How can I replace multiple tables and text style within a range/selection in Word-VBA? - vba

So, I am working with VBA on a word template which for every item (requirements in this case) contains a table with different specifications (all the tables are in the same format) and some other information. Below each table I have a text which shows the status of each item like: status: Approved or Work, or Rejected etc. I am asked to delete all the other statuses in the template and keep only the "Rejected" status and the whole information and table with that has this status to format in a light grey. Does anybody has any idea how to navigate to all tables, information, and specify the section I need to Format? I am very new to this and I am completely stucked! Here's some code I wrote:
Sub DeleteWorkflow()
Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")
Selection.Find.Replacement.Font.Italic = False
With Selection.Find.Replacement.ParagraphFormat
.SpaceBefore = 0
.SpaceBeforeAuto = False
.SpaceAfter = 0
.SpaceAfterAuto = False
End With
With Selection.Find
.Text = "Status: Approved"
.Text = "Status: Work"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = True
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
'Finds status "Rejected" and changes the font color
With Selection.Find
.Text = "Status: Rejected"
.Forward = True
.Wrap = Word.WdFindWrap.wdFindContinue
.Font.ColorIndex = wdGray50
End With
The code to find the rejected status and to change its color is not working and I am not getting it why. Any idea?

Basis of the idea
The idea is to look through the sentences of the word document. Sentences comprise regular text and also text contained within tables.
As you load all the sentences in a single object in VBA, you can look through the content of the document sentences by sentences and perform an action on it.
We can also apply that type of search to tables within the document, if the text they contain match the characters you want.
The code
For sentences
Dim i As Long
Dim oSentences As Sentences
'Here we instantiate the variable oSentences to store all the values of the current opened document
Set oSentences = ThisDocument.Sentences
' We loop through every fields of the document
For i = 1 To oSentences.Count
' The property .Text contains the text of the item in it
' Then we just have to look for the text within the string of characters
If InStr(oSentences.Item(i).Text, "Status: Rejected") Then
'Do some stuff, like changing the color
oSentences.Item(i).Font.ColorIndex = wdGray50
' Do some other things like changing the color to a different color
oSentences.Item(i).Font.ColorIndex = wdGray25
End If
Next i
End Sub
For tables
Dim i As Long
Dim oTables As Tables
'Here we instantiate the variable oTables to store all the tables of the current opened document
Set oTables = ThisDocument.Tables
' We loop through every fields of the document
For i = 1 To oTables.Count
' Finding the occurence of the text in the table
If Not InStr(oTables.Item(i).Range.Text, "Status: Rejected") = 0 Then
'Do some stuff, like changing the color
oTables.Item(i).Range.Font.ColorIndex = wdGray50
End If
Next i
End Sub
Combination of the above methods
After we found the occurrence of a "Status: Rejected" document we can select the table right before it by comparing the table's end to the start of the occurrence.
Beware since the following code would modify any table before "Status: rejected". So if "Status: rejected" is input in an incorrect location, it will modify the previous table wherever this table will be in the document.
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim oSentences As Sentences
Dim oTables As Tables
'Here we instantiate the variable oSentences to store all the values of the current opened document
Set oSentences = ThisDocument.Sentences
'Here we instantiate the variable oTables to store all the tables of the current opened document
Set oTables = ThisDocument.Tables
' We loop through every fields of the document
For i = 1 To oSentences.Count
' The property .Text contains the text of the item in it
' Then we just have to look for the text within the string of characters
If InStr(oSentences.Item(i).Text, "Status: Rejected") Then
' When we have found the correct text, we try to find the table just above it
' We start from the last table
' This condition ensures we do not start looking for before the first table
If oTables.Item(1).Range.End < oSentences.Item(i).Start Then
j = oTables.Count
While oTables.Item(j).Range.End > oSentences.Item(i).Start
j = j - 1
oTables.Item(j).Range.Font.ColorIndex = wdGray50
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
This solution would provide you the basis to edit the document when the matching criteria is found within an item.


Find/Replace an Inserted Check Box Symbol with a Check Box Content Control

I would like to find/replace all inserted check box symbols with checkbox content controls. The symbol's font is Wingdings (either 111 or 168). Below is the code I started with, but I hit a wall when I realized that Word find doesn't recognize the symbol. I appreciate any help or guidance. Thank you.
Sub ReplaceUnicode168()
Dim objContentControl As ContentControl
With ActiveDocument
Set objContentControl = ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlCheckBox)
With Selection.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = False
.Text = Chr(168)
.Replacement.Text = "^c"
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End With
End Sub
I suggest that you try to find/replace these two particular characters using
.Text = ChrW(61551)
for the "111" WingDings Character and
.Text = ChrW(61608)
for the "168" WingDings character.
Be aware that the way Word encodes these characters is not very helpful. As far as Find/Replace is concerned, you have to use these Unicode Private Use Area encodings.
If you actually select the character and use VBA to discover its code using e.g.
Debug.Print AscW(Selection)
the answer is always 40 (and the Font of the character will probably be the same as the Surrounding font) Pretty useless. In older versions of Word you used to be able to look for the 40 character and find these characters, but I don't think that's possible now. But if you select the character and use
Sub SymInfo()
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
' You won't see .Font and .CharNum listed under the
' properties of a Word.Dialog - some older Dialogs add
' per-Dialog properties at runtime.
Debug.Print .Font
Debug.Print .CharNum
End With
End Sub
Then you get the font name (Wingdings in this case) and the private use area character number, except it's expressed as a negative number (-3928 for Wingdings 168). The character to use in the Find/Replace is 65536-3928 = 61608.
Alternatively, you can find the private use area code by selecting the character, getting its WordOpenXML code, then finding the XML element that gives the code (and the font). Ideally use MSXML to look for the element but the following gives the general idea.
Sub getSymElement
Dim finish As Long
Dim start As Long
Dim x As String
x = Selection.WordOpenXML
start = Instr(1,x,"<w:sym")
' Should check for start = 0 (not found) here.
finish = Instr(start,x,">")
Debug.Print Mid(x,start, finish + 1 - start)
and for the 168 character you should see something like
<w:sym w:font="Wingdings" w:char="F0A8"/>
(Hex F0A8 is 61608)
There may be a problem where Word could potentially map more than one font/code to the same unicode private use area codepoint. There is some further code by Dave Rado here but I do not think you will need it for this particular problem.
After some follow-up, the following seems to work reasonably well here:
Sub replaceWingdingsWithCCs()
Dim cc As Word.ContentControl
Dim charcode As Variant
Dim ccchecked As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim r As Word.Range
' Make sure the selection point is not in the way
' (If the selection contains one of the characters you are trying to
' replace, Word will raise an error about the selection being in a
' plain text content control.
' If the first item in the document is not a CC,
' it's enouugh to do this:
Selection.Collapse WdCollapseDirection.wdCollapseStart
' Put the character codes you need to look for here. Maybe you have some checked boxes too?
charcode = Array(61551, 61608)
' FOr each code, say whether you want a checked box (True) or an unchecked one.
ccchecked = Array(False, False)
For i = LBound(charcode) To UBound(charcode)
Set r = ActiveDocument.Range
With r.Find
With .Replacement
.Text = ""
End With
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = False
.Text = ChrW(charcode(i))
Do While .Execute(Replace:=True)
Set cc = r.ContentControls.Add(WdContentControlType.wdContentControlCheckBox)
cc.Checked = ccchecked(i)
r.End = r.Document.Range.End
r.Start = cc.Range.End + 1
Set cc = Nothing
End With
Set r = Nothing
End Sub Getting underlined words between two strings in Word

I am trying to select the underlined words between two sections of a word document and save them to a collection variable. I am building this in Blue Prism, which utilizes
I have the following code, which is working, but it seems to be selecting all underlined words in the document (and also is selecting some blank lines), instead of only selecting the underlined words between the two specific sections in the document.
Document looks like this (ÜWord Document Example) :
I would want to select "Example1" and "Example3" in the document and save them to a variable, since those are between the two sections and underlined. The two section names will always be the same.
Here's the code I currently have:
Dim w As Object = doc.Application
Dim s As Object = w.Selection
Dim Para as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Paragraph
Dim blnStart as Boolean
blnStart = false
Dim table As New System.Data.DataTable()
table.Columns.Add("Underlined_Text", GetType(String))
For Each Para In doc.Paragraphs
If Para.Range.Text.ToLower.Contains(strStartText) Then
blnStart = true
End If
If Para.Range.Font.Underline = 1 and blnStart Then
With s.Range
With .Find
.Font.Underline = 1
.Text = ""
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Format = True
.Forward = True
.Wrap = 0
End With
End With
End If
If Para.Range.Text.ToLower.Contains(strEndText) Then
exit for
End If
Next Para
Underlined_Text = table
doc = Nothing
The variables 'strStartText' and 'strEndText' would be equal to the two section names.

Find a selection of text but not if part of other text

I am trying to find a selection of text in a Word document and then lock the content control.
I have one search text 'Our Ref:' and another 'Your Ref:'.
When the second sub searches for 'Our Ref:' it also highlights 'Your Ref:'.
Screenshot of search result for 'our ref:'
I tried to add .MatchPrefix which works within the advanced find in Word, but not in the macro.
Is there a way to either skip the first result or narrow the search?
Private Sub LockOurRef()
With Selection.find
.Text = "Our Ref:"
.MatchWholeWord = True
.Forward = True
Selection.Range.ContentControls.Add (wdContentControlGroup)
Selection.ParentContentControl.LockContentControl = True
End With
End Sub

Running a word VBA macro on text within two words

I have a macro that converts track changes to either underline or strikethrough and it does it on the entire word document. However, I would like it to run only on track changes only within a section of the document found between a first tag and a second tag (let's say between the words "Beginning" and "Ending"). I do not want this macro to make changes anywhere other than between these two tags. In other words, if I run this macro, only track changes within these two tags should be modified based on the macro and the rest of the document should keep its track changes intact.
Please let me know if you can help me modify this macro based on the above requirement.
Here's what I have but it runs on the entire document.
Sub FormatRevisions()
Dim rev As Revision, txt As String, r As Long, ran As Range
'First switch off TrackChanges, else each of your reformattings will become a revision again
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
'***Now cycle through revisions, identify type of change
For Each rev In ActiveDocument.Revisions
Select Case rev.Type
Case wdRevisionDelete
'secure "deleted" text as well as its position
txt = rev.Range.Text
r = rev.Range.Start
'accept the revision to make the markup disappear
'now type the text formatted as strikethrough at the position of the old text
Set ran = ActiveDocument.Range(r, r)
With ran
.Text = txt
.Font.StrikeThrough = 1
End With
Case wdRevisionInsert
Set ran = rev.Range
'accept the revision to make the markup disappear
'now type the text formatted as underlined at the position of the old text
ran.Font.Underline = 1
End Select
Next rev
End Sub
Sub FormatRevisions()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rvn As Revision, Rng As Range
'First switch off TrackChanges, else each of your reformattings will become a revision again
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
With ActiveDocument.Range
'Find the defined range
With .Find
.Text = "Beginning*Ending"
.MatchWildcards = True
End With
If .Find.Found = True Then
'***Now cycle through revisions, identify type of change
For Each Rvn In .Revisions
With Rvn
Select Case .Type
Case wdRevisionDelete
Set Rng = .Range
'Reject the revision to make the markup disappear
'now format the text as strikethrough
Rng.Font.StrikeThrough = True
Case wdRevisionInsert
Set Rng = .Range
'Accept the revision to make the markup disappear
'now format the text as underlined
Rng.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
End Select
End With
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The above approach also has the advantage of retaining the formatting of the deleted and added text.

Adjusting the width of columns of all tables in a Word document

In my Word document, I have over 300 tables and I want to change the table style and adjust the columns' widths. I am using the following code in my VBA macro. It's working for a style but not for column width. Please help me find where the problem is.
Sub Makro1()
' Makro1 Makro
With Selection.Find
.Text = "Variable"
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=4, Extend:=wdExtend
Selection.Tables(1).Style = "eo_tabelle_2"
With Tables(1).Spacing
.Item(1) = 5.5 'adjusts width of text box 1 in cm
.Item(2) = 8.5 'adjusts width of text box 2 in cm
.Item(3) = 7.5 'adjusts width of text box 3 in cm
.Item(4) = 1.1 'adjusts width of text box 4 in cm
End With
End Sub
I'm going to interpret your question literally: that you merely want to process all the tables in the document and that your code is using Find only in order to locate a table...
The following example shows how you can work with the underlying objects in Word directly, rather than relying on the current Selection, which is what the macro recorder gives you.
So, at the beginning we declare object variables for the Document and a Table. The current document with the focus is assigned to the first. Then, with For Each...Next we can loop through each Table object in that document and perform the same actions on each one.
In this case, the style is specified and the column widths set. Note that in order to give a column width in centimeters it's necessary to use a built-in conversion function CentimetersToPoints since Word measures column width in Points.
Sub FormatTables
Dim doc as Document
Dim tbl as Table
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each tbl in doc.Tables
tbl.Style = "eo_tabelle_2"
tbl.Columns(1).Width = CentimetersToPoints(5.5)
tbl.Columns(2).Width = CentimetersToPoints(8.5)
tbl.Columns(3).Width = CentimetersToPoints(7.5)
tbl.Columns(4).Width = CentimetersToPoints(1.1)
End Sub
As far as I can recall all the tables in a word file are a part of Tables collection and we can access the individual table item using an index. Assuming that you wont know the number of tables, here's the code that works for me.
For Each tbl In Doc.Tables
tbl.Columns(3).Width = 40