Authentication as an anonymous user - authentication

I would like to reproduce how plunker manages the anonymous accounts.
Plunker can recognise an anonymous user. For example, we can save a plunker as anonym and then freeze it. As a result,
only the same user (before clearing browser history) has the full access to this plunker (eg, save a modification, unfreeze).
if the same user opens it in another browser or other users open the same link, they can NOT save any modification; they have to fork it.
In my website, I use the local strategy of passport.js to manage named users. For example,'/login', function (req, res, next) {
if (!req.body.username || !req.body.password)
return res.status(400).json({ message: 'Please fill out all fields' });
passport.authenticate('local', function (err, user, info) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (user) res.json({ token: user.generateJWT() });
else return res.status(401).json(info);
})(req, res, next);
And I use a localStorage to store the token. For example,
auth.logIn = function (user) {
return $'/login', user).success(function (token) {
$window.localStorage['account-token'] = token;
auth.logOut = function () {
Does anyone know if passport.js has any strategy or existing tools to manage the anonymous account like what plunker does? Otherwise, is there a conventional way to achieve this?

Passport allows anonymous auth. There is a passport anonymous strategy for the same:
// Authenticate using HTTP Basic credentials, with session support disabled,
// and allow anonymous requests.
passport.authenticate(['basic', 'anonymous'], { session: false }),
function(req, res){
if (req.user) {
res.json({ username: req.user.username, email: });
} else {
res.json({ anonymous: true });
This uses your basic strategy in place, you can substitute that with a local strategy if you're using local authentication. It falls back to an anonymous strategy in case nothing is supplied, as can be seen here:
passport.use(new BasicStrategy({
function(username, password, done) {
// asynchronous verification, for effect...
process.nextTick(function () {
// Find the user by username. If there is no user with the given
// username, or the password is not correct, set the user to `false` to
// indicate failure. Otherwise, return the authenticated `user`.
findByUsername(username, function(err, user) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
if (!user) { return done(null, false); }
if (user.password != password) { return done(null, false); }
return done(null, user);
// Use the BasicStrategy within Passport.
// This is used as a fallback in requests that prefer authentication, but
// support unauthenticated clients.
passport.use(new AnonymousStrategy());
The full example may be found here:-

Remember cookies with a longer expiration date is how anonymous user is identified. This goes the same way as any server side technology trying to authenticate user by username and password and then just sets a cookie for the http request.


Google OAuth2 with Passport and Express

I am struggling with getting Google OAuth to work with my Express/React application whilst using Passport.js. I am using JWTs, not sessions.
In my React webapp client, I have a "login with Google" button that calls my backend API /auth/google/ with the following route setup in Express:
router.get('auth/google', passport.authenticate('google', {session: false, scope: ['email','profile']}) );
My Passport.js google strategy is:
const googleStrategy = new GoogleStrategy(
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/auth/google/callback",
passReqToCallback : true
async (request, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
try {
console.log('profile', profile);// ** CORRECT USER PRINTED **
let existingUser = await User.findOne({ '': });
// if user exists return the user
if (existingUser) {
console.log('Found existing user...');
return done(null, existingUser);
// if user does not exist create a new user
const newUser = new User({
method: 'google',
shortName: profile.displayName,
return done(null, newUser);
} catch (error) {
return done(error, false)
My Google developer dashboard is setup to call the following URL in my Express API backend upon successful authentication: /auth/google/callback
My Express route for this is defined as: router.get('auth/google/callback', passport.authenticate('google', {session: false}), authController.googleAuthCallback);
My Express googleAuthCallback function is defined as:
exports.googleAuthCallback = async (req, res) => {
console.log(req.user) // ** WRONG USER PRINTED HERE ** different from above user printed in google strategy
The strange this is when I console.log the profile variable in my googleStrategy, I get the right user profile information for the account from Google. This means the authentication vis a vis Google is fine. However, this same account is NOT being provided to my /auth/google/callback endpoint in the req.user object at that location. It is an entirely different account (it is the first value from my database of Users, which is authenticated using local authentication).
How do I get the user object back to my Express callback endpoint that I supplied to Google in the developer console as the authorized redirect URI?
As a general question, what happens after the strategy calls return done(null, existingUser);? I have no callback in the /auth/google route after the passport.authenticate() middleware is called so what happens next?
I am using "passport-google-oauth20": "^2.0.0"
My let existingUser = await User.findOne({ '': });
line was incorrect and was essentially returning no user. Mongoose does not complain and hence the strategy was just returning the first user from my database rather than the authenticated google user.

How to get currently login user with passport-jwt

I implemented passport-jwt to authenticate user on protected route and also i want to check maybe the user login before creating first admin, please help me on how to do it.
this is my passport-jwt code that i have implemented
exports.getToken = function (user) {
return jwt.sign(user, config.secretKey, { expiresIn: 3600 });
var opts = {};
opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken();
opts.secretOrKey = config.secretKey;
exports.jwtPassport = passport.use(
new JwtStrategy(opts, (jwt_payload, done) => {
console.log("JWT payload: ", jwt_payload);
User.findOne({ _id: jwt_payload._id, }, (err, user) => {
if (err) {
return done(err, false);
} else if (user) {
return done(null, user);
} else {
return done(null, false);
If I understand your question correctly, you have authenticated a user and (s)he's logged in. Now, before creating an admin, you want to check if the currently logged in user hasn't expired or something else. Right ?
To do that:
You need to store JWT on the client-side so that whenever you call your API, you can attach the JWT in your request's authentication header. I say Authentication header because your ExtractJWT Strategy is fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken.
With this you can attach your token to subsequent API calls headers. You also need to implement a middleware on your server-side so that the controller can verify whether the JWT in the Authorization header is valid or invalid.
Here is a good resource to understand the pipeline. Note that in this resource, they fromUrlQueryParameter as the extract strategy, but the concept is the same.

How to generate access token on user register in Loopback Express framework?

Loopback generates access token on default User /login method, my question is how to override default register strategy to add token generating? I'm using middleware to get current user like this
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
if ( ! req.accessToken) return next();
app.models.Account.findById(req.accessToken.userId, function(err, user) {
if (err) return next(err);
if ( ! user) return next(new Error('No user with this access token was found.'));
req.user = user;
but I'm right after user registered req.accessToken is undefined; after user login everything works

Rest API to connect (authorize) google for logged in user

I'm working in an application which uses a REST api using the MEAN stack and Passport JS to manage the authentication.
The authentication, we use JTW tokens for the communication between the backend and frontend. The token is generated based on local username and passwords.
Now I want to 'add' (authorize) the user's google account to the profile to use with google calendar API. (using this->
I've already have managed to send the user to the google authorization page, and get the token back from it. The problem is that when the user gets redirected to the page, it looses the JWT token where I check the user for the request.
Is there any other way to get the current logged in user, or to pass some custom callback authorization header/param when calling the authorize method?
var googleParams = {
var googleStrategy = new GoogleStrategy(googleParams, function (token, refreshToken, profile, done) {
profile.token = token;
return done(null, profile);
auth.authenticate(), // will check the current user
auth.isLoggedIn, // make sure the user is really logged in
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true }) // redirects to google to get the token
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true })
the auth.authRedirect() function above is the closest solution I've found. It's a Express middleware wich redirects the user to a known route in the frontend where the user IS authenticated... but then I would not be able to fetch all his Google profile and information i need...
You have to be sure the app.use(session) its been called before any route.
secret: 'secret'
auth.authenticate(), // will check the current user
auth.isLoggedIn, // make sure the user is really logged in
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true }) // redirects to google to get the token
auth.authorize('google', { scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true })
Your req.user won't be undefined in this case.
If it doen't work right way, I can put my whole code that I've created here.
Hope it help you! :)
So what I ended up doing was:
Authenticate the user making the request via JWT access_token
Get the user's ID and set it to the state option's property
The user is redirected to the google authorization page and choose the account (s)he wants to connect
(S)He gets redirected to my callback url with the state query param having the user's id
Now I just have to get that id, search the user in the database, and set the data I need from req.account which contains the user's openid profile.
var googleScope = ['openid', 'email', ''];
function (req, res, next) {
var _id = '' + req.user._id; // convert to String... _id is an mongoose object
return auth.authorize('google', { session: false, scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true, state: _id })(req, res, next)
function (req, res, next) {
auth.authorize('google', { session: false, scope: googleScope, passReqToCallback: true })(req, res, next);
saveUserData= function () {
return function (req, res, next) {
if (req.query.state) {
var _id = req.query.state;
User.findOne({ _id, deleted: false, active: true })
.exec(function (err, user) {
if (err) {
if (user) { = {
token: req.account.token,
email: (req.account.emails.length ? req.account.emails[0].value : null),
name: req.account.displayName
} (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
} else {
} else {

Is there a Passport Strategy to handle an offsite API which isn't OAuth?

I've got a relatively unique use-case here and I can't find the perfect solution.
I have a website that has user log-in via facebook and linkedin, which works flawlessly via passportjs.
However I also need to be able to login via an offsite API which is not OAuth but rather offers a standard JSON response.
I currently use angular to hit the API and return the user object but then I have to store that in sessionStorage to persist the log in. This isn't ideal as it means there is a server session and a local session. To log out I have to manually clear the sessionStorage and this hit a log out path for the server.
What I want to do is create a local log in path on the ExpressJS website and the route then hits the API to log in and then the user is stored in the server session.
In the end I hacked the local strategy.
The key was adding passReqToCallback so I could manipulate the request.
This adds the response to req.user and starts a session.
var passport = require('passport'),
LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy,
request = require('request')
module.exports = function() {
passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
passReqToCallback: true
function(req, username, password, done) {{
url: 'http://api/',
form: {
username: username,
password: password
json: true
}, function(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err || !body.success) done();
else done(null, body);
passport.authenticate('local', {
failureRedirect: '/fail'
function(req, res) {