything related. I am using Terraform v0.15.4
The code you show: data.aws_ami.$ that is not valid terraform syntax.
Here is a possibility for what you are asking:
provider "aws" { region = "us-east-2" }
locals {
allowed_os = {
"amazon": {owner: "amazon", filter: "amzn2-ami-hvm*"},
"suse": {owner: "amazon", filter: "*suse*"},
"RHEL": {owner: "amazon", filter: "*RHEL*"},
"ubuntu": {owner: "099720109477", filter: "*ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-*"},
variable "ami_name" {
default = "ubuntu"
validation {
condition = can(regex("amazon|suse|RHEL|ubuntu", var.ami_name))
error_message = "Invalid ami name, allowed_values = [amazon suse RHEL ubuntu]."
data "aws_ami" "os" {
for_each = local.allowed_os
most_recent = true
owners = [each.value.owner]
filter {
name = "name"
values = [each.value.filter]
resource "aws_instance" "linux" {
ami = data.aws_ami.os[var.ami_name].id
instance_type = "t2.micro"
# ... todo add arguments here
My approach here is to use a for_each in the aws_ami, that will give us an array, we can consume that later in the aws_instance resource:
Here we use a hardcoded value to access a specific AMI in your code.
Or this way with the variable that will be provided by user or a config file.
You can add more items to the array to add other operating systems, and same with the filters, you can just change the allowed_os local variable to suit your needs.
As an extra, I added validation to your ami_name variable to match the allowed different OS we use in the for_each, that way we prevent any issues right before they can cause errors.

Looping over map variable using for_each expression in terraform

I have variable that I want to iterate over using for_each in terraform to create multiple instances of submodule - node_groups, which is part of eks module. This is my variable:
variable "frame_platform_eks_node_groups" {
type = map
default = {
eks_kube_system = {
desired_capacity = 1,
max_capacity = 5,
min_capacity = 1,
instance_type = ["m5.large"],
k8s_label = "eks_kube_system",
additional_tags = "eks_kube_system_node"
eks_jenkins_build = {
desired_capacity = 1,
max_capacity = 10,
min_capacity = 1,
instance_type = ["m5.large"],
k8s_label = "eks_jenkins_build",
additional_tags = "eks_jenkins_build_node"
And this is my node_groups submodule, which is part of module eks.
module "eks" {
node_groups = {
for_each = var.frame_platform_eks_node_groups
each.key = {
desired_capacity = each.value.desired_capacity
max_capacity = each.value.max_capacity
min_capacity = each.value.min_capacity
instance_types = each.value.instance_type
k8s_labels = {
Name = each.value.k8s_label
additional_tags = {
ExtraTag = each.value.additional_tags
When I run terraform plan I am getting following error:
15: each.key = {
If this expression is intended to be a reference, wrap it in parentheses. If
it’s instead intended as a literal name containing periods, wrap it in quotes
to create a string literal.
My intention obviously is to get eks_kube_system and eks_jenkins_build values from the map variable with each.key reference. But something is wrong. Do you have advice what I am doing wrong?
Thank you!
Its not exactly clear what node_groups is as it is not defined in your question, but assuming that it is a list of maps, then the code should be:
module "eks" {
node_groups = [
for k,v in var.frame_platform_eks_node_groups:
desired_capacity = v.desired_capacity
max_capacity = v.max_capacity
min_capacity = v.min_capacity
instance_types = v.instance_type
k8s_labels = {
Name = v.k8s_label
additional_tags = {
ExtraTag = v.additional_tags

Get List inside List

I have a complex data structure and I had to create this short example for better understanding.
type alias People =
{ name : String
, sex : String
, phones : List Phone
type alias Phone =
{ number : String
, isActive : Bool
This structure populated:
people = [
{ name = "_me"
, sex = "M"
, phones = [
{ number = "(99) 99 9 9999-9999"
, isActive = True
{ name = "_you"
, sex = "M"
, phones = [
{ number = "(11) 11 1 1111-1111"
, isActive = True
{ number = "(22) 22 2 2222-2222"
, isActive = False
And I would like to get only the 'phones' from the 'people' list, as in the example below
phones = [
{ number = "(99) 99 9 9999-9999"
, isActive = True
{ number = "(11) 11 1 1111-1111"
, isActive = True
{ number = "(22) 22 2 2222-2222"
, isActive = False
I've been trying for 3 days, but to no avail.
You can pull out all the phone numbers into a list by mapping over to get the phone number list of a person, then concatenating those phone number lists together:
getPhones : List People -> List Phone
getPhones = List.concat << .phones

Strange error using Type Bool in Record in elm

i have the following type User:
type alias User =
{ id : Int
, name : String
, age : Maybe Int
, deleted : Bool
User is a type used in my Model:
type alias Model =
{ users : List User
, name : String
, age : String
, message : String
When I iterate over "List User" using like this...
Delete id ->
newUserList =
(\user ->
if == id then
{ user | deleted = True }
( { model | users = newUserList }, Cmd.none )
... the Compiler tells me:
The 2nd argument to function `map` is causing a mismatch.
(\user ->
if == id then
{ user | deleted = True }
Function `map` is expecting the 2nd argument to be:
List { a | id : Int, name : String }
But it is:
List (Bool -> User)
That is pretty strange for me.
Why does my map function change the Type User...?
I do not change it, I just iterate over, map each user and if I found the right one, by its id, I change deleted value to True...
I am a bit confused...
Can anyone help?
kind regards :)
UPDATE: It does not seem to me a problem of the function but of the type alias User declaration.
As soon as I add another value this breaks...
Here is the whole code for it. It is kept pretty simple.
Note: As soon as you uncomment the Users property "deleted" the compiler throws an error
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, text, h1, div, img, input, form, ul, li, i, hr, br)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import String
import Random
--import Debug
--import Uuid
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
type alias Model =
{ users : List User
, name : String
, age : String
, message : String
type alias User =
{ id : Int
, name : String
, age :
Maybe Int
-- , deleted : Bool
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( initModel, Cmd.none )
initModel : Model
initModel =
{ users = []
, name = ""
, age = ""
, message = ""
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
InsertName username ->
( { model | name = username }, Cmd.none )
InsertAge age ->
newAge =
case String.toInt age of
Err err ->
Ok value ->
toString value
newMessage =
case String.toInt age of
Err err ->
"Age must be a number!"
Ok int ->
( { model | age = newAge, message = newMessage }, Cmd.none )
InitNewUser ->
( model, Random.generate AddNewUser ( 1 9999) )
AddNewUser randomId ->
if String.isEmpty then
( { model | message = "Please give a name" }, Cmd.none )
ageAsInt =
case String.toInt model.age of
Err err ->
Ok int ->
Just int
newUser =
User randomId ageAsInt
newUserList =
newUser :: model.users
( { model | users = newUserList, name = "", age = "" }, Cmd.none )
Delete id ->
newUserList =
(\user ->
if == id then
{ user | name = "--deleted--" }
( { model | users = newUserList }, Cmd.none )
type Msg
= InsertName String
| InsertAge String
| AddNewUser Int
| InitNewUser
| Delete Int
userListView : Model -> Html Msg
userListView model =
newList =
List.filter (\user -> ( /= "--deleted--")) model.users
|> List.sortBy .name
|> userView
|> ul []
userView : User -> Html Msg
userView user =
ageAsString =
case user.age of
Just val ->
val |> toString
Nothing ->
li []
[ div [] [ text ("ID: " ++ toString ]
, div [] [ text ("Name: " ++ ]
, div [] [ text ("Age: " ++ ageAsString) ]
, input [ type' "button", value "Delete", onClick (Delete ] []
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ class "wrapper" ]
[ h1 [] [ text ("We have " ++ toString (List.length model.users) ++ " Users") ]
, Html.form []
[ input [ type' "text", onInput InsertName, placeholder "Name", value ] []
, input [ type' "text", onInput InsertAge, placeholder "Age", value model.age ] []
, input [ type' "button", onClick InitNewUser, value "Add new user" ] []
, div [] [ text model.message ]
, userListView model
, hr [] []
, div [] [ text (toString model) ]
The problem is this part of the AddNewUser message:
newUser =
User randomId ageAsInt
It is missing False as the forth argument when you use the deleted property.
If you do not include it, the User function will return a partially applied function that still needs a Bool to return a proper user. The compiler seems to get thrown off by this even though all your types and functions have proper annotations.
Another way that leads to a better error message would be to define newUser like this:
newUser =
{ id = randomId
, name =
, age = ageAsInt
, deleted = False