XQuery Nested Query - sum

I can't figure out how to execute this query:
Using XQuery,
For each rep number, output:
A. firstname, lastname of the rep.
B. customer name for each customer associated with the rep.
C.total amount of money (excluding tax) billed for all customers associated with the rep.
Premiere Database schema:
-A Customer structure has attributes CustomerNumber, RepNum (assigned rep), etc.
-A Rep structure has attributes RepNum, etc.
-An Orders structure has attributes CustomerNumber, OrderNum, etc.
-An OrderLine structure has attributes OrderNum, NumOrdered, QuotedPrice(per -item), etc.
*Multiple order lines can have the same order number.
Sample desired output:
Q4 Output:
<rep repnum="20" firstname="Valerie" lastname="Kaiser">
<customer name="Al's Appliance and Sport"/>
<customer name="Kline's"/>
<customer name="All Season"/>
<Revenue total="$736.45"/>
<rep repnum="35" firstname="Richard" lastname="Hull">
<customer name="Brookings Direct"/>
<customer name="The Everything Shop"/>
<customer name="Lee's Sport and Appliance"/>
<customer name="Deerfield's Four Seasons"/>
<Revenue total="$2,509.80"/>
<rep repnum="65" firstname="Juan" lastname="Perez">
<customer name="Ferguson's"/>
<customer name="Bargains Galore"/>
<customer name="Johnson's Department Store"/>
<Revenue total="$5,664.89"/>
The output I'm getting:
<rep repnum="20" firstname="Valerie" lastname="Kaiser"/>
<customer name="Al's Appliance and Sport"/>
<customer name="Kline's"/>
<customer name="All Season"/>
<Revenue total="0"/>
<rep repnum="35" firstname="Richard" lastname="Hull"/>
<customer name="Brookings Direct"/>
<customer name="The Everything Shop"/>
<customer name="Lee's Sport and Appliance"/>
<customer name="Deerfield's Four Seasons"/>
<Revenue total="0"/>
<rep repnum="65" firstname="Juan" lastname="Perez"/>
<customer name="Ferguson's"/>
<customer name="Bargains Galore"/>
<customer name="Johnson's Department Store"/>
<Revenue total="0"/>
Revenue per rep is 0!
My code:
for $r in doc("../premiere/Rep.xml")//Rep
let $c := doc("../premiere/Customer.xml")//Customer[RepNum = $r/RepNum]
<rep repnum = "{$r/RepNum}" firstname="{$r/FirstName}" lastname="{$r/LastName}"/>
{for $customer in $c
<customer name= "{ $customer/CustomerName}"/>}
<Revenue total= "{sum(
for $customer in $c
let $o := doc("../premiere/Orders.xml")//Orders[CustomerNumber = $customer/CustomerNumber]
let $customerAmount := sum(
for $order in $o
let $l := doc("../premiere/OrderLine.xml")//OrderLine[OrderNum = $order/OrderNum]
let $orderAmount := format-number(sum(
for $lineItem in $l
let $LineAmount := (data($lineItem/NumOrdered) * data($lineItem/QuotedPrice))
), '$,000.00')
Thanks in advance!

First, as #joewiz pointed out, you format the partial sums into strings before you sum them up, which should definitely raise an error if executed. Since it does not, I would suspect that the outer sum never adds up any values.
You did not provide any example data, but I found this SQL file for a Premiere data set that seems to match yours. One important difference is that CUSTOMER has an attribute CUSTOMER_NUM, not CUSTOMER_NUMBER like in your description. If the element is also called CustomerNum instead of CustomerNumber in your data set, then let $o := doc("../premiere/Orders.xml")//Orders[CustomerNumber = $customer/CustomerNumber] will silently be evaluated to the empty sequence and the sum is 0.
Here is a version of your query that works for me and produces the exact output you wanted when evaluated on the values from the SQL file:
for $r in doc("../premiere/Rep.xml")//Rep
let $c := doc("../premiere/Customer.xml")//Customer[RepNum = $r/RepNum]
return <rep>{
<rep repnum = "{$r/RepNum}" firstname="{$r/FirstName}" lastname="{$r/LastName}"/>,
for $customer in $c
return <customer name="{$customer/CustomerName}"/>,
let $total :=
for $customer in $c
for $order in doc("../premiere/Orders.xml")//Orders[CustomerNum = $customer/CustomerNumber]
for $lineItem in doc("../premiere/OrderLine.xml")//OrderLine[OrderNum = $order/OrderNum]
return $lineItem/NumOrdered * $lineItem/QuotedPrice
return <Revenue total="{format-number($total, '$,000.00')}"/>
I have simplified it by merging the two sums into one and inlining a few variables, and I moved the number formatting out to the correct spot.


Extracting XML data using SQL

I would like to be able to extract specific data from a XML type using Oracle in my example for the customer named "Arshad Ali"
This is my xml data that was inserted:
<Customer CustomerName="Arshad Ali" CustomerID="C001">
<Order OrderDate="2012-07-04T00:00:00" OrderID="10248">
<OrderDetail Quantity="5" ProductID="10" />
<OrderDetail Quantity="12" ProductID="11" />
<OrderDetail Quantity="10" ProductID="42" />
<Address> Address line 1, 2, 3</Address>
<Customer CustomerName="Paul Henriot" CustomerID="C002">
<Order OrderDate="2011-07-04T00:00:00" OrderID="10245">
<OrderDetail Quantity="12" ProductID="11" />
<OrderDetail Quantity="10" ProductID="42" />
<Address> Address line 5, 6, 7</Address>
<Customer CustomerName="Carlos Gonzlez" CustomerID="C003">
<Order OrderDate="2012-08-16T00:00:00" OrderID="10283">
<OrderDetail Quantity="3" ProductID="72" />
<Address> Address line 1, 4, 5</Address>
using get clob I was able to extract all of the customers.
Was wondering if anyone could help me extract data for a specific customer.. tried using the following but was unsuccessful
SELECT extract(OBJECT_VALUE, '/root/Customers') "customer"
FROM mytable2
WHERE existsNode(OBJECT_VALUE, '/customers[CustomerName="Arshad Ali" CustomerID="C001"]')
= 1;
The case and exact names of the XML nodes matter:
'/ROOT/Customers/Customer[#CustomerName="Arshad Ali"][#CustomerID="C001"]') "customer"
FROM mytable2
'/ROOT/Customers/Customer[#CustomerName="Arshad Ali"][#CustomerID="C001"]') = 1
If you only want to search by name then only use that attribute:
'/ROOT/Customers/Customer[#CustomerName="Arshad Ali"]') "customer"
FROM mytable2
'/ROOT/Customers/Customer[#CustomerName="Arshad Ali"]') = 1
But extract() and existsnode() are deprecated; use xmlquery() and xmlexists() instead:
SELECT xmlquery('/ROOT/Customers/Customer[#CustomerName="Arshad Ali"][#CustomerID="C001"]'
passing object_value
returning content) "customer"
FROM mytable2
WHERE xmlexists('/ROOT/Customers/Customer[#CustomerName="Arshad Ali"][#CustomerID="C001"]'
passing object_value)

Find element or attribute value anywhere in XML

I am trying to find the value of an element / attribute regardless of where it exists in the XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cXML payloadID="12345677-12345567" timestamp="2017-07-26T09:11:05">
<Credential domain="1212">
<Identity>01235 </Identity>
<Credential domain="1212">
<Credential domain="8989">
<Request deploymentMode="Prod">
<ConfirmationHeader noticeDate="2017-07-26T09:11:05" operation="update" type="detail">
<Comments>WO# generated</Comments>
<OrderReference orderDate="2017-07-25T15:22:11" orderID="123456780000">
<DocumentReference payloadID="5678-4567"/>
<ConfirmationItem quantity="1" lineNumber="1">
<ConfirmationStatus quantity="1" type="detail">
<ItemIn quantity="1">
<Money currency="USD">0.00</Money>
<Description>Test Descritpion 1</Description>
<ConfirmationItem quantity="1" lineNumber="2">
<ConfirmationStatus quantity="1" type="detail">
<ItemIn quantity="1">
<Money currency="USD">0.00</Money>
<Description>Test Descritpion 2</Description>
I want to get the value of the payloadID on the DocumentReference element. This is what I have tried so far:
Declare #Xml xml
Set #Xml = ('..The XML From Above..' as xml)
--no value comes back
Select c.value('(/*/DocumentReference/#payloadID)[0]','nvarchar(max)') from #Xml.nodes('//cXML') x(c)
--no value comes back
Select c.value('#payloadID','nvarchar(max)') from #Xml.nodes('/cXML/*/DocumentReference') x(c)
--check if element exists and it does
Select #Xml.exist('//DocumentReference');
I tried this in an xPath editor: //DocumentReference/#payloadID
This does work, but I am not sure what the equivalent syntax is in SQL
Calling .nodes() (like suggested in comment) is an unecessary overhead...
Better try it like this:
SELECT #XML.value('(//DocumentReference/#payloadID)[1]','nvarchar(max)')
And be aware, that XPath starts counting at 1. Your example with [0] cannot work...
--no value comes back
Select c.value('(/*/DocumentReference/#payloadID)[0]','nvarchar(max)') from...

Xpath selectnodes using VBA

I'm trying to pull sku values out of some XML,
I can't iterate through the XML as I normally do, because due to the way the XML is returned from Ebay, if there is more than on SKU in the order, only the first SKU will be parsed. Therefore, I need a way of trapping those orders which have more than one SKU on the the order (which is simple enough, becuase such orders don't have a hyphen in the OrderID field), but then a command to iterate through the skus for such OrderIDs trapped. Here's the XML (personal data changed)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AdjustmentAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</AdjustmentAmount>
<AmountPaid currencyID="GBP">23.76</AmountPaid>
<AmountSaved currencyID="GBP">0.0</AmountSaved>
<SalesTaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</SalesTaxAmount>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">5.78</ShippingServiceCost>
<Name>Doy.ssl Garbarina Francesca</Name>
<Street1>Via Goossman,23</Street1>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">5.78</ShippingServiceCost>
<Subtotal currencyID="GBP">17.98</Subtotal>
<Total currencyID="GBP">23.76</Total>
<UserFirstName>Ted Alfy</UserFirstName>
<UserLastName>La Guff</UserLastName>
<Title>T Shirt </Title>
<TransactionPrice currencyID="GBP">7.99</TransactionPrice>
<TotalTaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TotalTaxAmount>
<TaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxAmount>
<TaxOnSubtotalAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnSubtotalAmount>
<TaxOnShippingAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnShippingAmount>
<TaxOnHandlingAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnHandlingAmount>
<TaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxAmount>
<UserFirstName>Ted Alfy</UserFirstName>
<UserLastName>La Guff</UserLastName>
<Title>T Shirt </Title>
<TransactionPrice currencyID="GBP">9.99</TransactionPrice>
<TotalTaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TotalTaxAmount>
<TaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxAmount>
<TaxOnSubtotalAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnSubtotalAmount>
<TaxOnShippingAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnShippingAmount>
<TaxOnHandlingAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxOnHandlingAmount>
<TaxAmount currencyID="GBP">0.0</TaxAmount>
in the above XML, there is one OrderID with two SKUs (normally there are many more orders, but to remove 'noise' I've stripped the XML back to be just one order)....a t-shirt with the SKU ts-001 & another t-shirt with the SKU ts-002 ...As a first step I seek some way of counting how many SKUs there are by the OrderID of 216583631017
Here's my (stripped back) code...
Dim objxmldoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Dim xmlNamespaces As String
xmlNamespaces = "xmlns:ebay='urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'"
objxmldoc.SetProperty "SelectionNamespaces", xmlNamespaces
objxmldoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
If InStr(OrderID, "-") = 0 Then 'if no hyphen in the OrderID, then it's a multi item order...
Set xmlNodes = objxmldoc.selectNodes("//ebay:OrderID[#OrderID='216583631017']")
Debug.Print "Total Number of nodes selected: " & xmlNodes.length ' show how many of the trapped info was counted
end if
You XPath should be:
//ebay:Order[OrderID = '216583631017']
Please note: XPath is case-sensitive.
I don't think this question is still bothering you, and I don't understand exactly what you needed.
You can get all Order nodes from the xml with:
And then per Order node you can get all SKU's with:
Or if you're just interested in all SKU's at once:
Or just the Orders that have multiple SKU:
/GetOrdersResponse/OrderArray/Order[count(TransactionArray/Transaction/Item/SKU) gt 1]

How to handle For each condition in Data weaver: Mule

I'm getting struggle in looping the entries in data weaver. Below is the Input and the expected response.
Not sure how to make loop(I need to get RecordEntry and each entry with 'IndividualEntry') .
Input xml : Record entry tag in input xml is 3, but I might get many. So need to make a loop as dynamic.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<storenumber />
Expected Response ( I'm expecting the below response)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StoreID />
My Data weaver Transformation as below
%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
orders: {
order: {
Total: payload.Records.calculated,
IndividualEntry: payload.Records.RecordsEntries.*RecordEntry map {
Currently I'm getting response as below ( I don't know how to make each Record entry as a IndividualEntry tag, and also here element tag is added in extra which is not required in my case)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StoreID />
Could any one help me in fix this. Thanks in advance.
One way to do it:
orders: {
order: {
StoreID: payload.Records.storenumber,
Total: payload.Records.calculated,
(payload.Records.RecordsEntries.*RecordEntry map {
IndividualEntry: {
Inside an object when you put an expression between parenthesis that returns an array of key-value pairs it is evaluated and used to fill the object.
See section5.1.3. Dynamic elements in https://developer.mulesoft.com/docs/dataweave

Been trying to write an xquery code that converts a flat xml to 5-level hierarchy xml file

Would like to convert the following flax xml file to 5-level hierarchy xml structure using xquery, so far the all the xquery code i have written did not work.
Out result i would like:
It's unclear what XQuery processor you're using, or the exact schema of the data you will need to process, but here is an example of how to transform the data, assuming each row contains a unique set of entries:
let $data :=
for $row in $data/row
element row {
element Year {
element value { $row/Year/data() },
element Quarter {
element value { $row/Quarter/data() },
element Month {
element value { $row/Month/data() },
If you want a single element for each year/quarter/month, use this code:
for $year in //row/Year/data()
<value>{ $year }</value>,
for $quarter in //row[Year=$year]/Quarter/data()
<value>{ $quarter }</value>,
for $row in //row[Year=$year and Quarter=$quarter]
<value>{ Month/data() }</value>,
$row/*[not(local-name(.) = ('Month', 'Quarter', 'Year'))]