Is PayPal permission required to use SetExpressCheckout for a third party? - api

We are processing payments on behalf of third parties using SetExpressCheckout. It appears to work correctly even though the third party has not granted us permissions. Are we doing it correctly?
From what I have understood, in order to process payment for a third party the third party should go to Tools > API credentials > Grant API Permission in their PayPal account and grant permission to our API username to Use Express Checkout to process payments. However, we have noticed two issues with this:
If the third-party PayPal account is just a personal account (not a business account) then there is no option to grant API permissions
Even if the non-business third-party PayPal account doesn't grant this permission we are still able to take payment into their account.
So the question is, is it actually necessary for a third party to grant us this permission in order for us to be able to process payments which are crediting their PayPal accounts?
In case you need more information, here is a cut-down version of the PHP code we are using to start the SetExpressCheckout request. We are specifying the third-party using the SUBJECT parameter of the request, this parameter is filled in with the email address of the third-party's PayPal account.
// Parameters for SetExpressCheckout
$requestParams = array(
'METHOD' => 'SetExpressCheckout',
'VERSION' => $this->_version,
'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC' => "Order number",
// Options for curl
$curlOptions = array (
CURLOPT_CAINFO => 'cacert.pem', //CA cert file
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($requestParams)
// Send the curl request
$ch = curl_init();
$response = curl_exec($ch);
// Handle possible errors
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
//Handle errors
} else {
// Handle success
If third-party accounts are not required to grant us permission then we can simplify setup of PayPal by simply asking for their PayPal account's email address, and not have to bother them with granting permissions.
Many thanks for any information you can give.

There are two ways to make API calls on behalf of others. 1) Grant API permissions from merchant PayPal account to API caller OR 2) Use SUBJECT NVP variable with the merchant PayPal account email address('SUBJECT' => 'THIRD_PARTY_EMAIL').
So you can make the API calls on behalf of the merchant just by using the SUBJECT NVP variable with merchant PayPal account email address, here the merchant no need to grant API permissions to you.



I am trying to perform a request to the twitter Ads API in my dev environment. I am already registered to get access to this service.
I have received a confirmation e-mail like this:
Your application (ID:12345678) has been approved for the Twitter Ads API program and your organization has been granted a Developer license for Read/Write access. ...
This is why I suppose to have my APP ready to query the Ads API.
Besides that I have information about the APP (tokens and secrets) in the page but I can't find any reference to the account_id, mentioned in the official documentation.
Advertising accounts are registered on and identified
in the API by account_id. Advertising accounts link directly to funding
sources and leverage content from one or more Twitter user accounts as
‘promotable users’. Each advertising account can grant permission to
one or more Twitter user accounts. The advertising account, or “current
account,” is represented in nearly every URL executed as an in-line
:account_id parameter.
Following this post I have create the follow code in oder to get access to the Twitter Ads API:
$settings = array(
'oauth_access_token' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'oauth_access_token_secret' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'),
'consumer_key' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'),
'consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'),
$url = '';
$getfield = '?screen_name=J7mbo';
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchangeService($settings);
$data = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
The previous code is working (I am not querying Ads API. But the next one ( querying the Ads Api) is not working:
$url = '';
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchangeService($settings);
$data = $twitter->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest();
{"errors":[{"code":"INSUFFICIENT_USER_AUTHORIZED_PERMISSION","message":"User 2222222222 is not authorized to make this request. Please have them reauthorize with your client application APPNAme."}],"request":{"params":{}}}
What am I missing?
I have found a solution. I don't know if this is the only one but it works.
We must instal Twurl. Twurl is a curl-like application, tailored specifically for the Twitter API.
Install twurl in your system. $ sudo gem install twurl
Set authorization to twurl acceess your twitter APP. $ twurl authorize --consumer-key xxxxx --consumer-secret xxxxx
That is the output for the prevoius command: Go to and paste in the supplied PIN
Open the browser copy and paste the provided URL https://api. .... version=1.0
You will be redirected to a page asking to confirm the authorization. Confirm it.
You will receive a message: 'You've granted access to APP_Name! Next, return to APP_Name and enter this PIN to complete the authorization process. PIN = 09010101'.
Just copy the PIN number and paste back in the terminal and hit enter.
You will get a message in the terminal Authorization successful.
Go to yor APP_Name page and go to Keys and tokens section. You need to regenerate the Access token & access token secret. Hit the button 'regenerate'
Once it is regenerate you can get access to the api trough twurl in your terminal: $ twurl -H "" "/5/accounts". Please note that today (May-2019) I am using number 5 in "/5/accounts". You must to check your version at your date.
Now you can get access to the Twitter Ads API trough curl in php also.
Create a class TwitterAPIExchangeService (I am in Laravel 5.8). You can get the class in this post.
Use the follow code with your keys:
$settings = array(
'oauth_access_token' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'oauth_access_token_secret' => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'),
'consumer_key' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'),
'consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'),
//Regular Twitter API
$url = '';
$getfield = '?screen_name=J7mbo';
//Ads Twitter API
//$url = '';
//$getfield = '';
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchangeService($settings);
$data = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
Need to regenerate keys and tokens. after that its work for me

LightSpeed Retail API -How to get the Temporary Token

I'm developing a wordpress plugin, which obtains certain product info from the Lightspeed Retail API. I followed the steps in the documentation here
I have the Client ID and Client Secret, but I dont have the Temporary Token, I am stuck at this point, I am sure I'm missing some procedure here, can you help me?
This is the current code I use based on the API documentation:
$tokenURL = "";
$postFields = [
'client_id' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'client_secret' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'code' => 'Temporary Token',
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code'
The temporary token is returned if you follow the instructions here.
You need to start using this URL:{client_id}&scope={scope}&state={state}
which will return after your app is accepted with a code/temporary token.

Login by multiple user accounts when using JSON Web Token

I am using JSON Web Token to authenticate the user in my application. Using documentation, I use the jwt token to authenticate the user.
$tokenData = array(
"jti" => $tokenId,
"iat" => $issuedAt,
"exp" => $expire,
"user" => $user
$jwt = JWT::encode($tokenData, $secretKey, 'HS512');
But the problem is when one user can not login from multiple devices at the same time, it gives an error since the first login token get invaidated. Is there a way to handle this issue. Thanks in advance.

How to create test account with PayPal Payments Pro (Use to represent yourself as a merchant using Pro) option selected in sandbox?

I am unable to create Paypal sandbox test account with option PayPal Payments Pro (Use to represent yourself as a merchant using Pro). I selected the option during test account creation but when I viewed the details of that account, then it displayed
Account Type : Seller (Use to represent yourself as the merchant).
Please help me as I am unable to do credit card payment integration using sandbox as it is showing
error :
[TIMESTAMP] => 2013-02-06T10:40:57Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 2732f8af3ec70
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 85.0
[BUILD] => 5060305
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10501
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.
[AMT] => 100.00
Thanks in advance.
The API credentials in the Sandbox environment uses the default buyer account you have. You need to make sure to use the “payments pro” option when you create a buyer account in the sandbox environment. You’ll then see a new set of API credentials under API credentials…
Steps below:
Go to the link and login with your sandbox credentials
And click on the link Preconfigured which will take you to
From the options select Website Payments Pro (Use to represent yourself as a merchant using Pro) and create a Test Account and use these details for sandbox

How to post to a users wall from inside Rails model

My application gets approved and a user gets an access token and extended permissions which include offline_access and publish_stream.
I want to be able to post from inside my model. This would require me to make an
plus some parameters and access token, app_id, app_secret.
I have the access token and FBUSER_ID.
What I don't know how to do is put it all together in the model.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
I already have a facebook application. I need to know how to post from the server to a users wall
**Thanks to the answer below I was able to get it working with the following:
access_token = "AAACvmqy1nYoBAAZCkGXbVgRwcBv******ZAMjsLxKxR7DaZBE0NxY8ZBGBW1q2mzsB9TDT0RvgeQcDdnyFJNAYRf0icnhlbikZD"
appID = '1776938807888574888888888882'
message = 'test_message'
userID = '75164088804088888'
uri = URI.parse("{userID}/feed")
req =
result = req.set_form_data({:access_token => access_token , :message => message, :app_id => appID })
sock =, 443)
sock.use_ssl = true
sock.start do |http|
response = http.request(req)
IMPORTANT: at the top of the controller or model add:
require 'openssl'
First you have to create a Facebook application here. By the app_id and app_secret of created application, you will ask user to give "publishing feed" permission to your application. While getting this permissions you get also the access token for posting the users wall.
You can get detailed info about authentication here:
And you can get info about publishing here on the Publishing section:
With ruby, your need is just making an HTTP Post. This may be an example for this:
{'access_token' => 'ACCESS_TOKEN', 'message' => 'MESSAGE'})