How we can read Xml Response from DocuSign event Notification (DocuSign Connect Functionality) in C# -

I have try to Implement Docusign Connect Functionality. I have Enable Docusign Connect functionality. I have create Envelop and Pass the Event Notification object and also configuration is done Admin Connect
Configuration related Setting in Docusign
When Send Mail regarding Sign in (Complete) recipient. and recipient sign in the
document complete. It will call my configuration related url. i didn't understand
how should i received the xml responce in my method.
Success Log Screen

Your app must include a listener HTTPS URL that DocuSign can POST to. This URL must be available on the public internet; it can’t be blocked by a firewall.
See this DocuSign blog post for setting up connect.


Automating a Password Reset flow with Testcafe

My goal is to somehow send the email and click the link to reset the password, access that link and write a new password. Don't really know if this is possible or could only be mocked.
I would also like to catch the content of the email and check it. Is there a way within TestCafe to do this?
You can use TestCafe to fill out and submit the password recovery form that will initiate a request to your backend. After that, you can use either of the following solutions:
Intercept this request to the backend using TestCafe features for Intercepting HTTP Requests. Then, make sure that the "an email with a retrieval link was sent" message was shown, navigate to the known in advance retrieval link and log in with a new password.
Make this request to the backend actually initiate sending an email. Then, in your test, connect to an email service (using some of the Node.js email clients), receive the email, and navigate TestCafe to the link.
The first approach seems to be more robust because it doesn't rely on any third-party services.

How to setup a Web Hook API URL with Post Method

UIB Sandbox Access request.
The webhook URL will be receiving a webhook payload as an input.
Get the web hook URL from the application you want to send data
use that URL in webhook section of the application you want to receive data from
choose type of events you want to application to notify you about

Is there a way to test verification emails using Karate?

The problem I have is that I need to test if user verification is working. We generate a verification token, and an email is sent to the user. Whenever the user clicks on it, it checks if the verification token has expired. I've tried mocking this, but it just won't work. We have an endpoint to verify a user, but we still need the verification token, which is not available on any endpoint.
I think this article may help you:
To summarize:
use the API at to create a test mailbox
initiate the flow that sends the e-mail
use the API to "read" the e-mail and grab the token
EDIT: looks like the link is dead. but you should be able to find similar offerings on the internet. since the source-code seems to be available, it may make sense for you to host this e-mail server somewhere so that it can receive e-mail from whichever system is the sender

Implementing a sign in with google button between server and client

I am struggling to understand how to implement a Google login. This is currently where I am at:
The client loads a default static HTML page from the server with a login button. Once clicking the login button it redirects them to the /login endpoint on my server. This redirects the user to the Google login and then consent page. Once the user logs into Google it redirects them to the /oauth2callback endpoint on my server. The response from Google contains the token that I need to get all the user info that I need. After I get the info from Google's services I need a way to send this info to the client in a JSON format. This info will be used in order for the client to connect to a websocket endpoint on my server.
I don't understand how I can send this info to the client. The client has been redirected to pages with no GET requests made to my server so I cannot send a JSON response. I don't want the client to make an additional GET request to the server if at all possible. How can I send the data I need to to the client?
I'm guessing your oauth2callback redirects to, or serves a page to your user. How about setting the JSON into a cookie that your JavaScript can then parse.

How to receive webhook signal from 3rd party service

I'm using a SaaS for my AWS instance monitoring and Mandrill for email sending/campaigns.
I had created a simple chart with Zapier but I'd rather like to host it myself. So my question is:
How can I receive a webhook signal from Mandrill and then send it to Datadog from my server? Then again I guess hosting this script right on the same server I'm monitoring would be a terrible idea...
Basically I don't know how to "receive the webhook" so I can report it back to my Datadog service agent so it gets updated on their website.
I get how to actually report the data to Datadog as explained here but I just don't have a clue how to host a listener for web hooks?
Programming language isn't important, I don't have a preference for that case.
Here you can find how to add a new webhook to your mandrill account:
tha main thing here is this:
$url = 'http://example/webhook-url';
this is your webhook URL what will process the data sent by mandrill and forward the information to Datadog.
and this is a description about what mandrill will send to your webhook URL:
a listener for webhooks is nothing else then a website/app which triggers an action if a request comes in. Usually you keep it secret or secure it with (http basic) authentication. E.g. create a website called You can then call it with HTTP POST or GET and pass some data like hooklistener.php?event=triggerDataDog or with POST and send data along with the body. You then run a script or anything you want to process that event.
A "listener" is just any URL that you host where you can receive data that is posted to it. Keep in mind, since you mentioned Zapier, you can set up a trigger that receives the webhook data - in this case the listener URL is provided by Zapier, and you can then send that data into any application (or even post to another webhook). Using Zapier is nice because it doesn't require you to write the listener code that receives the hook data and does something with it.