Shell script to automate SSH login using password - ssh

I am trying to automate SSH login by using password. I can't use expect command or sshpass etc. So I am left with only option to use password directly.
Did lot of research in google and didn't get any solution... :(
Please help me with this.
The code I tried is.
ssh ${HOSTS} -l ${USERNAME} -p ${PASSWORD}

The OpenSSH ssh utility doesn't accept a password on the command line or on its standard input. This also applies to the scp and sftp file transfer utilities, which invoke ssh to make the SSH connection. I believe this is a deliberate decision on the part of the OpenSSH developers. You have these options available to you:
Use an SSH key for authentication, instead of a password.
Use sshpass, expect, or a similar tool to invoke ssh through a TTY and automate responding to the password prompt.
Use (abuse) the SSH_ASKPASS feature to get ssh to get the password by running another program, described here or here, or in some of the answers here.
Get the SSH server administrator to enable host-based authentication and use that. Note that host-based authentication is only suitable for certain network environments. See additional notes here and here.
Write your own ssh client using perl, python, java, or your favorite language. There are ssh client libraries available for most modern programming languages, and you'd have full control over how the client gets the password.
Download the ssh source code and build a modified version of ssh that works the way you want.
Use a different ssh client. There are other ssh clients available, both free and commercial. One of them might suit your needs better than the OpenSSH client.

I'd recommend to use ssh keys instead of password if it's possible.
This script can help you to upload your public key to desired remote machine:


How can the users of my web app generate private SSH keys without the command line?

I understand setting up SSH from the command line of your local computer.
But app users shouldn't be using the command line, obviously.
How can a private SSH key be generated for each user, enabling passwordless connection to the remote server without using the command line?
SSH is a popular, more secure alternative to typical login methods, right? How is it usually done from the users point of view?

Transfering file to remote server behind a gate node with key authentication disabled - and compiling

I'm working on a project that requires me to run my code on a remote Unix server, that is not available to connect to directly (you first have to log in to the "gate" node and then to this server).
What's really bad is that they disabled key authentication, so each time I need to ssh into it, I have to type in my password twice. It's really annoying and I wonder what's the best way to transfer my local modifications of source files to this server, compile and run them without having to provide those passwords so many times.
I have no sudo access to any of those servers (neither to this "gate", nor to this target server). Any ideas on how to make the whole process more efficient?
EDIT: Martin Prikryl provided a great answer below, but it's suitable for Windows and I'm on a Mac :) I guess it might be a good thing to have it documented here also for *NIX systems.
You are looking for SSH tunneling.
WinSCP SFTP client supports one-hop SSH tunneling natively.
See the Tunnel page on WinSCP Advanced Site Settings dialog.
I assume that after you transfer the file, you need to open SSH terminal to compile the file.
You may be able to make use of WinSCP Console window for that step.
Alternatively, if you need/want to use a real SSH terminal client, make use of an existing SSH tunnel, created by WinSCP, and connect with PuTTY (or any other SSH client) over it.
In the Local tunnel port of WinSCP Tunnel page, select a fixed port number (instead of the default Autoselect). In PuTTY enter "localhost" to Host Name and the selected port in Port.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Unix: SCP (over SSH) fails due to interactive promot

I have this problem:
I have a server to which I ssh, and it has a special prompt request. The prompt is done by a ?prompt command.
It is fine with SSH, since the prompt I guess gets some input, but when I use SCP, the copy always fails.
So, I was wondering if there is maybe a flag for ssh and scp - so that interactive prompts are ignored.
(By the way, I need the prompt, so removing it isn't an option).
The prompt and response go into SSH stdio channels that are what scp uses to talk to the remote slave scp process, so it breaks the hand-shaking, and the transfer is aborted.
The right way to add additional prompts to SSH connections is through the keyboard-interactive authentication mechanism, probably with the help of some PAM module.
Your current approach just cripples SSH beyond simple usage patterns.

openSSH and LDAP for Windows

is it possible to use the LDAP / Active Directory with OpenSSH ?
That is avoiding using the commands "mkgroup -d..." and "mkpasswd -d ..." of OpenSSH. These commands are used to define an user list allowed to access to the "ssh server" machine... and I would like to avoid having a fixed list not to have to relaunch the commands several times.
I use OpenSSH as a SSH server and putty as a client.
Thanks for your help
I can not determine which OS you OpenSSH is running on?
Assuming it it Linux/UNIX, AFAIK, you would want to setup using PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module).
Google for PAM LDAP Linux
One link is:

Server Refuses SSH key

I purchased shared hosting from Vexxhost.I wanted to host my Rails application with them.I was given cpanel details.I generated SSH keys using the cPanel and converted it to .ppk format.Next, i downloaded the key.But when i try SSH login using Putty, i get the message Server Refused Our Key.Then i'm prompted for the password.When i enter password, message is displayed: Shell access is not available for your account.Contact support.I did contact support, but no reply.Am I doing any mistake in the procedure?
I haven't used cpanel to generate ssh keys, usually I do it at the ubuntu console. Is it possible that the ppk conversion has encoding issues? or it not done right?
Do you have access to a linux box? It would be simpler to test it there.
I have configured a server myself with ssh access, and if user does not have ssh access they are presented with user/pass. So it appears that your ssh credentials are denied, but your password is recognized as accurate. Authentication is happening.
About the issue of shell support. It could be that they enable shell support only if you connect with valid ssh credentials - in which case, you need to contact support.
Or, your account does not have ssh access, and you still need to contact support.
hope it helps