cratedb set default value when creating a table - cratedb

I want to set default value when creating a table using cratedb, just like what it is in mysql:
here is a column name phonenum:
phonenum int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'PhoneNum'
I tried, but not working in the same way using cratedb, does anyone know this?

As of CrateDB 1.0.1 this is not supported yet.


enable compression in TimeScaleDB hypertable - invalid column name

When I try and enable compression on my TimeScale DB hypertable using this query:
ALTER TABLE public."Session" SET (
timescaledb.compress_segmentby = 'AssetId'
I get the following error:
ERROR: column "assetid" does not exist
HINT: The timescaledb.compress_segmentby option must reference a valid column.
SQL state: 42601
All I can say is that AssetId is a valid column in the Session table. I'm not sure what else to try.
Is anybody familiar with this error and could offer a solution please?
Thank you
Sometimes Postgresql requires the case-sensitive version of the name and therefore the column name was to be quoted.
That said, all you do is to double-quote the name inside the passed string:
timescaledb.compress_segmentby = '"AssetId"'

How to change a column mode in Bigquery

I have an INTEGER type column in bigquery table, which is set to NULLABLE as in mode. Is there any way to change the field mode from NULLABLE to 0 in bigquery using API, bq console or UI?
I have read the docs and its clearly showing we can change the mode from REQUIRED to NULLABLE. But there is no hint on changing it from NULLABLE to 0. I have data already exists in the table which I don't want to lose.
Please help if there is any way I can do that.
Setting a default value is not supported, however this can be easily achieved in a query using IFNULL
For example
SELECT IFNULL(a, 0) AS field
If you are loading data from external source, you could create a staging table and then run a query to generate the data for your main table using IFNULL, would need more details to give a more specific answer.

SQL server query to add column with default value

I'm trying to change my SQL server database by adding another column to a table with 0 as a default value.
I thought this script worked in the past (for another table), but now I have an error when I try to execute the script
The script
ADD WhateverColumn tinyint NOT NULL
The errors
On hovering mouse over "NOT": Incorrect syntax near 'NOT'. Expecting 'TO'
On hovering mouse over "0": Incorrect syntax near 0. Expecting '(', or SELECT
Anyone knows what's wrong with this?
Try this:
ADD WhateverColumn tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
Maybe the "Whatever" you are using as the table name has unclosed quotation marks, or even the "WhateverColumn" (both that you place here as a token, i get it) my have this problem, or even the "WhateverColumn" actual name is a reserved word?
#SammuelMiranda has just asked the same just now. It matters if you are using reserved keyword as table or column name also.
you can check this link
Add a column with a default value to an existing table in SQL Server
As I expected, updating my SQL Server Management Studio to version 17.8.1 solved my issue.
After updating, I was able to run this command without any problem.

How to edit Identity specification in SQL Server 2008

I have a database in SQL Server 2008. I am unable to set Identity specification for a column CartId as shown in figure
I deleted the column and tried creating a new column and set isIdentity property but it's not working, also I deleted the table and tried creating a new table (not using query) but not able to set isIdentity property
How to fix this issue??
Data Type of column must be set to INTEGER or other numeric type.
identity property available only on numeric columns

Use FilterDescriptor for international encodings (chars with accents)

Simple question... I have a service which returns the users and I implemented a FilterDescriptor which calls that service to populate a grid.
The filterdescriptor has the Contains operator and it works fine as far as the user's first or last name does not have accents.
If I want to search for the 'Gómez' is my table, I want to be able to just type 'gomez', but that it's not working.
Is there a property or something I'm missing? How can I achieve that?
This question helped me out...
Ignoring accents in SQL Server using LINQ to SQL
ALTER TABLE IDBUsers ALTER COLUMN LastName nvarchar(256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI