Not gate in uppaal - properties

I have model simple NOT gate in uppaal with propagational delay. But I am unable to prove one property. Screenshot of automata is attached. Xinp is input, xout is output. 3 is used as propagational delay here.
P1: A[] (xinp && t>3 imply (xout==!xinp))
This property is working correctly , after 3 time unit, output becomes negation of input.
P2: A[] (xinp && t<3 imply (xout==!xinp))
This property should be unsatisfiable so that I can verify that not gate is working after the propagational delay and before 3 time unit output is not according to not gate. BUT this property is not unsatisfiable.


Receiving message from channel as guard

A: if
:: q?a -> ...
:: else -> ...
Note that a race condition is built-in to this type of code. How long
should the process wait, for instance, before deciding that the
message receive operation will not be executable? The problem can be
avoided by using message poll operations, for instance, as follows:
The above citation comes from
I cannot understand that argumentation. Just Spin can decide on q?a:
if q is empty then it is executable. Otherwise, it is blocking.
The given argument raised a race condition.
But, I can make the same argument:
byte x = 1;
A: if
:: x == 2 -> ...
:: else -> ...
It is ok from point of Spin's view. But, I am asking, How long should the process wait, for instance, before deciding that the value of x will not be incremented by other process?
The argumentation is sound with respect to the semantics of Promela and the selection construct. Note that for selection, if multiple guard statements are executable, one of them will be selected non-deterministically. This in turns implies the semantics such that selection (even though it can non-deterministally execute guards) needs to determine which guards are executable at the point of invocation of the selection statement.
The question about the race condition might make more sense when considering the semantics of selection and message receives. Note that race condition in this case means that the output of the selection might depend on the time for which it needs to invoke the receive (i.e. whether it finishes at a point at which there is a message in the channel or not).
More specifically, for the selection statement, there should be no ambiguity in terms of feasible guards. Now, the message receive gets the message from the channel only if the channel is not empty (otherwise, it cannot finish executing and waits). Therefore, with respect to the semantics of receive, it is not clear whether it is executable before it is actually executed. In turn, else should execute if the receive is not executable. However, since else should execute only if ? is not executable, so to know if else is executable the program needs to know the future (or determine how much should it wait to know this, thus incurring the race condition).
Note that the argument does not apply to your second example:
byte x = 1;
A: if
:: x == 2 -> ...
:: else -> ...
since here, to answer whether else is eligible no waiting is required (nor knowing the future), since the program can at any point determine if x == 2.

Block types in GNU Radio

I am still learning GNU Radio and I have trouble understanding something about signal processing block type. I understand that if I create a block taking let say 2 samples in the input and output 4 samples, it will be an interpolator of 2.
But now, I would like to create a block which will be a framer. So, it will have two inputs and one output. The block will receives the n samples from the first input, then take m inputs from the second input and append to the samples received from input one, and then output them. In this case, my samples are supposed to be bytes.
How to proceed in this case please ? Am I taking the right path like that? Do any one know to proceed with this type of scenario?
Your case (input 0 and input 1 having different relative rates to the output) is not covered by the sync_block/interpolator/decimator "templates" that GNU Radio has, so you have to use the general block approach.
Assuming you're familiar with gr_modtool¹, you can use it to add things like interpolator (relative rate >1), decimators (<1) and sync (=1) blocks:
-t BLOCK_TYPE, --block-type=BLOCK_TYPE
One of sink, source, sync, decimator, interpolator,
general, tagged_stream, hier, noblock.
But also note the general type. Using that, you can implement a block that doesn't have any restrictions on the relation between in- and output. That means that
you will have to manually consume() items from the inputs, because the number of items you took from the input can no longer be derived by the number of output items, and
you will have to implement a forecast method to tell the GNU Radio scheduler how much items you'll need for a given output.
gr_modtool will give you a stub where you'll only have to add the right code!
¹ if you're not: It's introduced in the GNU Radio Guided Tutorials, part 3 or so, somethig that I think will be a quick and fun read to you.
Considering that the question was asked 4 years ago and that there has been many changes in GNU Radio since then, I want to add to the answer that now this is possible to do with the Patterned Interleaver block.
This block works the following way: it receives inputs in the ports to the left and outputs a single interleaved pattern in the port that is to the right. So let's imagine a block with 2 inputs, V1 and V2:
V1 = [0,1,0,0,1,1]
V2 = [1,1,1,0,1,0]
Suppose we want the output to be the first 2 bits of V1 followed by the first 2 bits of V2 followed by the next 2 bits of V1 and then the next 2 bits of V2 and so on...that is, we want the output to be
Vo = [0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0].
In order to accomplish this we go to the properties of the Patterned Interleaver block which looks like this:
The Pattern field allows us to control the order in which the bits in the input ports will be interleaved. By default they are in [0,0,1,1] meaning that the block will take 2 bits from input port 0 followed by 2 bits from input port 1. The corresponding output will be
that is, the first 2 bits of V1 followed by the first 2 bits of V2 and then the next 2 bits of V1, etc.
Let's see another example. In case the Pattern field is set to [0,0,1,1,1,0] the output will be 2 bits from input port 0 followed by 3 bits from input port 1 and then 1 bit from input port 0. In the output we will obtain [0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0].
Lastly, the Pattern field is also used to determine the number of input ports. If the Pattern field is [0,0,1,2] we will see that another input port is added to the block.

Create a Signal from a List

Is it possible to create a Signal from a List? Essentially what I want is something with the signature List a -> Signal a. I know that a Signal represents a time-varying value and so something like this doesn't actually make any sense (i.e. I can't think of a reason to use it in production code).
I could see applications of it for testing though. For example, imagine some function which depended on the past values of a Signal (via foldp for instance) and you wanted to make assertions about the state of the system given the signal had received values x, y, and z.
Note that there wouldn't have to be anything special about the Signal denoting that it only would ever receive a fixed number of values. I'm thinking of it more like: in production you have a Signal of mouse clicks, and you want to test that from a given starting position, after a given set of clicks, the system should be in some other known state. I know you could simulate this by calling the function a fixed number of times and feeding the results back in with new values, I'm just wondering if it is possible.
I guess it's possible. You use a time-based signal, and map the values from the list over it:
import Time
import Graphics.Element exposing (show)
list = [1..10]
signalFromList : List a -> Signal a
signalFromList list =
(Just h) =
List.head list
time =
Time.every Time.second
maybeFlatMap =
flip Maybe.andThen
lists =
Signal.foldp (always <| maybeFlatMap List.tail) (Just list) time
Signal.filterMap (maybeFlatMap List.head) h lists
main = show <| signalFromList list
It shouldn't be hard to do testing without signals. If you have a foldp somewhere, in a test you can use List.foldl over a list [x,y,z] instead. That should give you the ability to look at the state of your program after inputs x, y, z.
I don't think there is any way it can be done synchronously in pure elm (Apanatshka's answer illustrates well how to set up a sequence of events across time and why it's a bad idea). If we look at how most Signals are defined, we'll see they all head down into a native package at some point.
The question then becomes: can we do this natively?
f : List a -> Signal a
I often think of (Signal a) as 'an a that changes over time'. Here we provide a List of as, and want the function to make it change over time for us.
Before we go any further, I recommend a quick look at Native/Signal.js:
Let's say we get down to native land with our List of as. We want something a bit like Signal.constant, but with some extra behaviour that 'sends' each a afterwards. When can we do the sending, though? I am guessing we can't do it during the signal construction function, as we're still building the signal graph. This leaves us a couple of other options:
something heinous with setTimeout, scheduling the sending of each 'a' at an appropriate point in the future
engineering a hook into the elm runtime so that we can run an arbitrary callback at the point when the signal graph is fully constructed
To me at least, the former sounds error prone, and I hope the latter doesn't exist (and never does)!
For testing, your suggestion of using a List fold to mimic the behaviour of foldp would be the way I would go.

Elm - How to modify the parameterisation of one signal based on another signal

How can I parameterise one signal based on another signal?
e.g. Suppose I wanted to modify the fps based on the x-position of the mouse. The types are:
Mouse.x : Signal Int
fps : number -> Signal Time
How could I make Elm understand something along the lines of this pseudocode:
fps (Mouse.x) : Signal Time
Obviously, lift doesn't work in this case. I think the result would be Signal (Signal Time) (but I'm still quite new to Elm).
fps Mouse.x
Results in a type-error that fps requires an Int, not a Signal Int.
lift fps Mouse.x : Signal (Signal Int)
You are correct there. As CheatX's answers mentions, you cannot using these "nested signals" in Elm.
Answer to your question
It seems like you're asking for something that doesn't exist yet in the Standard Libraries. If I understand your question correctly you would like a time (or fps) signal of which the timing can be changed dynamically. Something like:
dynamicFps : Signal Int -> Signal Time
Using the built-in functions like lift does not give you the ability to construct such a function yourself from a function of type Int -> Signal Time.
I think you have three options here:
Ask to have this function added to the Time library on the mailing-list. (The feature request instructions are a little bloated for a request of such a function so you can skip stuff that's not applicable)
Work around the problem, either from within Elm or in JavaScript, using Ports to connect to Elm.
Find a way to not need a dynamically changing Time signal.
I advise option 1. Option 3 is sad, you should be able to what you asked in Elm. Option 2 is perhaps not a good idea if you're new to Elm. Option 1 is not a lot of work, and the folks on the mailing-list don't bite ;)
To elaborate on option 2, should you want to go for that:
If you specify an outgoing port for Signal Int and an incoming port for Signal Time you can write your own dynamic time function in JavaScript. See
If you want to do this from within Elm, it'll take an uglier hack:
dynamicFps frames =
let start = (0,0)
time = every millisecond -- this strains your program enormously
input = (,) <~ frames ~ time
step (frameTime,now) (oldDelta,old) =
let delta = now - old
in if (oldDelta,old) == (0,0)
then (frameTime,now) -- this is to skip the (0,0) start
else if delta * frameTime >= second
then (delta,now)
else (0,old)
in dropIf ((==) 0) 0 <| fst <~ foldp step start input
Basically, you remember an absolute timestamp, ask for the new time as fast as you can, and check if the time between the remembered time and now is big enough to fit the timeframe you want. If so you send out that time delta (fps gives time deltas) and remember now as the new timestamp. Because foldp sends out everything it is to remember, you get both the new delta and the new time. So using fst <~ you keep only the delta. But the input time is (likely) much faster than the timeframe you want so you also get a lot of (0,old) from foldp. That's why there is a dropIf ((==) 0).
Nested signals are explicitly forbidden by the Elm's type system [part 3.2 of this paper].
As far as I understand FRP, nested signals are only useful when some kind of flattering provided (monadic 'join' function for example). And that operation is hard to be implemented without keeping an entire signal history.

How to find the fixpoint of a loop and why do we need this? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know that in static analysis of program, we need to find fixpoint to analysis the info loop provided.
I have read the wiki as well as related meterials in the book Secure_programming_with_Static_Analysis.
But I am still confused with the concept fixpoint, so my questions are:
could anyone give me some explanations of the concept, fixpoint?
What is the practical way(ways) to find the fixpoint in static analysis?
What information can we get after finding the fixpoint?
Thank you!
Conceptually, the fixpoint corresponds to the most information you obtain about the loop by repeatedly iterating it on some set of abstract values. I'm going to guess that by "static analysis" you're referring here to "data flow analysis" or the version of "abstract interpretation" that most closely follows data flow analysis: a simulation of program execution using abstractions of the possible program states at each point. (Model checking follows a dual intuition in that you're simulating program states using an abstraction of possible execution paths. Both are approximations of concrete program behavior. )
Given some knowledge about a program point, this "simulation" corresponds to the effect that we know a particular program construct must have on what we know. For example, at some point in a program, we may know that x could (a) be uninitialized, or else have its value from statements (b) x = 0 or (c) x = f(5), but after (d) x = 42, its value can only have come from (d). On the other hand, if we have
if ( foo() ) {
x = 42; // (d)
} else {
x = x - 1; // (e)
then the value of x afterwards might have come from either of (d) or (e).
Now think about what can happen with a loop:
while ( x != 0 ) {
if ( foo() ) {
x = 42; // (d)
} else {
x = x - 1; // (e)
On entry, we have possible definitions of x from {a,b,c}. One pass through the loop means that the possible definitions are instead drawn from {d,e}. But what happens if foo() fails initially so that the loop does not run at all? What are the possibilities for x then? Well, in this case, the loop body has no effect, so the definitions of x would come from {a,b,c}. But if it ran, even once, then the answer is {d,e}. So what we know about x at the end of the loop is that the loop either ran or it didn't, which means that the assignment to x could be any one or {a,b,c,d,e}: the only safe answer here is the union of the property known at loop entry ({a,b,c}) and the property know at the end of one iteration ({d,e}).
But this also means that we must associate x with {a,b,c,d,e} at the beginning of the loop body, too, since we have no way of determining whether this is the first or the four thousandth time through the loop. So we have to consider again what we can have on loop exit: the union of the loop body's effect with the property assumed to hold on entry to the last iteration. Happily, this is just {a,b,c,d,e} ∪ {d,e} = {a,b,c,d,e}. In other words, we've not obtained any additional information through this second simulation of the loop body, and thus we can stop, since no further simulated iterations will change the result.
That's the fixpoint: the abstraction of the program state that will cause simulation to produce exactly the same result.
Now as for ways to find it, there are many, though the most straightforward ("chaotic iteration") simply runs the simulation of every program point (according to some fair strategy) until the answer doesn't change. A good starting point for learning better algorithms can be found in most any compilers textbook, though it isn't usually taught in a first course. Steven Muchnick's Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation is a more thorough and very readable treatment of the subject. If you can find a copy, Matthew Hecht's Flow Analysis of Computer Programs is another classic treatment. Both books focus on the "data flow analysis" technique for static analysis. You might also try out Principles of Program Analysis, by Nielson/Nielson/Hankin, though the technical details in the book can be pretty hairy. On the other hand, it offers a more general treatment of static analysis overall.