VBA - Safely store variable reference - vba

I'm familiar with passing an argument to a procedure by reference. Alternately, ParamArray allows me the flexibility of passing 0 or more arguments to a procedure by reference as well. However, that approach made me wonder if there was a way to preserve a reference to one or more variables beyond the scope of a procedure. My first glimmer of hope was the VBA Array function when I saw it was declared like this:
Array(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant)
So, I put together the following test code:
Private Sub Test()
Dim a As Object
Dim b() As Variant
ParamArrayTest a
Debug.Print TypeName(a) ' Output is 'Dictionary'
b = Array(a) ' b should be like ParamArray ArgList()
Set b(0) = Nothing ' This should clear a
Debug.Print TypeName(a) ' Output is still 'Dictionary'
End Sub
Private Sub ParamArrayTest(ParamArray ArgList() As Variant)
Set ArgList(0) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Unfortunately, this did not work as I expected. Despite the argument being passed into the Array function via ParamArray, it would appear that the returned array was by value and not by reference.
Further research led me to the undocumented VBA VarPtr / StrPtr / ObjPtr functions. I found numerous examples of using them in conjunction with the API RtlMoveMemory function. However, all of the articles I read strongly urged against using that approach since it could very easily crash the application. Some of my testing did indeed crash Access.
Another idea I had was to see if I could directly assign a reference of one variable to another:
Private Sub Test()
Dim a As Object
Dim b As Variant
b = ByRef a ' Throws a compiler error
End Sub
Suffice it to say, the compiler simply would not allow that. My question then is, can a variable reference be safely stored / preserved beyond the scope of a procedure (preferably in another variable)?
I decided it would be more helpful if I shed some light on what I'm trying to build.
I'm currently in the process of creating a wrapper class which will pass all form / control events to a procedure in one of my modules. It will be used with 2 forms which have the same control structure but connect to different source tables. Bear in mind that the code is incomplete but should be sufficient to illustrate the problem I'm trying to overcome. Also, Database is my VBA project name.
There are four portions to the code:
Form_TEST_FORM - Form Module
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
FormHub.InitForm Me, Cancel
End Sub
FormHub - Module
Public Sub InitForm( _
ByRef Form As Access.Form, _
ByRef Cancel As Integer _
Dim Evt As Database.EventHandler
Set Evt = New Database.EventHandler
Evt.InitFormObject Form, Cancel
FormList.Add Evt, Form.Name
End Sub
Private Function FormList() As VBA.Collection
Static Init As Boolean
Static Coll As VBA.Collection
If Not Init Then
Set Coll = New VBA.Collection
Init = True
End If
Set FormList = Coll
End Function
FormControl - Class Module
Public Ptr As Variant ' Pointer to form control variable
Public acType As Access.AcControlType
EventHandler - Class Module
Private WithEvents Form As Access.Form
Private WithEvents SForm As Access.SubForm
Private CtrlList As VBA.Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Public Sub InitFormObject(FormObj As Access.Form, ByRef Cancel As Integer)
Dim ErrFlag As Boolean
Dim Ctrl As Access.Control
Dim FCtrl As Database.FormControl
On Error GoTo Proc_Err
Set Form = FormObj
If Form.Controls.Count <> CtrlList.Count Then
Err.Raise 1, , _
"Form has incorrect number of controls"
End If
' This is where I want to validate the form controls
' and also initialize my event variables.
For Each Ctrl In Form.Controls
If Not CtrlExists(FCtrl, Ctrl.Name) Then
Err.Raise 2, , _
"Invalid control name"
ElseIf FCtrl.acType <> Ctrl.ControlType Then
Err.Raise 3, , _
"Invalid control type"
' Initialize the correct variable with it's
' pointer. This is the part I haven't been
' able to figure out yet.
Set FCtrl.Ptr = Ctrl
End If
On Error Resume Next
If ErrFlag Then
End If
Set Ctrl = Nothing
Set FCtrl = Nothing
Exit Sub
ErrFlag = True
Debug.Print "InitFormObject " & _
"Error " & Err & ": " & Err.Description
Resume Proc_End
End Sub
Private Function CtrlExists( _
ByRef FCtrl As Database.FormControl, _
ByRef CtrlName As String _
) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Set FCtrl = CtrlList(CtrlName)
CtrlExists = Err = 0
End Function
Private Sub InitCtrlList()
Set CtrlList = New VBA.Collection
CtrlList.Add SetCtrlData(SForm, acSubform), "SForm"
End Sub
Private Function SetCtrlData( _
ByRef Ctrl As Access.Control, _
ByRef acType As Access.AcControlType _
) As Database.FormControl
Set SetCtrlData = New Database.FormControl
With SetCtrlData
' This assignment is where I need to keep a reference
' to the variable in the class. However, it doesn't
' work.
Set .Ptr = Ctrl
.acType = acType
End With
End Function
Private Sub ClearEventVariables()
Dim FormCtrl As Database.FormControl
Set Form = Nothing
For Each FormCtrl In CtrlList
' Assuming I was able to retain a reference to the
' class variable, this would clear it.
Set FormCtrl.Ptr = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set CtrlList = Nothing
End Sub
I only used 1 control in the code example for simplicity sake. But, the idea is to simplify how much code I would need to modify in order to add / remove controls should the form design change. Or, in the event I have to add more forms to the project.

If you need to reference only within a single module, declare as Public in module header. If you want to reference in any module, declare as Global in a general module header. Even array and recordset and connection objects can be declared this way. Be aware these variables will lose their values if code breaks in runtime.
Or look into TempVar object variables. They don't lose values if code breaks. But can only store number or text values, not objects.


ByVal in Excel event-handler

I am a little confused about the usage of ByVal keyword in some event-handlers in Excel.
The NewSheet event example
(Copied from Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA, Wiley)
Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
If TypeName(Sh) = "Worksheet" Then
Sh.Cells.ColumnWidth = 35
Sh.Range("A1") = "Sheet added " & Now()
End If
End Sub
This code works as expected, as seems trivial. But after some thought I am getting more and more confused.
Based on my understanding ByVal means Sh is just copy of the the original worksheet object, and procedures using ByVal arguments won't result in change to the original object. In other words, what the code does should have no effect.
Only when references are passed to procedures will they be able to modify objects referred to by those references.
Am I missing something there? Thanks
P.S. Most of my understanding of passing by reference/value comes from other programming languages such as C#. There might be some peculiarity in VBA I am not aware of.
Since you're passing an Object, ByVal passes a copy (the value) of the reference. The copy (value) of the reference still points to what the original reference is pointing to. Hence your method works and changes what the original reference is pointing to.
If you know Java, this is similar in nature to Java, where everything can be said to 'pass by value' but when you pass an Object as a parameter, what you are actually doing is passing a copy of the reference, and not a copy of what the reference is pointing to.
ByVal in those cases prevents the change of the value in the original reference itself.
Please see next:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Declare an instance of the class and assign a value to its field.
Dim c1 As New Class1()
c1.Field = 5
' Output: 5
' ByVal does not prevent changing the value of a field or property.
' Output: 500
' ByVal does prevent changing the value of c1 itself.
' Output: 500
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeFieldValue(ByVal cls As Class1)
cls.Field = 500
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeClassReference(ByVal cls As Class1)
cls = New Class1()
cls.Field = 1000
End Sub
Public Class Class1
Public Field As Integer
End Class
End Module

Show VBA userform with variables in userform name

I am doing a PPT where I need to click buttons to show various Forms.
I have created a public function in the main module.
Public Function ShowForm(FormName As String)
Dim oneForm As Object
For Each oneForm In UserForms
If oneForm.Name = FormName Then
End If
Next oneForm
End Function
And used it in the button below:
Private Sub NextPage_Click()
ShowForm ("SU0" & qlist(cntr))
cntr = cntr + 1
End Sub
But the function does not work. Did I miss anything or is there a better way of doing this?
Google is the key...
I have changed the function in the module and everything works fine now.
Public Function ShowForm(FormName As String)
Dim oneForm As Object
Set oneForm = CallByName(UserForms, "Add", VbMethod, FormName)
End Function
Note that in order to handle multiple userforms, the "ShowModal" property of those forms needs to be set to FALSE.

Do I need to pass a worksheet as ByRef or ByVal?

I broke out some code from a larger block and need to pass a worksheet to it...
I'm not assigning any new value to the worksheet, but I am making changes to the Page Break settings for that sheet. Do I need to pass it as ByRef, or is ByVal good enough?
Private Sub SetPageBreaks(ByRef wsReport As Worksheet)
Dim ZoomNum As Integer
ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview
ZoomNum = 85
With ActiveSheet
Select Case wsReport.Name
Case "Compare"
Set .VPageBreaks(1).Location = Range("AI1")
ZoomNum = 70
Case "GM"
.VPageBreaks.Add before:=Range("X1")
Case "Drift"
.VPageBreaks.Add before:=Range("T1")
Case Else
.VPageBreaks.Add before:=Range("U1")
End Select
End With
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView
ActiveWindow.Zoom = ZoomNum
End Sub
Either will work, but for semantically correct code, prefer passing it by value (ByVal).
When you pass an object variable by value, you're passing a copy of the pointer to the object.
So what the procedure is working with is the same object (i.e. changed property values will be seen by the caller), except it's not allowed to Set the pointer to something else - well it can, but it'll do that on its own copy and so the caller won't be affected.
Public Sub DoSomething()
Dim target As Worksheet
Set target = ActiveSheet
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
DoSomethingElse target
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
End Sub
Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByVal target As Worksheet)
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
Set target = Worksheets("Sheet12")
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
'in DoSomething, target still refers to the ActiveSheet
End Sub
On the other hand...
Public Sub DoSomething()
Dim target As Worksheet
Set target = ActiveSheet
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
DoSomethingElse target
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
End Sub
Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByRef target As Worksheet)
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
Set target = Worksheets("Sheet12")
Debug.Print ObjPtr(target)
'in DoSomething, target now refers to Worksheets("Sheet12")
End Sub
In general, parameters should be passed by value. It's just an unfortunate language quirk that ByRef is the default (VB.NET fixed that).
The same is true for non-object variables:
Public Sub DoSomething()
Dim foo As Long
foo = 42
DoSomethingElse foo
End Sub
Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByVal foo As Long)
foo = 12
'in DoSomething, foo is still 42
End Sub
Public Sub DoSomething()
Dim foo As Long
foo = 42
DoSomethingElse foo
End Sub
Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByRef foo As Long)
foo = 12
'in DoSomething, foo is now 12
End Sub
If a variable is passed by reference, but is never reassigned in the body of a procedure, then it can be passed by value.
If a variable is passed by reference, and reassigns it in the body of a procedure, then that procedure could likely be written as a Function, and actually return the modified value instead.
If a variable is passed by value, and is reassigned in the body of a procedure, then the caller isn't going to see the changes - which makes code suspicious; if a procedure needs to reassign a ByVal parameter value, the intent of the code becomes clearer if it defines its own local variable and assigns that instead of the ByVal parameter:
Public Sub DoSomething()
Dim foo As Long
foo = 42
DoSomethingElse foo
End Sub
Private Sub DoSomethingElse(ByVal foo As Long)
Dim bar As Long
bar = foo
bar = 12
End Sub
These are all actual code inspections in Rubberduck, as VBE add-in I'm heavily involved with, that can analyze your code and see these things:
Parameter is passed by value, but is assigned a new value/reference. Consider making a local copy instead if the caller isn't supposed to know the new value. If the caller should see the new value, the parameter should be passed ByRef instead, and you have a bug.
A procedure that only has one parameter passed by reference that is assigned a new value/reference before the procedure exits, is using a ByRef parameter as a return value: consider making it a function instead.
A parameter that is passed by reference and isn't assigned a new value/reference, could be passed by value instead.
That's the case of wsReport here:

VBA ByRef Error Passing a Class Object to a Sub

I'm trying to pass an object to a new sub but keep hitting a ByRef Mismatch error.
I've declared my object as:
Dim targetWorkbook
Set targetWorkbook = New CWorkbooks
I'm calling my sub by using:
checkbook targetWorkbook
And my sub is set as:
Sub checkbook(targetWorkbook As CWorkbooks)
'Checking if passthrough is working
End Sub
Any help is appreciated, my types are aligned and everything so I'm not sure why this is occuring.
Sub Foo()
'single class object
Dim myClass1 As New clsClass
myClass1.StringName = "cls1"
Call Par(myClass1)
'or class array
Dim myClass2(1 To 5) As New clsClass
myClass2(1).StringName = "cls2"
Call Par(myClass2)
End Sub
Sub Par(ByRef lClass As Variant) 'same function call used for both
'Debug.Print lClass.StaffName & vbNewLine 'single class object
'Debug.Print lClass(1).StaffName & vbNewLine 'array version
End Sub
google brought me here for same problem but found the accepted answer lacking & didn't work at all in my case where Foo() was a module & Par() a worksheet, trying to pass class array.
I was able to duplicate your problem with the compiler. The following passes the compiler and runs. You declared TargetWorkbook as Variant, then set it to CWorkbooks - this works, but not when passed to the sub.
Sub main()
Dim TargetWorkbook As CWorkbooks
Set TargetWorkbook = New CWorkbooks
checkbook TargetWorkbook
End Sub
Sub checkbook(ByRef TargetWorkbook As CWorkbooks)
'Checking if passthrough is working
End Sub

Calling OnTime method in a Custom Class

I'm trying to use the .OnTime method in a class module, but can't figure out how to call a procedure in the class. All of the .OnTime examples I've seen refer to using the method from a standard code module rather than a custom class. Is there any way of calling a procedure in the class module rather than a standard code module?
#Alex P: Updated to include code. Here is the Class Module:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Test()
MsgBox "Success"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"), _
End Sub
And the Standard Module:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestOnTime()
Dim OnTime As CCOnTime
Set OnTime = New CCOnTime
End Sub
I've also tried Procedure:="CClass.Test"
You can do it, but the call-back needs to be bounced back into the object from a Standard Module or a Worksheet Module or Thisworkbook.
Here is an example that pulses a value in a worksheet cell.
The timer is (almost) encapsulated in the cOnTime Class.
A cOnTime Object is instantiated in the host worksheet, whose code module can have a property to set the pulse time as well as the call-back routine.
If you protect the sheet, it will start pulsing and you can stop it by un-protecting the sheet.
If you navigate away from the host sheet, the timer is killed and if you navigate back it re-starts (as long as the sheet is protected).
Class cOnTime
Option Explicit
Const DEFPulseTime = "PulseTime"
Const DEFearliestTime As Long = 5
Const DEFlatestTime As Long = 15
Public WithEvents wb As Workbook
Public ws As Worksheet
Private DoWhen As String
Public mPulseTime As Long
Public mNextTime As Double
Property Let callBackDoWhen(cb As String)
DoWhen = "'" & wb.Name & "'!" & ws.CodeName & "." & cb 'e.g. 'wb Name.xlsm'!Sheet1.kickdog
End Property
Private Function PulseTime() As Long
On Error Resume Next
PulseTime = CallByName(ws, DEFPulseTime, VbGet)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
PulseTime = DEFearliestTime
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Property Get designMode() As Boolean
designMode = Not ws.ProtectContents
End Property
Public Sub kickDog()
Const myName As String = "kickDog"
Dim psMessage As String
If ws Is ActiveSheet And Not designMode Then
mNextTime = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, mPulseTime)
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime mNextTime, DoWhen
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub killDog()
If ws Is Nothing Or mNextTime = 0 Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime mNextTime, DoWhen, , False
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim errorContext As String
On Error GoTo enableAndExit
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = ActiveSheet
On Error GoTo 0
callBackDoWhen = DEFDoWhen
callBackPulseTime = DEFPulseTime
mPulseTime = PulseTime
Exit Sub
If Err <> 0 Then
If ws Is Nothing Then
errorContext = "ws"
ElseIf wb Is Nothing Then
errorContext = "wb"
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Const myName As String = "Class_Terminate"
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = Nothing
Set wb = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub wb_WindowActivate(ByVal Wn As Window)
End Sub
Private Sub wb_WindowDeactivate(ByVal Wn As Window)
End Sub
Private Sub wb_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub wb_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
If SaveAsUI Then killDog
End Sub
In Worksheet Module
Option Explicit
Const cPulseTime As Long = 1
Dim mOnTime As cOnTime
Property Get PulseTime() As Long
PulseTime = cPulseTime
End Property
'Timer call-back for cOnTime
Public Sub kickDog()
' Code to execute on timer event
On Error Resume Next
Me.Cells(1, 1) = Not Me.Cells(1, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
Debug.Print "woof!!"
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Me.Cells(1,1) = False
Set mOnTime = New cOnTime
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
On Error Resume Next
Set mOnTime = Nothing
End Sub
You are asking for magic - VBA is a comprehensive tool but it is not magic.
The reason is that every Class module is simply a template which can be instantiated any number of times in the application code. Excel could not hope to correctly guess which particular instantiation of the Class module is the correct one on which to invoke the method. You are responsible for making this decision and managing the references to the appropriate Class instance.
Ah you say - But there is no private data/references being used by the method I want called. It is a static method. Well the answer to that is that VBA does not support static methods on Class modules, only on Standard modules. Any method that you wish to declare to the environment as being static is declared as being static by being included in a standard module.
So, place your call-back method in a Standard module, and declare a private member that holds a reference to the particular instance of the Class that you wish to handle the event.
One alternative route which isn't specified by others here but, I think, would theoretically work is:
Register VBA object as an active object with a specified GUID
Launch a PowerShell (or binary) daemon to connect to the object with specified GUID and call a specified method on that object every n seconds.
Totally encapsulated
Launches external process
Method likely has to be public (unless connection points can be abused)
Potentially crash-prone
I haven't implemented such a solution yet but intend to on stdCOM of stdVBA library if everything works out.