Removing Malwares from client system - malware

I am stuck with one issue here. There are some adshowing malwares which are loading on top of my website at the client's system. These are ajax calls happening in between my requests.
I suspect these malwares are resulting in increased page load time for my site.

If it's a browser related one, best is to try use AdwCleaner.
When I had some "weird" issues with the browser this one solved the issue.
If you haven't already, give it a try!


Causes of duplicate apache POST requests, other than double submission of form?

This might sound like a question that gets asked frequently but I am not looking for solutions to handle duplicate requests. I just want to know what could cause Apache to receive duplicate requests in the first place.
I have been running into a rather sporadic problem. I have a form that does a POST request on submit but the request can somehow get duplicated just a second later (according to access logs). This used to be a more frequent problem because we were not handling it as gracefully so I put in some client side code to disable the submit button during the form submit event. This prevents double submission (obviously as long as javascript is enabled), but the problem still persists in a very randomly manner. One thing I noticed from logs is clients that cause the issue are android phones running Chrome. Does mobile Chrome do funky things like retry POST requests on it's own? When testing it on my own, I could never get duplicate POST requests to occur, unless I remove the javascript code that disables the submit button.
Web server setup is super simple. No load balancing or anything, just a single server running Apache 2.2.15. We use PHP 5.6 but that probably has nothing to do with this.
I guess it is users doubleclicking rather than clicking, and the application they use transforms every click into a new POST request. Here I'd look into the application design.
Usually I use frameworks that totally cover this and thus can only guess. Clicking the button should not only trigger the POST request but also disable the button while the action is in progress. So JavaScript code could look like
disable button
post the data
enable button
If, due to the POST, the browser navigates to another page this would not be harmful at all.
EDIT: Seeing you did exactly what I suggested, maybe there is another cause.
Suppose users POST their data, and then the screen goes dark, or they switch applications. When they reactivate the browser, is it possible the browser reloads the page by repeating the last request?
I think frameworks cover such situations by responding with a redirect as response to POST, and the redirect would retrieve the data via GET. Since GET is idempotent, it can be run repeatedly without further damage.

many connections on Site, but not load js, images, css

I have a web shop on the very much traffic is, but this traffic is apparently generated by bots, which load pages, but never the pictures, javascript files or css files load.
I want to lock these connections with mod-security, but I find nowhere a rule with which I can do that.
First I had tried with the firewall the IP lock, but the always come with other addresses. Undertaking is pointless.
The user agent is different ... it can not be seen that the connection of a bot comes. The only thing that is noticeable is that they never load an image or a CSS file from the page.
The accesses are however not so much and fast, so the mod_evasive does not strike.
Obviously, it is a good idea to make the page so slow, the normal user quickly give up :-( I think a competitor has a ddos ​​attack run ... who knows that already ...
Does anyone have the same problem or for this problem a mod-security rule, with which I could work?
Does somebody has any idea?
Best regards,

This site or app is sending too much traffic to

This site or app is sending too much traffic to Please contact its owner and ask them to use instead, which has no traffic limit.
I am getting this above notification on my website. Can anyone help me to resolve out this issue.How I can remove it.
Rawgit has two Domains for displaying your Github files: is for when you request that site a lot (Updates take a while to show). is for testing (Updates are visible immediately).
You need to use the link as you are sending to much traffic.
For example:
See for more info.

IE11 intermittently not loading pages

Many of our users are reporting that they are getting a blank page when using IE11 to access our website. Sometimes they don't even get a blank page, the browser just stays on the last page visited. These users can access other domains (such as without a problem.
For the browsers that are failing, if those users disable Protected Mode in IE, then they can again access our site, but this isn't a good solution because we have thousands of users and we can't go telling each of them to reconfigure their browsers, not to mention that we're completely losing the business of those potential customers who just surf by, see a blank page, and then keep on going without filing an error report.
Firefox and Chrome work fine. Also, even when using IE11 in protected mode, some users have zero problem, their computers just seem to work.
We are running the site off of IIS7. Other sites on the same server run fine, it's just the one particular site that is having the problem, and it's intermittent, affecting some computers and not others.
There must be something I can do on my side in the server or network settings to keep this problem from happening, but I'm baffled as to what it might be. When I look at the network traffic on a browser that's failing, the GET request is just being aborted with no explanation. When looking at the traffic with Wireshark, I see no errors, and no errors are showing up in the IIS logs. Of the browsers that fail, they are not even opening a connection to our web server to make a GET request, the request is just aborting immediately.
Any advice appreciated!
(followup): Another test we did: We can reproduce the problem on our development server, with the same pattern of which computers "work" and which don't. We tried turning off the webserver, and the problem stayed consistent, we'd still get a blank page error. So it's obviously not to do with anything that's in our page content? I've run tests on 9 computers on our office network: 5 worked, 4 failed. We're all baffled. :/
(January 24 followup): We figured out what's causing the problem, but not how to fix yet. Deep in the Windows registry, a key is being set in a Zonemap folder, adding a "" domain with a key value of 2. IE sees that key when someone types, and quivers and dies without an error message (Firefox and Chrome handle it fine).
So next question, what is setting that key in the first place? Probably an ActiveX control somewhere, but we haven't had any luck finding it in this 15 year old site, as many of the coders who may have created ActiveX controls in the past are long gone.
Does anyone know of a way to scan an entire domain and list anything that might be twiddling a registry key?
Followup mail threads from Elonka indicated that some users had the domain mapped to a specific / non-default Internet Explorer security zone, and those users were the ones having problems.
Try add
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" />
into the header. It fixed IE11 for my website. It just forces it into IE10 mode (A complete joke though)
I accessed your domain in Internet Explorer 11, with Protected Mode enabled. I was unable to get a fully broken experience, but I did see something perhaps related to what your customers are experiencing. Some directories on your domain would hang for me, resulting in a white screen if they've not yet been loaded, or staying on the present page while the forthcoming page is loaded.
When I navigated to /dr, I found that my browser hung for over 7 seconds while your files loaded. Note, there were roughly 60 items, totaling about .78mb. This isn't much, but I'm presently on a relatively slow connection, and this resulted in a hang for me.
I would inquire what connection speeds your clients are on when experiencing this issue - it could very well be nothing more than some directories being served up more slowly than others. Regardless, you could optimize the experience considerably by compressing and concatenating your CSS files, as well as all of your JavaScript files. This results in fewer parallel requests, and quicker downloads.
If you have a reproducible example, please feel free to share and I'm sure myself and many others here will be more than happy to assist you.
For me box-shadow on an element caused this behavior. I removed the box-shadow(but left -webkit-box-shadow and -moz-box-shadow) and the problem disappeared. The interesting thing is that I still have box-shadow on another element...
If you are using 'offline.js' in your project, and you have version less than 0.7.19, then IE11 latest security update will see this code as potential security threat and block pages which are using 'offline.js' code.
Solution: Update to latest 'offline.js' version.

Apple Developer Connection log-in problems

Is there a trick to logging in to Apple Developer Connection? For the past two weeks, out of about 100 tries, I've been able to log in three times. Every other time, after a successful entry of my username and password, it takes me back to the login screen.
This happens to me on both my Macs, on Safari and Firefox, so I'm not hopeful of a solution. But I have a hard time believing that the situation is really this bad...
I am having the same problem, I have narrowed down to a problem with my ISP. Of course they will not acknowledge it, but the problem only arises when I attempt a login from home. I think they are probably using a caching proxy and something in the scheme used by apple to login->access the content makes the proxy believe it's only visiting content that is still valid. I am going slightly mad because of this.
This question and the related discussion clued me in to how to fix my problem with the same symptoms on In my case, I have multiple "teams," so after entering in my Apple ID, it takes me to a team selection page. After selecting a team, I'd just be redirected back to the login/Apple ID page.
Turns out, the login is done over HTTPS, while the team selection (and probably the bulk of other activities on are over HTTP. Our firewall load balances over a couple of Internet connections, and the HTTPS traffic was passing over a different interface than the HTTP. Evidently, this was confusing Apple's authentication mechanism. It also explains why I was occasionally able to get through -- sometimes all traffic would end up on the same interface.
Ultimately, my solution was to add a rule to the firewall to send all traffic (Apple's legacy class A network) over the same interface.
Hopefully this helps someone else with a frustratingly endless login loop.