DateTimePicker control displays date incorrectly after Windows 10 update -

After I updated to Windows 10 Build 15063, my DateTimePicker control displays incorrectly. It appears to have tabs it the display output. When I pick a date the value is set correctly in the control but will display like this
02/ /02 /2016
When I set a text box to the text value of the DateTimePicker is set correctly.
Does anyone have any ideas on this? I have attached a print screen of the output.
When I run the code in Windows 10 Build 14393 it comes out correctly
Example 01
dtpDate.Text returns "02/02/2016"
Example 02
Me.dtpDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
Me.dtpDate.Format = System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
Me.dtpDate.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(80, 80)
Me.dtpDate.Name = "dtpDate"
Me.dtpDate.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 20)
Me.dtpDate.TabIndex = 6

This problem is resolved by KB4022725 (June cumulative update)

For visual studio 2010, Go through Project --> properties, under the application tab, activate "Enable XP visual styles"

I ran into the same problem with my MFC application. The CDateTimeCtrl worked fine in dialogs until a Windows Update broke it (making show either "//" or dates with truncated digits).
The bug appears to be in COMCTL32.dll version 5. I was able to work around it by forcing my app to use COMCTL32.dll version 6, by inserting the following into my code:
#pragma comment(linker,"\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' \
name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \
processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
This altered the appearance of some other things, but it worked.
I read that this problem with version 5 may go away with June cumulative update for Windows 10.


DatePicker showing empty date

So, in VB.NET, I can see the current date ("Tuesday, April 18, 2017") however in run time, I get the following:
Any idea on what could be going on? Just started to happen.
I cannot replicate the problem.
In the search for your operating system, type "date format" and click on the entry for "Change date and time formats". Verify that the entry for Long date is:
dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
You might want to switch it to something else and then back again just to be sure the setting is saved.
Back in Visual Studio, add a new DateTimePicker to your form and call it dtpSample and then put this code in the form load event:
With dtpSample
.Value = Now.AddMonths(1) '1 month in the future
.ShowUpDown = False
.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Long
End With
If when you run the project now and the date in dtpSample is fine and still wrong in the other one, then it sounds like you have something in your code is breaking/altering the original control.
I had the same issue with an Application built with VS2015 but it only appeared when deployed to a "Creator's Update" PC. Turned out that the "Enable application Framework" checkbox needed checking within the projects Application page, as per the following:

How to remove time section from date time picker?

I am currently using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows desktop with an SQL back-end. I am trying to run an SQL query that will have the date time in format "yyyy-mm-dd." My problem is I need to see all entries from that date. Currently my date time picker keeps giving me a time with my selection. I need to remove the time portion. I tried a couple of solutions from the web but when I try and display the date time picker in a message box to see what the value is it says false. I am not sure how to change the output value in the custom field to remove this. Here is my code.
This is in on my load event:
'date time picker set up
DTPPromiseDate.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
DTPPromiseDate.CustomFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
Then in a button click event, is a message box to display what was selected in the date time picker. I want to get my message box working correctly before I try and run SQL queries with it.
This code appeared as I wanted it to but I am still trying to work it into my query.
Apply the formatting string that you used in the picker's custom format to the message box text as well.

run time error 35788. An Error occurred in a call to the Windows Date & time picker control

I have an Excel 2007 sheet with VBA user forms to get data from access. Everything works fine. Data also gets populated over VBA form but when i click on any Multi-page tab then it throws the following error (though i can see values were loaded successfully):
Run time error 35788. An Error occurred in a call to the Windows Date & time picker control
How can I fix this?
Note: I have used Me.Multipage.Value = 0 or 1 as per page index before code executes for multipage tab. e.g. before 2nd page code execution i set index as 1.
When i click over user form field name on debugging then it highlight as 12:00:00 AM & access field name shows correct date value.
Finally i got this working with little more head beating. I added Me.Multipage1.Value = 0 in the last of code & it started working. Though i think it should not have anything with error i received above but i got this working. Anyhow. Thanks.
May be this helps someone else running with same trouble.
The date time picker needs to be shown before the added value, so if you have a multi-page user form, you need to show the page containing the date time picker first.

DataGridView not showing all rows

I have a DataGridView form (System.Windows.Forms) in VS2012 (VB) that looks fine when I Preview it in VS:
Yet when I recompile and run the program, the latest line I added to the Access file is missing (ID 19, which I added as 20 then pushed it to 19; ID 20 is always hidden). The data source is an Access file with 1 simple table.
Here's what it looks like in the recompiled program:
As you can see, there is still 1 row missing. And row 20 is still correctly hidden, which is right. But I'm not sure why the new row (19) is still missing.
I believe the Fill() and GetData() function are all standard. Any thoughts?
The rest of the form works fine; it pulls numbers from the Access file and updates (Refresh) them on the program display.
It took a while to find, but I dug out this line in a refresh function:
xxxxxx.Filter = "ID < 19"
And change it to 20.

SSRS not displaying data but displays data when query runned in tsql

I have a SSRS report that do not display data in preview mode. However, when I run the same query in SQL Server 2008 R2 I can retrieve the results
What could cause this?
I also used Set FMTOnly to off because I use temptables.
if you use "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" not "Report Builder" then on reporting services (where is you table):
click View -> Properties Window (or just press F4)
select the tablix
on properties window find "General" and in the "DataSetName" choose your "Dataset"
On tablix fields set values from your "DataSets"
Or just do like here(from 8:50):
The Best solutio
Select the entire row and change the font to arial or any other font other than segoe UI
default font
default font
no display in preview
no display in preview
changed font first row
changed font first row
first row is displayed in preview
first row is displayed in preview
changed secon row font
changed secon row font
data is displayingig
data is displayingi
A workaround should be:
1) Select the parameters and click on View Report (you will not see nothing or some cells will display content and some not)
2) Click on Print Layout (next to the printer)
You will be able to see content. If you have expand/collapse functionality and then you will not be able to interact with the UI.
I faced similar issues. If you remove/delete the parameter, open the dataset definition and refresh the fields, the parameter should be recreated. Then run the report. It worked for me.