Interpretation of GAP in CPLEX - optimization

This is a part of the engine-log output that I get from a small-scale mixed integer linear optimization problem that I solved in CPLEX 12.7.0
Nodes Cuts/
Node Left Objective IInf Best Integer Best Bound ItCnt Gap
0 0 280.0338 78 280.0338 72
0 0 428.8558 28 Cuts: 89 137
0 0 429.5221 34 Cuts: 2 142
0 0 429.7745 34 MIRcuts: 2 143
* 0+ 0 460.9166 429.7745 6.76%
0 2 429.7745 34 460.9166 429.8666 143 6.74%
Elapsed time = 0.49 sec. (31.07 ticks, tree = 0.01 MB, solutions = 1)
* 35 8 integral 0 438.1448 435.6381 211 0.57%
Cover cuts applied: 17
Implied bound cuts applied: 10
Flow cuts applied: 11
Mixed integer rounding cuts applied: 9
Gomory fractional cuts applied: 24
Root node processing (before b&c):
Real time = 0.45 sec. (31.09 ticks)
Sequential b&c:
Real time = 0.08 sec. (20.80 ticks)
Total (root+branch&cut) = 0.53 sec. (51.89 ticks)
What I understand from this, is that the best integer solution (for the objective function) found has the value of 438.1448, whereas the relaxed solution (non integer values) has the value of 435.6381 as best bound solution.
( 438.1448 / 435.6381 ) - 1 = 0.57% GAP
Does this mean that the solution still has that small gap, however it is proven to be the optimal solution? I had the (maybe wrong) idea that optimality is proven by a 0% gap.
I'm not sure how to interpret it correctly. Thanks for your help in advance.

Your understanding of the best bound isn't 100% correct. You can think of the best bound as the best objective value an integer solution could potentially have, based on information the solver has discovered so far. In your case there might actually be a better solution than the one you found, but if there is, it won't have an objective value better than 435.6381.
A more technical definition of the best bound is the best relaxed-but-region-constrained solution for any region that has not yet been eliminated from the search space. Solvers like CPLEX search for an optimal solution by splitting the search space into sub-regions and then ruling out sub-regions that can't possibly contain the optimal integer-feasible solution. These sub-regions get split into sub-sub-regions, and so on. Within each region, the original problem is modified to force variables to fall within the region. The relaxed solution to this modified problem is the best bound for the region. The best of these region-specific best bounds is the best bound for the problem as a whole.
The best bound changes as regions are ruled out. If the best bound does not equal the best solution, then by definition, there is still at least one region other than the region holding the current incumbent that could potentially hold a better solution. Exploring one of these regions might uncover an even better solution than your current incumbent, or it might lead to the region being ruled out. You don't know which until the region is explored. Only when the best solution equals the best bound do you know for sure that there isn't a better solution hiding in a remaining region.

Yes you are right. The optimality is proven if the upper bound and the lower bound evaluate the same value, i.e. CPLEX could prove an optimality gap of 0%.
Since CPLEX stops with a solution that has a gap of 0.57%, I would assume that you configured an MIP-gap <1%. If you are interested in a solution with proven optimal, you should change the MIPGap parameter to zero. See also here.


Using Subtraction in a Conditional Statement in Verilog

I'm relatively new to Verilog and I've been working on a project in which I would, in an ideal world, like to have an assignment statement like:
assign isinbufferzone = a > (packetlength-16384) ? 1:0;
The file with this type of line in it will compile, but isinbufferzone doesn't go high when it should. I'm assuming it's not happy with having subtraction in the conditional. I'm able to make the module work by moving stuff around, but the result is more complicated than I think it should need to be and the latency really starts to add up. Does anyone have any thoughts on what the most concise way to do this is? Thank you in advance for your help.
You probably expect isinbufferzone to go high if packetlength is 16384 or less regardless of a, however this is not what happens.
If packetlength is less than 16384, the value packetlength - 16384 is not a negative number −X, but some very large positive number (maybe 232 − X, or 217 − X, I'm not quite sure which, but it doesn't matter), because Verilog does unsigned arithmetic by default. This is called integer overflow.
You could maybe try to solve this by declaring some signals as signed, but in my opinion the safest way is to explicitly handle the overflow case and making sure the subtraction result is only evaluated for packetlength values of 16384 or greater:
assign isinbufferzone = (packetlength < 16384) ? 1 : (a > packetlength - 16384);

1 billionth ugly or hamming number?

Is this the 1 billionth ugly/hamming number?
Does anyone have code to share that can verify this? Thanks!
This SO answer shows a code capable of calculating it.
The test entry on takes 1.1 0.05 sec for 109 (2016-08-18: main speedup due to usage of Int instead of the default Integer where possible, even on 32-bit; additional 20% thanks to the tweak suggested by #GordonBGood, bringing band size complexity down to O(n1/3)).
It gives the answer as ((1334,335,404),"6.21607575556559E+843"), i.e.
21334 * 3335 * 5404 ≈ 6.21607575556559 * 10843.
(coincidentally, only two last digits in the fractional number above are incorrect).
This also means, of course, that there are 404 zeroes at the end of this number, and that it has 844 digits in total. So no, the number you show isn't it.
Exact answer:

Understanding Google Code Jam 2013 - X Marks the Spot

I was trying to solve Google Code Jam problems and there is one of them that I don't understand. Here is the question (World Finals 2013 - problem C):
And here follows the problem analysis:
I don't understand why we can use binary search. In order to use binary search the elements have to be sorted. In order words: for a given element e, we can't have any element less than e at its right side. But that is not the case in this problem. Let me give you an example:
Suppose we do what the analysis tells us to do: we start with a left bound angle of 90° and a right bound angle of 0°. Our first search will be at angle of 45°. Suppose we find that, for this angle, X < N. In this case, the analysis tells us to make our left bound 45°. At this point, we can have discarded a viable solution (at, let's say, 75°) and at the same time there can be no more solutions between 0° and 45°, leading us to say that there's no solution (wrongly).
I don't think Google's solution is wrong =P. But I can't figure out why we can use a binary search in this case. Anyone knows?
I don't understand why we can use binary search. In order to use
binary search the elements have to be sorted. In order words: for a
given element e, we can't have any element less than e at its right
side. But that is not the case in this problem.
A binary search works in this case because:
the values vary by at most 1
we only need to find one solution, not all of them
the first and last value straddle the desired value (X .. N .. 2N-X)
I don't quite follow your counter-example, but here's an example of a binary search on a sequence with the above constraints. Looking for 3:
1 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 4 3 3 4 5 4 4
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
I have read the problem and in the meantime thought about the solution. When I read the solution I have seen that they have mostly done the same as I would have, however, I did not thought about some minor optimizations they were using, as I was still digesting the task.
Step1: They choose a median so that each of the line splits the set into half, therefore there will be two provinces having x mines, while the other two provinces will have N - x mines, respectively, because the two lines each split the set into half and
2 * x + 2 * (2 * N - x) = 2 * x + 4 * N - 2 * x = 4 * N.
If x = N, then we were lucky and accidentally found a solution.
Step2: They are taking advantage of the "fact" that no three lines are collinear. I believe they are wrong, as the task did not tell us this is the case and they have taken advantage of this "fact", because they assumed that the task is solvable, however, in the task they were clearly asking us to tell them if the task is impossible with the current input. I believe this part is smelly. However, the task is not necessarily solvable, not to mention the fact that there might be a solution even for the case when three mines are collinear.
Thus, somewhere in between X had to be exactly equal to N!
Not true either, as they have stated in the task that
You should output IMPOSSIBLE instead if there is no good placement of
Step 3: They are still using the "fact" described as un-true in the previous step.
So let us close the book and think ourselves. Their solution is not bad, but they assume something which is not necessarily true. I believe them that all their inputs contained mines corresponding to their assumption, but this is not necessarily the case, as the task did not clearly state this and I can easily create a solvable input having three collinear mines.
Their idea for median choice is correct, so we must follow this procedure, the problem gets more complicated if we do not do this step. Now, we could search for a solution by modifying the angle until we find a solution or reach the border of the period (this was my idea initially). However, we know which provinces have too much mines and which provinces do not have enough mines. Also, we know that the period is pi/2 or, in other terms 90 degrees, because if we move alpha by pi/2 into either positive (counter-clockwise) or negative (clockwise) direction, then we have the same problem, but each child gets a different province, which is irrelevant from our point of view, they will still be rivals, I guess, but this does not concern us.
Now, we try and see what happens if we rotate the lines by pi/4. We will see that some mines might have changed borders. We have either not reached a solution yet, or have gone too far and poor provinces became rich and rich provinces became poor. In either case we know in which half the solution should be, so we rotate back/forward by pi/8. Then, with the same logic, by pi/16, until we have found a solution or there is no solution.
Back to the question, we cannot arrive into the situation described by you, because if there was a valid solution at 75 degrees, then we would see that we have not rotated the lines enough by rotating only 45 degrees, because then based on the number of mines which have changed borders we would be able to determine the right angle-interval. Remember, that we have two rich provinces and two poor provinces. Each rich provinces have two poor bordering provinces and vice-versa. So, the poor provinces should gain mines and the rich provinces should lose mines. If, when rotating by 45 degrees we see that the poor provinces did not get enough mines, then we will choose to rotate more until we see they have gained enough mines. If they have gained too many mines, then we change direction.

SCIP unmodified LP-bound

I am using SCIP 3.0.2 with cplex 12.6 as LP-solver. My model requires Column generation. I already implemented it in CPLEX but since CPLEX can only do CG in the root node I am using SCIP to do Branch-and-Price.
In CPLEX it turned out to be beneficial to turn off heursitics, cuts and preprocessing/probing. I set the following in SCIP:
SCIP_CALL( SCIPsetBoolParam(scip, "lp/presolving", FALSE) );
SCIPsetSeparating(scip, SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF, true); //disable cuts
SCIPsetHeuristics(scip, SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF, true); //disable heuristics
SCIPsetPresolving(scip, SCIP_PARAMSETTING_OFF, true); //disable presolving
My parameter-file looks as follows:
display/primalbound/active = 1
presolving/maxrounds = 0
separating/maxrounds = 0
separating/maxroundsroot = 0
separating/maxcuts = 0
separating/maxcutsroot = 0
lp/initalgorithm = d
lp/resolvealgorithm = d
lp/fastmip = 1
lp/threads = 1
limits/time = 7200
limits/memory = 2900
limits/absgap = 0
#display/verblevel = 5
#display/freq = 10
To check that the models are the same I solved the CPLEX model in SCIP (without CG) and I obtained the same LP-bound as for the model generated with SCIP but different from the LP-bound when solving with CPLEX.
It seems that SCIP is still using some 'magic' I have not deactivated yet. So my question is what do I have to deactivate to obtain an LP-bound relying just on my model.
I already took a look at the statistics out-put and there are indeed some things that might help to solve the problem:
Constraints #EnfoLP lists 1 for integral (seems strange since cuts are disabled?)
The transformed problem seems to be ok. The statistics-output prints:
Presolved Problem :
Problem name : t_ARLP
Variables : 969 (806 binary, 0 integer, 0 implicit integer, 163 continuous)
Constraints : 9311 initial, 9311 maximal
and before the iterations start I get the following:
LP Solver : row representation of the basis not available -- SCIP parameter lp/rowrepswitch has no effect
transformed problem has 897 variables (806 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 91 cont) and 9311 constraints
9311 constraints of type < linear >
presolving (0 rounds):
0 deleted vars, 0 deleted constraints, 0 added constraints, 0 tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 0 changed sides, 0 changed coefficients
0 implications, 0 cliques
presolved problem has 897 variables (806 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 91 cont) and 9311 constraints
9311 constraints of type < linear >
Presolving Time: 0.00
I added 72 columns: 91 original +72 added = 163 total. This seems to be ok.
I added the suggested parameters. It seems that domain propagation has not been in use before but there has been strong branching. Unfortunately nothing changed with the parameters.
In addition to adding the parameters I also tried to use SCIP 3.0.1 instead. This improved my bound from 670.194 to 699.203 but this is still quite different from the cplex bound with 754.348. I know that the solvers differ by a lot of numerical parameters but I guess the difference is too large to be caused by these parameters?
There are two further things that might affect the LP bound at the root node: domain propagation and strong branching.
Domain propagation is a sort of node preprocessing and tries to reduce variable domains based on the current local domains and constraints. Strong branching precomputes the LP bounds of potential child nodes to select a good variable to branch on. If one of the child nodes is detected to be infeasible, its domain is reduced.
You can disable domain propagation by setting
propagating/maxrounds = 0
propagating/maxroundsroot = 0
Strong branching can be disabled by setting a high priority to a branching rule which does not apply strong branching. For example, set
branching/pscost/priority = 100000000
in order to enable pure pseudo cost branching.
In general, you should check the statistics for non-zero values in the DomReds columns.
You can just write the internal problem to a file and then compare it to the original:
SCIP> write transproblem
You should also read SCIP's statistics thoroughly to find out what kind of 'magic' SCIP performed:
SCIP> display statistics
I almost forgot about the thread and then stumbled upon it again and thought it might be good to add the answer after finding it myself:
Within the cut callback (unfortunately I did not mention that I used one) I used the method:
which discarded some of the cuts that are relevant to obtain a true LP bound. Not calling this method slows down the solution process but at least it preserves the result.

Obtain best feasible solution with SCIP

I am using SCIP (SoPlex) to solve a MIP (mixed integer program) provided by a .mps file. I use SCIP via command line as follows:
SCIP> read file.mps
original problem has 1049 variables (471 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 578 cont) and 638 constraints
SCIP> optimize # so i am using default settings
... some solving information ...
SCIP Status : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 0.46
Solving Nodes : 1
Primal Bound : -6.58117502066443e+05 (2 solutions)
Dual Bound : -6.58117502066443e+05
Gap : 0.00 %
[linear] c_2_141>: x_2_73_141[C] - 1000000000 y_2_141[B] <= 0;
violation: right hand side is violated by 236.775818639799
best solution is not feasible in original problem
I do not want to have an infeasible solution – a want the best feasible. For your information: I used CPLEX with the same file and it confirmed that there is an optimal feasible solution with slightly worse obj value (like 0.05 % worse).
I already tried to put emphasis on feasibility with SCIP> set emphasis feasibility but that did not help me – see for yourself:
SCIP Status : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 0.42
Solving Nodes : 3 (total of 5 nodes in 3 runs)
Primal Bound : -6.58117502066443e+05 (4 solutions)
Dual Bound : -6.58117502066443e+05
Gap : 0.00 %
[linear] c_2_141>: x_2_73_141[C] - 1000000000 y_2_141[B] <= 0;
violation: right hand side is violated by 236.775818639799
best solution is not feasible in original problem
Kind regards.
In response to the answer of user mattmilten, I have to share that using set numerics feastol 1e-9 alone did not bring a feasible solution, but using a lower tolerance like 1e-10 in combination with set emphasis feasibility, SCIP is able to provide a good feasible solution that is just 0.005 % worse than CPLEX’.
Thanks for your help mattmilten!
You could try to tighten the tolerances, especially the feasibility tolerance:
set numerics feastol 1e-9
The violated constraint contains a very large coefficient. This is likely the cause for this high absolute error. In CPLEX you should also try
display solution quality
to check whether the solution found by CPLEX is also violating the bounds.