Is it worth introducing "incorrect" results to avoid crashing a program? - error-handling

In my organisation, I see a lot of places where code has been put inside monitor blocks (RPG's version of try..except) to prevent raising exceptions on arithmetic errors. For instance:
Pxxhour = Bctime/60;
PxxMin = %Rem(Bctime:60);
Pxxhour = 0;
PxxMin = 0;
Pxxhour and Pxxmin are screen fields that will be displayed to users. So if there is an error in the operations, these get a value of 0. Though this prevents the program from crashing, how does it help? Users keep seeing the wrong values on the screen. Similarly, I see code which assigns the highest possible value for a given variable rather than allowing an overflow exception. Though this will prevent the program from blowing up, how does it help in the long run? Wouldn't calculations have wrong values and result in wrong business data?
The answers given below by #jmarkmurphy and #Charles successfully address the question from an RPG and IBM midrange perspective, which is what I was after.

There's two use cases for a MONITOR block...
Expected errors
Unexpected errors
For expected errors, replacing bad or invalid data with an accepted value is a valid solution in some cases. The trick is knowing which cases. The answer to that is something your business people would need to help decide. Depends of what the program is doing and what data has the problem.
For instance, given some sort of internal sales report, you might have something like so:
dcl-c DIVIDE_BY_ZERO const(00102);
dcl-c RESULT_TO_LARGE const(00103);
averageSale = totalSalesAmount / numberSales;
on-error DIVIDE_BY_ZERO;
averageSale = 0;
averageSale = *HIVAL;
What's important about the above is that I'm expecting one of two possible errors and I've decided to handle them a certain way. The business people don't care that technically averageSale is undefined when numberSales is *ZERO. They'y just want a zero to appear on the report. They also understand that there's only so much room on the page and that if the number is all nines, the actual value might be bigger.
And unexpected error, such as a decimal data error, would not be caught be this MONITOR block.
For an unexpected caught by a monitor block via a ON-ERROR with *ALL or no error code specified, I'd expect to see some sort of logging of the issue followed by either skipping the problem record or cleaning shutting down depending on what the program is doing in the first place.
It appears that your code is expecting certain error(s), but without explicitly defining which error(s) codes it's willing to handle. This is lazy and not a good practice.
As far as your questions about rather or not the handling of those expected errors is valid...only you and your users can decide that
You might want to take a look at Chapter 7 - Exception and error handling of the IBM Redbook Who Knew You Could Do That with RPG IV? Modern RPG for the Modern Programmer

What Should I Do When I Have Errors in my Calculations
Programs that blow up on users are bad, even if it is the user's fault. It makes the user believe that the program is buggy, and then anything unexpected that happens becomes the program's fault; something to be fixed. Things can get really out of hand in this manner causing help desk calls for ordinary occurrences that just appear a little odd, even when the outcome is actually correct.
One option is to validate the user input to prevent calculation errors, but what do you do when you can't really prevent all of them. In our world, one of these situations is in invoicing. 5250 screens have limited real estate and you can't always make the fields big enough to hold all eventualities. So there are tradeoffs. Maybe you need to be able to sell thousands of some small items on a single invoice, but the largest total invoice you have ever had is $100K. So you size your fields like this:
dcl-s quantity Packed(5:0);
dcl-s unitPrice Packed(7:2);
dcl-s ammount Packed(9:2);
All are odd because they take up the same space on disk as the next lower even precision. You don't sell fractional quantities, and the maximum value in each field is:
quantity = 99,999;
unitPrice = $99,999.99;
amount = $9,999,999.99;
Now you can see that these maximums should easily handle all valid invoices, but it also leaves plenty of potential for calculation errors. If the user keys in maximum numbers for quantity and unitPrice, the resulting number would require a Packed(12:2) field. That would cause an overflow. In an invoice when the unit price is stored in the invoice detail, we can add an edit when the quantity and unit price is entered that checks for an extended amount overflow, and send an appropriate error message. But what if unit prices are not stored in the invoice detail, but instead in a pricing table. Now there is not a good way, if a price is changed for example to ensure that none of the existing invoices will be affected adversely.
So what do you do about a decimal overflow, or any other calculation error, be it a data problem, or something else? And what happens if the error occurs Blowing up the program is not a good option. Another option, the one that seems to be taken in the question is to apply some default value that the users will quickly recognize is out of the ordinary. It will appear in reports, and on screens. When the users see those excessively large, or small numbers, then they can know to go back and check the data.


How to discard / ignore one of a stored procedure's many return values

I have a stored procedure that returns 2 values.
In another procedure, I call this (edit: NOT selectable) procedure but only need one of the two returned values.
Is there a way to discard the other value? I'm wondering what is a good practice, and hoping for a small performance gain.
Here is how I call the procedure without error:
CREATE or ALTER procedure my_proc1
declare variable v_out1 integer default null;
declare variable v_out2 varchar(10) default null;
execute procedure my_proc2('my_param')
returning_values :v_out1, :v_out2;
That is the only way I found to call this procedure without getting a -607 error 'unsuccessful metadata update request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)' whenever I use only one variable v_out1.
So my actual question is: can I avoid creating a v_out2 variable for nothing, as I will never use it (that value is only used in other procedures which also call my_proc2)?
Edit: the stored procedure my_proc2 is actually not selectable. But I made it selectable after all.
Because your stored procedure is selectable, you should call it by SELECT statement, ie
select out1, out2 from my_proc2('my_param')
and in that case you can indeed omit some of the return value(s). However, I wouldn't expect noticeable performance gain as the logic inside the SP which calculates the omitted field is still executed.
If your procedure is not selectable, then creating a wrapper SP is the only way, but again, it woulnd't give any performance gain as the code which does the hard work inside the original SP is still executed.
The answer is made to use text formatting while demonstrating "race conditions" in the multithreading programming (which SQL is) when [ab]using out-of-transaction objects (SQL sequences aka Firebird Generators).
So, the "use case".
Initial condition: table is empty, generator=0.
You start two concurrent transactions, A and B. For ease of imagining you may think those transactions were started from concurrent connections made by two persons working with your program on two networked computers. Though actually it does not matter much, if you open them transactions from one same connection - the scenario would not change a bit. Just for the ease of imagining.
The Tx.A issues UPDATE-OR-INSERT which inserts new row into the table. Doing so it up-ticks the generator. The transaction is not committed yet. Database condition: the table has one invisible (non-committed) row with auto_id=1, the generator = 1.
The Tx.B issues UPDATE-OR-INSERT too which inserts yet another row into the table. Doing so it also up-ticks the generator. The transaction maybe commits now, or maybe later, irrelevant. Database condition: the table has two rows (one or both are invisible (non-committed)) with auto_id=1 and auto_id=2, the generator = 2.
The Tx.A meets some error, throws the exception, DOWNTICKS the generator and rolls back. Database condition: the table has one row with auto_id=2 the generator = 1.
If Tx.B was not committed before, it is committed now. (this "if" just to demonstrate that it does not matter when other transactions would be committed, earlier or later, it only matters that Tx.A downticks the generator after any other transaction upticked it)
So, the final database condition: the table has one committed=visible row with auto_id=2 and the generator = 1.
Any next attempt to add yet one more row would try to up the generator 1+1=2 and then fail to insert new row with PK violation, then it would down the generator to 1 to recreate the faulty condition outlined above.
Your database stuck and without direct intervention by DB Administrator can not have data added further.
The very idea of rolling back the generator is defeating all intentions generators were created for and all expectations about generators behavior that the database and connection libraries and other programmers have.
You just placed a trap on the highway. It is only a matter of time until someone will be caught into it.
Even if you would continue guarding this hack by other hacks for now - wasting a lot of time and attention to do that scrupulously and pervasively - still one unlucky day in the future there would be another programmer, or even you would forget this gory details - and you would start using the generator in standard intended way - and would run into the trap.
Generators were not made to be backtracked during normal work.
existence of primary key is checked in the procedure before doing anything
Yep, that is the first reaction when multithreading programmer meets his first race condition. Let's just add more prior checks.
First few checks indeed can decrease probability of a clash, but it never can alleviate it completely. And the more use your program would see, the more transactions would get opened by more and more concurrent and active users - it is only a matter of time until this somewhat lowered probability would turn out still too much.
Think about it, SQL is about transactions, yet they had to invent and introduce explicitly out-of-transactions device Generator/Sequence is. If there was reliable solution without them - it would be just used instead of creating that so non-SQLish transaction boundary breaking tool.
When you say your SP "checks for PK violation" it is exactly the same as if you would drop the generator altogether and instead just issue "good old"
:new_id = ( select max(auto_id)+1 from MyTable );
By your description you actually do something like that, but in some indirect way. Something like
while exists( select * from MyTable where auto_id = gen_id(MyGen, +1))
do ;
:new_id = gen_id(MyGen, 0);
You may feel, that because you mentioned generators, you somehow overcame the cross-transaction invisibility problem. But you did not, because the very check "if PK was already taken" is done against in-transaction table.
That changes nothing, your two transactions Tx.A and Tx.B would not see each other's records, because they both did not committed yet. Now it only takes some unlucky Tx.C that would fail and downtick the generator to them collide on the same ID.
Or not, you do not even need Tx.C and downticking at all!
Here we bump into the multithreading idea about "atomic operations".
Let's look at it again.
while exists( select * from MyTable where auto_id = gen_id(MyGen, +1))
do ;
:new_id = gen_id(MyGen, 0);
In a single-threaded application that code is okay: you just keep running the generator up until the free slot, then you just query the value without changing it. "What could possibly go wrong?" But in multithreaded environment it is rooks waiting to be stepped over. Example:
Initial condition, table has 100 rows (auto_id goes from 1 to 100), the generator = 100.
Tx.A starts adding the row, upticks the generator in the while loop and exits the loop. It does not yet pass to the second line where local variable gets assigned. Not yet. The generator = 101, rows not added yet.
Tx.B starts adding the row, upticks the generator in the while loop and exits the loop. The generator = 102, rows not added yet.
Tx.A goes to the second line and reads gen_id(MyGen,0) into a variable for new row. While it was 101 out of the loop, it is 102 now!
Tx.B goes to the second line and reads gen_id(MyGen,0) and gets 102 too.
Tx.A and Tx.B both try to insert new row with auto_id=102
RACE CONDITIONS - both Tx.A and Tx.B try to commit their work. One of them succeeds, another fails. Which one? It is not predictable. A lucky one commits, an unlucky one fails.
The failed transaction downticks the generator.
Final condition: the table has 101 rows, the auto_id consistently goes from 1 to 100 and then skips to 102. The generator = 101, which his less than MAX(auto_id)
Now you might want to add more hacks, I mean more prior checks before actually inserting rows and committing. It will make mistakes yet less probable, right? Wrong. The more checks you do - the slower gets the code. The slower gets the code - the greater gets probability, that while one thread runs throw all them checks there happens another thread that interferes and alters the situation that was checked a moment ago.
The fundamental issue with multithreading is that any check is SEPARATE action. And between those actions the situation MAY change. Your procedure may check whatever it wants BEFORE actually inserting the row. It would not warrant much. Because when you finally gets at the row inserting statement, all the checks you did in the PAST are a matter of past. And the situation is potentially already altered. And warrants your checks were giving in the PAST only belong to that past, not to the moment at hands.
And even if you no more look for warranting sure thing, still adding every new check you can not even be sure if doing so you just decreased or increased probability of failure. Because multithreading is a bitch, it is flowing chaotically out of your control.
So, remember the KISS principle. Until proven otherwise - you most probably do not need SP2 at all, you only need one single UPDATE-OR-INSERT statement.
PS. There was a pretty fun game in my school days, it was called Pascal Robots. There are also C Robots I heard and probably implementation for other many languages. With Pascal Robots though came a number of already coded robots, demonstrating different strategies and approaches. Some of them were really thought out in very intrinsic details. And there was one robot which program was PRIMITIVE. It only had two loops: if you do not see an enemy - keep turning your radar around, if you do see an enemy - keep running to it and shooting at it. That was all. What could this idiot do against sophisticated robots having creative attack and defense strategies, flanking maneuvers, optimal distance to maintain by back and forth movements, escape tricks and more? Those sophisticated robots employed very extensive checks and very thought through hacks to be triggered by those checks. So... that primitive idiot was second or maybe third best robot in the shipped set. there was only one or two smarties who could outwit it. With ALL the other robots this lean-and-fast idiot finished them before they could run through all their checks and hacks thrice. That is what multithreading does to programming. It was astonishing to watch those battles, which went so against out single-threaded intuition.

Total coin supply, how it works, and what the code means?

I am currently studying the bitcoin and litecoin to try and get a better understanding of cryptocurrencies, and blockchains in general - and I have spotted something in the code that I have a question about.
in src/amount.h - I see the following code...
/** No amount larger than this (in satoshi) is valid.
* Note that this constant is *not* the total money supply, which in Bitcoin
* currently happens to be less than 21,000,000 BTC for various reasons, but
* rather a sanity check. As this sanity check is used by consensus-critical
* validation code, the exact value of the MAX_MONEY constant is consensus
* critical; in unusual circumstances like a(nother) overflow bug that allowed
* for the creation of coins out of thin air modification could lead to a fork.
* */
static const CAmount MAX_MONEY = 84000000 * COIN;
Now, the comment here, seems to suggest that this code does not actually define what the total supply of the currency will be, even though the amount of Litecoin available is in fact 84,000,000...
So, my real question :
Is the real total supply held in another piece of code? If so, what am I missing, where can I find this code, and if I were to be trying to edit this (I'm not - but I want to understand what is going on here) - would I need to edit code in multiple places?
NOTE : Tagged bitcoin even though this is litecoin souce in the question, because litecoin doesn't appear to have a stackoverflow tag, and the two codebases are similar anyway.
EDIT : I also wanted to add, that I performed a grep for "84000000" - and only really found that one line of code to be relevant... So I must be missing something...
EDIT 2 : According to literally every coin out there on git that I have looked at - this is the number that they change when adjusting the total supply - so is the comment just wrong - or did I misunderstand it?
I realise this is an old question, but since it hasn't been updated I'll provide an answer.
As the source suggests, MAX_MONEY is simply a sanity check. If someone tries to create a transaction spending 500 million Bitcoin, and it somehow manages to bypass all other sanity checks, the network will still reject it because the amount exceeds MAX_MONEY. So MAX_MONEY is not directly related to total supply, but as you have observed, many alts will set MAX_MONEY to the expected total supply over the lifetime of the coin.
For a pure proof-of-work coin with consistent reward scheme (eg halving every X blocks) the total supply can be pre-calculated, but a future fork could change that.
For a typical proof-of-stake or hybrid proof-of-work and proof-of-stake coin, the maximum supply can be estimated by simulation, but the exact amount will vary depending on network activity.
(This assumes there is not another part of the code that cuts off all rewards after a limit is reached.)

Memory efficiency in If statements

I'm thinking more about how much system memory my programs will use nowadays. I'm currently doing A level Computing at college and I know that in most programs the difference will be negligible but I'm wondering if the following actually makes any difference, in any language.
Say I wanted to output "True" or "False" depending on whether a condition is true. Personally, I prefer to do something like this:
Dim result As String
If condition Then
Result = "True"
Result = "False"
However, I'm wondering if the following would consume less memory, etc.:
If condition Then
Obviously this is a very much simplified example and in most of my cases there is much more to be outputted, and I realise that in most commercial programs these kind of statements are rare, but hopefully you get the principle.
I'm focusing on VB.NET here because that is the language used for the course, but really I would be interested to know how this differs in different programming languages.
The main issue making if's fast or slow is predictability.
Modern CPU's (anything after 2000) use a mechanism called branch prediction.
Read the above link first, then read on below...
Which is faster?
The if statement constitutes a branch, because the CPU needs to decide whether to follow or skip the if part.
If it guesses the branch correctly the jump will execute in 0 or 1 cycle (1 nanosecond on a 1Ghz computer).
If it does not guess the branch correctly the jump will take 50 cycles (give or take) (1/200th of a microsecord).
Therefore to even feel these differences as a human, you'd need to execute the if statement many millions of times.
The two statements above are likely to execute in exactly the same amount of time, because:
assigning a value to a variable takes negligible time; on average less than a single cpu cycle on a multiscalar CPU*.
calling a function with a constant parameter requires the use of an invisible temporary variable; so in all likelihood code A compiles to almost the exact same object code as code B.
*) All current CPU's are multiscalar.
Which consumes less memory
As stated above, both versions need to put the boolean into a variable.
Version A uses an explicit one, declared by you; version B uses an implicit one declared by the compiler.
However version A is guaranteed to only have one call to the function WriteLine.
Whilst version B may (or may not) have two calls to the function WriteLine.
If the optimizer in the compiler is good, code B will be transformed into code A, if it's not it will remain with the redundant calls.
How bad is the waste
The call takes about 10 bytes for the assignment of the string (Unicode 2 bytes per char).
But so does the other version, so that's the same.
That leaves 5 bytes for a call. Plus maybe a few extra bytes to set up a stackframe.
So lets say due to your totally horrible coding you have now wasted 10 bytes.
Not much to worry about.
From a maintainability point of view
Computer code is written for humans, not machines.
So from that point of view code A is clearly superior.
Imagine not choosing between 2 options -true or false- but 20.
You only call the function once.
If you decide to change the WriteLine for another function you only have to change it in one place, not two or 20.
How to speed this up?
With 2 values it's pretty much impossible, but if you had 20 values you could use a lookup table.
Obviously that optimization is not worth it unless code gets executed many times.
If you need to know the precise amount of memory the instructions are going to take, you can use ildasm on your code, and see for yourself. However, the amount of memory consumed by your code is much less relevant today, when the memory is so cheap and abundant, and compilers are smart enough to see common patterns and reduce the amount of code that they generate.
A much greater concern is readability of your code: if a complex chain of conditions always leads to printing a conditionally set result, your first code block expresses this idea in a cleaner way than the second one does. Everything else being equal, you should prefer whatever form of code that you find the most readable, and let the compiler worry about optimization.
P.S. It goes without saying that Console.WriteLine(condition) would produce the same result, but that is of course not the point of your question.

Rough estimate of test cases

I'm curious how many test cases others have for a site similar to mine. It's your basic CRUD with business workflow website. 3 user roles, a couple input pages, a couple search pages, a business rule engine, etc. Maybe 50k lines of .NET code (workflow and persistence altogether). DB with about 10 main tables plus about 100 supporting tables (lookups, logs, etc.). The main UI for entering data is quite big, around 100 data fields, multiple grids, about 5 action/submit type buttons.
I know this is vague and I'm only hoping for order of magnitude figures. I'm also thinking of basic test cases, not code coverage type cases. But like if I told you we had 25 test cases I'm sure you'd say way WAY not enough. So I'm just looking for ballpark figures.
I would have as many test cases as it takes to ensure a high level of confidence in the system.
The number of tables, rules, lines of code, etc is actually immaterial.
You should have the appropriate unit tests to ensure your domain objects and business rules are firing correctly. You should have tests to ensure your queries execute appropriately (this is a harder one).
You might even want to have test cases for paths through the software. In other words, click here, get this page, click there, edit a field, save the page, go back... This type is the most difficult as the tests are usually recorded and have to be rerecorded when the pages change (ie: a field is added or removed).
Generally speaking it's more about coverage than number of tests. You want your tests to cover as much of the applications funcionality as is feasible. Note that I didn't say possible. You can cover an entire application (100%) with test cases, but for every little change, bug fix, etc you'll have to recode those tests. This is more desired for a mature app. For newer apps you don't want to hamstring your developers and QA team that way as they'll spend inordinate amounts of time fixing/changing unit tests...
For any system, you could easily spend as much time developing your automated tests as you do the system itself. In some cases, even more.
As for our group, we tend to have lots of unit tests. However, for testing paths through the system we only record those once a particular area has moved into a "maintenance" type of mode. Meaning we expect little change for quite a while in that area and the path test is simply to ensure no one jacked it up.
UPDATE: the comments here led me to the following:
Going a little further: Let's examine 1 small piece of code:
Int32 AddNumbers(Int32 a, Int32 b) {
return a+b;
On the face of it you could get away with a single test:
Int32 result = AddNumbers(1,2);
Assert.Equals(result, 3);
However, that probably isn't enough. What happens if you do this:
Int32 result = AddNumbers(Int32.MaxValue, 1);
Assert.Equals(result, (Int32.MaxValue+1));
Now we have a failure. Here's another one:
Int32 result = AddNumbers(Int32.MinValue, -1);
Assert.Equals(result, (Int32.MinValue-1));
So, we have an extremely simple method that requires at least 3 tests. The initial to see if it can give any result, then 2 for bounds checking. That's 3 tests for essentially 2 lines of code (method definition and the one line computation).
As your code becomes more complex, things get really dicey:
Decimal DivideThis(Decimal a, Decimal b) {
result = Decimal.Divide(a,b);
This slight change introduces yet another exception condition beyond bounds: DivideByZero. So now we are up to 4 tests required for 2 lines of code.
Now, let's simplify it a bit:
String AppendData(String data, String toAppend) {
return String.Format("{0}{1}", data, toAppend);
Our test case here is:
String result = AppendData("Hello", "World");
Assert.Equals(result, "HelloWorld");
That's just one test case for the code block, with no others really needed.
What does this tell us: For starters 2 lines of code might cause us to need between 1 and 4 test cases. You mentioned 50k lines... Using that logic, you will need between 50,000 and 200,000 test cases...
Of course, life is rarely so simple. In those 50k lines of code you have, there are going to be large blocks of code that have very limited inputs. For example a mortgage interest calculator might take 3 parameters, and return 1 value (the APR). The code itself might run 100 lines or so (been awhile, just work with me). The number of test cases for this is going to be determined by edge cases along the lines of making sure you properly handle rounding.
So, let's say it's 5 cases: which brings us to 20 lines of code = 1 case. Calculating that out your 50k lines might result in 2,500 test cases. Obviously much smaller than what we expected above.
Finally, I'm going to throw another wrinkle into the mix. Some test systems can handle inputs and your assertions coming from a data file. Considering our first one we could have a data file that has a line for each parameter combination we want to test. In this scenario, we only need 1 test case to cover 3 (or more..) possible conditions.
The test case might look like (pseudo code):
read input file.
parse expected result, parameter 1, parameter 2
run method
assert method result = parsed result
repeat for each line of the file
With that capability, we are down to 1 test case per scenario. I would say 1 per method, but the reality is that most methods are rarely standalone and it's entirely possible that numerous methods are implicitly tested through explicit testing of others; therefore not requiring their own individual tests.
This leads me to this: It is impossible to determine the right number of test cases without a full understanding of your code base. 5 cases that are at the UI level might be enough for complete coverage depending on the complexity of the tests; or it might take thousands. Therefore it's much better to base it on code coverage. What percentage of the code, and branching logic, are you testing?
If you ask a car salesman for a rough price of a car and he would give me that price, I wouldn't buy my car there, because he forgot to ask me some important questions. What kind of car do you want? Which extras do you want on the car? etc.
Same for number of test cases .... If a hiring manager would ask me that question I would probably give him the following answer.
#test cases = between #Requirements*2 and #Requirements*infinite (some requirements can lead to bollions of possibilities)
I also would say that based on my experience the number would realistically be #Requirements*5 (is the number I use at the initial phase, for projects with new, changed and omitted functionality)
where the following error margin has to be taken depending on the phase I am making this estimate:
Initiation phase : error margins = 400%
Testing phase : error margin = 10%
By the time you start the testing phase, detailed requirements/specs are available, volatillity of requirements is stabilized, creep of requirements is almost zero, etc.
At that time I also will be able to give better estimates ...

Should we put units of measurements in attribute names? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I think most of us agree that it's a good idea to use a descriptive name for variables, object attributes, and database columns. If you want to store something's name, you may as well call the attribute Name so people know what to put in it.
Where the unit of measurement isn't immediately apparent, I think you should go a step further and include the unit of measurement in the name. Length_mm, for example, should help remind developers that they'd better convert the length to mm if the user just entered it in inches.
My database administrator, however, just told me that including units of measurement in database column names is “frowned upon”. I think that's just nuts, but perhaps there's some risk DBAs know about that I don't.
Throw me a line, here: should we embed units of measurement in our attribute names? Why? Why not?
If you have a consistent UOM for things, then your DBA's policy is OK.
For example, if timespans are ALWAYS in minutes, etc.
If the UOM could change, then you should store it in another column, alongside the qty.
That said, I tend to side with you on this. Clarity trumps most things, including this. I'd rather see DurationMinutes than Duration and have to guess what the UOM is.
Yes. You should.
The key, as #[Charles Bretana] pointed out, is legibility and that the other users of your table or developers following you know what you're using.
I would absolutely involve the units/measurement in a field name - in my business you can't guess what you'll find from the context or name: a field entitled MarketValue - is that in millions, thousands or units? US Dollars, Euros, pounds, $CURRENCY? Is that value a percentage, a ratio? Absolute or relative? Daily, monthly, calendar year, financial year? That timestamp, what time zone is it?
Your first, last and only task when providing data is to ensure that it isn't used incorrectly because the consumer wasn't able to find out enough about it. As developers, throwing "Metre", "USD", "GMT", "Percent" or whatever into a field name isn't the least bit smelly.
There are enormous smells that need resolving before the tiny whiff of field naming needs standardising.
This is why the Mars Climate Orbiter crashed into the surface at 350 meters/sec when it was planned to only handle 350 ft/sec (or something like that).
Although "Never say 'Never' or 'Always'" is, in general, a good rule of thumb, here I will bend my rule and say I think you should "always" make it clear what units a numeric value is in.
The convention of naming all my columns in the format:
helped for one project, since I was using si units it actually ended up allowing me to be able to infer the column data type and generally simplify my writing style.
there were a few exceptions that I handled either with at_time or number_of:
I think this is a good idea anywhere since there is always room for ambiguity.
For example, the with high performance timer class we use, I keep having to check if the GetElapsed() method returns seconds or milliseconds or something else. If it were called GetElapsedMilliseconds() that would save the confusion.
The only downside being if you wanted to change your mind ... but in that case any clients would need to know about the change anyway.
F# has an interesting twist on this allowing measurement units to be specified in the type system. See this blog post, and another stackoverflow question discussing Are units of measurement unique to F#?
I've done a lot of database work, and I would not frown upon that at all, nor have I heard of frowning on it.
It's better than the extended properties, which is not apparent to the casual developer. It's better than in a separate document, because many developers won't read them, and certainly not in great detail. If the units are set, then having it in the name sounds like a good idea. If that changes, then when the unit field is added, change the name of the measurement field.
Where the unit of measurement isn't immediately apparent, I think you should go a step further and include the unit of measurement in the name. Length_mm, for example, should help remind developers that they'd better convert the length to mm if the user just entered it in inches.
You could go even a step further (in your code, not in the database) and have a Length type, which takes care of the measurement unit and of possible conversions. This is the approach of the "Quantity" pattern in Martin Fowler's "Analysis Patterns" book.
Do not put units of measurement (or column type) in your database column names.
Many Databases have the ability to document/comment columns in some way (in SQL Server it is sp_addextendedproperty), I would suggest that is a more appropriate place.
For Python datetimes, consider using objects from the datetime package. Doing so will capture the unit implicity to microsecond resolution. There is then no basis for including the unit in the variable name.
If you must use an int or float instead, it is strongly recommend to suffix the unit name abbreviation to the variable name. For example, instead of the variable name diff, use diff_secs for seconds, diff_ms for milliseconds, diff_µs for microseconds, or diff_ns for nanoseconds.
We don't put units of measurement in column names in our database. We do, however, have a data dictionary document where all of the columns and relationships are described.
The ideal approach is, if possible, to use a type that leaves no ambiguity as to the measurement. For example in .NET rather than saying int periodInSeconds you'd be much better off using TimeSpan period.
The F# language actually has units of measurement as part of the type system so you can declare types in units such as 10<m/s> and 5<s> and even perform calculations on them so something like 10<m/s> * 5<s> would result in 50<m>. See here for more info.
So I'd say if possible use a type that conveys your intention, but if that isn't possible then you should probably encode the measurement into the name. It's better and more obvious than a comment.
You definitely want units of measurement somewhere. I don't know if the column names are a good place or if the schema is better. Ask your database administrator
Where is the information about units of measure stored?
How can I get access to the units programmatically?
If the answers are "it isn't" or "you can't", complain bitterly---they have no right to deny you your naming convention. Otherwise, all may be happier if you work within the system.
P.S. I really like the support for units of measure that they've put into F#.
I have to say, I hate "descriptive" variable names becoming "incredibly verbose" variable names.
My preferred alternative is to use nothing but the unit-of-measure names in short functions. Eg.
function velocity(m, s) {
return m/s;
You don't need to say "length_m" because in this context, it's obvious that only lengths are measurable in metres.
Having said that. If I was writing a system where units of measure errors were really dangerous, I'd probably use the type system and define a Length class which always converted itself into a standard unit for any calculation. Maybe even different sub-classes for Feet, Metres etc.
NO, the name of the attribute is seperate from its unit of measurement.
If you call a variable length_mm then you are tied to mm.
what if you use a 32bit int to store length_mm, eventually the length in mm may get larger then 62,000, or whatever the limit is on 32bit ints. You cant switch over to m cause you tied you length variable to length_mm.
I think putting units in your identifiers is a huge design smell. It almost surely means that you chose the wrong language: if units are so important to the project, you'd better be using a language whose type system is capable of representing them.