SpaTemplate angular - Publish to Azure - Error: Cannot find module 'aspnet-webpack' -

I use the core angular spatemplate. The project is running without problems on my local machine. However, when I publish it to azure I run into an internal server error.
After setting the aspnetcore_environment to development in the azure portal, I can see a the error:
Exception: Call to Node module failed with error: Webpack dev middleware failed because of an error while loading 'aspnet-webpack'. Error was: Error: Cannot find module 'aspnet-webpack'
I found some hints here
Basically it says the node_modules folder is missing in the production environment. And it describes a way to add it manually to the project.json file. But the spatemplate didn't create such a file... it contains a classic *.proj
I am very new to web development and I don't know how to add the missing dependency to the proj file. And I am not sure if this is really the issue, because the sample I am following on the web is not setting anything in this direction.
If I create a plain new project with
dotnet new angular
and I publish it everything works fine without any issues?! So I have the feeling I destroyed something in the solution?! Any idea?
My question is how can I set the node_modules for publishing?

In Startup.cs you probably have the below in Configure() method:
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseWebpackDevMiddleware(new WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions {
HotModuleReplacement = true
This enables hot module replacement with webpack. When you make a change and save a file, webpack automatically re compiles the angular app so your browser picks up the changes without you reloading the page. You don't want this functionality when publishing.
"env.IsDevelopment()" will check for an environment variable on your PC = ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
In the app service, add an app setting like below:
Alternatively you could comment the hot module replacement out.

Finally I found a solution for this problem. I removed the Publish Profile in my VS2017 solution and to delete the related app service on Azure. After creating everything new again the publishing works well again. I hope this will never ever happen in production.


How to provide an HttpClient to ktor server from the outside to facilitate mocking external services?

I am trying to provide an HttpClient from the outside to my ktor server so that I can mock external services and write tests, however I get this exception when I run my test:
Please make sure that you use unique name for the plugin and don't install it twice. Conflicting application plugin is already installed with the same key as `Compression`
io.ktor.server.application.DuplicatePluginException: Please make sure that you use unique name for the plugin and don't install it twice. Conflicting application plugin is already installed with the same key as `Compression`
at app//io.ktor.server.application.ApplicationPluginKt.install(ApplicationPlugin.kt:112)
at app//com.example.plugins.HTTPKt.configureHTTP(HTTP.kt:13)
at app//com.example.ApplicationKt.module(Application.kt:14)
at app//com.example.ApplicationTest$expected to work$1$1.invoke(ApplicationTest.kt:39)
at app//com.example.ApplicationTest$expected to work$1$1.invoke(ApplicationTest.kt:38)
and thats a bit unexpected to me because I am not applying the Compression plugin twice as far as I can tell. If I run the server normally and manually call my endpoint with curl then it works as expected. What am I doing wrong?
I added a runnable sample project here with a failing test.
sample project
official ktor-documentation-sample project.
The problem is that you have the application.conf file and by default, the testApplication function tries to load modules which are enumerated there. Since you also explicitly load them in the application {} block the DuplicatePluginException occurs. To solve your problem you can explicitly load an empty configuration instead of the default one:
// ...
application {
environment {
config = MapApplicationConfig()
// ...

Spartacus API calls return 504 (Gateway Timeout) when running using Server Side Rendering (SSR)

I'm trying to get Spartacus to work with SSR. When opening the default URL, http://localhost:4200, the storefront renders, as expected, but only after I clear the site data first. When I attempt to browse the storefront, API calls fail with a 504 (Gateway timeout). Chrome dev tools indicates the error is happening in the service worker. At this point, I'm wondering if I configured Spartacus incorrectly. When running Spartacus using yarn start rather than yarn serve:ssr, I can load the home page and browse the site normally.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Chrome Version: 73.0.3683.75
Node version: 11.15.0
Angular CLI version: 8.3.8
Yarn version: 1.19.1
ng new ssr-spartacus-app --style=scss
cd ssr-spartacus-app
ng add #spartacus/schematics --baseUrl https://localhost:9002 --baseSite cmssiteuid --pwa --ssr
rm src/app/app.component.html
echo "<cx-storefront>Loading...</cx-storefront>" > src/app/app.component.html
yarn build:ssr
yarn serve:ssr
Before running yarn build:ssr, I made following change to the app.module.ts file:
context: {
baseSite: ['cmssiteuid'],
authentication: {
client_id: 'mobile_android',
client_secret: 'secret',
context: {
urlParameters: ['baseSite', 'language', 'currency'],
baseSite: ['cmssiteuid'],
I also set anonymousConsents to false. With this set to true, I was getting a lot of CORs errors.
If been scratching my head with this for a little while now and I'm hoping someone with more knowledge of Spartacus' inner workings can shed some light on why Spartacus is behaving this way with SSR.
I'm not sure that I can give you some certain recipe to fix the issue, obviously I need more details and logs relates to your problem, but still, based on my experience I can share with you some tips and tricks about how we should play with such issues (which relates to SSR).
Some set of theory which relates to SSR (you can feel free to use Angular official documentation as a primary source, cuz Spartacus uses Angular OOTB features to make it works) (SSR related videos)
Practical approaches for debugging SSR
You should observe and analyze console output during starting your application in Node.js
You can use SSR configuration from example Storefront application ( like a starting point, cuz OOTB SSR works like a charm
Something from Spartacus team
Common set of theory to ensure that application has been configured correctly
SAP Commerce Cloud configuration for working with Spartacus
Take a look on the guide to ensure, that your frontend application has correct configuration
Double check your configuration which B2cStorefrontModule is using (here you can find an example project here
Take a look on Network and Console browser tabs and try to resolve all errors
did you turn off PWA?
Turn PWA off.
As soon as Spartacus is installed in PWA mode, a service worker is installed, and it serves a cached version of index.html, along with the js files. This results in SSR being completely skipped. The following steps describe how to turn off PWA:
Check that there are no service workers registered in your app. If you do find any service workers, remove them.
Turn PWA off in your app module configuration, as follows:
backend: {
occ: {
baseUrl: 'https://[your_enpdoint],
pwa: {
enabled: false,
Rebuild your local Spartacus libraries by running the following command:
yarn build:core:lib
Build your local Spartacus shell app by running the following command:
yarn build --prod
Build the SSR version of your shell app by running the following command:
yarn build:ssr
Start Spartacus with the SSR server by running the following command:
yarn serve:ssr
If you are getting 504 after hitting the API service you need to check your API logs.
IF you have err log:
{"instant":{"epochSecond":1644915623,"nanoOfSecond":929833000},"thread":"hybrisHTTP1","level":"ERROR","loggerName":"org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet","message":"Context initialization failed","thrown":{"commonElementCount":0,"localizedMessage":"Error creating bean with name 'cartEntriesController': Injection of resource dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'defaultStockValidator' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/config/v2/validators-v2-spring.xml]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0: Could not convert argument value of type [de.hybris.platform.ycommercewebservices.stock.impl.DefaultCommerceStockFacade] to required type [de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.stock.CommerceStockFacade]: Failed to convert value of type 'de.hybris.platform.ycommercewebservices.stock.impl.DefaultCommerceStockFacade' to required type 'de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.stock.CommerceStockFacade'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type 'de.hybris.platform.ycommercewebservices.stock.impl.DefaultCommerceStockFacade' to required type 'de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.stock.CommerceStockFacade': no matching editors or conversion strategy found","message":"Error creating bean with name 'cartEntriesController': Injection of resource dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'defaultStockValidator'
You can try resolution:
Remove template extension ycommercewebservices extension from manifest.json, rebuild and redeploy with "Migrate Data" mode.

AspNetCore.deps.json including runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll reference

I have been chasing an issue with a AspNetCore web api project running on an Azure app service for a few days.
Basically I have a very small api project that when deployed / started - I get a 500.30 ANCM error. Cryptic enough - I pulled the event log from the app service and I find this:
<Data>Could not find inprocess request handler.
Captured output from invoking hostfxr: Error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest
(SampleApp.Api.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'System.Data.SqlClient', version: '4.6.1'
path: 'runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll'
Looking at the SampleApp.deps.json - sure enough I see this:
"runtimeTargets": {
"runtimes/unix/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll": {
"rid": "unix",
"assetType": "runtime",
"assemblyVersion": "",
"fileVersion": "4.6.27618.1"
"runtimes/win/lib/netcoreapp2.1/System.Data.SqlClient.dll": {
"rid": "win",
"assetType": "runtime",
"assemblyVersion": "",
"fileVersion": "4.6.27618.1"
I have a similar (almost identical) project that is running fine on another app service. If run the
dotnet publish -c release /property:PublishWithAspNetCoreTargetManifest=true
(the same publish command I am running with the app I am having an issue with)
I do not see this section in the runtime targets section at all in the otherapp.deps.json file.
Where is this coming from and how do I get rid of it?
I had a similar situation
a aspnetcore webapp that worked
and a dotnet cli app that failed with an almost identical error as above
What worked for me was running dotnet publish cli-proj -r win-x64. This creates a self-contained bundle, which does not rely on any installed runtime. Then my deployment was taking all the files from bin/debug/netcoreapp3.1/win-x64/publish and pushing them to my webserver.
I'm sure the installed runtime is supposed to supply these files, but it doesn't seem to work well. This "fixed" my issue.
I had a similar issue, where most projects were .Net 5.0 and one class library was .NetStandard, upgrading the .NetStandard Library to .Net 5.0 fixed the issue.
I think the issue is re;ated to not having the correct runtimes for multiple platforms, ideally run with a single platform, or install all the required runtimes.
I forgot to publish the /runtime/ folder when I published on the iis server.
Just ran into the same issue. In my case, the publish profile had target runtime set to win-x64.
Changing this to portable got the publish command to generate the runtime directory and resolve the problem.

How to create an aurelia 1.0 app that can be deployed at any root location

I am trying to work out how to deploy an aurelia app, it runs in development with au run. but I need to deploy it into a path which is not the root of the web-site. ie at '/site' not '/'
when I deploy I get an exception from the router: ERROR [app-router] Error: Route not found: /site/
I think it may be that I need to specify a baseURL in one or more places?
but can't see how I can:
make it work in the development environment at /
make it work in the deployed environment at /[any-site-path]
avoid building in knowledge of '/[any-site-path]' to my development environment or bundles, as the path wont be known until someone comes to deploy the code?
i found this question but that seems to apply to an out of date version of the code.
I am using Aurelia 1.0 and building using the au-cli
Any pointers would be useful.
Looks like this is a bug that has been fixed in a more recent version.
I have just gone through and applied the latest versions of:
"aurelia-bootstrapper": "^1.0.0" -> "^2.1.1"
"aurelia-cli": "^0.24.0" -> "^0.26.1"
"aurelia-tools": "^0.2.2" -> "^1.0.0"
And i can now deploy my application to a site sub folder without specifying any url content in the code or html files!
So I can satisfy all 3 of the criteria in my question.
Note the aurelia-cli update (0.25.0) requires a change to the main.(ts/js) as mentioned in the release notes.

Worklight 6.2 common environment deployment issue since last fix pack : WL is not defined

I recently installed the latest Worklight fix pack update, and am now running v6.
Since that, I've noticed a blocking bug about my common environment deployment on the WL server.
Now when I deploy my app ("Run as > Build all environments" and then "Run on Worklight development server"), running my app in the "Preview as common resources" or in the iPad / Android mobile web environments give me the following Javascript error :
WL is not defined
When I inspect the source code, I realize that the "Worklight generated" Javascript source code is missing in the head tag. I'm supposed to see something like this :
// Define WL namespace.
var WL = WL ? WL : {};
* WLClient configuration variables.
* Values are injected by the deployer that packs the gadget.
WL.StaticAppProps = {
"APP_DISPLAY_NAME": "appname",
"APP_ID": "project",
"APP_SERVICES_URL": "\/project\/apps\/services\/",
"APP_VERSION": "1.0",
"ENVIRONMENT": "preview",
"WORKLIGHT_ROOT_URL": "\/project\/apps\/services\/api\/app\/common\/"
...but there's nothing like this in my page's source code (that's why the WL is not found).
Moreover, it does not include the worklight.js and wljq.js files that are supposed to be dynamically added during the build phase (as far as I know). My index.html content is "vanilla", and it explains why nothing works.
So I decided to check in the bin archives that are generated during the build phase. It happens that the app-common.wlapp archive contains the correctly generated source code, with all the Worklight generated stuff inside. It looks like something wrong is happening during the deployment step. I tried to import it manually in the WL Console, but it's unfortunately not working either (same result).
I did not manage to reproduce the problem creating a new project, it looks like it only happens after an update of Worklight to the latest fix pack version. Thus, it's complicated to provide a sample project.
NB : everything works fine once running on an actual device. Only the common environment is broken in my case. But a colleague of mine also noticed this issue for the other environments so... I'll let you know if I manage to reproduce it for the other environments.
Thank you for you help, please ask if you need more inputs from me.
You are not required to do "build all..." and then "run on...". That's just repeating the same step, as "Run on Worklight Development Server" means "build the project artifacts (.wlapp file, .war file) and then deploy them".
A vanilla index.html contains references to initoptions.js, main.js, main.css and messeages.js. You are kinda confusing in your wording as to what is expected and where is it expected.
Anyway, try the following:
Close Eclipse
Go to your tmp folder and delete the wlBuildResources folder
Open Eclipse and try the following two paths:
Right-click the app folder > Run As > Run on Worklight Developer Server > Open Worklight Console > preview as common web resources
Right-click the app folder > Run As > Preview
Tell me which of the two fails, if at all.