Should API Secrets Be Hashed? - api

It might sound like a silly question, because passwords of course need to be hashed and never store the original.
However, for API secrets, generally I see them displayed in the clear when signing up for them.
For example, if I go to the google api console and look at my credentials page, I can view my client secret, same for twitter.
Surely api keys are just as sensitive as passwords?
Is it just because from the provider side, you can be confident that a sufficiently strong password is being generated?
If that's the case, then that doesn't provide any protection is your database is compromised.
Or is it perhaps because if you are using token based authentication, you're either doing password grant type, which requires you to send your credentials along with the client id and secret, or a refresh token, so a user would have already had to have been compromised?

I can imagine a few possible answers to this:
In some cases, it may be required for the server to have persistent storage of the plaintext API key in order to satisfy usability requirements (Google and Twitter being examples).
In some cases, the API key alone is not enough to do much at all -- additionally one needs to have an authenticated account -- and therefore the API key by itself is of limited value (hence less value than a password).
In a number of cases, the API key is hardcoded in a client application (especially mobile applications, which almost always do this) and therefore it does not make sense to add the extra protection on the server side when the same token can be trivially extracted from the client.
The security industry is just not that mature yet. Maybe once hackers start dumping API keys, ideas like this may be taken more seriously.
BTW, I am very serious about the last point. The truth is that a lot of good ideas don't become a reality until there is a critical mass of support behind them. As an example, I once blogged about a related topic -- protecting user confidential information by hashing it in the database but in a way that it could be recovered when the legitimate user logs in. I used Ashley Madison as an example -- in that case, the hackers were more after email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses than passwords. So when the hackers snatched the database, they immediately had what they wanted, and they could care less about the bcrypt encoded passwords (in fact, some older passwords were encoded with only MD5!) Unfortunately, concepts like this do not have enough of a push to make them a reality. Even zero-knowledge web designs are very few in the real world.


What credentials system should I use for an app where submissions to an API are anonymous?

I'm creating an app where user submissions (e.g. photo) are designed to be captured via crowdsourcing. The app connects to an API using an API key, and the app then submits the data anonymously.
We want to avoid the overhead of people creating user accounts and passwords.
However, it seems to me this is vulnerable to a the problem of the key getting revealed. The result is that spammy submissions could be made much more quickly via browser/wget HTTP requests. Because the app is installed on people's devices, it would take a long time for us to be able to withdraw a key and replace it with another.
The approaches to deal with this problem I can think of are:
Hope that the key stays secret. Not ideal from a risk perspective. Using HTTPS for the API endpoint would reduce this risk, but presumably the app could still be decompiled to reveal it (not that in practice anyone would really bother)
Store a fixed username and password in the app, and submit as that. That basically seems to run the same problem - if the credentials are leaked then this has the same problem as 1.
Require a first-run fetch of a token to auto-create a username and password. However, if the key is compromised then this is no more secure. Also, this means we end up with lots of junky usernames and passwords in our database that really don't mean anything.
Not considered desirable: force users to create a username/password. However, that then means a lot of messing around with accounts, and compromises the anonymity of submissions, meaning data protection implications.
Are there standard patterns dealing with this scenario?
The first time the app runs, it could get a random token from the server, store this, and use it on all subsequent requests. The server just checks that the token is one it produced itself. After each request, block the token for 5 minutes (or make a counter so 10 requests are ok but the 11th gets blocked, depending on your use case). When a token gets misused, block it, so the user will have to deinstall/reinstall your app, or, if he made a script to emulate the app, he'd have to re-register after every few posts (plus you can limit the numer of registrations per IP or something similar).
You can assume any fixed credentials will be compromised. A good attacker can and will reverse-engineer the client. On the flip-side, a username/password combo will compromise anonymity (and nothing is stopping a spammer from creating an account).
Honestly, this is a very difficult problem. The (inelegant) solution involves something like a captcha where you provide a problem that is difficult for a bot but easy for a human to solve (for the record, I think captchas are almost useless, although there have been some less annoying alternatives).
Alternatively, sites like Facebook use sophisticated algorithms to detect spam. (This is a difficult approach so I would not recommend it unless you have the manpower to dedicate to it).

Now that I know how to salt & hash passwords, a few more questions

So, let's assume I have read every article/post about appropriately salting and hashing passwords in order to secure user credentials.
This means I am not wondering what hashing algorithm to use (SHA1 vs. SHA2 vs. PDKBF2), how to generate the salt, how to store the salt, how to append the salt, or whether I should be writing the code myself vs. leveraging well-established libraries like bcrypt. Please, avoid rambling about these issues here as I have read 50+ other pages of that already.
Just assume the following is my approach (also note I understand this is not flawless or likely sufficient for applications like financial service, I am really just wondering if this is an acceptable min bar to claim that I "do the right thing").
User comes to my amazing website ( and logs in with email and pass.
I pull her salt and hash from my database. Assume the salt is lengthy enough, unique per-user, and created using a CSPRNG upon user registration.
I prepend the salt to her input password, hash it using SHA-512, run 1,000 iterations, then compare it to the hashed value pulled from the db:
var hash = sha512(salt + password);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
hash = sha512(salt + password + hash);
If they match, the user is authenticated. Otherwise, they are not.
Now, my question is how secure is my above approach. The questions I would like help answering:
Do I need to change the salt periodically? For example, perhaps I could re-compute and store a new hash using a newly created random salt after every successful login. This seems like it would be more secure but I am not sure what standard practice is here.
The request to the server will be done via https. Does that mean I can assume that I can process all of the hashing and validation logic server side? Would most folks consider this sufficient, or do I need to consider some hybrid both on client and server side?
Anything else I am overlooking or need to consider?
Thanks in advance, I appreciate the help.
1) Assuming you've done the right thing and do not store their password, you can't change the salt unless they are logging in. I suppose you could change their salt every time they do log in, but it doesn't really help (and might hurt).
Here's why: Having a unique salt on everyone simply makes it harder for an attacker that has access to your database from attempting to guess the passwords. If you've done things correctly, he would have to use a different salt for each person. He can't just start guessing passwords using a site-wide salt and see if it matches anyone. As long as you have a unique salt for each user, you are doing the best you can.
In fact, changing the salt does nothing but give an attacker with access to your database over time MORE information. Now he knows what their password looks like salted two different ways. That could (theoretically) help crack it. For this reason, it would actually be ill advised to change the salt.
2) Https is sufficient. If someone can compromise https, then any additional client side hashing or such will not help. The clients computer is compromised.
3) I think you have a fair understanding of best password practices. Don't overlook other security issues like sql-injection and cross-site scripting.
Do I need to change the salt periodically?
No. The salt is a per-user public parameter that servers two purposes. First, it ensures that an attacker cannot build an offline dictionary of passwords to hashes. Second, it ensures two users with the same password have different hashed password entries in the database.
See the Secure Password Storage Cheat Sheet and Secure Password Storage paper by John Steven of OWASP. It takes you through the entire threat model, and explains why things are done in particular ways.
The request to the server will be done via https. Does that mean I can assume that I can process all of the hashing and validation logic server side?
This is standard practice, but its a bad idea. Its a bad idea because of all the problems with SSL/TLS and PKI in practice. Though this is common, here's how it fails: the SSL/TLS channel is setup with any server that presents a certificate. The web application then puts the {username, password} on the wire in the plain text using a basic_auth scheme. Now the bad guy has the username and password.
There's lots of other problems with doing things this way. Peter Gutmann talks about this problem (and more) in his Engineering Security book. He's got a witty sense of humor, so the book is cleverly funny at times, too even though its a technical book.
Would most folks consider this sufficient, or do I need to consider some hybrid both on client and server side?
If possible, use TLS-PSK (Preshared Key) or TLS-SRP (Secure Remote Password). Both overcome the problems of basic_auth schemes, both properly bind the channel, and both provide mutual authentication. There are 80 cipher suites available for TLS-PSK and TLS-SRP, so there's no shortage of algorithms.
Anything else I am overlooking or need to consider?
Cracking is not the only threat here. More than likely, the guy trying to break into your organization is going to be using one of the top passwords from the millions of passwords gathered from the Adobe breach, the LinkedIn breach, the breach, the <favorite here> breach.... For example:
25 most-used passwords revealed: Is yours one of them?
The 30 Most Popular Passwords Stolen From LinkedIn
Top 100 Adobe Passwords with Count
Why bother brute forcing when you have a list of thousands of top rated passwords to use?
So your FIRST best defense is to use a word list that filters a user's bad password choices. That is, don't allow user's to pick weak or known passwords in the first place.
If someone gets away with your password database, then he or she is going to use those same password lists to try and guess your user's passwords. He or she is probably not even going to bother brute forcing because he or she will have recovered so many passwords using a password list.
As I understand it, these word lists are quite small when implemented as a Bloom Filter. They are only KB in size even though there are millions of passwords. See Peter Gutmann's Engineering Security for an in depth discussion.

The proper way of implementing user login system

I want to make a user login system for the purpose of learning. I have several questions.
I did some research and found that the proper way of implementing a user login system is to store the user name/id and the encrypted/hashed version of the password in the database. When a user logs in, the password is encrypted client side (MD5, SHA-1 etc.) and sent to the server where it is compared with the one in database. If they match, the user log in successfully.
This implementation prevents DBAs or programmers seeing the cleartext of the password in the database. It can also prevent hackers intercepting the real password in transit.
Here is where I'm confused:
What if the hackers know the hash/encrypted version of password (by hacking the database) or DBAs, programmers get the hashed version of the password by just simply reading the text in the database. They could then easily make a program that sends this hashed version of the password to the server allowing them to successfully log in. If they can do that, encrypting the password doesn't seem very useful. I think I misunderstanding something here.
Is this (the way I described above) the most popular way to implement user login functionality? Does it follow current best practices? Do I have to do everything manually or does some database have the built-in ability to do the same thing? Is there a most common way/method of doing this for a website or a web app? If so, please provide me with details.
My former company used couchDB to store user login info including passwords. They did not do too much with the encryption side of things. They said couchDB will automatically encrypt the password and store it in the documents. I am not sure if this is a safe way. If so, then it is pretty convenient for programmers because it saves lots of work.
Is this way (point 3) secure enough for normal use? Do other database system such as mySQL have this kind of ability that can do the same thing? If so, does it mean that using mySQL built-in method is secure enough?
I am not looking for a very super secure way of implementing user login functionality. I am rather looking for a way that is popular, easy-to-implement, proper, secure enough for most web applications. Please give me some advice. Details provided will be really appreciated.
When a user login, client side code will encrypt the password by MD5 or SHA-1 or something like that, and then send this encrypted password to server side and then compare it with the one in database. If they are matched, the user log in successfully.
No, no, the client needs to send the unhashed password over. If you hash the password on the client side then that hash is effectively the password. This would nullify the security of the cryptographic hashing. The hashing has to be done on the server side.
To secure the plaintext password in transit it needs to be sent over a secure channel, such as an encrypted TLS (SSL) connection.
Passwords should be salted with a piece of extra data that is different for each account. Salting inhibits rainbow table attacks by eliminating the direct correlation between plaintext and hash. Salts do not need to be secret, nor do they need to be extremely large. Even 4 random bytes of salt will increase the complexity of a rainbow table attack by a factor of 4 billion.
The industry gold standard right now is Bcrypt. In addition to salting, bcrypt adds further security by designing in a slowdown factor.
Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power.... Cryptotheoretically, this is no stronger than the standard Blowfish key schedule, but the number of rekeying rounds is configurable; this process can therefore be made arbitrarily slow, which helps deter brute-force attacks upon the hash or salt.
A few clarifications:
Don't use MD5. It's considered broken. Use SHA but I'd recommend something a little better than SHA1. -
You don't mention anything about salting the password. This is essential to protect against Rainbow tables. -
The idea of salting/hashing passwords isn't really to protect your own application. It's because most users have a few passwords that they use for a multitude of sites. Hashing/salting prevents anyone who gains access to your database from learning what these passwords are and using them to log into their banking application or something similar. Once someone gains direct access to the database your application's security has already been fully compromised. -
Don't use the database's built in security to handle your logins. It's hacky and gives them way more application access than they should have. Use a table.
You don't mention anything about SSL. Even a well designed authentication system is useless if the passwords are sent across the wire in plain text. There are other approaches like Challenge/Response but unfortunately the password still has to be sent in plain text to the server when the user registers or changes their password. SSL is the best way to prevent this.

Clarification on HMAC authentication with WCF

I have been following a couple of articles regarding RESTful web services with WCF and more specifically, how to go about authentication in these. The main article I have been referencing is Aaron Skonnard's RESTful Web Services with WCF 3.5. Another one that specifically deals with HMAC authentication is Itai Goldstiens article which is based on Skonnards article.
I am confused about the "User Key" that is referenced to in both articles. I have a client application that is going to require a user to have both a user name and password.
Does this then mean that the key I use to initialise the
System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5 class is simply the users
Given the method used to create the Mac in Itai's article
(shown below), am I right is thinking that key is the users
password and text is the string we are using confirm that the
details are in fact correct?
public static string EncodeText(byte[] key, string text, Encoding encoding)
HMACMD5 hmacMD5 = new HMACMD5(key);
byte[] textBytes = encoding.GetBytes(text);
byte[] encodedTextBytes =
string encodedText =
return encodedText;
In my example, the text parameter would be a combination of request uri, a shared secret and timestamp (which will be available as a request header and used to prevent replay attacks).
Is this form of authentication decent? I've come across another thread here that suggests that the method defined in the articles above is "..a (sic) ugly hack." The author doesn't suggest why, but it is discouraging given that I've spent a few hours reading about this and getting it working. However, it's worth noting that the accepted answer on this question talks about a custom HMAC authorisation scheme so it is possible the ugly hack reference is simply the implementation of it rather than the use of HMAC algorithms themselves.
The diagram below if from the wikipedia article on Message Authentication Code. I feel like this should be a secure way to go, but I just want to make sure I understand it's use correctly and also make sure this isn't simply some dated mechanism that has been surpassed by something much better.
The key can be the user's password, but you absolutely should not do this.
First - the key has an optimal length equal to the size of the output hash, and a user's password will rarely be equal to that.
Second, there will never be enough randomness (entropy to use the technical term) in those bytes to be an adequate key.
Third, although you're preventing replay attacks, you're allowing anyone potentially to sign any kind of request, assuming they can also get hold of the shared secret (is that broadcast by the server at some point or is it derived only on the client and server? If broadcast, a man-in-the-middle attack can easily grab and store that - height of paranoia, yes, but I think you should think about it) unless the user changes their password.
Fourth - stop using HMACMD5 - use HMAC-SHA-256 as a minimum.
This key should at the very least be a series of bytes that are generated from the user's password - typically using something like PBKDF2 - however you should also include something transitory that is session-based and which, ideally, can't be known by an attacker.
That said, a lot of people might tell you that I'm being far too paranoid.
Personally I know I'm not an expert in authentication - it's a very delicate balancing act - so I rely on peer-reviewed and proven technologies. SSL (in this case authentication via client certificates), for example, might have it's weaknesses, but most people use it and if one of my systems gets exploited because of an SSL weakness, it's not going to be my fault. However if an exploit occurs because of some weakness that I wasn't clever enough to identify? I'd kick myself out of the front door.
Indidentally, for my rest services I now use SCRAM for authentication, using SHA512 and 512 bits of random salt for the stretching operation (many people will say that's excessive, but I won't have to change it for a while!), and then use a secure token (signed with an HMAC and encrypted with AES) derived from the authentication and other server-only-known information to persist an authenticated session. The token is stateless in the same way that Asp.Net forms authentication cookies are.
The password exchange works very well indeed, is secure even without SSL (in protecting the password) and has the added advantage of authenticating both client and server. The session persistence can be tuned based on the site and client - the token carries its own expiry and absolute expiry values within it, and these can be tuned easily. By encrypting client ID information into that token as well, it's possible to prevent duplication on to another machine by simply comparing the decrypted values from the client-supplied values. Only thing about that is watching out for IP address information, yes it can be spoofed but, primarily, you have to consider legitimate users on roaming networks.

Creating an API for mobile applications - Authentication and Authorization

I'm looking to create a (REST) API for my application. The initial/primary purpose will be for consumption by mobile apps (iPhone, Android, Symbian, etc). I've been looking into different mechanisms for authentication and authorization for web-based APIs (by studying other implementations). I've got my head wrapped around most of the fundamental concepts but am still looking for guidance in a few areas. The last thing I want to do is reinvent the wheel, but I'm not finding any standard solutions that fits my criteria (however my criteria my be misguided so feel free to critique that as well). Additionally, I want the API to be the same for all platforms/applications consuming it.
I'll go ahead and throw out my objection to oAuth since I know that will likely be the first solution offered. For mobile applications (or more specifically non-web applications), it just seems wrong to leave the application (to go to a web-browser) for the authentication. Additionally, there is no way (I am aware of) for the browser to return the callback to the application (especially cross-platform). I know a couple of apps that do that, but it just feels wrong and gives a break in the application UX.
User enters username/password into application.
Every API call is identified by the calling application.
Overhead is kept to a minimum and the auth aspect is intuitive for developers.
The mechanism is secure for both the end user (their login credentials are not exposed) as well as the developer (their application credentials are not exposed).
If possible, not require https (by no means a hard requirement).
My Current Thoughts on Implementation
An external developer will request an API account. They will receive an apikey and apisecret. Every request will require at minimum three parameters.
apikey - given to developer at regisration
timestamp - doubles as a unique identifier for each message for a given apikey
hash - a hash of the timestamp + the apisecret
The apikey is required to identify the application issuing the request. The timestamp acts similarly to the oauth_nonce and avoids/mitigates replay attacks. The hash ensures that request was actually issued from the owner of the given apikey.
For authenticated requests (ones done on the behalf of a user), I'm still undecided between going with an access_token route or a username and password hash combo. Either way, at some point a username/password combo will be required. So when it does, a hash of several pieces of information (apikey, apisecret, timestamp) + the password would be used. I'd love feedback on this aspect. FYI, they would have to hash the password first, since I don't store the passwords in my system without hashing.
FYI, this isn't a request for how to build/structure the API in general only how to handle the authentication and authorization from solely within an application.
Random Thoughts/Bonus Questions
For APIs that only require an apikey as part of the request, how do you prevent someone other than the apikey owner from being able to see the apikey (since sent in the clear) and make excessive requests to push them over usage limits? Maybe I'm just over thinking this, but shouldn't there be something to authenticate that a request was verified to the apikey owner? In my case, that was the purpose of the apisecret, it is never shown/transmitted without being hashed.
Speaking of hashes, what about md5 vs hmac-sha1? Does it really matter when all of the values are hashed with with sufficiently long data (ie. apisecret)?
I had been previously considering adding a per user/row salt to my users password hash. If I were to do that, how could the application be able to create a matching hash without knowing the salt used?
The way I'm thinking about doing the login part of this in my projects is:
before login the user requests a login_token from the server. These are generated and stored on the server on request, and probably have a limited lifetime.
to login the application calculates the hash of the users password, then hashes the password with the login_token to get a value, they then return both the login_token and the combined hash.
The server checks the login_token is one that it has generated, removing it from its list of valid login_tokens. The server then combines its stored hash of the user's password with the login_token and ensures that it matches the submitted combined token. If it matches you have authenticated your user.
Advantages of this are that you never store the user's password on the server, the password is never passed in the clear, the password hash is only passed in the clear on account creation (though there may be ways around this), and it should be safe from replay attacks as the login_token is removed from the DB on use.
That's a whole lot of questions in one, I guess quite a few people didn't manage to read all the way to the end :)
My experience of web service authentication is that people usually overengineer it, and the problems are only the same as you would encounter on a web page. Possible very simple options would include https for the login step, return a token, require it to be included with future requests. You could also use http basic authentication, and just pass stuff in the header. For added security, rotate/expire the tokens frequently, check the requests are coming from the same IP block (this could get messy though as mobile users move between cells), combine with API key or similar. Alternatively, do the "request key" step of oauth (someone suggested this in a previous answer already and it's a good idea) before authenticating the user, and use that as a required key to generate the access token.
An alternative which I haven't used yet but I've heard a lot about as a device-friendly alternative to oAuth is xAuth. Have a look at it and if you use it then I'd be really interested to hear what your impressions are.
For hashing, sha1 is a bit better but don't get hung up about it - whatever the devices can easily (and quickly in a performance sense) implement is probably fine.
Hope that helps, good luck :)
So what you're after is some kind of server side authentication mechanism that will handle the authentication and authorisation aspects of a mobile application?
Assuming this is the case, then I would approach it as follows (but only 'cos I'm a Java developer so a C# guy would do it differently):
The RESTful authentication and authorisation service
This will work only over HTTPS to prevent eavesdropping.
It will be based on a combination of RESTEasy, Spring Security and CAS (for single sign on across multiple applications).
It will work with both browsers and web-enabled client applications
There will be a web-based account management interface to allow users to edit their details, and admins (for particular applications) to change authorisation levels
The client side security library/application
For each supported platform (e.g.
Symbian, Android, iOS etc) create a
suitable implementation of the
security library in the native
language of the platform (e.g. Java,
ObjectiveC, C etc)
The library
should manage the HTTPS request
formation using the available APIs
for the given platform (e.g. Java
uses URLConnection etc)
Consumers of the general authentication and
authorisation library ('cos that's
all it is) will code to a specific
interface and won't be happy if it
ever changes so make sure it's very
flexible. Follow existing design
choices such as Spring Security.
So now that the view from 30,000ft is complete how do you go about doing it? Well, it's not that hard to create an authentication and authorisation system based on the listed technologies on the server side with a browser client. In combination with HTTPS, the frameworks will provide a secure process based on a shared token (usually presented as a cookie) generated by the authentication process and used whenever the user wishes to do something. This token is presented by the client to the server whenever any request takes place.
In the case of the local mobile application, it seems that you're after a solution that does the following:
Client application has a defined Access Control List (ACL) controlling runtime access to method calls. For example, a given user can read a collection from a method, but their ACL only permits access to objects that have a Q in their name so some data in the collection is quiety pulled by the security interceptor. In Java this is straightforward, you just use the Spring Security annotations on the calling code and implement a suitable ACL response process. In other languages, you're on your own and will probably need to provide boilerplate security code that calls into your security library. If the language supports AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) then use it to the fullest for this situation.
The security library caches the complete list of authorisations into it's private memory for the current application so that it doesn't have to remain connected. Depending on the length of the login session, this could be a one-off operation that never gets repeated.
Whatever you do, don't try to invent your own security protocol, or use security by obscurity. You'll never be able to write a better algorithm for this than those that are currently available and free. Also, people trust well known algorithms. So if you say that your security library provides authorisation and authentication for local mobile applications using a combination of SSL, HTTPS, SpringSecurity and AES encrypted tokens then you'll immediately have creditibility in the marketplace.
Hope this helps, and good luck with your venture. If you would like more info, let me know - I've written quite a few web applications based on Spring Security, ACLs and the like.
Twitter addressed the external application issue in oAuth by supporting a variant they call xAuth. Unfortunately there's already a plethora of other schemes with this name so it can be confusing to sort out.
The protocol is oAuth, except it skips the request token phase and simply immediately issues an access token pair upon receipt of a username and password. (Starting at step E here.) This initial request and response must be secured - it's sending the username and password in plaintext and receiving back the access token and secret token. Once the access token pair has been configured, whether the initial token exchange was via the oAuth model or the xAuth model is irrelevant to both the client and server for the rest of the session. This has the advantage that you can leverage existing oAuth infrastructure and have very nearly the same implementation for mobile/web/desktop applications. The main disadvantage is that the application is granted access to the client's user name and password, but it appears like your requirements mandate this approach.
In any case, I'd like to agree with your intuition and that of several other answerers here: don't try to build something new from scratch. Security protocols can be easy to start but are always hard to do well, and the more convoluted they become the less likely your third-party developers are to be able to implement against them. Your hypothetical protocol is very similar to o(x)Auth - api_key/api_secret, nonce, sha1 hashing - but instead of being able to use one of the many existing libraries your developers are going to need to roll their own.
Super late to the party but I wanted to throw in some additional points to consider for anyone interested in this issue. I work for a company doing mobile API security solutions (approov) so this whole area is definitely relevant to my interests.
To start with, the most important thing to consider when trying to secure a mobile API is how much it is worth to you. The right solution for a bank is different to the right solution for someone just doing things for fun.
In the proposed solution you mention that a minimum of three parameters will be required:
apikey - given to developer at registration
timestamp - doubles as a unique identifier for each message for a given apikey
hash - a hash of the timestamp + the apisecret
The implication of this is that for some API calls no username/password is required. This can be useful for applications where you don't want to force a login (browsing in online shops for example).
This is a slightly different problem to the one of user authentication and is more like authentication or attestation of the software. There is no user, but you still want to ensure that there is no malicious access to your API. So you use your API secret to sign the traffic and identify the code accessing the API as genuine. The potential problem with this solution is that you then have to give away the secret inside every version of the app. If someone can extract the secret they can use your API, impersonating your software but doing whatever they like.
To counter that threat there are a bunch of things you can do depending on how valuable the data is. Obfuscation is a simple way to make it harder to extract the secret. There are tools that will do that for you, more so for Android, but you still have to have code that generates your hash and a sufficiently skilled individual can always just call the function that does the hashing directly.
Another way to mitigate against excessive use of an API that doesn't require a login is to throttle the traffic and potentially identify and block suspect IP addresses. The amount of effort you want to go to will largely depend upon how valuble your data is.
Beyond that you can easily start getting into the domain of my day job. Anyway, it's another aspect of securing APIs that I think is important and wanted to flag up.