How To create an expiration date based off the next effective date - sql

So I can not use a temp table to accomplish this. Basically I need to create an experation date based off the next effective date available.
So for one proc code i have 10 fee schedules with only effective dates. I tried writing this but its not working because it is giving for some records the same expiration date. I know an order by is needed but i placed it in various places and it still gives me the same issue. Any help is greatly appreciated
WHEN (SELECT TOP 1 b.effectivedate - 1
FROM ietl_profileprocedure b
WHERE b.effectivedate > a.effectivedate
AND a.profilesid = b.profilesid) IS NULL THEN (SELECT
Dateadd(mm, Datediff(mm, 0, Getdate()) + 1, -1))
ELSE (SELECT TOP 1 b.effectivedate - 1
FROM ietl_profileprocedure b
WHERE b.effectivedate > a.effectivedate
AND a.profilesid = b.profilesid)
END ) AS 'ExpDate'
FROM ietl_profileprocedure a
WHERE profilesid = '4197'
AND procedurecode = '90685'

Thank you Juan I looked up lead and lag and was able to come up with the code below to suit my needs! now i can have a date something was posted and find the amount that should have pertained to the ProcedureCode at that time more easily
SELECT s.ProfileSID,s.ProcedureCode,s.Amount,cast(s.EffectiveDate as date) as EffectiveDate ,
cast(isnull(dateadd(day,-1,LEAD(EffectiveDate) OVER (ORDER BY ProfileSID,ProcedureCode,EffectiveDate
)),getdate())as date) ExpDate
FROM iETL_ProfileProcedure s
WHERE ProfileSID IN ('4197')and ProcedureCode = '90685'


SQL query for extracting accounts whose last load date is not equal to today

I seem to have some issue in the query and need your help.
I have 2 tables:
1st table contains Bank account details - account number, status etc - bankacc
2nd table stores name of the statement and the load date on which the statement is imported - bankstm
I am trying to write a query that will populate only those bank accounts whose statement was not imported as of today date.
Date format in database - 2020-01-17 00:00:00.000
Code that i have tried:
SELECT b.bank_acc as Bank_Account, max(b.date_ld) as Load_Date from bankstm b
where b.date_ld < CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) and
b.bank_acc in (select a.acc_no from bankacc a where a.in_use = 'Y' and a.analyse03 = '1517')
group by b.bank_acc
This code populates all the records from previous date whereas most of them statements loaded today.
I also attempted the code with '=' or '<>' or '>' based on the queries raised previously in stack overflow. But nothing seems to be giving me the correct result.
So finally i am raising it for experts to help me out.
You need to apply the date filter on the max.
I cast the max(b.date_ld) to date in case its datetime format
SELECT b.bank_acc as Bank_Account, max(b.date_ld) as Load_Date from bankstm b
b.bank_acc in (select a.acc_no from bankacc a where a.in_use = 'Y' and a.analyse03 = '1517')
group by b.bank_acc
having cast(max(b.date_ld) as date) < CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
You can modify your statement to use a not exists if your only criteria is that the record doesn't have a corresponding entry for today's date as a load date.
If the criteria is different, may require modification.
SELECT [b].[bank_acc] AS [bank_account]
, MAX([b].[date_ld]) AS [load_date]
FROM bankstm AS b
FROM [bankstm] AS [bb]
WHERE [b].[bank_acc] = [bb].[bank_acc] AND
FROM [bankacct] a
WHERE b.bank_acc = a.bank_acc and a.in_use = 'Y' and a.analyse03 = '1517'
GROUP BY b.bank_acc
first of all you can improve your query with join and avoid using sub query.
SELECT b.bank_acc as Bank_Account, max(b.date_ld) as Load_Date
FROM bankstm AS b
LEFT JOIN bankacc AS ba ON b.bank_acc = ba.acc_no
WHERE ba.in_use = 'Y'
AND ba.analyse03 = '1517'
GROUP BY b.bank_acc
I would use not exists:
select ba.*
from bankacc ba
where ba.in_use = 'Y' and
ba.analyse03 = '1517' and
not exists (select 1
from bankstm bs
where bs.bank_acc = ba.acc_no and
bs.date_ld = convert(date, getdate())
For performance, you want indexes on bankacc(in_use, analyse03, acc_no) and bankstm(bank_acc, date_ld).

How do I calculate coverage dates during a period of time in SQL against a transactional table?

I'm attempting to compile a list of date ranges like so:
Coverage Range: 10/1/2016 - 10/5/2016
Coverage Range: 10/9/2016 - 10/31/2016
for each policy in a database table. The table is transactional, and there is one cancellation transaction code, but three codes that can indicate coverage has begun. Also, there can be instances where the codes that indicate start of coverage can occur in sequence (start on 10/1, then another start on 10/5, then cancel on 10/14). Below is an example of a series of transactions that I would like to generate the above results from:
TransID PolicyID EffDate
NewBus 1 9/15/2016
Confirm 1 9/17/2016
Cancel 1 10/5/2016
Reinst 1 10/9/2016
Cancel 1 10/15/2016
Reinst 1 10/15/2016
PolExp 1 3/15/2017
SO in this dataset, I want the following results for the date range 10/1 - 10/31
Coverage Range: 10/1/2016 - 10/5/2016
Coverage Range: 10/9/2016 - 10/31/2016
Note that since the cancel and reinstatement happen on the same day, I'm excluding them from the results set. I tried pairing the transactions with subqueries:
CASE WHEN overall.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes)
-- This is a coverage cancellationentry
THEN -- Set coverage start date using previous paired record
CASE WHEN((SELECT MAX(inn.PD_EffectiveDate) FROM PolicyData inn WHERE inn.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #startCoverageTransCodes)
and inn.PD_EffectiveDate <= overall.PD_EffectiveDate
and inn.PD_PolicyCode = overall.PD_PolicyCode) < #sDate) THEN #sDate
(SELECT MAX(inn.PD_EffectiveDate) FROM PolicyData inn WHERE inn.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #startCoverageTransCodes)
and inn.PD_EffectiveDate <= overall.PD_EffectiveDate
and inn.PD_PolicyCode = overall.PD_PolicyCode)
ELSE -- Set coverage start date using current record
CASE WHEN (overall.PD_EffectiveDate < #sDate) THEN #sDate ELSE overall.PD_EffectiveDate END END, 101)
as [Effective_Date]
This mostly works except for the situation I listed above. I'd rather not rewrite this query if I can help it. I have a similar line for expiration date:
CASE WHEN overall.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes) -- This is a coverage cancellation entry
THEN -- Set coverage end date with current record
ELSE -- check for future coverage end dates
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PolicyData pd WHERE pd.PD_EffectiveDate > overall.PD_EffectiveDate and pd.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes)) > 1
THEN -- There are future end dates
CASE WHEN((SELECT TOP 1 pd.PD_ExpirationDate FROM PolicyData pd
WHERE pd.PD_PolicyCode = overall.PD_PolicyCode
and pd.PD_EntryDate between #sDate and #eDate
and pd.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes))) > #eDate
THEN #eDate
(SELECT TOP 1 pd.PD_ExpirationDate FROM PolicyData pd
WHERE pd.PD_PolicyCode = overall.PD_PolicyCode
and pd.PD_EntryDate between #sDate and #eDate
and pd.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes))
ELSE -- No future coverage end dates
CASE WHEN(overall.PD_ExpirationDate > #eDate) THEN #eDate ELSE overall.PD_ExpirationDate END
END, 101), CONVERT(varchar(10), CASE WHEN(overall.PD_ExpirationDate > #eDate) THEN #eDate ELSE overall.PD_ExpirationDate END, 101))
as [Expiration_Date]
I can't help but feel like there's a simpler solution I'm missing here. So my question is: how can I modify the above portion of my query to accomodate the above scenario? OR What is the better answer? If I cam simplify this, I would love to hear how.
Here's the solution I ended up implementing
I took a simplified table where I boiled all the START transaction codes to START and all the cancel transaction codes to CANCEL. When I viewed the table based on that, it was MUCH easier to watch how my logic affected the results. I ended up using a simplified system where I used CASE WHEN clauses to identify specific scenarios and built my date ranges based on that. I also changed my starting point away from looking at cancellations and finding the related starts, and reversing it (find starts and then related calcellations). So here's the code I implemented:
/* Get Coverage Dates */
,cast((CASE WHEN sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #startCoverageTransCodes) THEN
CASE WHEN (cast(overall.PD_EntryDate as date) <= #sDate) THEN #sDate
WHEN (cast(overall.PD_EntryDate as date) > #sDate AND cast(overall.PD_EntryDate as date) <= #eDate) THEN overall.PD_EntryDate
WHEN (cast(overall.PD_EntryDate as date) > #eDate) THEN #eDate
ELSE cast(overall.PD_EntryDate as date) END
END) as date) as Effective_Date
,cast((CASE WHEN sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #startCoverageTransCodes) THEN
CASE WHEN (SELECT MIN(p.PD_EntryDate) FROM PolicyData p WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE p.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes) AND p.PD_EntryDate > overall.PD_EntryDate AND p.PD_PolicyCOde = overall.PD_PolicyCode) > #eDate THEN #eDate
ELSE ISNULL((SELECT MIN(p.PD_EntryDate) FROM PolicyData p WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE p.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #cancelTransCodes) AND p.PD_EntryDate > overall.PD_EntryDate AND p.PD_PolicyCOde = overall.PD_PolicyCode), #eDate) END
CASE WHEN (SELECT MAX(p.PD_EntryDate) FROM PolicyData p WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE p.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #startCoverageTransCodes) AND p.PD_EntryDate > overall.PD_EntryDate AND p.PD_PolicyCOde = overall.PD_PolicyCode) > #eDate THEN #eDate
ELSE (SELECT MAX(p.PD_EntryDate) FROM PolicyData p WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE p.sPTRN_ID in (SELECT code FROM #startCoverageTransCodes) AND p.PD_EntryDate > overall.PD_EntryDate AND p.PD_PolicyCOde = overall.PD_PolicyCode)
END END) as date) as Expiration_Date
As you can see, I relied on subqueries in this case. I had a lot of this logic as joins, which caused extra rows where I didn't need them. So by making the date range logic based on sub-queries, I ended up speeding the stored procedure up by several seconds, bringing my execution time to under 1 second where before it was between 2-5 seconds.
There might be a simpler solution, but I just do not see it right now.
The outline for each step is:
Generate dates for date range, which you do not need to do if you have a calendar table.
Transform the incoming data set as you described in your question (skipping start/cancel on the same day); and add the next EffDate for each row.
Explode the data set with a row for each day between the generated ranges of step 2.
Reduce the data set back down based on consecutive days of converage.
test setup:
/* set date range */
declare #fromdate date = '20161001'
declare #thrudate date = '20161031'
/* generate dates in range -- you can skip this if you have a calendar table */
;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
, dates as (
select top (datediff(day, #fromdate, #thrudate)+1)
[Date]=convert(date,dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1, #fromdate))
from n as deka
cross join n as hecto /* 100 days */
cross join n as kilo /* 2.73 years */
cross join n as [tenK] /* 27.3 years */
order by [Date]
/* reduce test table to desired input*/
, pol as (
Coverage = case when max(TransId) in ('Cancel','PolExp')
then 0 else 1 end
, PolicyId
, EffDate = case when max(TransId) in ('Cancel','PolExp')
then dateadd(day,1,EffDate) else EffDate end
, NextEffDate = oa.NextEffDate
from t
outer apply (
select top 1
NextEffDate = case
when i.TransId in ('Cancel','PolExp')
then dateadd(day,1,i.EffDate)
else i.EffDate
from t as i
where i.PolicyId = t.PolicyId
and i.EffDate > t.EffDate
order by
i.EffDate asc
, case when i.TransId in ('Cancel','PolExp') then 1 else 0 end desc
) as oa
group by t.PolicyId, t.EffDate, oa.NextEffDate
/* explode desired input by day, add row_numbers() */
, e as (
select pol.PolicyId, pol.Coverage, d.Date
, rn_x = row_number() over (
partition by pol.PolicyId
order by d.Date
, rn_y = row_number() over (
partition by pol.PolicyId, pol.Coverage
order by
from pol
inner join dates as d
on >= pol.EffDate
and < pol.NextEffDate
/* reduce to date ranges where Coverage = 1 */
, FromDate = convert(varchar(10),min(Date),120)
, ThruDate = convert(varchar(10),max(Date),120)
from e
where Coverage = 1
group by PolicyId, (rn_x-rn_y);
| PolicyId | FromDate | ThruDate |
| 1 | 2016-10-01 | 2016-10-05 |
| 1 | 2016-10-09 | 2016-10-31 |

SQL Server - Conditionally Increment a Counter

What I'm looking to do is create grouped sequences for continuous date ranges. Take the following sample data:
Person|BeginDate |EndDate
A |1/1/2015 |1/31/2015
A |2/1/2015 |2/28/2015
A |4/1/2015 |4/30/2015
A |5/1/2015 |5/31/2015
B |1/1/2015 |1/30/2015
B |8/1/2015 |8/30/2015
B |9/1/2015 |9/30/2015
If BeginDate in the current row is >1 day from the EndDate in the previous row then increment the counter by 1, otherwise assign the counter's current value. The sequencing would look like :
Person|BeginDate |EndDate |Sequence
A |1/1/2015 |1/31/2015|1
A |2/1/2015 |2/28/2015|1
A |4/1/2015 |4/30/2015|2
A |5/1/2015 |5/31/2015|2
B |1/1/2015 |1/30/2015|1
B |8/1/2015 |8/30/2015|2
B |9/1/2015 |9/30/2015|2
Partitioned and reset for each person.
For your testing :
CREATE TABLE ##SequencingTest(
Person char(1)
,BeginDate date
,EndDate date)
INSERT INTO ##SequencingTest
You can do this with lag() and then a cumulative sum:
select t.*,
sum(flag) over (partition by person order by begindate) as sequence
from (select t.*,
(case when datediff(day, lag(endDate) over (partition by person order by begindate), begindate) < 2
then 0
else 1
end) as flag
from t
) t;
If the continuous end dates are always 1 day before the next start date you could do something really primitive like this:
SELECT S1.Person, S1.BeginDate, S1.EndDate, SUM(S2.Cntr) AS Sequence
FROM Sequencing S1
INNER JOIN (SELECT Person, BeginDate,
CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT Person FROM Sequencing S2 WHERE S2.[EndDate] =
DATEADD(d, -1, S1.[BeginDate]) AND S2.Person = S1.Person) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS Cntr
FROM [Sequencing] S1
) S2
ON S1.Person = S2.Person
AND S1.BeginDate >= S2.BeginDate
GROUP BY S1.Person, S1.BeginDate, S1.EndDate
ORDER BY S1.Person, S1.BeginDate, S1.EndDate
Note I think you meant to say '1/31/2015' and '8/31/2015' as end dates to work with your example.
Also, #GordonLinoff's answer is probably better. I simply do not have the version of SQL Server to test it with.

Retrieving data dependent on attributes

everyone. I can't do the following query. Please help.
Initial data and ouput are on the following excel initial data/output google/drive
Here is the logic: for 'Rest' = 2500, it takes minimum value of 'Date', increments it by one and put it into Date1 column of output; Date2 receives the minimum value of date of the next 'Rest' value (1181,85).. and so on: Date1 receives 'Rest' (1181,85) min value of 'Date'(14.01.2013) incremented by one (15.01.2013) and so on. It should not do the above operations for 'Rest' value of zero (it should just skip it). We can't initially delete rows with 'Rest' value of zero, because their Date is used in Date2, as I have explained above. There are many 'accNumber's, it should list all of them. Please help. I hope you understood, if not ask for more details. Thanks in advance. I'm using SQL server.
If I've understood you correctly, you want to group the items by rest number, and then display the minimum date + 1 day, as well as the minimum date for the "next" rest number. What are you expecting to happen when the Rest number is 0 in two different places?
with Base as
select t.AccNum,
DATEADD(day, 1, MIN(t.Date)) as [StartDate],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY MIN(t.Date)) as RowNumber
from Accounts t
where t.Rest <> 0
group by t.AccNum, t.Rest
select a.AccNum, a.Rest, a.StartDate, DATEADD(DAY, -1, b.StartDate) as [EndDate]
from Base a
left join Base b
on a.RowNumber = b.RowNumber - 1
order by a.[StartDate]
If there's the possibility of the Rest number being duplicated further down, but that needing to be a separate item, then we need to be a bit cleverer in our initial select query.
with Base as
select b.AccNum, b.Rest, MIN(DATEADD(day, 1, b.Date)) as [StartDate], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY MIN(Date)) as [RowNumber]
from (
from Accounts a
-- where a.Rest <> 0
-- If we're still filtering out Rest 0 uncomment the above line
) b
group by [order], AccNum, Rest
select a.RowNumber, a.AccNum, a.Rest, a.StartDate, DATEADD(DAY, -1, b.StartDate) as [EndDate]
from Base a
left join Base b
on a.RowNumber = b.RowNumber - 1
order by a.[StartDate]
Results for both queries:
Account Number REST Start Date End Date
45817840200000057948 2500 2013-01-01 2013-01-14
45817840200000057948 1181 2013-01-15 2013-01-31
45817840200000057948 2431 2013-02-01 2013-02-09
45817840200000057948 1563 2013-02-10 NULL

PIVOT SQL Server Assistance

Given the following table structure:
CrimeID | No_Of_Crimes | CrimeDate | Violence | Robbery | ASB
1 1 22/02/2011 Y Y N
2 3 18/02/2011 Y N N
3 3 23/02/2011 N N Y
4 2 16/02/2011 N N Y
5 1 17/02/2011 N N Y
Is there a chance of producing a result set that looks like this with T-SQL?
Category | This Week | Last Week
Violence 1 3
Robbery 1 0
ASB 3 1
Where last week shuld be a data less than '20/02/2011' and this week should be greater than or equal to '20/02/2011'
I'm not looking for someone to code this out for me, though a code snippet would be handy :), just some advice on whether this is possible, and how i should go about it with SQL Server.
For info, i'm currently performing all this aggregation using LINQ on the web server, but this requires 19MB being sent over the network every time this request is made. (The table has lots of categories, and > 150,000 rows). I want to make the DB do all the work and only send a small amount of data over the network
Many thanks
EDIT removed incorrect sql for clarity
EDIT Forget the above try the below
select *
from (
select wk, crime, SUM(number) number
from (
select case when datepart(week, crimedate) = datepart(week, GETDATE()) then 'This Week'
when datepart(week, crimedate) = datepart(week, GETDATE())-1 then 'Last Week'
else 'OLDER' end as wk,
case when violence ='Y' then no_of_crimes else 0 end as violence,
case when robbery ='Y' then no_of_crimes else 0 end as robbery,
case when asb ='Y' then no_of_crimes else 0 end as asb
from crimetable) as src
(number for crime in
(violence, robbery, asb)) as pivtab
group by wk, crime
) z
( sum(number)
for wk in ([This Week], [Last Week])
) as pivtab
Late to the party, but a solution with an optimal query plan:
Sample data
create table crimes(
CrimeID int, No_Of_Crimes int, CrimeDate datetime,
Violence char(1), Robbery char(1), ASB char(1));
insert crimes
select 1,1,'20110221','Y','Y','N' union all
select 2,3,'20110218','Y','N','N' union all
select 3,3,'20110223','N','N','Y' union all
select 4,2,'20110216','N','N','Y' union all
select 5,1,'20110217','N','N','Y';
Make more data - about 10240 rows in total in addition to the 5 above, each 5 being 2 weeks prior to the previous 5. Also create an index that will help on crimedate.
insert crimes
select crimeId+number*5, no_of_Crimes, DATEADD(wk,-number*2,crimedate),
violence, robbery, asb
from crimes, master..spt_values
where type='P'
create index ix_crimedate on crimes(crimedate)
From here on, check output of each to see where this is going. Check also the execution plan.
Standard Unpivot to break the categories.
select CrimeID, No_Of_Crimes, CrimeDate, Category, YesNo
from crimes
unpivot (YesNo for Category in (Violence,Robbery,ASB)) upv
where YesNo='Y'
The filter on YesNo is actually applied AFTER unpivoting. You can comment it out to see.
Unpivot again, but this time select data only for last week and this week.
select CrimeID, No_Of_Crimes, Category,
Week = sign(datediff(d,CrimeDate,w.firstDayThisWeek)+0.1)
from crimes
unpivot (YesNo for Category in (Violence,Robbery,ASB)) upv
cross join (select DATEADD(wk, DateDiff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)) w(firstDayThisWeek)
where YesNo='Y'
and CrimeDate >= w.firstDayThisWeek -7
and CrimeDate < w.firstDayThisWeek +7
(select DATEADD(wk, DateDiff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)) w(firstDayThisWeek) makes a single-column table where the column contains the pivotal date for this query, being the first day of the current week (using DATEFIRST setting)
The filter on CrimeDate is actually applied on the BASE TABLE prior to unpivoting. Check plan
Sign() just breaks the data into 3 buckets (-1/0/+1). Adding +0.1 ensures that there are only two buckets -1 and +1.
The final query, pivoting by this/last week
select Category, isnull([1],0) ThisWeek, isnull([-1],0) LastWeek
select Category, No_Of_Crimes,
Week = sign(datediff(d,w.firstDayThisWeek,CrimeDate)+0.1)
from crimes
unpivot (YesNo for Category in (Violence,Robbery,ASB)) upv
cross join (select DATEADD(wk, DateDiff(wk, 0, getdate()), -1)) w(firstDayThisWeek)
where YesNo='Y'
and CrimeDate >= w.firstDayThisWeek -7
and CrimeDate < w.firstDayThisWeek +7
) p
pivot (sum(No_Of_Crimes) for Week in ([-1],[1])) pv
order by Category Desc
Category ThisWeek LastWeek
--------- ----------- -----------
Violence 1 3
Robbery 1 0
ASB 3 3
I would try this:
declare #FirstDayOfThisWeek date = '20110220';
select cat.category,
ThisWeek = sum(case when cat.CrimeDate >= #FirstDayOfThisWeek
then crt.No_of_crimes else 0 end),
LastWeek = sum(case when cat.CrimeDate >= #FirstDayOfThisWeek
then 0 else crt.No_of_crimes end)
from crimetable crt
cross apply (values
('Violence', crt.Violence),
('Robbery', crt.Robbery),
('ASB', crt.ASB))
cat (category, incategory)
where cat.incategory = 'Y'
and crt.CrimeDate >= #FirstDayOfThisWeek-7
group by cat.category;