Protractor: browser.variableName sometimes is undefined and sometimes it has a value - input

I'm testing nonAngular page with Protractor. I have a variable, which I use across specs stored as browser object. The problem is that I use it in certain spec, but sometimes it get's undefined. Strangely in the same spec file, few cases before it is used without a problem. It seems as if it loses the value in between even though I don't call it or manipulate it.
onPrepare: function() {
beforeAll(function) {
return browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
Spec 1 in which I define this variable:
// page objects
var createUserPage = require('...
// variables
var username = '';
describe(... {
it(... {
// initializing page objects
var createUser = new createUserPage();
// store useername text in global variable
createUser.successfullyCreatedUserText.getText().then(function(text) {
browser.username = text;
Spec 2 in which I use this variable:
describe(... {
it(... {
// display username
console.log("Username: " + browser.username);
// enter username
// pause browser
// click on Search button;
As written before I get console output like:
Username: undefined
and error in stack trace:
TypeError: each key must be a number of string; got undefined
This doesn't happen all the time, but rather occasionally. What I'm doing wrong?

I would declare the variable in your config, either as a global or a param. I would probably do it the global way, since params are typically assigned in the config before running tests.
onPrepare: function() {
Then in your specs you can assign the value (cant remember if you use global.username or just username in the specs) and the variable will persist as long as that driver session stays alive.


DOM Snapshot warning when assertions declared in page object is called twice inside same Test in TestCafe

I have declared async function in page object which has few assertions defined to validate for the presence of elements on a page and I have to call this function twice in same test but I am getting warning - "You passed a DOM snapshot property to the assertion's 't.expect()' method" even when I am not using await keyword in t.expect().
Please let me know how can I get rid of this warning.
fixture('Assertions in Page Object test suite').beforeEach(async t => {
await t.useRole(login);
test('Validate UI for sample page, async t => {
await pageObject.validateTableUI(t);
await pageObject.validateTableUI(t);
The Page object method is :
export default class SamplePage {
constructor() {
this.table = Selector('table');
this.tableHeaders = Selector('table thead th);
this.changeTab = Selector('tab);
async validateTableUI(t){
await t
.contains('Column 1')
.contains('Column 1');
Unfortunately, there is no official way to disable these warnings. We are aware of this bug. You can track our progress in this GitHub thread.
As a temporary workaround, you can rewrite your .expect calls as follows:

Prevent duplicate routes in express.js

Is there a nice way to prevent duplicate routes from being registered in express? I have a pretty large application with hundreds of routes across different files, and it gets difficult to know if I've already registered a certain route when I go to add a new one. For example, I'd like to throw an error when express gets to routes487.js:
File: routes1.js
var ctrl = require('../controllers/testctrl');
var auth = require('../libs/authentication');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.get('/hi', auth.getToken, ctrl.hi);
app.get('/there', auth.getToken, ctrl.there);
File: routes487.js
var ctrl = require('../controllers/testctrl487');
var auth = require('../libs/authentication');
module.exports = function (app) {
app.get('/hi', auth.getToken, ctrl.hi487);
You could try a custom solution by wrapping express methods with the validation. Consider the following modification to your express app:
// route-validation.js
module.exports = function (app) {
var existingRoutes = {}
, originalMethods = [];
// Returns true if the route is already registered.
function routeExists(verb, path) {
return existingRoutes[verb] &&
existingRoutes[verb].indexOf(path) > -1;
function registerRoute(verb, path) {
if (!existingRoutes[verb]) existingRoutes[verb] = [];
// Return a new app method that will check repeated routes.
function validatedMethod(verb) {
return function() {
// If the route exists, app.VERB will throw.
if (routeExists(verb, arguments[0]) {
throw new Error("Can't register duplicate handler for path", arguments[0]);
// Otherwise, the route is saved and the original express method is called.
registerRoute(verb, arguments[0]);
originalMethods[verb].apply(app, arguments);
['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'all'].forEach(function (verb) {
// Save original methods for internal use.
originalMethods[verb] = app[verb];
// Replace by our own route-validator methods.
app[verb] = validatedMethod(verb);
You just need to pass your app to this function after creation and duplicate route checking will be implemented. Note that you might need other "verbs" (OPTIONS, HEAD).
If you don't want to mess with express' methods (we don't know whether or how express itself or middleware modules will use them), you can use an intermediate layer (i.e., you actually wrap your app object instead of modifying its methods). I actually feel that would be a better solution, but I feel lazy to type it right now :)

dojo store memory: the data is being updated before using the put() call.?

Dojo tookit version: 1.9.3
I have started learning dojo/store/memory from here.
I tried to run the example in the tutorial with some modification.
Ran the get() (var oldjim = employeeStore.get("Jim");) call to check the value in the memory store before making a put() call.
I can see that the data has already been changed.
// retrieve object with the name "Jim"
var jim = employeeStore.get("Jim");
// show the department property
console.log("Jim's department is " + jim.department);
// iterate through all the properties of jim:
for(var i in jim){
console.log(i, "=", jim[i]);
// update his department
jim.department = "engineering";
// START *** Modified code
// Get the old data for "jim"
var oldjim = employeeStore.get("Jim");
// Displays the OLD data before making a put() call to the store.
console.log("oldJim's department is " + oldjim.department);
// output "oldJim's department is engineering"
// END *** Modified code
// and store the change
Is this the behaviour of the dojo/store/memory?
This is more behaviour of JavaScript than dojo/store/Memory.
Have a look at the implementation of dojo/store/Memory::get(id) method. It returns an object stored in data property array. In JavaScript objects are passed by reference and that means jim and oldjim both points to the same place in the memory. You can easily check it (jsFiddle):
console.log(jim === oldjim); // true
To avoid this behaviour you can modify dojo/store/Memory class so it returns a copy (clone) of the object:
require(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/store/Memory"], function(declare, lang, Memory){
var ModifiedMemory = declare(Memory, {
get: function(id) {
return lang.clone([this.index[id]]);
In this case (using ModifiedMemory instead of Memory), jim === oldjim will evaluate to false, because they're not the same object anymore (i.e. there are 2 copies in the memory now) and therefore dojo/store/Memory::put() will work as you expect it to work.
See ModifiedMemory class in action at jsFiddle.

Nested WLJSONStore Calls Not Executing in Expected Sequence and Not Adding Items to the Collection

This is Worklight 6.1 code with dojo, testing with Chrome and the std dev server Liberty. What I want this code to do is to query a collection, which should have 0 or 1 entries, and either retrieve the one entry if it exists or create an entry with a supplied set of values. What I'm trying to do is store a url, id, and password for a service. If this is the first time the app has run after installation I want to prompt the user for this info and store it. The code to prompt the user will be added later. If it is not the first run of the app then the values should be stored in the collection and be retrieved. I'll add code later to allow the user to change and update the values.
What is happening now is that the .add never seems to be executed, and also the execution sequence I'm seeing thru the breakpoints I've set seems weird.
Here is the setup code
// set up the jsonStore
var collectionName = 'servers';
var collections = {};
collections[collectionName] = {};
// initialize the default jsonStore Monitor credentials
var jsonURL = '';
var jsonUser = 'keyser';
var jsonPassword = 'soze';
And here is the problem code
// Initialize the JSONStore
.then(function() {
console.log("store initialized");
// query the store
var query = {_id: 0};
.then(function(arrayResults) {
console.log("credentials retrieved " + arrayResults.length);
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
// retrieve the credentials from the json object
console.log("password retrieved " + arrayResults[0].json.password);
jsonURL = arrayResults[0].json.url;
jsonUser = arrayResults[0].json.user;
jsonPassword = arrayResults[0].json.password;
} else {
// load the default credentials into jsonStore
var credentials = {url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword};
.then(function() {
console.log("credentials loaded " + credentials.url);
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("credential load failed");
} // end of else
// Query the model list
}) // end of get(collectionName) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("credentials not retrived");
}); // end of get(collectionName) fail
}) // end of init(collections) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("store init failed" + errorObject);
}); // end of init(collections) fail
}); // end of ready
When I step thru it flows in this sequence.
Then it jumps immediately to the "end of ready". Seems weird but I'm a rookie so maybe it's OK?
Back to the get(collectionName)
to the .then and logs "credentials retrieved" with and array length of 0
To the else clause of the statement
And it breaks on the get(collectionName) in the else clause. So far so good
From here it jumps to queryModels(), skipping over the .add (far as I can tell)
Then it returns to the .then under the 2nd get and logs "credentials loaded"
At this point execution ends "normally" except,
The item never gets added to the collection, and
The queryModels runs before I expect it to, I want it to run after the item is added.
By now it's probably obvious that I'm a rookie, so I'm probably making the rookie mistake. I know
I'm dealing with deferreds here with the .then and .fails, and I'm nesting them, which seems to be
an accepted technique, but I'm not getting the execution sequence I want.
I've tried this code commenting out the 2nd get(collections) in a couple of formats and it barfs both ways.
// WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName)
// WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName)
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's my "answer" below based on what I learned from the other answers below.
Bluewing and cnandrue's answers were both very helpful, and I got it working. The main issues I had turned out to be.
I had failed to grasp that slot 0 in a collection equates to a document _id key of 1. I was trying to query _id = 0, and never getting a hit. The add to the collection was working all along, I was just not reading it correctly.
Moving the queryModels into the if/else clauses (bluewing's suggestion) worked, and reading the material cnandreu referenced (very worthwhile to read) explained why it worked. Thanks!
The tip about the "weird" execution sequence being an artifact of the breakpoints was also very useful, I quit chasing that red herring.
Here is a working draft of the code after fixing these issues. I did not implement all of the suggestions yet, but probably will as I polish this up. Thanks again.
// Initialize the JSONStore - you have to .init to start the collection before you can read it.
.then(function() {
console.log("store initialized");
// query the store
var query = {_id: 1};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName) // get 1
.then(function(arrayResults) {
console.log("credentials retrieved " + arrayResults.length);
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
// retrieve the credentials from the json object
console.log("password retrieved " + arrayResults[0].json.password);
jsonURL = arrayResults[0].json.url;
jsonUser = arrayResults[0].json.user;
jsonPassword = arrayResults[0].json.password;
} else {
// load the default credentials into jsonStore
var credentials = {url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword};
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName) // get 2
.then(function(numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
console.log("Number of Docs Added" + numberOfDocumentsAdded);
}); // end of .add then
} // end of else
}); // end of get(collectionName) 1 then
}) // end of init(collections) then
.fail(function(errorObject) {
console.log("something failed" + errorObject);
}); // end of init(collections) fail
All the JSON store calls ( like add , init etc) are asynchronous. So only you are getting that weird flows when you are checking with Breakpoints.
To get you execution sequence try to move the queryModels(); once the credentials are loaded.
.then(function() {
console.log("credentials loaded " + credentials.url);
My suggestion is the same as Bluewings', but I wanted to share some pseudocode:
function handleCredentials (arrayResults, callback) {
if (arrayResults.length > 0) {
//.... synchronous code here.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
} else {
.add({url: jsonURL, user: jsonUser, password: jsonPassword})
.then(function() {
.then(function() {
.find({_id: 1})
.then(function (arrayResults) {
handleCredentials(arrayResults, function () {
Notice I created a function for handleCredentials, that function will either do a synchronous operation (setting some variables with the result from the find call) or an asynchronous operation (calling add to add credentials). A setTimeout with 0 is called to preserve async behavior, this is explained in detail here. After the handleCredentials function has finished, you call the queryModels function via the callback pattern.
As an aside, I recommended reading this blog post: What’s so great about JavaScript Promises?. Especially the "Error Handling" section. You don't need to add a .fail to every promise, you can get away with less failure functions and the error object should provide enough details into what went wrong. JSONStore error objects are documented here, notice they contain the source of the failure (e.g. src: 'find').

ExtJS: error "cannot read property 'data' of undefined" when server response is simple success

(ExtJS 4.0.7)
I'm using to PUT an update to a server. Everything works fine and the server returns a simple JSON response {success: true} (HTTP status 200). throws the following error, however:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
Here's where this is happening in the ExtJS code (src/data/Model.js):
save: function(options) {
callback = function(operation) {
if (operation.wasSuccessful()) {
record = operation.getRecords()[0]; <-- getRecords() return an empty array
me.set(; <-- record is undefined, so .data causes error
I've figured out this is happening because expects the server to respond with JSON for the entire object that was just updated (or created).
Does anyone know of a clever way to make work when the server responds with a simple success message?
I was able to come up with a work-around by using a custom proxy for the model, and overriding the update function:
Ext.define('kpc.util.CustomRestProxy', {
extend: '',
alias: 'proxy.kpc.util.CustomRestProxy',
type: 'rest',
reader : {
root: 'data',
type: 'json',
messageProperty: 'message'
// will call this function, passing in its own callback
update: function(operation, callback, scope) {
// Wrap the callback from with our own logic
var mycallback = function(oper) {
// Delete the resultSet from the operation before letting
//'s callback use it; this will
oper.resultSet = undefined;
return this.doRequest(operation, mycallback, scope);
In a nutshell, when my proxy is asked to do an update it makes sure operation.resultSet == undefined. This changes the return value for operation.getRecords() (which you can see in the code sample from my question). Here's what that function looks like (src/data/Operation.js):
getRecords: function() {
var resultSet = this.getResultSet();
return (resultSet === undefined ? this.records : resultSet.records);
By ensuring that resultSet == undefined, operation.getRecords returns the model's current data instead of the empty result set (since the server isn't returning a result, only a simple success message). So when the callback defined in save() runs, the model sets its data to its current data.
I investigate this problem and found truly simple answer. Your result must be like this:
success: true,
items: { id: '', otherOpt: '' }
And items property MUST be equal Model->Reader->root property (children in tree for example).
If you want to use items instead children you can use defaultRootProperty property in Store and configure your nested collections as you want.
Object in items property must be fully defined because it replaces actual record in store.