Square-Connect API compatibility with ASP .NET core - asp.net-core

I'm working with a client on an application that uses ASP .NET core. When I Package Square.Connect is not compatible with netcoreapp1.0. I was wondering if the API supports ASP .NET core.


Migration of ASP.NET 4.6 Help Pages to .NET 6 (.net core)

In .NET framework we have support of Creating Help Page for Web API.
Does this feature supported in .NET 6. We are migrating our legacy ASP.NET framework application to .NET6.
How to migrate this feature to .NET6? If it is not supported in .Net6(.net core) how can we achieve the similar functionality in .Net core
I am trying to migrate this feature to .net core but I am facing issues on how to load the app data, register HelpdataConfig in .net core.
As you can see in ASP.NET help page for ASP.NET Core Web API, the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage is for ASP.NET and does not for ASP.NET CORE or .NET 6, so you have to migrate this library to some popular Web API documentation libraries like Swagger
As you can see in ASP.NET Core web API documentation with Swagger / OpenAPI, you can use below documentation
By Christoph Nienaber and Rico Suter
Swagger (OpenAPI) is a language-agnostic specification for describing REST APIs. It allows both computers and humans to understand the capabilities of a REST API without direct access to the source code. Its main goals are to:
Minimize the amount of work needed to connect decoupled services.
Reduce the amount of time needed to accurately document a service.
The two main OpenAPI implementations for .NET are Swashbuckle and NSwag, see:
Getting Started with Swashbuckle
Getting Started with NSwag

How to integrate .net core project 3.1 with Perfex CRM authentication

I have a .net core 3.1 project, where I want to use an external authentication through perfex crm. Any suggestions on how to accomplish that?

Is it possible to create SOAP service with .net core 5.0?

I have an WCF application with SOAP service that need to be migrated to .net core to be able to run on unix, and not only on IIS as it does now. However the only example I found was to rewrite the application on .net core 2.2 whis is not supported any longer.
Any advice of how to proceed?
Is it possible to create SOAP service with .net core 5.0?
You can create an ASP.NET Web Application(.NET Framework) to create a SOAP Webservice, then create an asp.net core 5.0 application and call the SOAP service.
Besides, you can also try to use SoapCore package in the asp.net core 5.0 application, then create the SOAP service. You can refer the SoapCore Getting Started or search "create soap web service in dotnet core" using Google, there have multiple tutorials about using SoapCore, you can check them.

How to implement Docusign in asp.net core?

How to implement Docusign in asp.net core. I tried to install nuget package but its not working for .net core. Any idea for how can I implement it in .net core 1.1

DotNet Core support for the Ignite .Net client

I'm looking at using Ignite and the .Net client for a project.
I'm curious as to whether the client supports .Net Core so could be used in a .Net Core application.
If not, is .Net Core support planned for the future?
.NET Core support is planned: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-2662