UIDocumentInteractionController *documentVc = [UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL:fileURL];
documentVc.delegate = self;
if (![documentVc respondsToSelector:#selector(presentPreviewAnimated:)]) {
NSLog(#"can not open this file");
} else {
[documentVc presentPreviewAnimated:YES];
when UIDocumentInteractionController can not open a file, I want to know how to tip user, that file can not be open. any idea?
and my code is not working.
[documentVc presentPreviewAnimated:YES]
this method has a return value to indicate whether a file was able to display.
I want to Open File Dialog in my application to upload a particular selected file onto the server in Objective-C. I am using the following code in my application, but it seems to give an error while creating an object of NSOpenPanel.
Please help me out.
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
openPanel.title = #"Choose a .TXT file";
openPanel.showsResizeIndicator = YES;
openPanel.showsHiddenFiles = NO;
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = NO;
openPanel.canCreateDirectories = YES;
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = NO;
openPanel.allowedFileTypes = #[#"txt", #"jpg", #"jpeg", #"zip", #"png"];
[openPanel beginSheetModalForWindow:appDelegate.controlsWindow
completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if (result==NSOKButton) {
NSURL *selection = openPanel.URLs[0];
NSString* path = [selection.path stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath];
//do something with the file at "path"
NSOpenPanel doesn't exist on iOS. The whole concept of files is pretty well hidden from users in most cases. What's the end goal here? What kind of "files" do you want to upload to a server?
UIKit has the UIImagePickerController, which you can use to select images from the Photo Library, for instance.
I'm facing a problem I using the FSEvent to catch the file created in my app but I also want to check the file extension (ex: photo/ video type) are allowed, otherwise these files will not be copied. How can I check the file extension before copying in Cocoa? Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks
Please note I don't use NSFileManager to copy file.
Use following code to check for movies or audio file types. Full list of UTI-Types in the documentation.
NSString * fileUTI = nil;
BOOL success = [self getResourceValue:& fileUTI forKey:NSURLTypeIdentifierKey];
if (success && [uti isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
BOOL fileConformsToUTI = UTTypeConformsTo(fileUTI, kUTTypeMovie);
fileConformsToUTI = fileConformsToUTI || UTTypeConformsTo(fileUTI, kUTTypeAudio);
// check and do the copy
I have tested the template provided in Xcode for making a FinderSync Extension. Everything works well except two things:
a) The method requestBadgeIdentifierForURL is never called by the system when a folder is monitored so that badges are not set. What is going wrong here? I am right assuming that this method should be called when I e.g. move or scroll a monitored folder in Finder? By the way the methods beginObservingDirectoryAtURL and endObservingDirectoryAtURL are called properly in this context.
#import "FinderSync.h"
#interface FinderSync ()
#property NSURL *myFolderURL;
#implementation FinderSync
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
NSLog(#"%s launched from %# ; compiled at %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath], __TIME__);
// Set up the directory we are syncing.
self.myFolderURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:#"/Users/hmaass/Downloads"];
[FIFinderSyncController defaultController].directoryURLs = [NSSet setWithObject:self.myFolderURL];
// Set up images for our badge identifiers. For demonstration purposes, this uses off-the-shelf images.
[[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] setBadgeImage:[NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameColorPanel] label:#"Status One" forBadgeIdentifier:#"One"];
[[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] setBadgeImage:[NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameCaution] label:#"Status Two" forBadgeIdentifier:#"Two"];
return self;
#pragma mark - Primary Finder Sync protocol methods
- (void)beginObservingDirectoryAtURL:(NSURL *)url {
// The user is now seeing the container's contents.
// If they see it in more than one view at a time, we're only told once.
NSLog(#"beginObservingDirectoryAtURL:%#", url.filePathURL);
- (void)endObservingDirectoryAtURL:(NSURL *)url {
// The user is no longer seeing the container's contents.
NSLog(#"endObservingDirectoryAtURL:%#", url.filePathURL);
- (void)requestBadgeIdentifierForURL:(NSURL *)url {
NSLog(#"requestBadgeIdentifierForURL:%#", url.filePathURL);
// For demonstration purposes, this picks one of our two badges, or no badge at all, based on the filename.
NSInteger whichBadge = [url.filePathURL hash] % 3;
NSString* badgeIdentifier = #[#"", #"One", #"Two"][whichBadge];
[[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] setBadgeIdentifier:badgeIdentifier forURL:url];
#pragma mark - Menu and toolbar item support
- (NSString *)toolbarItemName {
return #"testfifi";
- (NSString *)toolbarItemToolTip {
return #"testfifi: Click the toolbar item for a menu.";
- (NSImage *)toolbarItemImage {
return [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameCaution];
- (NSMenu *)menuForMenuKind:(FIMenuKind)whichMenu {
// Produce a menu for the extension.
NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:#""];
[menu addItemWithTitle:#"Example Menu Item" action:#selector(sampleAction:) keyEquivalent:#""];
return menu;
- (IBAction)sampleAction:(id)sender {
NSURL* target = [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] targetedURL];
NSArray* items = [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] selectedItemURLs];
NSLog(#"sampleAction: menu item: %#, target = %#, items = ", [sender title], [target filePathURL]);
[items enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(#" %#", [obj filePathURL]);
b) I get the following message in the log console of Xcode when running the template above:
2015-08-25 15:33:00.300 testfifi[855:8134] Failed to connect
(colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to
(NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
2015-08-25 15:33:00.300 testfifi[855:8134] Failed to connect (view)
outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter
or instance variable 2015-08-25 15:33:00.321 testfifi[855:8134]
-[FinderSync init] launched from /Users/hmaass/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testtest-egudnxkifjxirpbrjkohnatmjuro/Build/Products/Debug/testtest.app/Contents/PlugIns/testfifi.appex
; compiled at 20:38:18
Can someone help me to get rid of this message?
I already commented on your question but figured I should post a more complete answer.
It sounds like the issue you're having is another Finder Sync extension is "greedily" observing all folders, most likely the Dropbox Finder Integration. Try disabling all other Finder Sync extensions (under System Preferences -> Extensions -> Finder) and re-run your test.
If this resolves the issue, the problem is that Dropbox (or another app) has already called beginObservingDirectoryAtURL for the folder you're trying to monitor. Unfortunately, Apple's API is lacking in that there is no intelligent logic to who gets to monitor a folder when there are conflicting extensions. Currently, whichever Finder Sync extension starts first will "win".
Dropbox greedily monitors all folders under the user's home directory. I've written to both Apple and Dropbox to address this, but haven't heard any response. Currently, the (ugly) workaround I've implemented is to shutdown known "greedy" extensions, start my own extension, then restart the greedy extension.
Here's the workaround sample code for disabling "greedy" Finder Sync extensions. Nothing fancy, but it works.
(Adding this as a separate answer since it's really just a workaround and isn't necessarily the "correct" answer).
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String[] greedyFSProcessNames =
new String[] { "com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon" };
List<String> disabledGreedyFSProcessNames = new ArrayList<>();
for (String greedyFSProcessName : greedyFSProcessNames) {
if (!_isFSProcessRunning(greedyFSProcessName)) {
_enableFSProcess(greedyFSProcessName, false);
_enableFSProcess("com.dejuknow.myfindersync", true);
for (String disabledGreedyFSProcessName :
disabledGreedyFSProcessNames) {
_enableFSProcess(disabledGreedyFSProcessName, true);
private static boolean _isFSProcessRunning(String processName)
throws Exception {
BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
"pluginkit -m -i" + processName);
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
String line = null;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.startsWith("+")) {
return true;
else {
return false;
finally {
if (bufferedReader != null) {
return false;
private static void _enableFSProcess(String processName, boolean enable)
throws Exception {
String electionArgument = null;
if (enable) {
electionArgument = "use";
else {
electionArgument = "ignore";
String[] arguments = new String[] {
"pluginkit", "-e", electionArgument, "-i", processName
while (_isFSProcessRunning(processName) != enable) {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arguments);
The folders I know Dropbox uses: ~/Dropbox, ~/Documents and ~/Desktop.
I have a FinderSync app too and I can display badges on all of my folders except those. Fortunately the context menu does not seem to suffer any conflict, both extension's menu items are shown.
can i use NSSavePanel with a sandboxed OS X app to let user save on desktop? i gave user read/write entitlements for downloads and user selected folder, for some reason my app saves in downloads folder fine but when i change directory and select desktop it doesnt save at all.
here is the code am using for NSSavePanel
if([self.mActiveQRFileName isEqualToString:kQR_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME])
NSSavePanel *savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
//[savePanel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[Utilities getQRDefaultDirectoryPath]]];
[savePanel setNameFieldStringValue:kQR_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME];
[savePanel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
NSString *qrFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#.%#",[[savePanel URL] path],kQR_FILE_EXT];
[qrd saveQRFile:qrFilePath];
self.mActiveQRFileName = [NSString stringWithString:qrFilePath];
blnChangesSaved = YES;
[qrd saveQRFile:self.mActiveQRFileName];
blnChangesSaved = YES;
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
A NSSavePanel will give you the user selected path for a file in it's URL property. The sandbox will only grant you access to this file, with the name specified by the user.
In your example code this line possibly modifies the selected path by giving it a different file extension:
NSString *qrFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#.%#",[[savePanel URL] path],kQR_FILE_EXT];
Which could result in a filename different from the originally selected file for which you don't have access in the sandbox. Try logging the qrFilePath and see if it still equals the path for the selected URL. Also check your sandbox exceptions to see what the exact error is.
If you want to restrict the NSSavePanel to let the user only specify files of a certain type use the setAllowedFileTypes: methos.
If you want the user to grant you access to a directory to write to where you can output any file, as opposed to a specific path: use a NSOpenPanel. This has the disadvantage that the user cannot specify a specific file name like in a NSSavePanel.
I'm building an iPad app and that's a browser. I have a little problem because in a text field, I can write any web direction, such http://www.google.com/. The problem is that when I change the page, at, for example, http://www.apple.com/ , it stills says google. I have written the code, but I don't know why it doesn't work!
int i= 0;
while (i == 0) {
url = [request URL];
NSLog(#"%#", url.absoluteString);
textfield.text = url.absoluteString;
Please I need some help!
replace this:
textfield.text = url.absoluteString;
with this:
textfield.text = [url absoluteString];
} else {
NSLog( #"my request or URL is nil");
} else {
NSLog( #"I didn't set my textfield");
You need to implement the web view delegate which will tell you when the page inside the web view changes, e.g. when the user clicks a link. You can then use the delegate methods to update your text field to the new URL.
if you've done that and your textfield isn't updating, you've probably forgotten to connect your textfield in your nib file to the textfield outlet of your class, so your self.textfield property is nil and setting its text does nothing.