Compare 3 Columns in Excel using VBA - vba

I want to compare 2 to 1 Columns in Excel using VBA..
I already achieve 2 to 2 Columns using this code
Dim list1 As Range
Dim LIST2 As Range
Set list1 = Range("B3:C181")
Set LIST2 = Range("G3:H729")
For Each row1 In list1.Rows
For Each row2 In LIST2.Rows
If (row1.Cells(1) = row2.Cells(1) And row1.Cells(2) = row2.Cells(2)) Then
row1.Cells(1).Offset(0, 2) = row1.Cells(1)
row1.Cells(2).Offset(0, 2) = row1.Cells(2)
Exit For
End If
Next row2
Next row1
End Sub
But now I need something VBA scripts that works somehow like the image below

Work with a a simple Do Until Loop:
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim B As Range, _
C As Range, _
D As Range, _
F As Range, _
G As Range
Dim i%, x% ' Dim as long
Set B = Columns(2)
Set C = Columns(3)
Set D = Columns(4)
Set F = Columns(6)
Set G = Columns(7)
i = 2
x = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(B.Cells(i))
Debug.Print B.Cells(i).Value & ", " & _
C.Cells(i).Value ' Print on Immed Win
Do Until IsEmpty(F.Cells(x))
DoEvents ' For testing
If F.Cells(x).Value = B.Cells(i).Value & ", " & _
C.Cells(i).Value Then
Debug.Print F.Cells(i).Value = B.Cells(i).Value & ", " & _
C.Cells(i).Value ' Print on Immed Win
G.Cells(x) = D.Cells(i)
x = 2 ' Reset Loop
Exit Do
End If
x = x + 1
i = i + 1
End Sub
Other info
DoEvents is most useful for simple things like allowing a user to cancel a process after it has started, for example a search for a file. For long-running processes, yielding the processor is better accomplished by using a Timer or delegating the task to an ActiveX EXE component.. In the latter case, the task can continue completely independent of your application, and the operating system takes case of multitasking and time slicing.
Debug.Print Immediate Window is used to debug and evaluate expressions, execute statements, print variable values, and so forth. It allows you to enter expressions to be evaluated or executed by the development language during debugging. To display the Immediate window, open a project for editing, then choose Windows from the Debug menu and select Immediate, or press CTRL+ALT+I.

You can use this pseudocode to guide you:


Use VBA to select and deselect multiple slicer items (OLAP data)

I am working on a script which selects only the needed slicer items. I tried using .SlicerItems.Selected = True / False for selecting and deselecting but I am using an OLAP data source in which case .Selected is read-only. The slicer items are in the format of YYYYWW so 7th week of 2018 would be 201807.
I recorded a macro selecting some slicer items and this is what it gave me:
Sub Macro2()
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_YYYYWW").VisibleSlicerItemsList = Array( _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201726]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201727]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201728]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201729]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201730]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201731]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201732]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201733]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201734]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201735]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201736]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201737]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201738]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201739]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201740]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201741]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201742]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201743]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201744]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201745]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201746]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201747]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201748]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201749]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201750]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201751]", _
"[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201801]", "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[201802]", _
End Sub
So I tried following this template and create an array like that. This is how far I have gotten:
Sub arrayTest()
Dim startDate As Long
Dim endDate As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim strN As String
Dim sl As SlicerItem
Dim strArr As Variant
Dim dur As Long
Dim result As String
endDate = Range("C17").Value ' endDate is the last SlicerItem to be selected
startDate = Range("G17").Value ' startDate is the first SlicerItem to be selected
dur = Range("C19").Value ' duration is the the number of SlicerItems to be selected
i = 0
ReDim strArr(dur) As Variant
With ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_YYYYWW")
' .ClearManualFilter
For n = startDate To endDate
strN = CStr(n) ' convert n to string
If n = 201753 Then ' this is needed for when the year changes
strN = CStr(201801)
n = 201801
End If
strArr(i) = """[Results].[YYYYWW].&[" & strN & "]""" ' write string into array
i = i + 1
' For Each sl In .SlicerCacheLevels(1).SlicerItems
' If sl.Name = strN Then
' sl.Selected = True
' Else
' sl.Selected = False ' this is read-only for OLAP data so it's not working
' End If
' Next
MsgBox Join(strArr, ", ") ' the MsgBox returns the correct string to be applied to select the right slicer items
.VisibleSlicerItemsList = Join(strArr, ", ") ' Error 13: Type mismatch
End With
End Sub
Currently, the code gives Error 13: Type mismatch on .VisibleSlicerItemsList = Join(strArr, ", "), which is also commented. So I'm guessing that either dimensioning strArr as Variant is wrong, the data is not inserted correctly into strArr or it's just impossible to do it this way. In the case of the latest one, how should I do it?
The part commented out on lines 29-35 does not work as it gives the usual error of Application-defined or object-defined error (1004) on sl.Selected = False.
I had a similar issue to overcome. Which I resolved using the following code:
Sub show_SlicerItems()
Dim sc As SlicerCache
Dim sL As SlicerCacheLevel
Dim si As SlicerItem
Dim slicerItems_Array()
Dim i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set sc = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_Name")
Set sL = sc.SlicerCacheLevels(1)
i = 0
For Each si In sL.SlicerItems
ReDim Preserve slicerItems_Array(i)
If si.Value <> 0 Then
slicerItems_Array(i) = si.Name
i = i + 1
End If
sc.VisibleSlicerItemsList = Array(slicerItems_Array)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
You need to feed .VisibleSlicerItemsList an array, not a string. Ditch the Join.
And your strArr assignment should be like this: strArr(i) = "[Results].[YYYYWW].&[" & strN & "]" i.e. you don't need to pad it out with extra "
Edit: Out of interest, I happen to be building a commercial add-in that is effectively a Pop-up Slicer, that allows you to filter an OLAP PivotTable to show all items between a range like you are attempting to do. It also lets you filter on wildcards, crazy combinations of AND and OR, and filter on lists stored in external ranges.
Here's a screenshot of it in action. Note there is a search bar up the top that lets you use < or > together to set lower and upper limits, which is what I've done in the current Search. And you can see the result: it has correctly identified the 14 items from the PivotField that fit the bill.
All I need to do to filter the PivotTable on these is click the "Filter on selected items" option, and it does just that:
But working out how to do this - particularly given the limitations of the PivotTable object model (especially where OLAP PivotTables are concerned) was a VERY long term project, with many, many hurdles to overcome to make it work seamlessly. I can't share the code I'm afraid, as this is a commercial offering that I aim to release shortly. But I just wanted to highlight that while this is certainly possible, you are going to be biting off quite a bit if you want it to not throw errors when items don't exist.
Forget my other can use the Labels Filter to do this easily, provided the field of interest is in the PivotTable as either a Rows or Columns field. Fire up the Macro Recorder, and do the following:
...and you'll see that the PivotTable gets filtered:
...and the resulting code is pretty simple:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[Table1].[YYYYWW].[YYYYWW]" _
).PivotFilters.Add2 Type:=xlCaptionIsBetween, Value1:="201726", Value2:= _
Use this:
Sub seleciona_lojas()
Dim strArr()
Dim x As Long
Dim i As Long
For x = 2 To 262
ReDim Preserve strArr(i)
strArr(i) = "[Lojas].[Location_Cd].&[" & Planilha5.Range("B" & x).Value & "]"
i = i + 1
Next x
ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("SegmentaçãodeDados_Location_Cd1").VisibleSlicerItemsList = strArr
End Sub

Application.Match not exact value

Have a piece of code that looks for matches between 2 sheets (sheet1 is customer list and rData is copied pdf with invoices). It usually is exact match but in some cases I'm looking for 6 first characters that matches rData
Dim rData As Variant
Dim r As Variant
Dim r20 As Variant
Dim result As Variant
Dim i As Long
rData = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("A1:A60000")
r20 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("C2:C33")
For Each r In r20
result = Application.Match(r, rData, 0)
If Not IsError(result) Then
For i = 1 To 5
If (result - i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result - i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result - i, 1)
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 15
If (result + i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result + i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result + i, 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub
Only part of this that is giving me a headache is this part result = Application.Match(r, rData, 0). How do it get match for not exact match?
Sample of Sheet1
This is what more or less looks like. Matching after CustomerNumber# is easy because they are the same every invoice. BUT sometimes invoice does not have it so I'm searching after CustomerName and sometimes they have uppercase letters, sometimes there is extra stuff behind it and therefore it cannot find exact match.
Hope it makes sense.
To match the customer name from your customer list to the customer name in the invoice even if it has extra characters appended, you can use the wildcard * in Match().
You also have a typo in the Match() function. r20 should be rData.
This is your code with the fixes applied:
Sub Test()
Dim rData As Variant
Dim r As Variant
Dim r20 As Variant
Dim result As Variant
Dim i As Long
rData = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("A1:A60000")
r20 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("C2:C33")
For Each r In r20
result = Application.Match(r & "*", rData, 0) ' <~ Fixed here
If Not IsError(result) Then
For i = 1 To 5
If (result - i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result - i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result - i, 1)
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 15
If (result + i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result + i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result + i, 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub
Match() is case insensitive, so it works with different capitalisations.
The data in Sheets(2) must all be text for Match() to work correctly with wildcards.
EDIT1: New better version
EDIT2: Refactored constants and made data ranges dynamic
EDIT3: Allows for any prefix to an invoice number of a fixed length
The following is a better, rewritten version of your code:
Sub MuchBetter()
Const s_InvoiceDataWorksheet As String = "Sheet2"
Const s_InvoiceDataColumn As String = "A:A"
Const s_CustomerWorksheet As String = "Sheet1"
Const s_CustomerStartCell As String = "C2"
Const s_InvoiceNumPrefix As String = "418"
Const n_InvoiceNumLength As Long = 8
Const n_InvScanStartOffset As Long = -5
Const n_InvScanEndOffset As Long = 15
Dim ƒ As Excel.WorksheetFunction: Set ƒ = Excel.WorksheetFunction ' Shortcut
With Worksheets(s_InvoiceDataWorksheet).Range(s_InvoiceDataColumn)
With .Parent.Range(.Cells(1), .Cells(Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Dim varInvoiceDataArray As Variant
varInvoiceDataArray = ƒ.Transpose(.Cells.Value2)
End With
End With
With Worksheets(s_CustomerWorksheet).Range(s_CustomerStartCell)
With .Parent.Range(.Cells(1), .EntireColumn.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Dim varCustomerArray As Variant
varCustomerArray = ƒ.Transpose(.Cells.Value2)
End With
End With
Dim varCustomer As Variant
For Each varCustomer In varCustomerArray
Dim dblCustomerIndex As Double
dblCustomerIndex = Application.Match(varCustomer & "*", varInvoiceDataArray, 0)
If Not IsError(dblCustomerIndex) _
And varCustomer <> vbNullString _
Dim i As Long
For i = ƒ.Max(dblCustomerIndex + n_InvScanStartOffset, 1) _
To ƒ.Min(dblCustomerIndex + n_InvScanEndOffset, UBound(varInvoiceDataArray))
Dim strInvoiceNum As String
strInvoiceNum = Right$(Trim$(varInvoiceDataArray(i)), n_InvoiceNumLength)
If (Left$(strInvoiceNum, Len(s_InvoiceNumPrefix)) = s_InvoiceNumPrefix) Then
MsgBox "customer: " & varCustomer & ". invoice: " & strInvoiceNum
End If
End If
Next varCustomer
End Sub
It is a good idea to use constants so all literal values are typed once only and kept grouped together.
Using the RVBA naming convention greatly increases the readability of the code, and reduces the likelihood of bugs.
Using long, appropriately named variables makes the code essentially self-documenting.
Using .Value2 whenever reading cell values is highly recommended (it avoids implicit casting, making it slightly faster as well as eliminating certain issues caused by the casting ).
Surprisingly, in VBA there are good reasons to put a variable declaration as close as possible to the first use of the variable. Two such reasons are 1) it improves readability, and 2) it simplifies future refactoring. Just remember that the variable is not reinitialised every time the Dim is encountered. Initialisation only occurs the first time.
The twin loops have been rolled into one according to the DRY principle.
Whilst the check for an empty customer name/number is not strictly necessary if you can guarantee it will never be so, it is good defensive programming as an empty value will cause erroneous results.
The negative index check inside the loop has been removed and replaced with the one-time use of the Max() worksheet function in the For statement.
The Min() worksheet function is also used in the For statement to avoid trying to read past the end of the array.
Always use worksheet functions on the WorksheetFunction object unless you are explicitly checking for errors, in which case use the Application object.

ListRows.Add doesn't appear to work

I've got a really odd case… hopefully someone is able to help me out, I've search many forums looking for a solution, the closest I could find related to it (kinda) is here, though I've tried all the suggestions to no avail…
I'm trying to run a function to return a data list in a string delimitated by a semicolon from an oracle stored function. (This value function call seems to work fine).
I then loop through the string for each data value and print it to a blank table (0 rows) declared in my subroutine. which I use to load into an access data base. (just trust it make sense in the big picture…).
The issue, fundamentally is that no information is printed into the table. However when I step through the code it works fine.
After troubleshooting I THINK (see my test scenarios below code) the issue comes up after the listrows.add line... though not obviously.
I don't think this line is executed by the time the first value is trying to print to the table.
The most confusing part is I'm running through 2 nearly identical procedures (call function -> Return value -> print values to table) immediately before this portion of the code and they work without fail.
Code Excerpt:
'run function to get string ... this works
DoEvents ' not in original design
RelRtnStr = Prnt(Cat, "A Third Oracle Function Name")
DoEvents ' not in original design
RelChopVar = RelRtnStr
StrFldCnt = 0
Checking = True ''' CodeBreak Test 1
DoEvents ' not in original design
AppendRlLmTbl.ListRows.Add ''''''''This isn't appearing to work...
DoEvents ' not in original design
Debug.Print Now ' not in original design
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:3")) ' not in original design
Debug.Print Now ' not in original design
While StrFldCnt < 80 And (Len(RelChopVar) - Len(Replace(RelChopVar, ";", ""))) > 0 And Checking
'## Count String Position
StrFldCnt = StrFldCnt + 1
'## Find Current String Value & Remainder String
If InStr(RelChopVar, ";") <> 0 Then
'Multiple Values Left
FldVal = Replace(Left(RelChopVar, InStr(RelChopVar, ";")), ";", "")
RelChopVar = Right(RelChopVar, Len(RelChopVar) - InStr(RelChopVar, ";"))
'Last Value
FldVal = RelChopVar
Checking = False
End If
'## Get Field Name For Current Value & Print to Table
FldNm = CStr(RefRtrn(2, CStr(StrFldCnt))) ''' CodeBreak Test 2
AppendRlLmTbl.ListColumns(FldNm).DataBodyRange.Value = FldVal '''CodeBreak 2 error thrown
Debug.Print StrFldCnt & FldNm & FldVal
AppendRlLmTbl.ListColumns("Catalogue").DataBodyRange.Value = Cat
So far I've tested a ton of options suggested online, not necessarily understanding each test... This is what I've gleaned.
If I step through the code, it works
If I set a breakpoint at "CodeBreak Test 1" and "F5" the rest, it works …
If I set a breakpoint at "CodeBreak Test 2" I get an "Object with variable not set" error thrown …
Things I've tried …
Wrapping anything and everything with DoEvents
setting a wait time after the listObjects.add row
Validated the code performs the While loop when running the "full procured" (as opposed to stepping through)
The worst part, I have no idea why the object won't declare properly when setting a break point after the add row line but sets properly when break point is set before and has no error thrown when running the full procedure (I have no on error declarations.)...
It of course must be related in my mind but I can't find any information online and unfortunately have no formal VBA background and 1 undergrad course as a programming background in general. Aka I'm out of my depth and super frustrated.
PS. first post, so please be nice :p
Full Code Below:
Option Explicit
'## Here's my attempt to clean up and standardize the flow
'## Declare my public variables
' WorkBook
Public WB As Workbook
' Sheets
Public Req2ByWS As Worksheet
Public ReqSpecsWS As Worksheet
Public ReqInstrcWS As Worksheet
Public ConfigReqWS As Worksheet
Public AppendReqWS As Worksheet
Public AppendRlLmWS As Worksheet
' Objects (tables)
Public ReqConfigTbl As ListObject
Public SpecConfigTbl As ListObject
Public CurrRegIDTbl As ListObject
Public AppendReqTbl As ListObject
Public AppendRlLmTbl As ListObject
'## ##
'## Get Data from Tom's Functions ##
Sub GetSpotBuyData()
'## Preliminary Config ##
'## Turn OFF Warnings & Screen Updates
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'## Set global Referances to be used in routine
' WorkBooks
Set WB = Workbooks("MyWb.xlsm")
' WorkSheets
Set Req2ByWS = WB.Sheets("MyWb Pg1")
Set ReqSpecsWS = WB.Sheets("MyWb Pg2")
Set ConfigReqWS = WB.Sheets("MyWb Pg3")
Set AppendReqWS = WB.Sheets("MyWb Pg4")
Set AppendRlLmWS = WB.Sheets("MyWb Pg5")
' Tables
Set ReqConfigTbl = ConfigReqWS.ListObjects("MyWS Tbl1")
Set SpecConfigTbl = ConfigReqWS.ListObjects("MyWS Tbl2")
Set CurrRegIDTbl = ConfigReqWS.ListObjects("MyWS Tbl3")
Set AppendReqTbl = AppendReqWS.ListObjects("MyWS Tbl4")
Set AppendRlLmTbl = AppendRlLmWS.ListObjects("MyWS Tbl5")
'## Declare Routine Specefic Variables
Dim Doit As Variant
Dim Checking As Boolean
Dim Cat As String
Dim CatRtnStr As String
Dim CatChopVar As String
Dim SpecRtnStr As String
Dim SpecChopVar As String
Dim RelRtnStr As String
Dim RelChopVar As String
Dim FldVal As String
Dim FldNm As String
Dim StrFldCnt As Integer
'## 1) General Set-Up ##
'## Unprotect tabs (loop through All Tabs Unprotect)
Doit = Protct(False, WB, "Mypassword")
'## Refresh Data
Doit = RunUpdateAl(WB)
'## 2) Find the Catalgue we are playing with ##
'## Grab Catalogue input from ISR
If [Catalogue].Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please Enter a Catalogue")
GoTo ExitSub
Cat = [Catalogue].Value
End If
'## 3) Run Toms Function and print the results to the form & Append Table ##
'## 3a) Do it for Cat Info Function
'## Get Cat Info String From Function
CatRtnStr = Prnt(Cat, "An Oracle Functions Name")
CatChopVar = CatRtnStr
If CatChopVar = "No Info" Then
MsgBox ("No Info Found in Catalogue Data Search.")
GoTo SkipCatInfoPrint
End If
'## Loop Through Data String & Write to Form
StrFldCnt = 0
Checking = True
While Checking
'## Count String Position
StrFldCnt = StrFldCnt + 1
'## Find Current String Value & Remainder String
If InStr(CatChopVar, ";") <> 0 Then
'Multiple Values Left
FldVal = Replace(Left(CatChopVar, InStr(CatChopVar, ";")), ";", "")
CatChopVar = Right(CatChopVar, Len(CatChopVar) - InStr(CatChopVar, ";"))
'Last Value
FldVal = CatChopVar
Checking = False
End If
'## Get Field Name For Current Value & Print to Form
FldNm = CStr(RefRtrn(1, CStr(StrFldCnt)))
If FldNm <> "CustomerSpecification" And FldNm <> "ShiptoAddress" Then
'Take Value as is
Req2ByWS.Range(FldNm).Value = FldVal
AppendReqTbl.ListColumns(FldNm).DataBodyRange.Value = FldVal
ElseIf FldNm = "CustomerSpecification" Then
'Replace : with New Line
FldVal = Replace(FldVal, " : ", vbLf)
Req2ByWS.Range(FldNm).Value = FldVal
AppendReqTbl.ListColumns(FldNm).DataBodyRange.Value = FldVal
ElseIf FldNm = "ShiptoAddress" Then
'Replace - with New Line
FldVal = Replace(FldVal, " - ", vbLf)
Req2ByWS.Range(FldNm).Value = FldVal
AppendReqTbl.ListColumns(FldNm).DataBodyRange.Value = FldVal
End If
'## 3b) Do it for Spec Function
'## Get Spec Info String From Function
SpecRtnStr = Prnt(Cat, "Another Oracle Functions Name")
SpecChopVar = SpecRtnStr
If SpecChopVar = "No Info" Then
MsgBox ("No Info Found in Data Search.")
GoTo SkipSpecInfoPrint
End If
'## Loop Through Data String & Write to Form
StrFldCnt = 0
Checking = True
While StrFldCnt < 80 And (Len(SpecChopVar) - Len(Replace(SpecChopVar, ";", ""))) > 0 And Checking
'## Count String Position
StrFldCnt = StrFldCnt + 1
'## Find Current String Value & Remainder String
If InStr(SpecChopVar, ";") <> 0 Then
'Multiple Values Left
FldVal = Replace(Left(SpecChopVar, InStr(SpecChopVar, ";")), ";", "")
SpecChopVar = Right(SpecChopVar, Len(SpecChopVar) - InStr(SpecChopVar, ";"))
'Last Value
FldVal = SpecChopVar
Checking = False
End If
'## Get Field Name For Current Value & Print to Form
FldNm = CStr(RefRtrn(2, CStr(StrFldCnt)))
ReqSpecsWS.Range(FldNm).Value = FldVal
AppendReqTbl.ListColumns(FldNm).DataBodyRange.Value = FldVal
'## 3c) Do it for Rel Limits Function
'## Get Rel Limits String From Function
RelRtnStr = Prnt(Cat, "A Third Functions Name")
RelChopVar = RelRtnStr
If RelChopVar = "No Info" Then
MsgBox ("No Info Found in Data Search.")
GoTo ExitSub
End If
'## Loop Through Data String & Write to Form
StrFldCnt = 0
Checking = True
While StrFldCnt < 80 And (Len(RelChopVar) - Len(Replace(RelChopVar, ";", ""))) > 0 And Checking
'## Count String Position
StrFldCnt = StrFldCnt + 1
'## Find Current String Value & Remainder String
If InStr(RelChopVar, ";") <> 0 Then
'Multiple Values Left
FldVal = Replace(Left(RelChopVar, InStr(RelChopVar, ";")), ";", "")
RelChopVar = Right(RelChopVar, Len(RelChopVar) - InStr(RelChopVar, ";"))
'Last Value
FldVal = RelChopVar
Checking = False
End If
'## Get Field Name For Current Value & Print to Form
FldNm = CStr(RefRtrn(2, CStr(StrFldCnt)))
AppendRlLmTbl.ListColumns(FldNm).DataBodyRange.Value = FldVal
AppendRlLmTbl.ListColumns("SpecificFieldName").DataBodyRange.Value = Cat
'## 4) Re-Format and Clean Up Program ##
'## Clean-Up Formatting
Req2ByWS.Range("F:F", "C:C").ColumnWidth = 30
Req2ByWS.Range("G:G").ColumnWidth = 15
Req2ByWS.Range("J:R").ColumnWidth = 12
Req2ByWS.Range("D:D").ColumnWidth = 12
'## Protect tabs (loop through All Tabs Protect)
'Doit = Protct(True, WB, "Mypassword", Req2ByWS.Name)
'Req2ByWS.Unprotect ("Mypassword")
'Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
'## Turn ON Warnings & Screen Updates
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I stupidly had an enable background refresh for that specific table. An early call to refresh all data triggered the refresh, code would execute and the refresh would finally complete shortly after the code finished executing... in break mode the refresh would complete prior too. Thanks PEH for helping me look into this.

Extracting Beam Member Forces from STAAD using VBA Macro

I have a problem on creating a macro for a certain situation.
I have a STAAD model which has 8 beams and 10 load cases.
I wanted to get the beam end forces for all the beams but only
load cases 1 and 2.
Here's the code
Sub ExtractLC_Click()
Sheets("COPING BEAM").Range("A:I").ClearContents
'Variable Declaration
Dim lMemberNo As Long
Dim lEnd As Long
Dim lLoadCase As Long
Dim dForceArray(6) As Double
Dim icount As Integer
Dim ret As Boolean
Dim path As String
path = Sheets("Main").Cells(185, 23).Value
Set staad = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")
staad.OpenSTAADFile path
'extract beam end forces
lMemberNo = Sheets("Main").Cells(184, 10).Value
For x = 2 To 6
lLoadCase = Sheets("SEISMIC").Range("B" & x).Value
ret = staad.Output.GetMemberEndForces(lMemberNo, lEnd, lLoadCase, dForceArray)
For icount = 0 To 5
Sheets("SEISMIC").Cells(x, 3 + icount).Value = dForceArray(icount)
Next icount
Next x
Set staad = Nothing
End Sub
However for the line:
Output.GetMemberEndForces(lMemberNo, lEnd, lLoadCase, dForceArray)
Only the START forces of the beam is extracted not the END.
Excel and STAAD comparison
I wanted both. Is there a certain code that involves opening STAAD,
copying ALL member end forces? Thanks for the help!
Good day!
You can add a loop statement for "lend".
For lend = 0 to 1
For x = 2 To 6
lLoadCase = Sheets("SEISMIC").Range("B" & x).Value
ret = staad.Output.GetMemberEndForces(lMemberNo, lEnd, lLoadCase, dForceArray)
For icount = 0 To 5
Sheets("SEISMIC").Cells(x, 3 + icount).Value = dForceArray(icount)
Next icount
Next x
next lend
Although you still have to edit the code a bit to paste the results in different cells.

Unique Combinations in an array using VBA

I need a code that could give me a list of unique combinations from a set of elements in an array, something like this:
Say myArray contains [A B C]
So, the output must be:
either output is OK for me (Starts with 1 combination, followed by 2 combinations and ends with all combination OR vice versa).
The position of the letters are not critical and the order of letters within the same combination type is also not critical.
I'd found a suggestion by 'Dick Kusleika' in a thread: Creating a list of all possible unique combinations from an array (using VBA) but when I tried, it did not present me with the arrangement that I wanted.
I'd also found a suggestion by 'pgc01' in a thread: and it gave me the arrangement that I wanted however, the combinations was not being populated in an array but it was being populated in excel cells instead, using looping for each combination.
So, I wanted the arrangement of combinations to be like what 'pgc01' suggested and being populated in an array as what 'Dick Kusleika' presented.
Anyone can help? Appreciate it.
Start from here:
Sub TestRoutine()
Dim inputt() As String, i As Long
Dim outputt As Variant
inputt = Split("A B C", " ")
outputt = Split(ListSubsets(inputt), vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(outputt) + 2 To UBound(outputt)
MsgBox i & vbTab & outputt(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function ListSubsets(Items As Variant) As String
Dim CodeVector() As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lower As Long, upper As Long
Dim SubList As String
Dim NewSub As String
Dim done As Boolean
Dim OddStep As Boolean
OddStep = True
lower = LBound(Items)
upper = UBound(Items)
ReDim CodeVector(lower To upper) 'it starts all 0
Do Until done
'Add a new subset according to current contents
'of CodeVector
NewSub = ""
For i = lower To upper
If CodeVector(i) = 1 Then
If NewSub = "" Then
NewSub = Items(i)
NewSub = NewSub & " " & Items(i)
End If
End If
Next i
If NewSub = "" Then NewSub = "{}" 'empty set
SubList = SubList & vbCrLf & NewSub
'now update code vector
If OddStep Then
'just flip first bit
CodeVector(lower) = 1 - CodeVector(lower)
'first locate first 1
i = lower
Do While CodeVector(i) <> 1
i = i + 1
'done if i = upper:
If i = upper Then
done = True
'if not done then flip the *next* bit:
i = i + 1
CodeVector(i) = 1 - CodeVector(i)
End If
End If
OddStep = Not OddStep 'toggles between even and odd steps
ListSubsets = SubList
End Function
Note we discard the first two elements of the output array.