How to add record cell value to array variable (IE sum values in array) - sql

I have a function returning a setof records. This can be seen in this picture
I have a range of boards of length 2.8m thru to 4.9m (ln28 thru ln49 respectively) they have characteristics that set bits as seen in bincodes (9,2049,4097 etc.) For each given board length, I need to sum the number of boards for each bincode. EG in this case ln28 (bincode 4097) would = 3+17+14 = 34. Where you see brdsource = 128 series is where I intend to store these values, so for row brdsource 128, bincodes 4097, I want to store 34 in ln28.
You will see that I have 0's in ln28 values for all brdsource = 128. I have generated extra records as part of my setof records, and am trying to use a multidimensional array to add the values and keep track of them as seen above with array - Summary[boardlength 0-8][bincode 0-4].
Question 1 - I see that if I add 1 (for argument sake, it can be any number) to an array location, it returns a null value (no error, just nothing in table cell). However if I first set the array location to 0, then add 1, it works perfectly. How can an array defined as type integer hold a null value?
Question 2 - How do I add my respective record (call it rc) board length count to the array. IE I want to do something like this
if (rc.bincode = 4097) then Summary[0][2] := Summary[0][2] + rc.ln28;
and then later, on, when injecting this into my table (during brdsource = 128 phase) :
if (rc.bincode = 4097) then rc.ln28 := Summary[0][2];
Of course I may be going about this in a completely unorthodox way (though to me SQL is just plain unorthodox, sigh). I have made attempts to sum all previous records based on the required conditions (eg using a case(when...end) statement, but I proved what I already suspected, ie that each returned record is simply a single row of data. There is just no means of accessing data in the previous record lines as returned by the functions FOR LOOP...END LOOP.
A final note is that everything discussed here is occurring inside the function. I am not attempting to add records etc. to data returned by the function.
I am using PostgreSQL 9.2.9, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit. And yes I am aware this is an older version.


PDDL How to assign number for many predicates

I have tile based map, where agent needs to go from one tile to another, Some tiles have (occupied pos-X-Y) meaning that agent cant step on these tiles named pos-X-Y. This part works, but I need to make these tiles occupied only in certain turns. I tried to use action-cost and add a number to each (occupied pos-X-Y) like this: (occupied pos-X-Y Z) planning to compare the Z number with the current action-cost. But I couldnt even assign the number to the occupied tile.
How do I assign a number to these occupied tiles and how do I compare it with the action-cost?
Have you tried functions Numeric Fluents ?
Your move action can increase a "turn" function.
A (forbidden_turn ?t - tile) function can be affected with an integer value, then you can use it in a precondition. But this requires your planner to support negative preconditions.
Otherwise, you can use a allowed turn function.
I figured it out (with help). Instead of using numbers I created many objects, I will call them turns, then I set that, turn 2 is always after turn 1, turn 3 is always after turn 2 etc. and I added these turns as the letter z in "(occupied pos-X-Y Z)". And when actor moved I just changed his turn to the next number based on the rule I created earlier.

db2 rowset cursor parametrization

Would there be a way to program a parameter that is not hard coded to this?
In place of :SomeValue host variable in this question/snippet:
FETCH NEXT ROWSET FROM C_NJSRD2_cursor_declared_and_opened
FOR :SomeValue ROWS
:NJCT0022.SL_ISO2 :NJMT0022.iSL_ISO2
Here is some clarification:
Parametrization of the request like posted in opening question actually works in case I set the host variable :SomeValue to 1 and define host variable arrays for filling from database to size 1 like
char SL_ISO2 ??(1??) ??(3??); // sorry for Z/os trigraphs
And it also works if I set the host variable arrays to a larger defined integer value (i.e. 20) and hard code the value (:SomeValue) to that value in cursor rowset fetch.
:NJCT0022.SL_ISO2 :NJMT0022.iSL_ISO2
I wish to receive the number of rows from the calling program (COBOL), a and ideally set the size of host variable arrays accordingly. To avoid variable array sizing problem, oversizing host variable arrays to a larger value would be good also.
Those combinations return compile errors:
And in good tradition here is an answer to my own question.
The good people of SO will upvote me for sure now.
Rowsets are very fast and beside making host variable arrays arrays or for chars array arrays these cursors just require adjusting program functions for saving values and setting null values in loops. They are declared like this:
Rowset cursors can not change host array (that is array array) size dynamically.
Unlike scroll cursors they can not jump to position or go backwards.They can however go forward not by the whole preset rowset number of rows but just by a single row.
So to answer my question, to make the algorithm able to accept any kind row number requested for fetches it is basically just a question of segmenting the request to rowsets and eventually one line fetches until the requested number is met. To calculate loop counters for rowsets and single liners:
iOneLinersCount = iRowCount % iRowsetPreset;
iRowsetsCount = (iRowCount - iOneLinersCount)
/ iRowsetPreset;
if ((iRowCount==iRowsetPreset) _OR_
iOneLinersCount = 0;
iRowsetsCount = iRowCount / iRowsetPreset;
if (iRowCount<iRowsetPreset)
iOneLinersCount = iRowCount;
iRowsetsCount = 0;

Load in many values at once using a query

I am using a program coded in Delphi 7 (sadly I cannot use a newer version for this program) which considers individual persons. For each person, I need to load in a bunch of values (0 to 90 at most, with the exact number depending on the person; non-fixed) which are used later in the code. After trying out a number of things, including loading in via Excel (which was horribly slow) someone suggested loading in the data through Access. I managed to get the following code so far:
MainConnection : TADOConnection;
Table : TADOTable;
StrConnection : String;
//I first open a connection to load the values in from
StrConnection:='Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\test.mdb;Mode=Read;Persist Security Info=False;';
MainConnection.ConnectionString:= StrConnection;
Table.Connection :=MainConnection;
Table.TableName := 'Sheet1';
// I get the first three values which I absolutely require
Firstvalue := Table.Fields[0].value;
Secondvalue := Table.Fields[1].value;
Thirdvalue := Table.Fields[2].value;
//Whether I need additional values depends on the first and second values; if the first is a specific value
// I do not need any of the other ones
nrofvaluestoget := round((Secondvalue-Firstvalue));
if (Firstvalue = 100) then nrofvaluestoget:= 0;
if (nrofvaluestoget>0) then begin
for k := 0 to (nrofvaluestoget) do begin
Valueholder[k] := Table.Fields[5+k].value; ; // values for the valueholder
Table.Next; //Go to next person
This links the access database and technically does what I want. However, while it is quicker than loading in an excel file it's still quite slow due to the "nrofvaluestoget" loop. Skipping that and loading in all values for a person at once would speed up the process quite a bit.
As far as I'm aware this may be possible using a SQL query; something akin to: 'SELECT * FROM Sheet1'. However, I am not familiar with SQL, let alone linking it through Delphi 7. Is it even possible to get all the values at once and assign them immediately to the "Valueholder" with Delphi 7? Or at the very least, is there some way to speed up the code above that I'm not aware of? Any help would be much appreciated.
Per Juan's suggestion I added some additional descriptions with regards to the database.
I posted a picture as an example of the database as I was unable to embed one or create a decent looking table.
Let's say I have three persons. Person 1 would have 15 as a first age, and 16 as the second age.
In the current loop, Valueholder would have the value 2 at index 0, and value 0 at index 1. Person 1 has no further ages with values, so these are not considered in the loop.
When the next person is evaluated, all indices of Valueholder are set to their base value (blank).
Person 2 has 18 as the first age and 20 as the second. Valueholder then gets 3 values, namely: the value 8 at index 0, the value 4 at index 1 and the value 2 at index 2.
For the last person, all indices of Valueholder are again reset to their base value.
Person 3 has 100 as a first age; this is an indication that this person has no values which need to be loaded, so Valueholder is blank
I hope this clarifies the question a bit.
(if this is a one off import)
I would recommend exporting the data to a csv file and using TFileStream to read it in your Delphi program. This will be faster than having to connect to Access or SQL server or any database.

Why I can't choose only a number as variable's name in titan graph database

I've worked with TinkerFactory.createModern & TinkerFactory.createTheCrew and I've noticed only numbers have been chosen as variables if I'm not mistaking...what I mean is that by "g.V(1)" you can reach Vertex number 1 so I want to do the same but i get the error shown in the picture.
for instance, I want to reach 'V[5]' by typing "g.V(5)"
This is the Picture of the error that I get
The numbers you refer to in g.V(1) are the ids which are automatically assigned to each vertex. So when you say g.V(1) you are asking for the vertex with ID 1. Which is not necessarily the first vertex. Titan uses quite large numbers for example
The error you are having is a different issue though. Variables cannot start with number. They must start with a letter. So do this instead:
v1 = graph.addVertex('name', 'something');

error in LDA in r: each row of the input matrix needs to contain at least one non-zero entry

I am a starter in text mining topic. When I run LDA() over a huge dataset with 996165 observations, it displays the following error:
Error in LDA(dtm, k, method = "Gibbs", control = list(nstart = nstart, :
Each row of the input matrix needs to contain at least one non-zero entry.
I am pretty sure that there is no missing values in my corpus and also. The table of "DocumentTermMatrix" and "simple_triplet_matrix" is:
A little confused how "57100956" comes. But as my dataset is pretty large, I don't know how to check why does this error occurs. My LDA command is:
ldaOut<-LDA(dtm,k, method="Gibbs", control=list(nstart=nstart, seed = seed, best=best, burnin = burnin, iter = iter, thin=thin))
Can anyone provide some insights? Thanks.
In my opinion the problem is not the presence of missing values, but the presence of all 0 rows.
To check it:
raw.sum=apply(table,1,FUN=sum) #sum by raw each raw of the table
Then you can delete all raws which are all 0 doing:
Now table should has all "non 0" raws.
I had the same problem. The design matrix, dtm, in your case, had rows with all zeroes because dome documents did not contain certain words (i.e. their frequency was zero). I suppose this somehow causes a singular matrix problem somewhere along the line. I fixed this by adding a common word to each of the documents so that every row would have at least one non-zero entry. At the very least, the LDA ran successfully and classified each of the documents. Hope this helps!