Offline Vector Tile Package Style - arcgis

Is there currently a way to swap out styles of an offline local Vector Tile Package (.vtpk) without ArcGIS Pro? I'm open to accomplishing this programatically with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET (WPF). The goal is to maintain a single copy instead of two copies of a vector tile package with differing styles.
Thank you

ArcGIS Runtime doesn't have support for custom styles with .vtpk files at the moment. Unfortunately you have to use the 2 file approach with different default styles defined for now (release 100.0). That said, we are working to get a proper support for the offline styles to the runtime in next releases.


How do I access the Bigcommerce Stencil theme editor from a local dev environment?

I'm editing BigCommerce's cornerstone theme template with stencil and want to view and make changes to the admin interface. Much like what's happening in this video tutorial
But I'm not sure how to access the theme editor locally. I saw that the --theme-editor commands were removed from the stencil cli. It says that we should look at this documentation instead but that doesn't show how the theme editor could be accessed from a local environment. Is this possible?
Is the only option to upload the theme and edit it from there? Has the ability to use a theme editor locally been removed?
As far as natively supported features, the Stencil CLI deprecated support for live theme editing due to it no longer matching the experience found on the platform. You can find these details on a related GitHub issue reported here:
Until this feature is reintroduced, you'll need to bundle the theme and apply it to a store to review the theme editor.
I don't think you can access the Theme Editor from a local environment directly.
If you want to add configurable options, you would be editing schema.json and adding new sections there. In that way, you can add entirely new Text Inputs, Checkboxes, Dropdowns, that would allow store administrators to edit those entries.
The values that are being changed are located in config.json -- those are all the theme_settings that you can access inside of Handlebars, and they can also be injected into JavaScript via context.
So essentially you want to create new entries in config.json, and create new mappings in schema.json to allow those entries to be edited in the Theme Previewer. You should be able to put together how to make new sections by trying to parse the existing fields in the schema file, and I think BC has additional docs here:
General Overview:
Adding a new "Text Input" option in schema.json - API reference - you can navigate around that opened section in the sidebar to see all available schema types:

Creating reusable child views in Titanium Alloy (A

I'm new to Appcelerator Titanium, so one of the considerations that popped into my mind was this: how do I create reusable custom controls for use in Alloy? Take for example in Android:
The ColorPicker is a 3rd-party library that allows me to add it as a control to the .xml file so long as I reference the library. I would also be able to create my own controls and either reuse them locally or distribute them as an external library. Is there a similar concept for Titanium, more specifically for Alloy (i.e. the xml and all)?
Yes there is the concept of creating widgets and which can be reused locally in the projects. There are alot of widgets already available.
One of the important widgets for creation of the application Font Awsome Widget.
You can see the source code as well and check its implementation.

Using Ext "Neptune" theme with App SDK 2.0

Now that Rally has changed the default UI for their ALM product, I have noticed that the UI components in my apps don't fit the same styling characteristics as the default UI elements. I think it would look a lot cleaner if I could use Ext's "Neptune" theme:
Is there a way I can use this theme by default? If it is hosted anywhere within Rally, I think it would be as easy as including the CSS file in the App.html, but I could be wrong.
2.0rc1 is built on Ext 4.1.1a, so I'm not sure if the neptune theme is included or not. You'll be happy to know that 2.0rc2 is hot off the presses though, and should incorporate most of the new look and feel.

Can I provide a custom icon for my custom LINQPad data context driver?

I recently started writing LINQPad data context drivers for accessing various types of systems. Unfortunately every driver I write, uses the same "cog wheel" icon. This makes it harder to discern their type than if they'd have a type-specific icon.
Is there a way to provide a custom icon for a driver?
Joe wasn't kidding in his comment. The release notes for LINQPad Beta version 4.42.10 contain this:
You can now specify a custom icon when writing Data Context drivers. Just include two files in your .lpx package: Connection.png and FailedConnection.png (the latter is applied if a data context is unable to load).
What the release notes don't mention (but is obvious once you check the existing icons) is that the icons needs to be 16x16 pixels.

Themes in Adobe AIR

What is the best way to skin/theme an AIR application. For example, I want to use a dark/blackish theme instead (similar to Tour de Flex) instead of the default gray one.
The ScaleNine themes are a good place to start, find one that is sort of like what you want, plug it into your app, and gradually replace the colors, images, and controls with your own.
I'm only just getting started in AIR as well, but if you're using Flex check out the Flex in a Week video series. There are several videos that cover creating custom MXML components and item renderers, which effectively let you skin your application.
You can also use CSS to style your app.
First you need to set the system chrome property in the air application properties file to none.
If the main file in your air app is named Main.mxml, then your application properties files will be named Main-app.xml. This file is not hard to find, it should be in the same location as the Main.mxml file.
By setting this property to none you are saying that you do not wish your air app window to take the style of the OS windows in which the app is running.
Since this property is set to none, the chrome for the air app will have to come from your Main.mxml file, which should be a WindowedApplication
Use the titleBarBackgroundSkin attriubute of the WindowedApplication To set the skin for the air app. titleBarBackgroundSkin defaults to "mx.skins.halo.ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin"