How to filter after group by and aggregate in Spark dataframe? - sql

I have a spark dataframe df with schema as such:
[id:string, label:string, tags:string]
id | label | tag
1 | h | null
1 | w | x
1 | v | null
1 | v | x
2 | h | x
3 | h | x
3 | w | x
3 | v | null
3 | v | null
4 | h | null
4 | w | x
5 | w | x
(h,w,v are labels. x can be any non-empty values)
For each id, there is at most one label "h" or "w", but there might be multiple "v". I would like to select all the ids that satisfies following conditions:
Each id has:
1. one label "h" and its tag = null,
2. one label "w" and its tag != null,
3. at least one label "v" for each id.
I am thinking that I need to create three columns checking each above conditions. And then I need to do a group by "id".
val hCheck = (label: String, tag: String) => {if (label=="h" && tag==null) 1 else 0}
val udfHCheck = udf(hCheck)
val wCheck = (label: String, tag: String) => {if (label=="w" && tag!=null) 1 else 0}
val udfWCheck = udf(wCheck)
val vCheck = (label: String) => {if (label==null) 1 else 0}
val udfVCheck = udf(vCheck)
dfx = df.withColumn("hCheck", udfHCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("wCheck", udfWCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("vCheck", udfVCheck(col("label")))
Somehow I need to group three columns {"hCheck","wCheck","vCheck"} into vector of list [x,0,0],[0,x,0],[0,0,x]. And check if these vector contain all three {[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]}
I have not been able to solve this problem yet. And there might be a better approach than this one. Hope someone can give me suggestions. Thanks

To convert the three checks to vectors you can do:
Specifically you can do:
val df1 = df.withColumn("hCheck", udfHCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("wCheck", udfWCheck(col("label"), col("tag")))
.withColumn("vCheck", udfVCheck(col("label")))
Next the groupby returns a grouped object on which you need to perform aggregations. Specifically to get all the vectors you should do something like:
Also you do not need udfs for the various checks. You can do it with column semantics. For example udfHCheck can be written as:
with($"label" == lit("h") && tag.isnull 1).otherwise(0)
BTW, you said you wanted a label 'v' for each but in vcheck you just check if the label is null.
Update: Alternative solution
Upon looking on this question again, I would do something like this:
val grouped = df.groupBy("id", "label").agg(count("$label").as("cnt"), first($"tag").as("tag"))
val filtered1 = grouped.filter($"label" === "v" || $"cnt" === 1)
val filtered2 = filtered.filter($"label" === "v" || ($"label" === "h" && $"tag".isNull) || ($"label" === "w" && $"tag".isNotNull))
val ids = filtered2.groupBy("id").count.filter($"count" === 3)
The idea is that first we groupby BOTH id and label so we have information on the combination. The information we collect is how many values (cnt) and the first element (doesn't matter which).
Now we do two filtering steps:
1. we need exactly one h and one w and any number of v so the first filter gets us these cases.
2. we make sure all the rules are met for each of the cases.
Now we have only combinations of id and label which match the rules so in order for the id to be legal we need to have exactly three instances of label. This leads to the second groupby which simply counts the number of labels which matched the rules. We need exactly three to be legal (i.e. matched all the rules).


Spark- scan data frame base on value

I'm trying to find a column (I do know the name of the column) base on a value. For example in this dataframe below, I'd like to know which row that has a column contains yellow for Category = A . The thing is I don't know the column name (colour) in advance so I couldn't do select * where Category = 'A' and colour = 'yellow' How can I scan the columns and achieve this? Many thanks for your help.
|Category|colour |. name. |
|A. | blue.| Elmo|
|A | yellow | Alex|
|B | desc | Erin|
You can loop that check through the list of column names. You also can wrap this loop in a function for the readable purpose. Please note that this check per column would happen in sequence.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
cols = df.columns
for c in cols:
cnt = df.where((F.col('Category') == 'A') & (F.col(c) == 'yellow')).count()
if cnt > 0:

Create variable based on value in multiple columns?

There is a rather large Stata dataset (education) with 60+ variables devoted to 'exam taken' information and a few others based on student gender, age, demographics, etc. There are tens of thousands of students (rows). Unfortunately the grades on various tests are not standard (combo of letters and numbers, and may appear in any of the 60+ columns for each student, depending on when they took the relevant exam). I'm trying to create a new variable, identifying all those who took some variation of the G40 or G41 exam at this time. The grade columns are all assigned as dx with a number, so I've started by trying the following:
gen byte event = 0
replace event = 1 if dx1 == "G40" | dx1 == "G41"| dx2 == "G40" | dx2 == "G41" | dx3 == "G40" | dx3 == "G41" | dx4 == "G40" | dx4 == "G41" | dx5 == "G40" | dx5 == "G41" & age < 12
I don't want to write out every single one of the 60+ columns each time I'm making a new variable for a new exam. Is there a faster way of doing this?
I am going to show two techniques, as one is good for the smaller code example you give and one is better for 60+ "columns" (variables!).
Just your example I would tend to write as one line
gen byte event = ( inlist("G40", dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dx5) | ///
inlist("G41", dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dx5) ) & age < 12
For 60+ such variables I would write a loop.
gen byte event = 0
foreach v of var dx* {
display "`v' " _c
replace event = 1 if inlist(`v', "G40", "G41") & age < 12
where for purposes of debugging, or just understanding, the output is noisier than would be customary once the operations seem routine. A standard trick with inlist() is to note that a test of the form foo == whatever is the same as a test of whatever == foo so there is often a choice about which argument is first and which other argument(s) follow.

Changing names of variables using the values of another variable

I am trying to rename around 100 dummy variables with the values from a separate variable.
I have a variable products, which stores information on what products a company sells and have generated a dummy variable for each product using:
tab products, gen(productid)
However, the variables are named productid1, productid2 and so on. I would like these variables to take the values of the variable products instead.
Is there a way to do this in Stata without renaming each variable individually?
Here is an example of the data that will be used. There will be duplications in the product column.
And then I have run the tab command to create a dummy variable for each product to produce the following table.
sort product
tab product, gen(productid)
I noticed it updates the labels to show what each variable represents.
What I would like to do is to assign the value to be the name of the variable such as commercial to replace productid1 and so on.
Using your example data:
input companyid str10 product
1 "P2P"
2 "Retail"
3 "Commercial"
4 "CreditCard"
5 "CreditCard"
6 "EMFunds"
tabulate product, generate(productid)
list, abbreviate(10)
sort product
levelsof product, local(new) clean
tokenize `new'
ds productid*
local i 0
foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
local ++i
rename `var' ``i''
Produces the desired output:
list, abbreviate(10)
| companyid product Commercial CreditCard EMFunds P2P Retail |
1. | 3 Commercial 1 0 0 0 0 |
2. | 5 CreditCard 0 1 0 0 0 |
3. | 4 CreditCard 0 1 0 0 0 |
4. | 6 EMFunds 0 0 1 0 0 |
5. | 1 P2P 0 0 0 1 0 |
6. | 2 Retail 0 0 0 0 1 |
Arbitrary strings might not be legal Stata variable names. This will happen if they (a) are too long; (b) start with any character other than a letter or an underscore; (c) contain characters other than letters, numeric digits and underscores; or (d) are identical to existing variable names. You might be better off making the strings into variable labels, where only an 80 character limit bites.
This code loops over the variables and does its best:
gen long obs = _n
foreach v of var productid? productid?? productid??? {
su obs if `v' == 1, meanonly
local tryit = product[r(min)]
capture rename `v' `=strtoname("`tryit'")'
Note: code not tested.
EDIT: Here is a test. I added code for variable labels. The data example and code show that repeated values and values that could not be variable names are accommodated.
input str13 products
"six something"
tab products, gen(productsid)
gen long obs = _n
foreach v of var productsid*{
su obs if `v' == 1, meanonly
local value = products[r(min)]
local tryit = strtoname("`value'")
capture rename `v' `tryit'
if _rc == 0 capture label var `tryit' "`value'"
else label var `v' "`value'"
drop obs
Contains data
obs: 7
vars: 7
size: 133
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
products str13 %13s
five byte %8.0g five
four byte %8.0g four
one byte %8.0g one
six_something byte %8.0g six something
three byte %8.0g three
two byte %8.0g two
Another solution is to use the extended macro function
local varlabel:variable label
The tested code is:
input companyid str10 product
1 "P2P"
2 "Retail"
3 "Commercial"
4 "CreditCard"
5 "CreditCard"
6 "EMFunds"
tab product, gen(product_id)
* get the list of product id variables
ds product_id*
* loop through the product id variables and change the
variable name to its label
foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
local varlabel: variable label `var'
display "`varlabel'"
local pos = strpos("`varlabel'","==")+2
local varlabel = substr("`varlabel'",`pos',.)
display "`varlabel'"
rename `var' `varlabel'

How to apply a custom filtering function on a Spark DataFrame

I have a DataFrame of the form:
A_DF = |id_A: Int|concatCSV: String|
and another one:
B_DF = |id_B: Int|triplet: List[String]|
Examples of concatCSV could look like:
"StringD, StringB, StringF, StringE, StringZ"
"StringA, StringB, StringX, StringY, StringZ"
while a triplet is something like:
("StringA", "StringF", "StringZ")
("StringB", "StringU", "StringR")
I want to produce the cartesian set of A_DF and B_DF, e.g.;
| id_A: Int | concatCSV: String | id_B: Int | triplet: List[String] |
| 14 | "StringD, StringB, StringF, StringE, StringZ" | 21 | ("StringA", "StringF", "StringZ")|
| 14 | "StringD, StringB, StringF, StringE, StringZ" | 45 | ("StringB", "StringU", "StringR")|
| 18 | "StringA, StringB, StringX, StringY, StringG" | 21 | ("StringA", "StringF", "StringZ")|
| 18 | "StringA, StringB, StringX, StringY, StringG" | 45 | ("StringB", "StringU", "StringR")|
| ... | | | |
Then keep just the records that have at least two substrings (e.g StringA, StringB) from A_DF("concatCSV") that appear in B_DF("triplet"), i.e. use filter to exclude those that don't satisfy this condition.
First question is: can I do this without converting the DFs into RDDs?
Second question is: can I ideally do the whole thing in the join step--as a where condition?
I have tried experimenting with something like:
val cartesianRDD = A_DF
but where cannot be resolved. I tried it with filter instead of where but still no luck. Also, for some strange reason, type annotation for cartesianRDD is SchemaRDD and not DataFrame. How did I end up with that? Finally, what I am trying above (the short code I wrote) is incomplete as it would keep records with just one substring from concatCSV found in triplet.
So, third question is: Should I just change to RDDs and solve it with a custom filtering function?
Finally, last question: Can I use a custom filtering function with DataFrames?
Thanks for the help.
The function CROSS JOIN is implemented in Hive, so you could first do the cross-join using Hive SQL:
// sqlContext should be really a HiveContext
val result = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM a CROSS JOIN b")
Then you can filter down to your expected output using two udf's. One that converts your string to an array of words, and a second one that gives us the length of the intersection of the resulting array column and the existing column "triplet":
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val splitArr = udf { (s: String) => s.split(",").map(_.trim) }
val commonLen = udf { (a: WrappedArray[String],
b: WrappedArray[String]) => a.intersect(b).length }
val temp = (result.withColumn("concatArr",
commonLen(col("triplet"), col("concatArr")).alias("comm"))
.filter(col("comm") >= 2)
|id_A| concatCSV|id_B| triplet|
| 14|StringD, StringB,...| 21|[StringA, StringF...|
| 18|StringA, StringB,...| 21|[StringA, StringF...|

How to add vectors to the columns of some array in Julia?

I know that, with package DataFrames, it is possible by doing simply
julia> df = DataFrame();
julia> for i in 1:3
df[i] = [i, i+1, i*2]
julia> df
3x3 DataFrame
| Row # | x1 | x2 | x3 |
| 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 3 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
... but are there any means to do the same on an empty Array{Int64,2} ?
If you know how many rows you have in your final Array, you can do it using hcat:
# The number of lines of your final array
numrows = 3
# Create an empty array of the same type that you want, with 3 rows and 0 columns:
a = Array(Int, numrows, 0)
# Concatenate 3x1 arrays in your empty array:
for i in 1:numrows
b = [i, i+1, i*2] # Create the array you want to concatenate with a
a = hcat(a, b)
Notice that, here you know that the arrays b have elements of the type Int. Therefore we can create the array a that have elements of the same type.
Loop over the rows of the matrix:
A = zeros(3,3)
for i = 1:3
A[i,:] = [i, i+1, 2i]
If at all possible, it is best to create your Array with the desired number of columns from the start. That way, you can just fill in those column values. Solutions using procedures like hcat() will suffer from inefficiency, since they require re-creating the Array each time.
If you do need to add columns to an already existing Array, you will be better off if you can add them all at once, rather than in a loop with hcat(). E.g. if you start with:
n = 10; m = 5;
A = rand(n,m);
A = [A rand(n, 3)]
will be faster and more memory efficient than:
for idx = 1:3
A = hcat(A, rand(n))
E.g. compare the difference in speed and memory allocations between these two:
n = 10^5; m = 10;
A = rand(n,m);
n_newcol = 10;
function t1(A::Array, n_newcol)
n = size(A,1)
for idx = 1:n_newcol
A = hcat(A, zeros(n))
return A
function t2(A::Array, n_newcol)
n = size(A,1)
[A zeros(n, n_newcol)]
# Stats after running each function once to compile
#time r1 = t1(A, n_newcol); ## 0.145138 seconds (124 allocations: 125.888 MB, 70.58% gc time)
#time r2 = t2(A, n_newcol); ## 0.011566 seconds (9 allocations: 22.889 MB, 39.08% gc time)